Israeli's shoot/kill wounded Arab on the floor

Thats another war crime

Ramallah is Palestinian town in the West Bank. Yes cold blooded murder.

"“….. A desolate country whose soil is rich enough, but is given over wholly to weeds… a silent mournful expanse…. a desolation…. we never saw a human being on the whole route…. hardly a tree or shrub anywhere. Even the olive tree and the cactus, those fast friends of a worthless soil, had almost deserted the country.”
- Mark Twain in Israel, 1867

There was no Israel in 1867 and you Zionuts always miss out the bit that follows, “The narrow canon in which Nablous, or Shechem, is situated, is under high cultivation, and the soil is exceedingly black and fertile. It is well watered, and its affluent vegetation gains effect by contrast with the barren hills that tower on either side”

“Sometimes, in the glens, we came upon luxuriant orchards of figs, apricots, pomegranates, and such things, but oftener the scenery was rugged, mountainous, verdureless and forbidding”

“We came finally to the noble grove of orange-trees in which the Oriental city of Jaffa lies buried”

“Small shreds and patches of it must be very beautiful in the full flush of spring, however, and all the more beautiful by contrast with the far-reaching desolation that surrounds them on every side” --Mark Twain, 1867, and not a Jewish Zionist in sight.

What you islamonuts need to remember is that scouring the web for "quotes" you can cut and paste means only that you have ample time for scouring the web.

While the web can be a valuable research tool, it can also be a playground for cut and pasters looking for a handy "quote".

Quoting Mark Twain out of context on Palestine - Palestine Remembered

Quite right. Have you read Innocents Abroad? I have, allow me to educate you The Innocents Abroad by Mark Twain please, no need to thank me, happy to help. :)
two stabbing attacks on Israeli seniors. Israelis have had enough.

“A clear pattern has emerged of lethal force being used unlawfully by Israeli forces following a wave of recent stabbing attacks by Palestinians against Israeli civilians and military or police forces in Israel and the occupied West Bank,” Israeli forces in Occupied Palestinian Territories must end pattern of unlawful killings | Amnesty International

I suspect the rest of the world is rapidly getting to the point where we've had enough of Israel.

"In an especially egregious case, Israeli forces shot dead 19-year-old Sa’ad Muhammad Youssef al-Atrash in the Old City of Hebron as he attempted to retrieve an ID card at an Israeli soldier’s request on 26 October. The Israeli police labelled the incident an “attempted stabbing” but an eyewitness watching the events unfold from her balcony said he had posed no threat when he was shot. One of the soldiers had asked him for ID, and as he reached into his pocket to grab his card another soldier standing behind him shot him on his right side, she told Amnesty International. The eyewitness said he was shot six or seven times and bled profusely as he lay on the ground for about 40 minutes afterwards, while soldiers failed to provide medical treatment. She also reported seeing soldiers bring a knife and place it in the dying man’s hand.

“Then they put him on a stretcher and pushed him towards an ambulance but didn’t put him in. By this time he looked extremely yellow and I thought that he was dead at that point. He remained in front of the ambulance for another 20 minutes before he was put inside it and taken away,” the witness said."

"On 25 October, a short distance from where al-Atrash was killed, Israeli border police shot dead Dania Jihad Hussein Ershied, 17. Shortly before she was killed, she had passed through a checkpoint equipped with a metal detector and two revolving gates, between which Israeli forces frequently lock people they deem suspicious. At a second checkpoint in front of Hebron’s Ibrahimi Mosque she was called for a second inspection by more than five border police officers, who began searching her bag and yelling at her to show her knife.

Warning shots were fired at her feet, prompting her to step back and raise her hands in the air. She was shouting at the police that she did not have a knife and still had her arms raised when police again opened fire, shooting her six or seven times.

A photo of Ershied’s body shows a knife lying near the body, and the Israeli police spokesperson has stated that she attempted to stab a border policeman. However, even if Dania Jihad Hussein Ershied had a knife in her possession, eyewitness accounts indicate she was not posing a threat to Israeli forces when she was shot, and her killing is therefore absolutely unjustified."

Yes folks, that's Zionist Israel, our "partner in peace".

Not included in your long cut and paste:

“Israeli forces and civilians have faced genuine attacks and threats to their lives over the past weeks. But heavily armed soldiers and police wearing body armour facing a possible knife attack have a duty to use proportionate and graduated force and attempt to arrest suspects before resorting to the use of lethal force,” said Philip Luther.

Maybe your pal Philip is suggesting that Israelis not use force to confront Islamic terrorists?

You should consider drafting a strongly worded email (type it in all caps), to the Israeli defense forces and demand that they shed their weapons and carry only knives so the "poor oppressed Pal'istanians™ can get carved up with a bayonet.

Really, Habib, stop being such a wimpy convert wannabe and do your own gee-haddin'. Care to take on an IDF soldier in a knife fight?

No. Didn't think so. Go pound away at your keyboard, Habib.

