Israeli's shoot/kill wounded Arab on the floor

Thats another war crime

Interesting. There is no recoil or muzzle blast from the rifle being carried by the soldier. So he didn't shoot the guy.

Interesting, it appears you have never fired a rifle or shotgun during the day. LOL Nice try though.

On the contrary. I even own an AR so am extremely familiar with them. Funny how the producer of the video places the text EXACTLY on the weapon to hide the fact that it didn't fire. Unfortunately for him the weapon has a muzzle blast that will extend far beyond the text and would in fact cause dust to rise from the ground at that range.

So clearly it is you who either don't know shit about guns, or are simply blind to actual fact.

I vote for both.

Yeah, 196th Light Infantry Brigade and a tour in Vietnam and I don't know what I am talking about. You don't even know what AR stands for you dunce, or you would have used the complete correct nomenclature. There are many ARs.

Here is an AR-15 firing in daylight you fraud. No muzzle blast.

Sure thing dumb ass. Light infantry my fucking ass you lying sack of shit. How about comparing a more accurate clip there nimrod.

I can't find Hamas on a map, give us a link, Spinmeister. Oh wait, Hamas is the elected leadership of those living in the West Bank.
The pathetic lies of the Islamofascist pigs is most entertaining.

You really dont have a clue do you?
What's The Difference Between The West Bank and The Gaza Strip?
I've been in the West Bank. It's a skanky Islamo slum of corruption.
No, that's the illegal Zionist settlements there.
Illegal per your islamo- entitlement standards?

The Israeli settlements are way to bring a modern, educated society in place of the putrid backwater of just another islamist hellhole.

Ah yes, the "White Man's Burden", European imperialists and colonialists (and Zionists for that matter) said the same thing in the 19th century.

Thats another war crime

Interesting. There is no recoil or muzzle blast from the rifle being carried by the soldier. So he didn't shoot the guy.

Interesting, it appears you have never fired a rifle or shotgun during the day. LOL Nice try though.

On the contrary. I even own an AR so am extremely familiar with them. Funny how the producer of the video places the text EXACTLY on the weapon to hide the fact that it didn't fire. Unfortunately for him the weapon has a muzzle blast that will extend far beyond the text and would in fact cause dust to rise from the ground at that range.

So clearly it is you who either don't know shit about guns, or are simply blind to actual fact.

I vote for both.

Yeah, 196th Light Infantry Brigade and a tour in Vietnam and I don't know what I am talking about. You don't even know what AR stands for you dunce, or you would have used the complete correct nomenclature. There are many ARs.

Here is an AR-15 firing in daylight you fraud. No muzzle blast.

Sure thing dumb ass. Light infantry my fucking ass you lying sack of shit. How about comparing a more accurate clip there nimrod.

Interesting. Now show me a clip of an AR-15 not being fired into soil and leaves, concrete stone or tarmac will do. Thanks in advance.
I've been in the West Bank. It's a skanky Islamo slum of corruption.
No, that's the illegal Zionist settlements there.
Illegal per your islamo- entitlement standards?

The Israeli settlements are way to bring a modern, educated society in place of the putrid backwater of just another islamist hellhole.
How we will laugh when those settler houses are handed back to the Palestinian's, build more units

Well honestly, the world had a collective chuckle when you islamo-retrogrades were given Gaza after the Israeli unilateral withdrawal.

When the Jews returned to Israel, they transformed their land, which had been ravaged and had fallen into neglect by land mismanagement undertaken by the "“Palestinian"” Arab squatters.

Not surprisingly, the same fate also befell lands in the Balkans under other areas subject to Islamic colonialism. The Israelis transformed the land into productive farms in the desert and the greenhouses bloomed. When they left, the Pals destroyed what Israel had produced.

That's been the history of islamist colonialism - to destroy and ravage. That's exactly what we see today with Islamic retrogrades destroying architecture across Iraq and Syria.


Another hollow re-write of the facts from Hollie so she can fuel her Islamophobic fantasies.

I've been in the West Bank. It's a skanky Islamo slum of corruption.
No, that's the illegal Zionist settlements there.
Illegal per your islamo- entitlement standards?

