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Israel's inquiry into death of activist Rachel Corrie not credible, says US

thanks for your utterly idiotic comment I have served as an EXPERT WITNESS in a few dozen "personal injury" cases That included evaluating the incident from beginning to end -- this thing was an accident ----the girl was not run down-----she fell into the rut created by the wheel of the dozer as it advanced The dozer was moving slowly----there is no reason for the driver to assume that she was too stupid to move her ass back a few steps or even for him to predict that she would lose her balance She was not crossing a street to go to school-----she was PLAYING A GAME and SHOWING HERSELF AS A HEROINE TO HER IDIOT FRIENDS The driver would have to assume that she was suicidal to imagine that she would just stand there as he slowly advanced the dozer. She was not suicidal-----just stupid Your comment is bigoted nasty islamo nazi filth----Israeli courtrooms function like USA courtrooms. I dealt with injured marines too LOTS OF ACCIDENTS in the MARINE CORPS ------call me ma'am Most of them a lot more "THAT SHOULD NEVER HAVE HAPPENED" than the corrie case but still called ACCIDENTS If you were honest you would admit that fact Now tell me that none of your mates died in accidents while you were in the military------accidents that when everyone got together and did the MONDAY MORNING QUARTERBACK thing-------seemed like negligent homicide. An interesting factoid is that the INJURED PARTY or his relatives ALWAYS BELIEVES that someone should be BLAMED

yeah, yeah, yeah...she deserved to die because she was "stupid"...mentally defective, huh?

seems like there was a cat running around western europe in the 1930s who also felt mentally defective people deserved to die...and homosexuals...and those nigra folk...and gypsies...and a few other groups as well. seems he believed in a chosen people...was that the term? something like that...maybe it was a master race...i forget.

say there, rosie. if ya don't have any plans for the next couple of months, well, i hear poland hasn't been invaded in awhile.

I love freedom of SPEECH !!!

I love freedom of the PRESS !!!

I think that Jews and Zionists love those things also except when it comes to criticizing Israel or other Jews. They hate it when other people do it but it really becomes anathema when a Jew does it. In my almost two years of posting on boards I have
[/COLOR]never,never, I mean never seen such criticism [COLOR="blue"]and at this point I get the feeling that I never will see such. I ask myself why that is so, I am Catholic and I criticize the Catholic Church ( Jews also seem to love to criticize it ), I am American and I criticize America ( jews do this also ). So why is it that they are afraid to criticize either themselves or Israel. I think that it is because they are afraid that the MASK will slip off if they do so. They are not afraid that we will see it because they beleive that we are insignificant, rather they are afraid that they will have to face up to the truth that they are no better then the rest of us and in some respects they are worse.

Not yet has one Zionist even admitted the possibility that Israel is culpable in any way for Rachel Corries death. Instead they have mocked her with JOKES about pancakes or they have called her stupid. Worse then that are the ones who give credence to these insults by standing silent. I thought we had enough of standing silent durning the Holocaust.
for the record----pat did the islamo nazi pig thing again and lied in the vulgar islamo nazi manner
At no point did I say that the corrie "deserved" to die and at no point in my life have I ever stated that any person who was injured or died in an accident ---of the THOUSANDS OF CASES I HAVE EVALUATED "deserved" to die or be injured

islamo nazi pigs are so desperate that they have decided to INSIST that Israel has a program of killing people by creting scenaria in which the people somehow end up in front of moving bull dozers ----it must be obvious to all that Corrie was actually kidnapped and tied down so that she could be run over by a bull dozer. This is Israel's answer to patrick's favored nail bombs. slit throats and gas chambers because Israel is so much more efficient in killing than are his fellow islamo nazis
"afraid that they will have to face up to the truth that they are no better then the rest of us and in some respects they are worse"

