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Israeli Settlers Teach Their Children To Kill Early

The only body I have disrespect for is the ineffectual UM.The ICJ, part of the UN, settles disputes between States.
The stupid film is only a feeble excuse for the turmoil.That turmoil is always just beneath the surface, waiting for an excuse to boil over to kill and destroy.


The UN is what nations make of it, having only the authority nations give it. If it has its shortcomings, it is up to nations to reform it. I think UN bodies try to do the best they can to carry out the work they are tasked with, with the authority and limitations they work with. I can respect their efforts.

When the world witnesses a nation ignore UN Resolutions with Impunity for 60+ years, as Israel has, this sends this dangerous message out to the world, why should any nation abide by international law? I mean, really, who cares whether Iran abides by international law with respect to the production of nuclear power and weapons, when Israel has substantially ignored International Law, many laws, with Impunity for the past 60 years? Thee are dozens of violated UN resolution sitting there in records of the UN. And what about all of Israel's nuclear weapons? Many see that matter as the biggest threat for world security.

I actually agree with your comments about that film, I think people are using it as an excuse to resort to violence they desire to engage in or incite, violence triggered by other things, like drone attacks killing innocent civilians, for example.

Isn't that strange that we never see the UN condemn China for occupying Tibet and forcing the Tibetans women to have abortions so that the Tibetan culture dies out? I would imagine that the Muslim members of the UN would never ever bring some resolution against China because there are no Jews involved in this.

Funny you would mention that. Former US Ambassador to the UN Jeane Kirkpatrick said the anti-Semitism she found at the UN was "mysterious" and "very, very strange."

"The United Nations hasn't really improved much in the years since I was there, and it hasn't really improved much at all with respect to Israel," said Kirkpatrick. She said that when she first began attending Security Council and General Assembly sessions
as America's ambassador, "I was very deeply shocked by the simple anti-Semitism that pervaded the place." The anti-Semitism and anti-Israel sentiment she was exposed to at the world body was "mysterious," and "very, very strange," she said.

"We need to speak out about the calumny spoken at the UN," she said, noting that in addition to condemning anti-Jewish hatred emanating from Arab countries, Western European nations, such as France, should be taken to task for failing to halt anti-Semitism at home."

There would be less need for those cartoons if Jews were not stealing the land and water rights of Arabs, don't you think?

No Jewish State.
No cartoons calling for the killing of Jews.[/QUOTE

Intereesting idea Georgie no jews, no Auschwitz
no georgie---far less filth in the world
no georgie----no stink in the world
This world is a much better place with most Jews in it.

It's headed toward extinction with a Jewish State in it.

Do the math.

The world is headed toward extinction with you in it ... do the math.
Last edited:
Here is a CPT, Christian Peacemaker Team, report addressing settler exploitation of their children, addressing incidents in Occupied Palestine.

"Children Affected by Serious Incidents - The Ibrahimi School

This incident is a microcosm of the forms of violence that continually take place in Al-Khalil. On 22 September, a local business man alerted three CPTers to a group of soldiers outside the Ibrahimi School, located in the heart of the Old City. Upon arrival, the school principal informed CPT that a settler boy, around seven years old, had accused two Palestinian boys from the Ibrahimi School of throwing a rock at him. Soldiers wanted to enter the school with the settler child to identify and arrest the Palestinian boys and the school principal responded by stating they would first need to get permission from the Palestinian Minister of Education.

Over a period of three hours, 50 Israeli soldiers, 20 settlers and Israeli police gathered outside the school. When the Palestinian Ministry of Education stated to the soldiers that they could not enter the school the Israeli army disregarded his decision and entered the school with the settler boy in tow. Two Palestinian boys under the age of 18 were arrested in front of their peers and taken to the local police station. The Israeli army and police informed the Minister of Education that these arrests were necessary to “maintaining the peace” as the group of settlers gathered outside the school had threatened to remain and harass the school children if the Palestinian boys were not arrested.

This particular incident speaks not only to the Israeli police’s lack of impartiality, but also to the reality that settlers’ accusations supersede preserving the educational environment of Palestinian children. The entry of soldiers into educational institutions signifies to children that schools are not safe places for them, thus creating further barriers to education.