The Israeli settlements are way to bring a modern, educated society in place of the putrid backwater of just another islamist hellhole.
How we will laugh when those settler houses are handed back to the Palestinian's, build more units

Well honestly, the world had a collective chuckle when you islamo-retrogrades were given Gaza after the Israeli unilateral withdrawal.

When the Jews returned to Israel, they transformed their land, which had been ravaged and had fallen into neglect by land mismanagement undertaken by the "“Palestinian"” Arab squatters.

Not surprisingly, the same fate also befell lands in the Balkans under other areas subject to Islamic colonialism. The Israelis transformed the land into productive farms in the desert and the greenhouses bloomed. When they left, the Pals destroyed what Israel had produced.

That's been the history of islamist colonialism - to destroy and ravage. That's exactly what we see today with Islamic retrogrades destroying architecture across Iraq and Syria.


Another hollow re-write of the facts from Hollie so she can fuel her Islamophobic fantasies.

Oh my. I can see your tender islamo- sensibilities are damaged. I'm afraid that you will eventually have to emerge from your islamo-stupor and address a reality based worldview.

Greenhouse project endangered in Gaza - The Boston Globe

The Boston Globe
Greenhouse project endangered in Gaza
Security, trade troubles persist
By Thanassis Cambanis, Globe Staff | October 31, 2005

(Correction: Because of a reporting error, a Page One story Monday about greenhouses in former Israeli settlements in the Gaza Strip stated that Israeli settlers sabotaged greenhouses before withdrawing from Gaza in August. The article should have said some settlers dismantled their own greenhouses before leaving, and that Palestinians looted some greenhouses after the Israelis withdrew. A Palestinian official, Mahmoud Abu Samra, asserted to the reporter that Israelis had sabotaged some greenhouses, but he did not provide evidence to substantiate the allegation.)
No, that's the illegal Zionist settlements there.
Illegal per your islamo- entitlement standards?

The Israeli settlements are way to bring a modern, educated society in place of the putrid backwater of just another islamist hellhole.
How we will laugh when those settler houses are handed back to the Palestinian's, build more units

Well honestly, the world had a collective chuckle when you islamo-retrogrades were given Gaza after the Israeli unilateral withdrawal.

When the Jews returned to Israel, they transformed their land, which had been ravaged and had fallen into neglect by land mismanagement undertaken by the "“Palestinian"” Arab squatters.

Not surprisingly, the same fate also befell lands in the Balkans under other areas subject to Islamic colonialism. The Israelis transformed the land into productive farms in the desert and the greenhouses bloomed. When they left, the Pals destroyed what Israel had produced.

That's been the history of islamist colonialism - to destroy and ravage. That's exactly what we see today with Islamic retrogrades destroying architecture across Iraq and Syria.


Another hollow re-write of the facts from Hollie so she can fuel her Islamophobic fantasies.

Oh my. I can see your tender islamo- sensibilities are damaged. I'm afraid that you will eventually have to emerge from your islamo-stupor and address a reality based worldview.

Greenhouse project endangered in Gaza - The Boston Globe

The Boston Globe
Greenhouse project endangered in Gaza
Security, trade troubles persist
By Thanassis Cambanis, Globe Staff | October 31, 2005

(Correction: Because of a reporting error, a Page One story Monday about greenhouses in former Israeli settlements in the Gaza Strip stated that Israeli settlers sabotaged greenhouses before withdrawing from Gaza in August. The article should have said some settlers dismantled their own greenhouses before leaving, and that Palestinians looted some greenhouses after the Israelis withdrew. A Palestinian official, Mahmoud Abu Samra, asserted to the reporter that Israelis had sabotaged some greenhouses, but he did not provide evidence to substantiate the allegation.)

Not having any "tender islamo- sensibilities" it's not possible to damage them. :)

But you forgot to read on, from your cited source:

"...Wolfensohn criticized Israel in a letter to UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, saying it was ''almost acting as though there has been no withdrawal" with its policy of continuing to seal off Gaza and delaying talks. Wolfensohn is a special envoy for the quartet of Middle East mediators -- the United Nations, the United States, the European Union, and Russia.

Without a guaranteed path to send Gaza's high-end vegetables and flowers onto the world market, Palestinian officials and international specialists said, the greenhouse project will wither on the vine."