Patrick has expressed the crux of the problem----which is that he cannot bear to face the fact that he originates from a dungheap as do the rest of his fellow islamo nazi pigs------but jews have never engaged in the filth with which he and his have been involved for millenia .
For this reason he is STRUGGLING to render an accidental death as something like the gross obscene genocides in which his own have engaged HAPPILY
Interesting anecdote, but utterly irrelevant. And if you've ever operated a Cat D-9 or the equivalent you would know why. I operated 'dozers for four years in the Marine Corps. That was my job. And I'm telling you Rachel Corrie's death was no accident.
I'll tell you what Mike... I worked around Cat D9's myself, and I assure you they cannot always see you. I used to have to guide them in to push out side dump trailers at a dump, and you don't mess around with those things if you have a brain. Once they got in close I had to stand way outside the blade and communicate to the driver where he could see me, and tell him how much room he had left. Either you aren't being exactly truthful, or you didn't work very closely around D9's.
i'm inclined to believe the marine ...
Or any other starship trooper, for that matter, of course.
Himmler had it all wrong-----gassing people to death is silly------it is far more efficient to let them free and try to run them down with bulldozers
Himmler had it all wrong-----gassing people to death is silly------it is far more efficient to let them free and try to run them down with bulldozers

Or do what Eisenhower did
Gotha, Germany - "Eisenhower's Death Camp"

The city of Gotha is mostly known to Americans, if at all, as the first headquarters of the American Army in Germany, set up by General Dwight D. Eisenhower in April 1945, and as the site of one of the Prisoner of War camps where captured German soldiers were treated in a barbaric fashion with total disregard to the rules of civilized warfare, according to an
American prison guard.

General Eisenhower mentioned Gotha in his book "Crusade in Europe," as the nearest city to the "horror camp" at Ohrdruf-Nord, the first concentration camp to be discovered in Germany by American soldiers on April 4, 1945, but he failed to mention his own notorious POW camp located near Gotha.

On March 10, 1945 as World War II was coming to an end, General Eisenhower signed an order creating the status of Disarmed Enemy Forces for the German Prisoners of War who would soon be surrendering to the Americans. This order was a violation of the Geneva Convention because it allowed Eisenhower to disregard the rules for the treatment of Prisoners of War. It allowed him to starve the German POWs, deny them the right to send and receive letters, and to receive Red Cross packages and packages from German civilians. All of these rights were enjoyed by the prisoners in the Nazi POW camps and even in the notorious concentration camps. Eisenhower signed this order before he had even seen the horrors of the concentration camps, which so affected him.

In his book entitled "Other Losses," James Bacque wrote the following:

There were no tents in the Gotha DEF camp, only the usual barbed wire fences round a field soon churned to mud. On the first day, they received a small ration of food, which was then cut in half. In order to get it, they were forced to run a gauntlet. Hunched over, they ran between lines of guards who hit them with sticks as they scurried towards their food. On April 27, they were transferred to the U.S. camp at Heidesheim further west where there was no food at all for days, then very little.
Gotha, Germany - site of "Eisenhower's Death Camp"

Starting in April 1945, the United States Army and the French Army casually annihilated about one million men, most of them in American camps.

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patrickcaturday;5892577 [COLOR="Blue" said:
I love freedom of SPEECH !!!

I love freedom of the PRESS !!!

I think that Jews and Zionists love those things also except when it comes to criticizing Israel or other Jews. They hate it when other people do it but it really becomes anathema when a Jew does it. In my almost two years of posting on boards I have
[/COLOR]never,never, I mean never seen such criticism [COLOR="blue"]and at this point I get the feeling that I never will see such. I ask myself why that is so, I am Catholic and I criticize the Catholic Church ( Jews also seem to love to criticize it ), I am American and I criticize America ( jews do this also ). So why is it that they are afraid to criticize either themselves or Israel. I think that it is because they are afraid that the MASK will slip off if they do so. They are not afraid that we will see it because they beleive that we are insignificant, rather they are afraid that they will have to face up to the truth that they are no better then the rest of us and in some respects they are worse.