Furthermore, this situation highlights settler children being used as vehicles to perpetuate violence. Within this particular incident, the young settler boy that made the rock throwing accusation was prompted by his father and other adult settlers to demand entry into the Ibrahimi School during school hours. In addition, settler adults brought a number of settler children with them to the school and didn’t respond to soldiers’ instructions for children to leave the scene. CPT believes this to be a common tactic employed by settlers because, by law, Israeli children under the age of eighteen cannot be arrested.


As global parents it is important to create safe environments where children are provided with the opportunity to learn and grow. Unfortunately, what CPT observes here in Al-Khalil is that children, both Palestinian and Israeli, are not being brought up in a spirit of love. The Israeli authorities in this area are not preparing children for a life of peace, tolerance and equality. Children growing up in settlements are being taught to hate through a serious of activities encouraged by parents and supported by authorities. It is often worrying that settler children are being exploited in order to further push forward the desires of settlers in Al-Khalil.

The actions exerted by soldiers and settlers, supported by the state continually hinder the growth and development of the Palestinian children. They continue to witness violence and are denied access to proper resources to grow into healthy adults. Sadly CPTers conclude that Palestinians on a whole face discriminatory policies and practices that deny their freedom to a dignified existence.

Source: Christian Peacemaker Teams"

Holy Land: report highlights impact of conflict on children on Independent Catholic NewsSherri

Wah, wah, waaaaaah.
Now listen up Bitch.
There's a very real and very violent conflict going on over there. Starting those kids on the road (throwing rocks at Jews) early is the Arab way. Maybe, just maybe those two kids will refrain from getting involved in that sort of activity going forward, grow up and be great people. Think of it as early intervention.
There would be less need for those cartoons if Jews were not stealing the land and water rights of Arabs, don't you think?

No Jewish State.
No cartoons calling for the killing of Jews.
I wonder why anti-Semitics are so naive. However, Georgie is doing such a fine job as a Dhimwit. I guess he doesn't realize that as an Infidel (unless he is actually a Muslim), he is hated too. Meanwhile, Georgie, this was way before Israel became a state. You can see how the Muslims just love the Jews.
Did Allah transform Jews into apes and pigs? An analysis of three passages in the Quran.

They live in denial sorta like a 2 year old who covers her eyes thinking you can no longer see her because she can't see you.
Here is a CPT, Christian Peacemaker Team, report addressing settler exploitation of their children, addressing incidents in Occupied Palestine.

"Children Affected by Serious Incidents - The Ibrahimi School

This incident is a microcosm of the forms of violence that continually take place in Al-Khalil. On 22 September, a local business man alerted three CPTers to a group of soldiers outside the Ibrahimi School, located in the heart of the Old City. Upon arrival, the school principal informed CPT that a settler boy, around seven years old, had accused two Palestinian boys from the Ibrahimi School of throwing a rock at him. Soldiers wanted to enter the school with the settler child to identify and arrest the Palestinian boys and the school principal responded by stating they would first need to get permission from the Palestinian Minister of Education.

Over a period of three hours, 50 Israeli soldiers, 20 settlers and Israeli police gathered outside the school. When the Palestinian Ministry of Education stated to the soldiers that they could not enter the school the Israeli army disregarded his decision and entered the school with the settler boy in tow. Two Palestinian boys under the age of 18 were arrested in front of their peers and taken to the local police station. The Israeli army and police informed the Minister of Education that these arrests were necessary to “maintaining the peace” as the group of settlers gathered outside the school had threatened to remain and harass the school children if the Palestinian boys were not arrested.

This particular incident speaks not only to the Israeli police’s lack of impartiality, but also to the reality that settlers’ accusations supersede preserving the educational environment of Palestinian children. The entry of soldiers into educational institutions signifies to children that schools are not safe places for them, thus creating further barriers to education.

Furthermore, this situation highlights settler children being used as vehicles to perpetuate violence. Within this particular incident, the young settler boy that made the rock throwing accusation was prompted by his father and other adult settlers to demand entry into the Ibrahimi School during school hours. In addition, settler adults brought a number of settler children with them to the school and didn’t respond to soldiers’ instructions for children to leave the scene. CPT believes this to be a common tactic employed by settlers because, by law, Israeli children under the age of eighteen cannot be arrested.