Oh, and,

"The sites are guarded by a few dozen Palestinian soldiers who try to fend off looters who destroyed about 10 percent of the greenhouse infrastructure after the Israelis left."

Yup, the Zionists leave but seal off access to the outside world, watch while the greenhouse project collapses because no produce can be exported, then sets loose the Hasbara Trolls to blame the Palestinians. Typical Zionist tactics.
Illegal per your islamo- entitlement standards?

The Israeli settlements are way to bring a modern, educated society in place of the putrid backwater of just another islamist hellhole.
How we will laugh when those settler houses are handed back to the Palestinian's, build more units

Well honestly, the world had a collective chuckle when you islamo-retrogrades were given Gaza after the Israeli unilateral withdrawal.

When the Jews returned to Israel, they transformed their land, which had been ravaged and had fallen into neglect by land mismanagement undertaken by the "“Palestinian"” Arab squatters.

Not surprisingly, the same fate also befell lands in the Balkans under other areas subject to Islamic colonialism. The Israelis transformed the land into productive farms in the desert and the greenhouses bloomed. When they left, the Pals destroyed what Israel had produced.

That's been the history of islamist colonialism - to destroy and ravage. That's exactly what we see today with Islamic retrogrades destroying architecture across Iraq and Syria.


Another hollow re-write of the facts from Hollie so she can fuel her Islamophobic fantasies.

Oh my. I can see your tender islamo- sensibilities are damaged. I'm afraid that you will eventually have to emerge from your islamo-stupor and address a reality based worldview.

Greenhouse project endangered in Gaza - The Boston Globe

The Boston Globe
Greenhouse project endangered in Gaza
Security, trade troubles persist
By Thanassis Cambanis, Globe Staff | October 31, 2005

(Correction: Because of a reporting error, a Page One story Monday about greenhouses in former Israeli settlements in the Gaza Strip stated that Israeli settlers sabotaged greenhouses before withdrawing from Gaza in August. The article should have said some settlers dismantled their own greenhouses before leaving, and that Palestinians looted some greenhouses after the Israelis withdrew. A Palestinian official, Mahmoud Abu Samra, asserted to the reporter that Israelis had sabotaged some greenhouses, but he did not provide evidence to substantiate the allegation.)

Not having any "tender islamo- sensibilities" it's not possible to damage them. :)

But you forgot to read on, from your cited source:

"...Wolfensohn criticized Israel in a letter to UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, saying it was ''almost acting as though there has been no withdrawal" with its policy of continuing to seal off Gaza and delaying talks. Wolfensohn is a special envoy for the quartet of Middle East mediators -- the United Nations, the United States, the European Union, and Russia.

Without a guaranteed path to send Gaza's high-end vegetables and flowers onto the world market, Palestinian officials and international specialists said, the greenhouse project will wither on the vine."

Oh, and,

"The sites are guarded by a few dozen Palestinian soldiers who try to fend off looters who destroyed about 10 percent of the greenhouse infrastructure after the Israelis left."

Yup, the Zionists leave but seal off access to the outside world, watch while the greenhouse project collapses because no produce can be exported, then sets loose the Hasbara Trolls to blame the Palestinians. Typical Zionist tactics.
Not surprisingly, your best effort to defend islamo- incompetence and ineptitude amounts to "I blame the Jooooooos".


As noted in the article, Pal'istanian guards were used to keep Pal'istanian looters from the greenhouses. Its always convenient to resort to the Joooooo boogeyman to defend islamo-thievery, but it's a symptom of islamo- incompetence to continually deny responsibility and accountability.

It's just so typical of Islamics that they have a child-like mentality that prevents them from a bit of introspection in connection with their failures and ineptitudes.
Not surprisingly, your best effort to defend islamo- incompetence...

Far from my "best effort", just keeping it to your intellectual level. Happy to help. :)
Excuses for incompetence and ineptitude are a staple of the islamo-mindset.

The fact is, the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza'istan could have been an opportunity for the Pal'istanians to show they were capable of building a functioning society / infrastructure. Instead, they chose to elect Islamic terrorists to office and allow Gaza to become an Islamic terrorist enclave.

For as long as you Islamics refuse to take responsibility for yourselves, you will remain the impotent little victims you choose to be.