Not yet has one Zionist even admitted the possibility that Israel is culpable in any way for Rachel Corries death. Instead they have mocked her with JOKES about pancakes or they have called her stupid. Worse then that are the ones who give credence to these insults by standing silent. I thought we had enough of standing silent durning the Holocaust

From Rose;
for the record----pat did the islamo nazi pig thing again and lied in the vulgar islamo nazi manner
At no point did I say that the corrie "deserved" to die and at no point in my life have I ever stated that any person who was injured or died in an accident ---of the THOUSANDS OF CASES I HAVE EVALUATED "deserved" to die or be injured

islamo nazi pigs are so desperate that they have decided to INSIST that Israel has a program of killing people by creting scenaria in which the people somehow end up in front of moving bull dozers ----it must be obvious to all that Corrie was actually kidnapped and tied down so that she could be run over by a bull dozer. This is Israel's answer to patrick's favored nail bombs. slit throats and gas chambers because Israel is so much more efficient in killing than are his fellow islamo nazis

Also from Rose;
"afraid that they will have to face up to the truth that they are no better then the rest of us and in some respects they are worse"

Patrick has expressed the crux of the problem----which is that he cannot bear to face the fact that he originates from a dungheap as do the rest of his fellow islamo nazi pigs------but jews have never engaged in the filth with which he and his have been involved for millenia .
For this reason he is STRUGGLING to render an accidental death as something like the gross obscene genocides in which his own have engaged HAPPILY

I will answer Rose's two posts briefly as I have no desire to deal with a person who has no grasp upon reality.I am stunned, I really have no words to deal with this. I challenge Rose to prove any of her statements, her two posts are filled with lies and innuendo, it really does take ones breath away.
Just as a point of reference however my heritage is Irish/American, so I suppose she is saying that the Irish and American Cultures are dung heaps also as I mentioned I am Catholic so that Islamo Nazi crap doesn't wash either.
The only thing that I can really conclude from her two posts are as I suggested her mask has slipped and she is horrified by the reflection that she views in the mirror. Now Rose we know you for what you are, a bitter old crone. Please don't push it Rose, I take no pleasure in exposing your delusions to the light of day.

Unless further rebuttel is needed
yeah, yeah, yeah...she deserved to die because she was "stupid"...mentally defective, huh?

seems like there was a cat running around western europe in the 1930s who also felt mentally defective people deserved to die...and homosexuals...and those nigra folk...and gypsies...and a few other groups as well. seems he believed in a chosen people...was that the term? something like that...maybe it was a master race...i forget.

say there, rosie. if ya don't have any plans for the next couple of months, well, i hear poland hasn't been invaded in awhile.

I love freedom of SPEECH !!!

I love freedom of the PRESS !!!

I think that Jews and Zionists love those things also except when it comes to criticizing Israel or other Jews. They hate it when other people do it but it really becomes anathema when a Jew does it. In my almost two years of posting on boards I have
[/COLOR]never,never, I mean never seen such criticism [COLOR="blue"]and at this point I get the feeling that I never will see such. I ask myself why that is so, I am Catholic and I criticize the Catholic Church ( Jews also seem to love to criticize it ), I am American and I criticize America ( jews do this also ). So why is it that they are afraid to criticize either themselves or Israel. I think that it is because they are afraid that the MASK will slip off if they do so. They are not afraid that we will see it because they beleive that we are insignificant, rather they are afraid that they will have to face up to the truth that they are no better then the rest of us and in some respects they are worse.

Not yet has one Zionist even admitted the possibility that Israel is culpable in any way for Rachel Corries death. Instead they have mocked her with JOKES about pancakes or they have called her stupid. Worse then that are the ones who give credence to these insults by standing silent. I thought we had enough of standing silent durning the Holocaust.

Corrie's death was an accident, which she brought upon herself for standing in harm's way.
So the Israeli death's soon to come can be waved off as brought upon themselves for standing in harm's way.?

I love freedom of SPEECH !!!

I love freedom of the PRESS !!!

I think that Jews and Zionists love those things also except when it comes to criticizing Israel or other Jews. They hate it when other people do it but it really becomes anathema when a Jew does it. In my almost two years of posting on boards I have
[/COLOR]never,never, I mean never seen such criticism [COLOR="blue"]and at this point I get the feeling that I never will see such. I ask myself why that is so, I am Catholic and I criticize the Catholic Church ( Jews also seem to love to criticize it ), I am American and I criticize America ( jews do this also ). So why is it that they are afraid to criticize either themselves or Israel. I think that it is because they are afraid that the MASK will slip off if they do so. They are not afraid that we will see it because they beleive that we are insignificant, rather they are afraid that they will have to face up to the truth that they are no better then the rest of us and in some respects they are worse.

