Israeli fighter jet crashes after being 'shot down'

You obviously support the ragheads, you disgusting piece of shit. Why don't you head on over there and give them a hand? There's an Israeli bomb with your name on it.

What was an israeli 'plane doing in Syrian airspace, don't worry in a hot war israel will use the Americans children to fight for jewland
It was a retaliatory strike, you Muslim pig.

a retaliatory strike against a retaliatory strike?
We have all heard the official narrative of the Israeli airstrike on Syria now, thanks to the ever-compliant MSM; an Iranian drone, controlled from a Syrian airbase, violated Israeli airspace so the Israeli airforce struck the Iranian control centre, destroying it and sending a stark message to Damascus and Tehran not to mess with Israel, even if it is a single, unarmed drone.

However, in the last 2 hours, information from sources on the ground inside Syria paint a very different picture of events.

They report that the Israeli airstrike was a complete failure, that Syrian loses are very minimal with the only notable damage being a large explosion at a mortar depot near Damascus.

The Israeli airstrike was unable to penetrate far into Syrian airspace as the Israeli ECM systems failed to counter the Syrian radars, resulting in most Israeli warplanes dropping their weapon loads harmlessly over southern Syria due to the heavy fire from the Syrian Air Defenses.

The huge failure of the Israeli air strike forced Tel-Aviv to launch another attack, however, that also failed ignominiously.

In short, the Israeli strikeforce dropped their encumbering load of bombs and got the hell out of there, at least two of their number were hit and one of them subsequently crashed in Israel, the pilots surviving but very badly injured.

VT WAS RIGHT: Israeli Airstrikes Were Complete Failure, Retaliation Against Russia Expected
You obviously support the ragheads, you disgusting piece of shit. Why don't you head on over there and give them a hand? There's an Israeli bomb with your name on it.

What was an israeli 'plane doing in Syrian airspace, don't worry in a hot war israel will use the Americans children to fight for jewland
It was a retaliatory strike, you Muslim pig.

a retaliatory strike against a retaliatory strike?
Muslims are the aggressors here. Or did you not hear about the almost daily rocket attacks on Israel. Syria was also part of the coalition involved in the Six Day War, if I'm not mistaken. Every act of aggression is from those filthy camel-f*cking ragheads. Israel even agreed to give the Palestinians everything they asked for if they would simply renounce violence and recognize Israels right to exist. They refused. Their hatred would not allow then to even contemplate a nations right to exist. These are the kind of savages Israel is dealing with. Of course, you are one of those filthy camel-f*cking rag heads too. Aren't you? A Jew-hating rag head. When are you gonna join ISIS and get your ass blown away by the IDF? Huh? Send us a postcard when you get over there.
We have all heard the official narrative of the Israeli airstrike on Syria now, thanks to the ever-compliant MSM; an Iranian drone, controlled from a Syrian airbase, violated Israeli airspace so the Israeli airforce struck the Iranian control centre, destroying it and sending a stark message to Damascus and Tehran not to mess with Israel, even if it is a single, unarmed drone.

However, in the last 2 hours, information from sources on the ground inside Syria paint a very different picture of events.

They report that the Israeli airstrike was a complete failure, that Syrian loses are very minimal with the only notable damage being a large explosion at a mortar depot near Damascus.

The Israeli airstrike was unable to penetrate far into Syrian airspace as the Israeli ECM systems failed to counter the Syrian radars, resulting in most Israeli warplanes dropping their weapon loads harmlessly over southern Syria due to the heavy fire from the Syrian Air Defenses.

The huge failure of the Israeli air strike forced Tel-Aviv to launch another attack, however, that also failed ignominiously.

In short, the Israeli strikeforce dropped their encumbering load of bombs and got the hell out of there, at least two of their number were hit and one of them subsequently crashed in Israel, the pilots surviving but very badly injured.

