Israel’s Big Lie of “Self-Defence”

You still don't have the balls to step up, be a man and answer the question. Do you, troll?

When something is as self evident as someone who denies the most brutal atrocities happened, while defending those who did them?

I dunno man.

If it walks like a duck…..
You misunderstand.

In 1920, there were fewer than 5% Jews in Palestine, and they owned essentially 0% of the land.
After the Zionist murders and invasions, now 13 million Moslem Palestinians occupy 10% of their land, while 7 million illegal immigrant Jews occupy 90% of Palestine.

The legal borders are not where you think they are.
Israel is illegally occupy almost all of the Palestinian side of the UN partition, and has illegally displaced the natives who own properties on the Israeli side of the UN partition.

The illegal "occupiers" have illegally moved the borders, and the UN never did anything about it.

In 1920, there were fewer than 5% Jews in Palestine, and they owned essentially 0% of the land.

They owned more than the Arabs owned.

After the Zionist murders and invasions, now 13 million Moslem Palestinians occupy 10% of their land,

11 million muslims have about 77% of the mandate in Jordan.

while 7 million illegal immigrant Jews occupy 90% of Palestine.

You mean Israel is about 23% of the mandate.

Israel is illegally occupy almost all of the Palestinian side of the UN partition,

That's hilarious! Every time the pallies get an opportunity, they fuck it up. Morons.

The illegal "occupiers" have illegally moved the borders

You misspelled, "The Jews keep kicking Arab ass".
The situation in Gaza is unique. The ruling body in Gaza has (a) stated in its founding documents the firm intention to eradicate all Jews from the territory in question, and has (b) continually for more than a decade mounted terroristic attacks - mainly in the form of missiles fired into civilian enclaves - against the State of Israel. Thousands of missiles over more than a decade.

Even now, the military forces attacking Israel could bring hostilities to a close almost immediately if they would release the hostages and stop their attacks. Indeed ALL of Israel's military actions have been reactive to stop "Palestinian" military initiatives.

As long as Hamas and its allies continue their attacks, Israel's action are defensive.

That is just a lie.
Moslems have never attacked Jews for being Jewish.
They always lived together peacefully, for 1400 years.

Hamas was not created until 1987, long after the Israelis were guilty of tens of thousands of mass murders.
Hamas originally did not accept Israel at all, but by 1997 agreed to a 2 state solution.

And Hamas has NEVER initiated any missile attacks.
All the missiles they have ever fired were in retaliation after an invasion or raid by Israel.
Since all the original Hamas members were murdered long ago, there is pretty good evidence that Israel is the guilty party for all the violations, murders, illegal evictions, etc.

Blaming the Palestinian natives is foolish, since they are not the ones who started any of the violence.
Go back and look up who massacred Arab villages in the 1940s?
Who invaded Jerusalem and the West Bank in 67, in violation of the UN partition?
Judaism is a religion; Zionism is a political movement.

There is nothing wrong with Judaism. Jews are not the problem; they are not at fault. It is the Israeli right that is the problem.

Jews are a beautiful people, just like Muslims. Both groups believe in peace. The Israeli Zionist right, on the other hand, just like neocons in my country, are major assholes who walk around like their shit don't stink.
We both know that Billo

In fact many folks here do as well

My point is, we're being drowned out by the warmongers sword rattlers

Every conflict stars with tools

Note how none of these same sorts haven't any 'rattle' left for Ukraine?

Give it time , and Israel will fall into the same complacency

In 1920, there were fewer than 5% Jews in Palestine, and they owned essentially 0% of the land.

They owned more than the Arabs owned.

After the Zionist murders and invasions, now 13 million Moslem Palestinians occupy 10% of their land,

11 million muslims have about 77% of the mandate in Jordan.

while 7 million illegal immigrant Jews occupy 90% of Palestine.

You mean Israel is about 23% of the mandate.

Israel is illegally occupy almost all of the Palestinian side of the UN partition,

That's hilarious! Every time the pallies get an opportunity, they fuck it up. Morons.

The illegal "occupiers" have illegally moved the borders

You misspelled, "The Jews keep kicking Arab ass".

The British Mandate for Palestine never included Jordan.
There were never any Jews in Jordan.
And Jordan was a French Mandate.

Israel was about 55% of the original Palestine, but it was still supposed to honor the land ownership of the Arab individuals, who owned all of the properties.
Instead the Israelis murdered the Arab villages and stole the properties.
The British Mandate for Palestine never included Jordan.
There were never any Jews in Jordan.
And Jordan was a French Mandate.

Israel was about 55% of the original Palestine, but it was still supposed to honor the land ownership of the Arab individuals, who owned all of the properties.
Instead the Israelis murdered the Arab villages and stole the properties.

The British Mandate for Palestine never included Jordan.

Sure it did.

And Jordan was a French Mandate.

LOL! That was Syria and Lebanon. DURR


Israel was about 55% of the original Palestine,

More like 23%.

but it was still supposed to honor the land ownership of the Arab individuals

But then the Arabs fucked up.

who owned all of the properties.

Ottoman properties, not Arab.
Go back to 1920 and you not only have no Israel, but only fewer than 5% Jewish population.
So all of Israel is stolen from Palestine and the native Arab owners.

Go back to 1920 and you not only have no Israel, but only fewer than 5% Jewish population.

And now you do have Israel with about 80% Jewish population.

So all of Israel is stolen from Palestine

It was Ottoman land, not Arab land. And now it's Jewish land.
Claiming Israel has a right to that land, is the same as saying it was okay for Germany to annex Poland.
Sigh. No.

Egypt and Jordan crossed the international borders of their own States in a display of aggression and belligerence. They occupied territory they had NO CLAIM to. (Just like Germany trying to annex Poland).

Who did have sovereign claim to that land? The only claim to that land? The only other State in that land. Israel.
Claiming Israel has a right to that land, is the same as saying it was okay for Germany to annex Poland.
Out of curiosity, where do you think the borders of the newly independent State of Israel actually were in 1948?
And Hamas has NEVER initiated any missile attacks.
All the missiles they have ever fired were in retaliation after an invasion or raid by Israel.
:rolleyes: Yeah, how DARE a Jew pray at the most Holy site?! Invasion!

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