As global parents it is important to create safe environments where children are provided with the opportunity to learn and grow. Unfortunately, what CPT observes here in Al-Khalil is that children, both Palestinian and Israeli, are not being brought up in a spirit of love. The Israeli authorities in this area are not preparing children for a life of peace, tolerance and equality. Children growing up in settlements are being taught to hate through a serious of activities encouraged by parents and supported by authorities. It is often worrying that settler children are being exploited in order to further push forward the desires of settlers in Al-Khalil.

The actions exerted by soldiers and settlers, supported by the state continually hinder the growth and development of the Palestinian children. They continue to witness violence and are denied access to proper resources to grow into healthy adults. Sadly CPTers conclude that Palestinians on a whole face discriminatory policies and practices that deny their freedom to a dignified existence.

Source: Christian Peacemaker Teams"

Holy Land: report highlights impact of conflict on children on Independent Catholic NewsSherri

Wah, wah, waaaaaah.
Now listen up Bitch.
There's a very real and very violent conflict going on over there. Starting those kids on the road (throwing rocks at Jews) early is the Arab way. Maybe, just maybe those two kids will refrain from getting involved in that sort of activity going forward, grow up and be great people. Think of it as early intervention.

oh, you're not fooling anyone. as soon as you saw the word "catholic" you averted your eyes and spit on the floor. you're just another catholic hating jew and it shows. look at the way you treat the known catholics on this board...caturday, Pbel, me, and i am sure there are others.

thank god all jews are like you and try to blame all their problems on someone else.
Sherri, the land captured during the 1967 war was kept by the Israelis because the stupid Palis and other stupid Arab countries REFUSED TO SURRENDER after Israel kicked their butt. Don't you get it ?!?
Why would they give the land back to them if they refused to surrender !?!? Refusal to surrender means they are basically going to attack Israel again !!! This is how war works ! Any country would do the same.

"The wars in 1956 and 1967 were waged by Israel to ensure the state's survival. As most hostilities were initiated by the Arab side, Israel had to fight and win these wars in order to ensure the state's sovereignty and safety. Territories captured in the course of those wars are therefore legitimately under Israeli administration for both security reasons and to deter hostile states from belligerence.
In the absence of peace treaties between all the parties at war, Israel has under all circumstances the right to maintain control of the captured territories. Their ultimate disposition should be a result of peace treaties, and not a condition for them"


It does not matter why land is occupied, the UN Charter makes the acquisition of land by military conquest unlawful. Israel can only hold this land taken in 1967 in the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza temporarily as occupied territory, she has zero sovereignty rights in the occupied territories. The UN Charter is a treaty obligation for those member nations who are signatories to it, as Israel is.

And Occupations are subject to provisions of the Fourth Geneva Convention, which Israel is also a signatory to. Moving settlers onto occupied territories is unlawful, and significant violations of the GC, acts such as illegally moving 600,000+ illegal settlers onto Occupied Territories, constitute war crimes.


No they don't and there's nothing illegal about Jews living in those disputed territories.
There would be less need for those cartoons if Jews were not stealing the land and water rights of Arabs, don't you think?

No Jewish State.
No cartoons calling for the killing of Jews.
I wonder why anti-Semitics are so naive. However, Georgie is doing such a fine job as a Dhimwit. I guess he doesn't realize that as an Infidel (unless he is actually a Muslim), he is hated too. Meanwhile, Georgie, this was way before Israel became a state. You can see how the Muslims just love the Jews.
Did Allah transform Jews into apes and pigs? An analysis of three passages in the Quran.

They live in denial sorta like a 2 year old who covers her eyes thinking you can no longer see her because she can't see you.

lolol...now that was funny...kinda like paying the train fare to be taken to a relocation center.
Sherri, the land captured during the 1967 war was kept by the Israelis because the stupid Palis and other stupid Arab countries REFUSED TO SURRENDER after Israel kicked their butt. Don't you get it ?!?
Why would they give the land back to them if they refused to surrender !?!? Refusal to surrender means they are basically going to attack Israel again !!! This is how war works ! Any country would do the same.