VT WAS RIGHT: Israeli Airstrikes Were Complete Failure, Retaliation Against Russia Expected
Guess what? Damascus is gonna be totally destroyed. Also the surrounding towns and villages. Israel does have nukes. One day Syria, as well as it's allies, will attack Israel again. Some of the northern cities will fall, but Israel will pull out all the stops. The worlds oldest continuously inhabited city, gone in a single night. Game over. How do I know this? It's in the Bible. Which has a 100 percent accuracy for prophecies. It's going to happen. Count on it.
Now we are in a situation where Netanyahu is a desperate man who knows his time in power is likely drawing to a close; his attempt to use military force to curry favour has backfired in a major way and worst of all, he has lost the ability to strike his Arab neighbours with impunity.

Will an increasingly desperate Bibi try the military option again, but this time with weapons that cannot be so easily defeated?

I am speaking of tactical nukes, of which Israel possesses hundreds and they have lots of cruise and ballistic missiles to carry them, missiles with sufficient range to hit anywhere in Syria.

Of course, Israel isn’t the only one who is so armed, Syria’s ally Iran also has missiles with the range to hit Israel, thousands of them in fact; add to those the thousands of short-range missiles possessed by Hezbollah in Lebanon and Israel is something of a sitting duck.

Then there are the Russians, who possess enough missiles to turn Israel into a wasteland many times over; all of this is without resorting to the use of nukes, which might be possible, should Israel open that Pandora’s Box by using them first.
(from previous link)
Now we are in a situation where Netanyahu is a desperate man who knows his time in power is likely drawing to a close; his attempt to use military force to curry favour has backfired in a major way and worst of all, he has lost the ability to strike his Arab neighbours with impunity.

Will an increasingly desperate Bibi try the military option again, but this time with weapons that cannot be so easily defeated?

I am speaking of tactical nukes, of which Israel possesses hundreds and they have lots of cruise and ballistic missiles to carry them, missiles with sufficient range to hit anywhere in Syria.

Of course, Israel isn’t the only one who is so armed, Syria’s ally Iran also has missiles with the range to hit Israel, thousands of them in fact; add to those the thousands of short-range missiles possessed by Hezbollah in Lebanon and Israel is something of a sitting duck.

Then there are the Russians, who possess enough missiles to turn Israel into a wasteland many times over; all of this is without resorting to the use of nukes, which might be possible, should Israel open that Pandora’s Box by using them first.
(from previous link)
Israel is under the protection of God. No one is gonna destroy them. I know you don't believe in God because you're a filthy Jew-hating rag head. That does not change the reality of the situation.
Now we are in a situation where Netanyahu is a desperate man who knows his time in power is likely drawing to a close; his attempt to use military force to curry favour has backfired in a major way and worst of all, he has lost the ability to strike his Arab neighbours with impunity.

Will an increasingly desperate Bibi try the military option again, but this time with weapons that cannot be so easily defeated?

I am speaking of tactical nukes, of which Israel possesses hundreds and they have lots of cruise and ballistic missiles to carry them, missiles with sufficient range to hit anywhere in Syria.

Of course, Israel isn’t the only one who is so armed, Syria’s ally Iran also has missiles with the range to hit Israel, thousands of them in fact; add to those the thousands of short-range missiles possessed by Hezbollah in Lebanon and Israel is something of a sitting duck.

Then there are the Russians, who possess enough missiles to turn Israel into a wasteland many times over; all of this is without resorting to the use of nukes, which might be possible, should Israel open that Pandora’s Box by using them first.
(from previous link)
Israel is under the protection of God. No one is gonna destroy them. I know you don't believe in God because you're a filthy Jew-hating rag head. That does not change the reality of the situation.
You alleged American right-wingers are all will-less Bimbos of the Zionists. And when you run out of arguments you come up with God.
Yikes, really Finger ?

The deal is simple, the Syrians aren't going to admit just how much of their air defenses were sacrificed for flying a drone into Israeli air space and the Israelis are likely to publicly over estimate the damage while privately underestimate in the name of caution for future missions.

Israel says it took out 1/3 ~ 1/2

Syria, always a bastion of truth in reporting says nothing was hit.

Israel lost a fighter, first time in decades, no one is really all that sure what brought it down or if it was a technical failure.

The only thing that is known for sure is that the Israel haters are out dancing in the streets, as if one plane is some kinda turning point in the 70 year history of Arab military incompetence
We have all heard the official narrative of the Israeli airstrike on Syria now, thanks to the ever-compliant MSM; an Iranian drone, controlled from a Syrian airbase, violated Israeli airspace so the Israeli airforce struck the Iranian control centre, destroying it and sending a stark message to Damascus and Tehran not to mess with Israel, even if it is a single, unarmed drone.