Thats another war crime

Ramallah is Palestinian town in the West Bank. Yes cold blooded murder.

"“….. A desolate country whose soil is rich enough, but is given over wholly to weeds… a silent mournful expanse…. a desolation…. we never saw a human being on the whole route…. hardly a tree or shrub anywhere. Even the olive tree and the cactus, those fast friends of a worthless soil, had almost deserted the country.”
- Mark Twain in Israel, 1867

There was no Israel in 1867 and you Zionuts always miss out the bit that follows, “The narrow canon in which Nablous, or Shechem, is situated, is under high cultivation, and the soil is exceedingly black and fertile. It is well watered, and its affluent vegetation gains effect by contrast with the barren hills that tower on either side”

“Sometimes, in the glens, we came upon luxuriant orchards of figs, apricots, pomegranates, and such things, but oftener the scenery was rugged, mountainous, verdureless and forbidding”

“We came finally to the noble grove of orange-trees in which the Oriental city of Jaffa lies buried”

“Small shreds and patches of it must be very beautiful in the full flush of spring, however, and all the more beautiful by contrast with the far-reaching desolation that surrounds them on every side” --Mark Twain, 1867, and not a Jewish Zionist in sight.

What you islamonuts need to remember is that scouring the web for "quotes" you can cut and paste means only that you have ample time for scouring the web.

While the web can be a valuable research tool, it can also be a playground for cut and pasters looking for a handy "quote".

Quoting Mark Twain out of context on Palestine - Palestine Remembered

Quite right. Have you read Innocents Abroad? I have, allow me to educate you The Innocents Abroad by Mark Twain please, no need to thank me, happy to help. :)

And one person's opinion is not historical fact.

Glad to help with your education.
Oh boy

Thats another war crime

Ramallah is Palestinian town in the West Bank. Yes cold blooded murder.

"“….. A desolate country whose soil is rich enough, but is given over wholly to weeds… a silent mournful expanse…. a desolation…. we never saw a human being on the whole route…. hardly a tree or shrub anywhere. Even the olive tree and the cactus, those fast friends of a worthless soil, had almost deserted the country.”
- Mark Twain in Israel, 1867

There was no Israel in 1867 and you Zionuts always miss out the bit that follows, “The narrow canon in which Nablous, or Shechem, is situated, is under high cultivation, and the soil is exceedingly black and fertile. It is well watered, and its affluent vegetation gains effect by contrast with the barren hills that tower on either side”

“Sometimes, in the glens, we came upon luxuriant orchards of figs, apricots, pomegranates, and such things, but oftener the scenery was rugged, mountainous, verdureless and forbidding”

“We came finally to the noble grove of orange-trees in which the Oriental city of Jaffa lies buried”

“Small shreds and patches of it must be very beautiful in the full flush of spring, however, and all the more beautiful by contrast with the far-reaching desolation that surrounds them on every side” --Mark Twain, 1867, and not a Jewish Zionist in sight.

oh boy, rural farms and not one Islamo in sight. Yep, when the Jews came and created jobs, the Islamos moved in looking for work.

Thats another war crime

"War" your cheap whining for anti-Semites, the idea of shooting a terrorist in the first place is that he wont be able to attack ("neutralize") so when he tries to get up towards the soldier it is obvious just to shoot him again.
Ramallah is Palestinian town in the West Bank. Yes cold blooded murder.
"“….. A desolate country whose soil is rich enough, but is given over wholly to weeds… a silent mournful expanse…. a desolation…. we never saw a human being on the whole route…. hardly a tree or shrub anywhere. Even the olive tree and the cactus, those fast friends of a worthless soil, had almost deserted the country.”
- Mark Twain in Israel, 1867
There was no Israel in 1867 and you Zionuts always miss out the bit that follows, “The narrow canon in which Nablous, or Shechem, is situated, is under high cultivation, and the soil is exceedingly black and fertile. It is well watered, and its affluent vegetation gains effect by contrast with the barren hills that tower on either side”

“Sometimes, in the glens, we came upon luxuriant orchards of figs, apricots, pomegranates, and such things, but oftener the scenery was rugged, mountainous, verdureless and forbidding”

“We came finally to the noble grove of orange-trees in which the Oriental city of Jaffa lies buried”

“Small shreds and patches of it must be very beautiful in the full flush of spring, however, and all the more beautiful by contrast with the far-reaching desolation that surrounds them on every side” --Mark Twain, 1867, and not a Jewish Zionist in sight.
What you islamonuts need to remember is that scouring the web for "quotes" you can cut and paste means only that you have ample time for scouring the web.

While the web can be a valuable research tool, it can also be a playground for cut and pasters looking for a handy "quote".

Quoting Mark Twain out of context on Palestine - Palestine Remembered

Quite right. Have you read Innocents Abroad? I have, allow me to educate you The Innocents Abroad by Mark Twain please, no need to thank me, happy to help. :)
And one person's opinion is not historical fact.