"The wars in 1956 and 1967 were waged by Israel to ensure the state's survival. As most hostilities were initiated by the Arab side, Israel had to fight and win these wars in order to ensure the state's sovereignty and safety. Territories captured in the course of those wars are therefore legitimately under Israeli administration for both security reasons and to deter hostile states from belligerence.
In the absence of peace treaties between all the parties at war, Israel has under all circumstances the right to maintain control of the captured territories. Their ultimate disposition should be a result of peace treaties, and not a condition for them"


It does not matter why land is occupied, the UN Charter makes the acquisition of land by military conquest unlawful. Israel can only hold this land taken in 1967 in the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza temporarily as occupied territory, she has zero sovereignty rights in the occupied territories. The UN Charter is a treaty obligation for those member nations who are signatories to it, as Israel is.

And Occupations are subject to provisions of the Fourth Geneva Convention, which Israel is also a signatory to. Moving settlers onto occupied territories is unlawful, and significant violations of the GC, acts such as illegally moving 600,000+ illegal settlers onto Occupied Territories, constitute war crimes.


No they don't and there's nothing illegal about Jews living in those disputed territories.

they are occupied. what the hell is wrong with you. i suppose nest you will claim the citizenship and voting rights of the arab residents is disputed too. yeah sure, we can't be having that.

just who do you think you're foolin'.
Here is a CPT, Christian Peacemaker Team, report addressing settler exploitation of their children, addressing incidents in Occupied Palestine.

"Children Affected by Serious Incidents - The Ibrahimi School

This incident is a microcosm of the forms of violence that continually take place in Al-Khalil. On 22 September, a local business man alerted three CPTers to a group of soldiers outside the Ibrahimi School, located in the heart of the Old City. Upon arrival, the school principal informed CPT that a settler boy, around seven years old, had accused two Palestinian boys from the Ibrahimi School of throwing a rock at him. Soldiers wanted to enter the school with the settler child to identify and arrest the Palestinian boys and the school principal responded by stating they would first need to get permission from the Palestinian Minister of Education.

Over a period of three hours, 50 Israeli soldiers, 20 settlers and Israeli police gathered outside the school. When the Palestinian Ministry of Education stated to the soldiers that they could not enter the school the Israeli army disregarded his decision and entered the school with the settler boy in tow. Two Palestinian boys under the age of 18 were arrested in front of their peers and taken to the local police station. The Israeli army and police informed the Minister of Education that these arrests were necessary to “maintaining the peace” as the group of settlers gathered outside the school had threatened to remain and harass the school children if the Palestinian boys were not arrested.

This particular incident speaks not only to the Israeli police’s lack of impartiality, but also to the reality that settlers’ accusations supersede preserving the educational environment of Palestinian children. The entry of soldiers into educational institutions signifies to children that schools are not safe places for them, thus creating further barriers to education.

Furthermore, this situation highlights settler children being used as vehicles to perpetuate violence. Within this particular incident, the young settler boy that made the rock throwing accusation was prompted by his father and other adult settlers to demand entry into the Ibrahimi School during school hours. In addition, settler adults brought a number of settler children with them to the school and didn’t respond to soldiers’ instructions for children to leave the scene. CPT believes this to be a common tactic employed by settlers because, by law, Israeli children under the age of eighteen cannot be arrested.


As global parents it is important to create safe environments where children are provided with the opportunity to learn and grow. Unfortunately, what CPT observes here in Al-Khalil is that children, both Palestinian and Israeli, are not being brought up in a spirit of love. The Israeli authorities in this area are not preparing children for a life of peace, tolerance and equality. Children growing up in settlements are being taught to hate through a serious of activities encouraged by parents and supported by authorities. It is often worrying that settler children are being exploited in order to further push forward the desires of settlers in Al-Khalil.

The actions exerted by soldiers and settlers, supported by the state continually hinder the growth and development of the Palestinian children. They continue to witness violence and are denied access to proper resources to grow into healthy adults. Sadly CPTers conclude that Palestinians on a whole face discriminatory policies and practices that deny their freedom to a dignified existence.