However, in the last 2 hours, information from sources on the ground inside Syria paint a very different picture of events.

They report that the Israeli airstrike was a complete failure, that Syrian loses are very minimal with the only notable damage being a large explosion at a mortar depot near Damascus.

The Israeli airstrike was unable to penetrate far into Syrian airspace as the Israeli ECM systems failed to counter the Syrian radars, resulting in most Israeli warplanes dropping their weapon loads harmlessly over southern Syria due to the heavy fire from the Syrian Air Defenses.

The huge failure of the Israeli air strike forced Tel-Aviv to launch another attack, however, that also failed ignominiously.

In short, the Israeli strikeforce dropped their encumbering load of bombs and got the hell out of there, at least two of their number were hit and one of them subsequently crashed in Israel, the pilots surviving but very badly injured.

VT WAS RIGHT: Israeli Airstrikes Were Complete Failure, Retaliation Against Russia Expected
Guess what? Damascus is gonna be totally destroyed. Also the surrounding towns and villages. Israel does have nukes. One day Syria, as well as it's allies, will attack Israel again. Some of the northern cities will fall, but Israel will pull out all the stops. The worlds oldest continuously inhabited city, gone in a single night. Game over. How do I know this? It's in the Bible. Which has a 100 percent accuracy for prophecies. It's going to happen. Count on it.
Syria is under protection of Bashar Assad.
You obviously support the ragheads, you disgusting piece of shit. Why don't you head on over there and give them a hand? There's an Israeli bomb with your name on it.

What was an israeli 'plane doing in Syrian airspace, don't worry in a hot war israel will use the Americans children to fight for jewland
It was a retaliatory strike, you Muslim pig.

a retaliatory strike against a retaliatory strike?
Muslims are the aggressors here. Or did you not hear about the almost daily rocket attacks on Israel. Syria was also part of the coalition involved in the Six Day War, if I'm not mistaken. Every act of aggression is from those filthy camel-f*cking ragheads. Israel even agreed to give the Palestinians everything they asked for if they would simply renounce violence and recognize Israels right to exist. They refused. Their hatred would not allow then to even contemplate a nations right to exist. These are the kind of savages Israel is dealing with. Of course, you are one of those filthy camel-f*cking rag heads too. Aren't you? A Jew-hating rag head. When are you gonna join ISIS and get your ass blown away by the IDF? Huh? Send us a postcard when you get over there.

Who wouldn't be angry if a bunch Jewish immigrants stole their land, and nation?
We have all heard the official narrative of the Israeli airstrike on Syria now, thanks to the ever-compliant MSM; an Iranian drone, controlled from a Syrian airbase, violated Israeli airspace so the Israeli airforce struck the Iranian control centre, destroying it and sending a stark message to Damascus and Tehran not to mess with Israel, even if it is a single, unarmed drone.

However, in the last 2 hours, information from sources on the ground inside Syria paint a very different picture of events.

They report that the Israeli airstrike was a complete failure, that Syrian loses are very minimal with the only notable damage being a large explosion at a mortar depot near Damascus.

The Israeli airstrike was unable to penetrate far into Syrian airspace as the Israeli ECM systems failed to counter the Syrian radars, resulting in most Israeli warplanes dropping their weapon loads harmlessly over southern Syria due to the heavy fire from the Syrian Air Defenses.

The huge failure of the Israeli air strike forced Tel-Aviv to launch another attack, however, that also failed ignominiously.

In short, the Israeli strikeforce dropped their encumbering load of bombs and got the hell out of there, at least two of their number were hit and one of them subsequently crashed in Israel, the pilots surviving but very badly injured.