Thats another war crime

Interesting. There is no recoil or muzzle blast from the rifle being carried by the soldier. So he didn't shoot the guy.

Interesting, it appears you have never fired a rifle or shotgun during the day. LOL Nice try though.

On the contrary. I even own an AR so am extremely familiar with them. Funny how the producer of the video places the text EXACTLY on the weapon to hide the fact that it didn't fire. Unfortunately for him the weapon has a muzzle blast that will extend far beyond the text and would in fact cause dust to rise from the ground at that range.

So clearly it is you who either don't know shit about guns, or are simply blind to actual fact.

I vote for both.

Yeah, 196th Light Infantry Brigade and a tour in Vietnam and I don't know what I am talking about. You don't even know what AR stands for you dunce, or you would have used the complete correct nomenclature. There are many ARs.

Here is an AR-15 firing in daylight you fraud. No muzzle blast.

Sure thing dumb ass. Light infantry my fucking ass you lying sack of shit. How about comparing a more accurate clip there nimrod.

The guy is shooting into the ground in your video. What does that prove? No flash in daylight anyway. You are a fraud.

Any Vietnam era veteran would recognize the implication of the last two photos. The first one is obvious to anyone.

Honorable Discharge no name.jpg


Rip Stop LAbel.JPG
The guy is shooting into the ground in your video. What does that prove? No flash in daylight anyway. You are a fraud. Any Vietnam era veteran would recognize the implication of the last two photos. The first one is obvious to anyone. View attachment 53958View attachment 53959 View attachment 53960
Yeah, general montelatici knows
I was an O-3, but thanks for the promotion.
And i'm O-10, of course.
Interesting. There is no recoil or muzzle blast from the rifle being carried by the soldier. So he didn't shoot the guy.

Interesting, it appears you have never fired a rifle or shotgun during the day. LOL Nice try though.

On the contrary. I even own an AR so am extremely familiar with them. Funny how the producer of the video places the text EXACTLY on the weapon to hide the fact that it didn't fire. Unfortunately for him the weapon has a muzzle blast that will extend far beyond the text and would in fact cause dust to rise from the ground at that range.

So clearly it is you who either don't know shit about guns, or are simply blind to actual fact.

I vote for both.

Yeah, 196th Light Infantry Brigade and a tour in Vietnam and I don't know what I am talking about. You don't even know what AR stands for you dunce, or you would have used the complete correct nomenclature. There are many ARs.

Here is an AR-15 firing in daylight you fraud. No muzzle blast.

Sure thing dumb ass. Light infantry my fucking ass you lying sack of shit. How about comparing a more accurate clip there nimrod.

Interesting. Now show me a clip of an AR-15 not being fired into soil and leaves, concrete stone or tarmac will do. Thanks in advance.

There's plenty of dust on that street. Had the shot been fired by that soldier there would have been a firing signature.
The guy is shooting into the ground in your video. What does that prove? No flash in daylight anyway. You are a fraud. Any Vietnam era veteran would recognize the implication of the last two photos. The first one is obvious to anyone. View attachment 53958View attachment 53959 View attachment 53960
Yeah, general montelatici knows

I was an O-3, but thanks for the promotion.

sure ya were, terrorist supporter
Interesting. There is no recoil or muzzle blast from the rifle being carried by the soldier. So he didn't shoot the guy.

Interesting, it appears you have never fired a rifle or shotgun during the day. LOL Nice try though.

On the contrary. I even own an AR so am extremely familiar with them. Funny how the producer of the video places the text EXACTLY on the weapon to hide the fact that it didn't fire. Unfortunately for him the weapon has a muzzle blast that will extend far beyond the text and would in fact cause dust to rise from the ground at that range.

So clearly it is you who either don't know shit about guns, or are simply blind to actual fact.

I vote for both.

Yeah, 196th Light Infantry Brigade and a tour in Vietnam and I don't know what I am talking about. You don't even know what AR stands for you dunce, or you would have used the complete correct nomenclature. There are many ARs.

Here is an AR-15 firing in daylight you fraud. No muzzle blast.

Sure thing dumb ass. Light infantry my fucking ass you lying sack of shit. How about comparing a more accurate clip there nimrod.