Source: Christian Peacemaker Teams"

Holy Land: report highlights impact of conflict on children on Independent Catholic NewsSherri

Wah, wah, waaaaaah.
Now listen up Bitch.
There's a very real and very violent conflict going on over there. Starting those kids on the road (throwing rocks at Jews) early is the Arab way. Maybe, just maybe those two kids will refrain from getting involved in that sort of activity going forward, grow up and be great people. Think of it as early intervention.

oh, you're not fooling anyone. as soon as you saw the word "catholic" you averted your eyes and spit on the floor. you're just another catholic hating jew and it shows. look at the way you treat the known catholics on this board...caturday, Pbel, me, and i am sure there are others.

thank god all jews are like you and try to blame all their problems on someone else.[/QUOTE]

Woo, my Irish Catholic g-friend and her fam would be shocked to learn I'm a Catholic-hatin' Jew.
I don't know who here is Catholic, who is Irish, and who is Uranus, Princess - as far as I can tell you're all just screen names - but I do know who is dumber and whinier than a box of doughnuts, Princess ... you.
What the hell made you into such a whiney, snively idiot? I don't remember you this way.
Here is a CPT, Christian Peacemaker Team, report addressing settler exploitation of their children, addressing incidents in Occupied Palestine.

"Children Affected by Serious Incidents - The Ibrahimi School

This incident is a microcosm of the forms of violence that continually take place in Al-Khalil. On 22 September, a local business man alerted three CPTers to a group of soldiers outside the Ibrahimi School, located in the heart of the Old City. Upon arrival, the school principal informed CPT that a settler boy, around seven years old, had accused two Palestinian boys from the Ibrahimi School of throwing a rock at him. Soldiers wanted to enter the school with the settler child to identify and arrest the Palestinian boys and the school principal responded by stating they would first need to get permission from the Palestinian Minister of Education.

Over a period of three hours, 50 Israeli soldiers, 20 settlers and Israeli police gathered outside the school. When the Palestinian Ministry of Education stated to the soldiers that they could not enter the school the Israeli army disregarded his decision and entered the school with the settler boy in tow. Two Palestinian boys under the age of 18 were arrested in front of their peers and taken to the local police station. The Israeli army and police informed the Minister of Education that these arrests were necessary to “maintaining the peace” as the group of settlers gathered outside the school had threatened to remain and harass the school children if the Palestinian boys were not arrested.

This particular incident speaks not only to the Israeli police’s lack of impartiality, but also to the reality that settlers’ accusations supersede preserving the educational environment of Palestinian children. The entry of soldiers into educational institutions signifies to children that schools are not safe places for them, thus creating further barriers to education.

Furthermore, this situation highlights settler children being used as vehicles to perpetuate violence. Within this particular incident, the young settler boy that made the rock throwing accusation was prompted by his father and other adult settlers to demand entry into the Ibrahimi School during school hours. In addition, settler adults brought a number of settler children with them to the school and didn’t respond to soldiers’ instructions for children to leave the scene. CPT believes this to be a common tactic employed by settlers because, by law, Israeli children under the age of eighteen cannot be arrested.


As global parents it is important to create safe environments where children are provided with the opportunity to learn and grow. Unfortunately, what CPT observes here in Al-Khalil is that children, both Palestinian and Israeli, are not being brought up in a spirit of love. The Israeli authorities in this area are not preparing children for a life of peace, tolerance and equality. Children growing up in settlements are being taught to hate through a serious of activities encouraged by parents and supported by authorities. It is often worrying that settler children are being exploited in order to further push forward the desires of settlers in Al-Khalil.

The actions exerted by soldiers and settlers, supported by the state continually hinder the growth and development of the Palestinian children. They continue to witness violence and are denied access to proper resources to grow into healthy adults. Sadly CPTers conclude that Palestinians on a whole face discriminatory policies and practices that deny their freedom to a dignified existence.

Source: Christian Peacemaker Teams"

Holy Land: report highlights impact of conflict on children on Independent Catholic News

I wonder if Sherri follows all the Catholic news sources to see what her brethren are doing to Catholics and other Christians in Muslim countries. No doubt the children in these countries are also taught the same about going to Paradise because you see young children becoming suicide bombers -- not only taking out non Muslims but also Muslims of different sects.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=canTCmXEMk8]Palestinian children taught paradise is reward for martyrdom - YouTube[/ame]

I can assure you she does not care. She is here to condemn Jews and only Jews, thank you.
youu're so stupid and mathmatically challanged you cannot even figure out the error in your stupid statement, stupid motherfucker.

