Israel’s Big Lie of “Self-Defence”

They can't separate Judaism from Zionism Billo

Mainstream media wants us all to think they're the same

the Zionists agenda, cloaked in the guise of bigotry

Put it down, and you're a Jew hating anti-semite


Judaism is a religion; Zionism is a political movement.

There is nothing wrong with Judaism. Jews are not the problem; they are not at fault. It is the Israeli right that is the problem.

Jews are a beautiful people, just like Muslims. Both groups believe in peace. The Israeli Zionist right, on the other hand, just like neocons in my country, are major assholes who walk around like their shit don't stink.
It is silly in the extreme to insist on the 1949 Armistice Lines as being any sort of "requirement". They were explicitly defined NOT to be a requirement or pre-condition in every. single. legal. document.
Claiming Israel has a right to that land, is the same as saying it was okay for Germany to annex Poland.
They have it, they're keeping it.
There is another option to the two-state solution. Israel takes all the land, from the desert to the sea and gives the Palestinians full citizenship rights with complete freedom of movement as Israeli-Arabs. The same as Israeli-Jews. Equal rights for Arabs and Jews. Equal representation for Arabs and Jews. Then, you will be a true democracy with the rest of the world having your back.
There is another option to the two-state solution. Israel takes all the land, from the desert to the sea and gives the Palestinians full citizenship rights with complete freedom of movement as Israeli-Arabs. The same as Israeli-Jews. Equal rights for Arabs and Jews. Equal representation for Arabs and Jews. Then, you will be a true democracy with the rest of the world having your back.

Israel should definitely give the Palestinians citizenship.
Would they like Syrian citizenship or Jordanian citizenship?
Maybe Sudanese?
There is another option to the two-state solution. Israel takes all the land, from the desert to the sea and gives the Palestinians full citizenship rights with complete freedom of movement as Israeli-Arabs. The same as Israeli-Jews. Equal rights for Arabs and Jews. Equal representation for Arabs and Jews. Then, you will be a true democracy with the rest of the world having your back.
Sure would make suicide bombing more efficient
Exactly. I'm not sure why you think this supports your point, rather than mine. This completely confirms what I have been arguing. The territory of Gaza is not actually under the authority of a hostile army (Israeli military control). Disengagement of all Israeli military occurred in 2005. There is no authority within Gaza by the Israeli government or military which has been established or can be exercised, since 2005. Israel has absolutely no control over any normative government functions in Gaza.

There are no international hostilities. Peace treaties pertaining to the areas of Gaza and Judea and Samaria exist and are legally valid. Peace treaties END THE INTERNATIONAL CONFLICT. Also, in no way a small point, neither Egypt nor Jordan had an possible legal claim to those territories, so not only IS there no occupation, there never WAS an occupation.

There is not, and there never was, an occupation. Anything written after this line is therefore entirely irrelevant. I'm going to address one anyway.

The claim to Israel's sovereignty over the territory in question has nothing to do with the (non-existent) occupation. The claim to Israel's sovereignty precedes the 1967 war. The claim to Israel's sovereignty arises from the 1922 Mandate for Palestine and Israel's declaration of independence in 1948. Nothing has changed any of that right to sovereignty and territorial integrity. Why? Because the 1948 war was an invasion of foreign States (Egypt and Jordan particularly) into territory under Israel's sovereignty to which these States (Egypt and Jordan) had NO VALID CLAIM. The reclamation of these territories from States who had no valid claim, is not an occupation. You can not occupy territory that you have sovereign claim to, especially when you are the ONLY one with a sovereign legal claim to those territories. You can not "occupy" your own territory.
And I thought you were going to accuse the Red Cross of being anti-Semitic?
If they have a right to defend against occupiers, why did they have to cross borders?
Weird huh?

You misunderstand.

In 1920, there were fewer than 5% Jews in Palestine, and they owned essentially 0% of the land.
After the Zionist murders and invasions, now 13 million Moslem Palestinians occupy 10% of their land, while 7 million illegal immigrant Jews occupy 90% of Palestine.

The legal borders are not where you think they are.
Israel is illegally occupy almost all of the Palestinian side of the UN partition, and has illegally displaced the natives who own properties on the Israeli side of the UN partition.

The illegal "occupiers" have illegally moved the borders, and the UN never did anything about it.

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