The guy is shooting into the ground in your video. What does that prove? No flash in daylight anyway. You are a fraud.

Any Vietnam era veteran would recognize the implication of the last two photos. The first one is obvious to anyone.

View attachment 53958

View attachment 53959

View attachment 53960

It's pretty funny, every internet warrior ALWAYS claims to be a LRRP. Your Honorable Discharge doesn't show your unit clearly (I certainly don't blame you for that, this IS the internet after all) but a patch on a jacket doesn't impress me very much as there are loads of them for sale on ebay every second of every day.
fanger, et al,

Do you actually understand what a "war crime" is? What particular crime was committed here?

Thats another war crime

What did you actually see?

Is the victim unarmed?

Was the victim actually killed?

Why was the victim laying on the ground already?

Did the victim commit a crime under Article 68, GCIV and forfeit the protections of a protected person?

What are we actually taking about in this event?

Most Respectfully,
Interesting, it appears you have never fired a rifle or shotgun during the day. LOL Nice try though.

On the contrary. I even own an AR so am extremely familiar with them. Funny how the producer of the video places the text EXACTLY on the weapon to hide the fact that it didn't fire. Unfortunately for him the weapon has a muzzle blast that will extend far beyond the text and would in fact cause dust to rise from the ground at that range.

So clearly it is you who either don't know shit about guns, or are simply blind to actual fact.

I vote for both.

Yeah, 196th Light Infantry Brigade and a tour in Vietnam and I don't know what I am talking about. You don't even know what AR stands for you dunce, or you would have used the complete correct nomenclature. There are many ARs.

Here is an AR-15 firing in daylight you fraud. No muzzle blast.

Sure thing dumb ass. Light infantry my fucking ass you lying sack of shit. How about comparing a more accurate clip there nimrod.

The guy is shooting into the ground in your video. What does that prove? No flash in daylight anyway. You are a fraud.

Any Vietnam era veteran would recognize the implication of the last two photos. The first one is obvious to anyone.

View attachment 53958

View attachment 53959

View attachment 53960

It's pretty funny, every internet warrior ALWAYS claims to be a LRRP. Your Honorable Discharge doesn't show your unit clearly (I certainly don't blame you for that, this IS the internet after all) but a patch on a jacket doesn't impress me very much as there are loads of them for sale on ebay every second of every day.

Honorable Discharges do not indicate unit or units the veteran served in.

You can believe what you want, Sua Sponte. Don't need to convince chickenhawks of anything.
On the contrary. I even own an AR so am extremely familiar with them. Funny how the producer of the video places the text EXACTLY on the weapon to hide the fact that it didn't fire. Unfortunately for him the weapon has a muzzle blast that will extend far beyond the text and would in fact cause dust to rise from the ground at that range.

So clearly it is you who either don't know shit about guns, or are simply blind to actual fact.

I vote for both.

Yeah, 196th Light Infantry Brigade and a tour in Vietnam and I don't know what I am talking about. You don't even know what AR stands for you dunce, or you would have used the complete correct nomenclature. There are many ARs.

Here is an AR-15 firing in daylight you fraud. No muzzle blast.

Sure thing dumb ass. Light infantry my fucking ass you lying sack of shit. How about comparing a more accurate clip there nimrod.

The guy is shooting into the ground in your video. What does that prove? No flash in daylight anyway. You are a fraud.

Any Vietnam era veteran would recognize the implication of the last two photos. The first one is obvious to anyone.

View attachment 53958

View attachment 53959

View attachment 53960

It's pretty funny, every internet warrior ALWAYS claims to be a LRRP. Your Honorable Discharge doesn't show your unit clearly (I certainly don't blame you for that, this IS the internet after all) but a patch on a jacket doesn't impress me very much as there are loads of them for sale on ebay every second of every day.

Honorable Discharges do not indicate unit or units the veteran served in.

You can believe what you want, Sua Sponte. Don't need to convince chickenhawks of anything.

You know that is true...I had forgotten that fact. I am a competition shooter so have probably got a lot more trigger time than you have. Granted I don't tend to shoot AT people (though I was involved in a shooting scrape with bandits in Morocco back in the day) however I KNOW how weapons work and actually use them almost daily. That's why when I see a video like that my bullshit meter pegs.

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