Woo. I know you claim not to drink but your meds need serious adjusting, Princess.

thanks, but i see how your dealer has fixed you, roudy, and hoss up so, no thanks.

fuck off.

liar about "baby killers" who tellos a vet he doesn't deserve to live in this country because of his religion.
Here is a CPT, Christian Peacemaker Team, report addressing settler exploitation of their children, addressing incidents in Occupied Palestine.

"Children Affected by Serious Incidents - The Ibrahimi School

This incident is a microcosm of the forms of violence that continually take place in Al-Khalil. On 22 September, a local business man alerted three CPTers to a group of soldiers outside the Ibrahimi School, located in the heart of the Old City. Upon arrival, the school principal informed CPT that a settler boy, around seven years old, had accused two Palestinian boys from the Ibrahimi School of throwing a rock at him. Soldiers wanted to enter the school with the settler child to identify and arrest the Palestinian boys and the school principal responded by stating they would first need to get permission from the Palestinian Minister of Education.

Over a period of three hours, 50 Israeli soldiers, 20 settlers and Israeli police gathered outside the school. When the Palestinian Ministry of Education stated to the soldiers that they could not enter the school the Israeli army disregarded his decision and entered the school with the settler boy in tow. Two Palestinian boys under the age of 18 were arrested in front of their peers and taken to the local police station. The Israeli army and police informed the Minister of Education that these arrests were necessary to “maintaining the peace” as the group of settlers gathered outside the school had threatened to remain and harass the school children if the Palestinian boys were not arrested.

This particular incident speaks not only to the Israeli police’s lack of impartiality, but also to the reality that settlers’ accusations supersede preserving the educational environment of Palestinian children. The entry of soldiers into educational institutions signifies to children that schools are not safe places for them, thus creating further barriers to education.

Furthermore, this situation highlights settler children being used as vehicles to perpetuate violence. Within this particular incident, the young settler boy that made the rock throwing accusation was prompted by his father and other adult settlers to demand entry into the Ibrahimi School during school hours. In addition, settler adults brought a number of settler children with them to the school and didn’t respond to soldiers’ instructions for children to leave the scene. CPT believes this to be a common tactic employed by settlers because, by law, Israeli children under the age of eighteen cannot be arrested.


As global parents it is important to create safe environments where children are provided with the opportunity to learn and grow. Unfortunately, what CPT observes here in Al-Khalil is that children, both Palestinian and Israeli, are not being brought up in a spirit of love. The Israeli authorities in this area are not preparing children for a life of peace, tolerance and equality. Children growing up in settlements are being taught to hate through a serious of activities encouraged by parents and supported by authorities. It is often worrying that settler children are being exploited in order to further push forward the desires of settlers in Al-Khalil.

The actions exerted by soldiers and settlers, supported by the state continually hinder the growth and development of the Palestinian children. They continue to witness violence and are denied access to proper resources to grow into healthy adults. Sadly CPTers conclude that Palestinians on a whole face discriminatory policies and practices that deny their freedom to a dignified existence.

Source: Christian Peacemaker Teams"

Holy Land: report highlights impact of conflict on children on Independent Catholic News

I wonder if Sherri follows all the Catholic news sources to see what her brethren are doing to Catholics and other Christians in Muslim countries. No doubt the children in these countries are also taught the same about going to Paradise because you see young children becoming suicide bombers -- not only taking out non Muslims but also Muslims of different sects.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=canTCmXEMk8]Palestinian children taught paradise is reward for martyrdom - YouTube[/ame]

I can assure you she does not care. She is here to condemn Jews and only Jews, thank you.

i know you guys are envious of catholics and all, but please stop trying to pass off a jewish hate site as a catholic news site. palestinian media watch is an israeli based hate site.
I wonder why anti-Semitics are so naive. However, Georgie is doing such a fine job as a Dhimwit. I guess he doesn't realize that as an Infidel (unless he is actually a Muslim), he is hated too. Meanwhile, Georgie, this was way before Israel became a state. You can see how the Muslims just love the Jews.
Did Allah transform Jews into apes and pigs? An analysis of three passages in the Quran.