Glad to help with your education.
And one person's opinion is not historical fact.

Quite right. Zionuts should keep that in mind when they selectively post Mark Twain to support their fantasies.

Thats another war crime

"War" your cheap whining for anti-Semites, the idea of shooting a terrorist in the first place is that he wont be able to attack ("neutralize") so when he tries to get up towards the soldier it is obvious just to shoot him again.

Standard IDF tactics: shoot first, plant evidence, ask questions later.

More like false islamonuts claims. What evidence was planted?

Thats another war crime

"War" your cheap whining for anti-Semites, the idea of shooting a terrorist in the first place is that he wont be able to attack ("neutralize") so when he tries to get up towards the soldier it is obvious just to shoot him again.

Standard IDF tactics: shoot first, plant evidence, ask questions later.

Pretty cool how the IDF can fire thousands of rockets from the West Bank at Israeli civilians in violation of every international law there is and not get caught.

Thats another war crime

"War" your cheap whining for anti-Semites, the idea of shooting a terrorist in the first place is that he wont be able to attack ("neutralize") so when he tries to get up towards the soldier it is obvious just to shoot him again.

Standard IDF tactics: shoot first, plant evidence, ask questions later.

Pretty cool how the IDF can fire thousands of rockets from the West Bank at Israeli civilians in violation of every international law there is and not get caught.

More like incredible, since rockets aren't fired from the West Bank, that's more a Hamas Hizbullah thing. Happy to educate you.

Thats another war crime

"War" your cheap whining for anti-Semites, the idea of shooting a terrorist in the first place is that he wont be able to attack ("neutralize") so when he tries to get up towards the soldier it is obvious just to shoot him again.

Standard IDF tactics: shoot first, plant evidence, ask questions later.

Pretty cool how the IDF can fire thousands of rockets from the West Bank at Israeli civilians in violation of every international law there is and not get caught.

More like incredible, since rockets aren't fired from the West Bank, that's more a Hamas Hizbullah thing. Happy to educate you.

I can't find Hamas on a map, give us a link, Spinmeister. Oh wait, Hamas is the elected leadership of those living in the West Bank.
The pathetic lies of the Islamofascist pigs is most entertaining.
I can't find Hamas on a map, give us a link, Spinmeister. Oh wait, Hamas is the elected leadership of those living in the West Bank.
The pathetic lies of the Islamofascist pigs is most entertaining.

You really dont have a clue do you?
What's The Difference Between The West Bank and The Gaza Strip?

The islamo-West Bank and Gaza'istan can be described as a part of Greater Islam'istan in that both locations have the shared pathology of retrograde islamism.
I can't find Hamas on a map, give us a link, Spinmeister. Oh wait, Hamas is the elected leadership of those living in the West Bank.
The pathetic lies of the Islamofascist pigs is most entertaining.

You really dont have a clue do you?
What's The Difference Between The West Bank and The Gaza Strip?
I've been in the West Bank. It's a skanky Islamo slum of corruption.
And you still dont know who is the elected leadership of the West bank?
I can't find Hamas on a map, give us a link, Spinmeister. Oh wait, Hamas is the elected leadership of those living in the West Bank.
The pathetic lies of the Islamofascist pigs is most entertaining.

You really dont have a clue do you?
What's The Difference Between The West Bank and The Gaza Strip?
I've been in the West Bank. It's a skanky Islamo slum of corruption.
And you still dont know who is the elected leadership of the West bank?
Nobody cares.
I can't find Hamas on a map, give us a link, Spinmeister. Oh wait, Hamas is the elected leadership of those living in the West Bank.
The pathetic lies of the Islamofascist pigs is most entertaining.

You really dont have a clue do you?
What's The Difference Between The West Bank and The Gaza Strip?
I've been in the West Bank. It's a skanky Islamo slum of corruption.
And you still dont know who is the elected leadership of the West bank?
Just a competing version of islamo-fascist welfare cheats.
I can't find Hamas on a map, give us a link, Spinmeister. Oh wait, Hamas is the elected leadership of those living in the West Bank.
The pathetic lies of the Islamofascist pigs is most entertaining.

You really dont have a clue do you?
What's The Difference Between The West Bank and The Gaza Strip?
I've been in the West Bank. It's a skanky Islamo slum of corruption.
No, that's the illegal Zionist settlements there.
I can't find Hamas on a map, give us a link, Spinmeister. Oh wait, Hamas is the elected leadership of those living in the West Bank.
The pathetic lies of the Islamofascist pigs is most entertaining.

You really dont have a clue do you?
What's The Difference Between The West Bank and The Gaza Strip?
I've been in the West Bank. It's a skanky Islamo slum of corruption.
No, that's the illegal Zionist settlements there.
Illegal per your islamo- entitlement standards?

The Israeli settlements are way to bring a modern, educated society in place of the putrid backwater of just another islamist hellhole.

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