Not yet has one Zionist even admitted the possibility that Israel is culpable in any way for Rachel Corries death. Instead they have mocked her with JOKES about pancakes or they have called her stupid. Worse then that are the ones who give credence to these insults by standing silent. I thought we had enough of standing silent durning the Holocaust.

Corrie's death was an accident, which she brought upon herself for standing in harm's way.

If it was an accident ??? then Israel is still culpable of depraved indifference for human life as the C.O. of the unit should have made sure that all civillians were out of harms way before he allowed the bulldozer to move !!!
yeah, yeah, yeah...she deserved to die because she was "stupid"...mentally defective, huh?
Darwin awards aren't there for nothing, of course.

i would think that you, irosie, and some others, whose almost three million ancestors passively, unquestioneningly, and perhaps even gleefully, bought their own one way tickets to "relocation" camps such as aushwitz-birkenau, belzec, sobibor, treblinka, and other "homes away from home" and sent postcards back to their relatives telling them how wonderful the NAZIs were treating them...while all the while agonising sceams pierced the silence of their arrival at these camps and the pungent odor of burnt flesh, rotting corpses, and the decay of death lingered in the morning air...i would think that you people, of all the people in the world, would show some empathy for the unnecessary death of another innocent.
I think anyone who uses such a phrase as 'right thinking' or such ought to be ashamed of themselves.

'Right thinking' troops understand that they aren't serving to defend everyone's right to agree with them.

right thinking troops do not callously disregard the safety of civilians, period. right thinking troops would recognise she posed no immediate threat and that the building destruction could haave waited.

there was absolutely no reason why that young woman had to die and there is absolutely no reason why american jews and zionists should joke about her death or defend it in any way. such action on their part certainly lends credence to those who make the accusation of "israel firsters."

your "neg repping" me will not silence what i have to say. you are a petty, little coward.

I'm not at all impressed with the inane overly judgemental hissy-fits you continually post, Seal.
I think it's sad that you evidently NEEEEEEED to feel 'important' in such a silly way as to make noises accusing others of wishing to 'silence' you.

AS I STATED earlier - I don't care WHO is using it, the phrase "right -thinking" is complete BS in my opinion and whoever is using it is a pompous asshole, the very picture of a goose-stepping fascist.

I wouldn't deny anyone the opportunity to express their opinions as you insist upon doing to all who disagree with you.
yeah, yeah, yeah...she deserved to die because she was "stupid"...mentally defective, huh?
Darwin awards aren't there for nothing, of course.

i would think that you, irosie, and some others, whose almost three million ancestors passively, unquestioneningly, and perhaps even gleefully, bought their own one way tickets to "relocation" camps such as aushwitz-birkenau, belzec, sobibor, treblinka, and other "homes away from home" and sent postcards back to their relatives telling them how wonderful the NAZIs were treating them...while all the while agonising sceams pierced the silence of their arrival at these camps and the pungen"attitt odor of burnt flesh, rotting corpses, and the decay of death lingered in the morning air...i would think that you people, of all the people in the world, would show some empathy for the unnecessary death of another innocent.

When you LIE like that, people have trouble believing you are any kind of 'impartial'
or 'objective'. (Not about your 'numbers game', but the mind-reading trick).

Perhaps if you could post SOMETHING on the actual topic which didn't degenerate into just another ad hom against Jews/Zionists/Israelis?????
So the Israeli death's soon to come can be waved off as brought upon themselves for standing in harm's way.?

Good point there was NOTHING stopping corrie from FIGHTING THE BULLDOZER she should have SPIT Why did you not go and SPIT along with her?
Jos used RENSE as a source!!!!!

It has a crew of two, an operator and a commander
Armored bulldozer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And neither could see a 5'6" human figure wearing a bright red jacket standing directly in front of them. Which means if their vision is so limited they could not have moved that machine from one place to another without causing major damage to something.

But, why argue. We know who and what we are dealing with. History has shown us that time and time again.

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