They live in denial sorta like a 2 year old who covers her eyes thinking you can no longer see her because she can't see you.

lolol...now that was funny...kinda like paying the train fare to be taken to a relocation center.

Does the white jacket squad still charge you for transport, NaziBoy? :clap2::clap2::clap2:
Woo. I know you claim not to drink but your meds need serious adjusting, Princess.

thanks, but i see how your dealer has fixed you, roudy, and hoss up so, no thanks.

fuck off.

liar about "baby killers" who tellos a vet he doesn't deserve to live in this country because of his religion.
I see that no one can reason with you Seal so I am contacting Bloodrock to come here and annoint you.

It does not matter why land is occupied, the UN Charter makes the acquisition of land by military conquest unlawful. Israel can only hold this land taken in 1967 in the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza temporarily as occupied territory, she has zero sovereignty rights in the occupied territories. The UN Charter is a treaty obligation for those member nations who are signatories to it, as Israel is.

And Occupations are subject to provisions of the Fourth Geneva Convention, which Israel is also a signatory to. Moving settlers onto occupied territories is unlawful, and significant violations of the GC, acts such as illegally moving 600,000+ illegal settlers onto Occupied Territories, constitute war crimes.


No they don't and there's nothing illegal about Jews living in those disputed territories.

they are occupied. what the hell is wrong with you. i suppose nest you will claim the citizenship and voting rights of the arab residents is disputed too. yeah sure, we can't be having that.

just who do you think you're foolin'.

Those living in the disputed territories have the right to vote in the elections of whatever country they are citizens ... that is, if their country of citizenship has elections.
I sure can't fool you, Princess ... you're waaaay too smart for me. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Sherri et all claim that muslims are so MAGICAL that the reason they engaged in a COMPREHENSIVE genocide of all non muslims in arabia -----1400 years ago and the reason that since that time and before the current zionist project was not yet a gleam in the eye of Herzl----muslims had comitted genocides of christians, hindus, jews, zoroastrians ETC ETC --not in the millions but in the HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS ---ok drum rolllllllll>>>>>>>

Today---I was in a synagogue with members of a tiny remnant community----decimated over the past 1000 years by MUSLIMS ---tell me more about what caused muslims to kill, Sherri I am fascinated. In the country Yemen----they are STILL killing------now it is tribe on tribe since there are no more christians there no more jews there----and not even those hated ABEDIN----ie------blacks Ok blame it in a few drone attacks by the US on KNOWN MURDERERS -----its been going on for more than 1000 years The key to understanding why muslims kill------is in arabia. But there is some difficulty in studying the history of that land-----arabic is a written language for only the past 1700 years and ----the overwhelming majority of muslims---historically have been illiterate-----in fact the percentage of illiteracy was over 99% Today----I doubt that literacy in the muslim world population exceeds 90% The only people who knew how to write in lands where muslims invaded were-----christians, jews and zoroastrians and hindus-----and muslims killed those populations and destroyed their writings An interesting factoid is that it is HIGHLY LIKELY that the first written arabic was -----done by jews in hebrew characters living in arabia before they were lost to genocide------none of that stuff survived the genocide of jews in arabia. Lets be optimistic The arabian people are not stupid----somewhere---some bedouin found some manuscripts and SAVED them ----hidden away until the opportunity arises when he can smuggle them out ---then ---perhaps we will know what was the NATURE of the pre-islamic culture and why it grew into a culture of GENOCIDE
Woo. I know you claim not to drink but your meds need serious adjusting, Princess.

thanks, but i see how your dealer has fixed you, roudy, and hoss up so, no thanks.

fuck off.

liar about "baby killers" who tellos a vet he doesn't deserve to live in this country because of his religion.

Of course, I said none of that but that would never stop a Nazi slug like you from lying ... it's in your genes. :clap2::clap2::clap2:
thanks, but i see how your dealer has fixed you, roudy, and hoss up so, no thanks.

fuck off.

liar about "baby killers" who tellos a vet he doesn't deserve to live in this country because of his religion.
I see that no one can reason with you Seal so I am contacting Bloodrock to come here and annoint you.

Woo. He's like a mix of Joanserv on the rag and that crazy, "lilly white-skinned" Rose. When did he hit menopause?

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