VT WAS RIGHT: Israeli Airstrikes Were Complete Failure, Retaliation Against Russia Expected
very unlikely for the very experienced, highly effective IAF to miss
---1967 Six Day War when the IAF knocked out the Arabs AF in the first day---this was a very complicated campaign
--the IAF attack on Iraq's nuke plant with 15 out 16 bombs hitting and this was 1981--surely they have much more accurate targeting and bombs now
We have all heard the official narrative of the Israeli airstrike on Syria now, thanks to the ever-compliant MSM; an Iranian drone, controlled from a Syrian airbase, violated Israeli airspace so the Israeli airforce struck the Iranian control centre, destroying it and sending a stark message to Damascus and Tehran not to mess with Israel, even if it is a single, unarmed drone.

However, in the last 2 hours, information from sources on the ground inside Syria paint a very different picture of events.

They report that the Israeli airstrike was a complete failure, that Syrian loses are very minimal with the only notable damage being a large explosion at a mortar depot near Damascus.

The Israeli airstrike was unable to penetrate far into Syrian airspace as the Israeli ECM systems failed to counter the Syrian radars, resulting in most Israeli warplanes dropping their weapon loads harmlessly over southern Syria due to the heavy fire from the Syrian Air Defenses.

The huge failure of the Israeli air strike forced Tel-Aviv to launch another attack, however, that also failed ignominiously.

In short, the Israeli strikeforce dropped their encumbering load of bombs and got the hell out of there, at least two of their number were hit and one of them subsequently crashed in Israel, the pilots surviving but very badly injured.

VT WAS RIGHT: Israeli Airstrikes Were Complete Failure, Retaliation Against Russia Expected
Guess what? Damascus is gonna be totally destroyed. Also the surrounding towns and villages. Israel does have nukes. One day Syria, as well as it's allies, will attack Israel again. Some of the northern cities will fall, but Israel will pull out all the stops. The worlds oldest continuously inhabited city, gone in a single night. Game over. How do I know this? It's in the Bible. Which has a 100 percent accuracy for prophecies. It's going to happen. Count on it.
Syria is under protection of Bashar Assad.
Who is totally outclassed by God, LOLOL! Idiot.
You obviously support the ragheads, you disgusting piece of shit. Why don't you head on over there and give them a hand? There's an Israeli bomb with your name on it.

What was an israeli 'plane doing in Syrian airspace, don't worry in a hot war israel will use the Americans children to fight for jewland
It was a retaliatory strike, you Muslim pig.

a retaliatory strike against a retaliatory strike?
Muslims are the aggressors here. Or did you not hear about the almost daily rocket attacks on Israel. Syria was also part of the coalition involved in the Six Day War, if I'm not mistaken. Every act of aggression is from those filthy camel-f*cking ragheads. Israel even agreed to give the Palestinians everything they asked for if they would simply renounce violence and recognize Israels right to exist. They refused. Their hatred would not allow then to even contemplate a nations right to exist. These are the kind of savages Israel is dealing with. Of course, you are one of those filthy camel-f*cking rag heads too. Aren't you? A Jew-hating rag head. When are you gonna join ISIS and get your ass blown away by the IDF? Huh? Send us a postcard when you get over there.

Who wouldn't be angry if a bunch Jewish immigrants stole their land, and nation?
Israel did not steal anything. The land was theirs. The Palestinian squatters had no right to it.
What was an israeli 'plane doing in Syrian airspace, don't worry in a hot war israel will use the Americans children to fight for jewland
It was a retaliatory strike, you Muslim pig.

a retaliatory strike against a retaliatory strike?
Muslims are the aggressors here. Or did you not hear about the almost daily rocket attacks on Israel. Syria was also part of the coalition involved in the Six Day War, if I'm not mistaken. Every act of aggression is from those filthy camel-f*cking ragheads. Israel even agreed to give the Palestinians everything they asked for if they would simply renounce violence and recognize Israels right to exist. They refused. Their hatred would not allow then to even contemplate a nations right to exist. These are the kind of savages Israel is dealing with. Of course, you are one of those filthy camel-f*cking rag heads too. Aren't you? A Jew-hating rag head. When are you gonna join ISIS and get your ass blown away by the IDF? Huh? Send us a postcard when you get over there.

Who wouldn't be angry if a bunch Jewish immigrants stole their land, and nation?
Israel did not steal anything. The land was theirs. The Palestinian squatters had no right to it.

Haha, good joke, Palestinians were a massive majority of the land of Israel / Palestine in the turn of the century.
It was a retaliatory strike, you Muslim pig.

a retaliatory strike against a retaliatory strike?
Muslims are the aggressors here. Or did you not hear about the almost daily rocket attacks on Israel. Syria was also part of the coalition involved in the Six Day War, if I'm not mistaken. Every act of aggression is from those filthy camel-f*cking ragheads. Israel even agreed to give the Palestinians everything they asked for if they would simply renounce violence and recognize Israels right to exist. They refused. Their hatred would not allow then to even contemplate a nations right to exist. These are the kind of savages Israel is dealing with. Of course, you are one of those filthy camel-f*cking rag heads too. Aren't you? A Jew-hating rag head. When are you gonna join ISIS and get your ass blown away by the IDF? Huh? Send us a postcard when you get over there.

Who wouldn't be angry if a bunch Jewish immigrants stole their land, and nation?
Israel did not steal anything. The land was theirs. The Palestinian squatters had no right to it.

Haha, good joke, Palestinians were a massive majority of the land of Israel / Palestine in the turn of the century.

Who cares? The Ragheads have 22 Arab countries and 56 Muslim countries, and do not make any contribution to the world with all that land and all that oil-wealth.

a retaliatory strike against a retaliatory strike?
Muslims are the aggressors here. Or did you not hear about the almost daily rocket attacks on Israel. Syria was also part of the coalition involved in the Six Day War, if I'm not mistaken. Every act of aggression is from those filthy camel-f*cking ragheads. Israel even agreed to give the Palestinians everything they asked for if they would simply renounce violence and recognize Israels right to exist. They refused. Their hatred would not allow then to even contemplate a nations right to exist. These are the kind of savages Israel is dealing with. Of course, you are one of those filthy camel-f*cking rag heads too. Aren't you? A Jew-hating rag head. When are you gonna join ISIS and get your ass blown away by the IDF? Huh? Send us a postcard when you get over there.

Who wouldn't be angry if a bunch Jewish immigrants stole their land, and nation?
Israel did not steal anything. The land was theirs. The Palestinian squatters had no right to it.

Haha, good joke, Palestinians were a massive majority of the land of Israel / Palestine in the turn of the century.

Who cares? The Ragheads have 22 Arab countries and 56 Muslim countries, and do not make any contribution to the world with all that land and all that oil-wealth.

So, it's okay to steal ones land if they contribute less?
Muslims are the aggressors here. Or did you not hear about the almost daily rocket attacks on Israel. Syria was also part of the coalition involved in the Six Day War, if I'm not mistaken. Every act of aggression is from those filthy camel-f*cking ragheads. Israel even agreed to give the Palestinians everything they asked for if they would simply renounce violence and recognize Israels right to exist. They refused. Their hatred would not allow then to even contemplate a nations right to exist. These are the kind of savages Israel is dealing with. Of course, you are one of those filthy camel-f*cking rag heads too. Aren't you? A Jew-hating rag head. When are you gonna join ISIS and get your ass blown away by the IDF? Huh? Send us a postcard when you get over there.

Who wouldn't be angry if a bunch Jewish immigrants stole their land, and nation?
Israel did not steal anything. The land was theirs. The Palestinian squatters had no right to it.

Haha, good joke, Palestinians were a massive majority of the land of Israel / Palestine in the turn of the century.

Who cares? The Ragheads have 22 Arab countries and 56 Muslim countries, and do not make any contribution to the world with all that land and all that oil-wealth.

So, it's okay to steal ones land if they contribute less?
They didn't steal anything. They simply returned to their ancestral home. And it happened in a single day. Just like the Bible said it would. One day there was no Israel. The next day there was. Shortly after that event, the rag heads tried to get rid of them, and had their collective asses handed to them. Because God was watching over them. The 6 day war was the most brilliantly fought battle in history. When you look at the numbers and the hardware arrayed against Israel, they should have been annihilated. What happened? The rag heads were sent packing, with their tails between their legs. I've done some research on Israeli hardware. They have a way to easily defeat any number of tanks that are sent against them. They have automated anti-tank platforms that can be dropped from the air. They are compact, and there are lots of them. No tank would stand a chance. They also have an advanced combat rifle that is light years ahead of anything the rag heads have. If I were President of the U.S. there is no way I would even dream of launching a military campaign against what Israel has militarily. We could probably beat them, but the cost would be one only a madman would contemplate.
Who wouldn't be angry if a bunch Jewish immigrants stole their land, and nation?
Israel did not steal anything. The land was theirs. The Palestinian squatters had no right to it.

Haha, good joke, Palestinians were a massive majority of the land of Israel / Palestine in the turn of the century.

Who cares? The Ragheads have 22 Arab countries and 56 Muslim countries, and do not make any contribution to the world with all that land and all that oil-wealth.

So, it's okay to steal ones land if they contribute less?
They didn't steal anything. They simply returned to their ancestral home. And it happened in a single day. Just like the Bible said it would. One day there was no Israel. The next day there was. Shortly after that event, the rag heads tried to get rid of them, and had their collective asses handed to them. Because God was watching over them. The 6 day war was the most brilliantly fought battle in history. When you look at the numbers and the hardware arrayed against Israel, they should have been annihilated. What happened? The rag heads were sent packing, with their tails between their legs. I've done some research on Israeli hardware. They have a way to easily defeat any number of tanks that are sent against them. They have automated anti-tank platforms that can be dropped from the air. They are compact, and there are lots of them. No tank would stand a chance. They also have an advanced combat rifle that is light years ahead of anything the rag heads have. If I were President of the U.S. there is no way I would even dream of launching a military campaign against what Israel has militarily. We could probably beat them, but the cost would be one only a madman would contemplate.

Very screwy logic at best.
Israel did not steal anything. The land was theirs. The Palestinian squatters had no right to it.

Haha, good joke, Palestinians were a massive majority of the land of Israel / Palestine in the turn of the century.

Who cares? The Ragheads have 22 Arab countries and 56 Muslim countries, and do not make any contribution to the world with all that land and all that oil-wealth.

So, it's okay to steal ones land if they contribute less?
They didn't steal anything. They simply returned to their ancestral home. And it happened in a single day. Just like the Bible said it would. One day there was no Israel. The next day there was. Shortly after that event, the rag heads tried to get rid of them, and had their collective asses handed to them. Because God was watching over them. The 6 day war was the most brilliantly fought battle in history. When you look at the numbers and the hardware arrayed against Israel, they should have been annihilated. What happened? The rag heads were sent packing, with their tails between their legs. I've done some research on Israeli hardware. They have a way to easily defeat any number of tanks that are sent against them. They have automated anti-tank platforms that can be dropped from the air. They are compact, and there are lots of them. No tank would stand a chance. They also have an advanced combat rifle that is light years ahead of anything the rag heads have. If I were President of the U.S. there is no way I would even dream of launching a military campaign against what Israel has militarily. We could probably beat them, but the cost would be one only a madman would contemplate.

Very screwy logic at best.
Like the truth, you would know a logical argument if it slept with you.
Haha, good joke, Palestinians were a massive majority of the land of Israel / Palestine in the turn of the century.

Who cares? The Ragheads have 22 Arab countries and 56 Muslim countries, and do not make any contribution to the world with all that land and all that oil-wealth.

So, it's okay to steal ones land if they contribute less?
They didn't steal anything. They simply returned to their ancestral home. And it happened in a single day. Just like the Bible said it would. One day there was no Israel. The next day there was. Shortly after that event, the rag heads tried to get rid of them, and had their collective asses handed to them. Because God was watching over them. The 6 day war was the most brilliantly fought battle in history. When you look at the numbers and the hardware arrayed against Israel, they should have been annihilated. What happened? The rag heads were sent packing, with their tails between their legs. I've done some research on Israeli hardware. They have a way to easily defeat any number of tanks that are sent against them. They have automated anti-tank platforms that can be dropped from the air. They are compact, and there are lots of them. No tank would stand a chance. They also have an advanced combat rifle that is light years ahead of anything the rag heads have. If I were President of the U.S. there is no way I would even dream of launching a military campaign against what Israel has militarily. We could probably beat them, but the cost would be one only a madman would contemplate.

Very screwy logic at best.
Like the truth, you would know a logical argument if it slept with you.

It's a mania that Jews have "God on their side" in stealing land Palestinians lived on.

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