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Israel's inquiry into death of activist Rachel Corrie not credible, says US

I think anyone who uses such a phrase as 'right thinking' or such ought to be ashamed of themselves.

'Right thinking' troops understand that they aren't serving to defend everyone's right to agree with them.

right thinking troops do not callously disregard the safety of civilians, period. right thinking troops would recognise she posed no immediate threat and that the building destruction could haave waited.

there was absolutely no reason why that young woman had to die and there is absolutely no reason why american jews and zionists should joke about her death or defend it in any way. such action on their part certainly lends credence to those who make the accusation of "israel firsters."

your "neg repping" me will not silence what i have to say. you are a petty, little coward.

I'm not at all impressed with the inane overly judgemental hissy-fits you continually post, Seal.
I think it's sad that you evidently NEEEEEEED to feel 'important' in such a silly way as to make noises accusing others of wishing to 'silence' you.

AS I STATED earlier - I don't care WHO is using it, the phrase "right -thinking" is complete BS in my opinion and whoever is using it is a pompous asshole, the very picture of a goose-stepping fascist.

I wouldn't deny anyone the opportunity to express their opinions as you insist upon doing to all who disagree with you.

actually, the very picture of a "goose-stepping fascist' is probably one who has major melt downs over the use of a very common phrase, and one that i really don't use that often at all...and certainly less than your compatriots.

and where have i ever denied people the right to express their opinions, ever.

so you have a some sort on neurotic hang up about the term and concept of "right thinking." that really isn't my problem. learn how to deal with it.

yeah...lol...i say something like "ted bundy wasn't eactly a right thinking person" and it will throw you into a conniption fit.

hey...killing millions of european jews wasn't the act of a right thinking person...and you are going to call me a "goose-stepping fascist" for saying that...OK.
Darwin awards aren't there for nothing, of course.

i would think that you, irosie, and some others, whose almost three million ancestors passively, unquestioneningly, and perhaps even gleefully, bought their own one way tickets to "relocation" camps such as aushwitz-birkenau, belzec, sobibor, treblinka, and other "homes away from home" and sent postcards back to their relatives telling them how wonderful the NAZIs were treating them...while all the while agonising sceams pierced the silence of their arrival at these camps and the pungen"attitt odor of burnt flesh, rotting corpses, and the decay of death lingered in the morning air...i would think that you people, of all the people in the world, would show some empathy for the unnecessary death of another innocent.

When you LIE like that, people have trouble believing you are any kind of 'impartial'
or 'objective'. (Not about your 'numbers game', but the mind-reading trick).

Perhaps if you could post SOMETHING on the actual topic which didn't degenerate into just another ad hom against Jews/Zionists/Israelis?????

Holocaust Timeline: The Camps

"Starting early in 1942, the Jewish genocide (sometimes called the Judeocide) went into full operation. Auschwitz 2 (Birkenau), Treblinka, Belzec, and Sobibór began operations as death camps. There was no selection process; Jews were destroyed upon arrival.

Ultimately, the Nazis were responsible for the deaths of some 2.7 million Jews in the death camps. These murders were done secretly under the ruse of resettlement. The Germans hid their true plans from citizens and inhabitants of the ghettos by claiming that Jews were being resettled in the East. They went so far as to charge Jews for a one-way train fare and often, just prior to their murder, had the unknowing victims send reassuring postcards back to the ghettos. Thus did millions of Jews go unwittingly to their deaths with little or no resistance.

The total figure for the Jewish genocide, including shootings and the camps, was between 5.2 and 5.8 million, roughly half of Europe's Jewish population, the highest percentage of loss of any people in the war. About 5 million other victims perished at the hands of Nazi Germany."

i believe the topic was rachel corrie, and part of that topic involved how this young american was being denigrated and maligned by american jews and zionists whose goal seems to shield israel from any wrong doing in her death, to include ridiculing her as stupid.

if you had even the slightest bit of intelligence you would realise, after reading the many other posts by those you seem allied with, that it is a fool's game to question my impartiality. i would venture that i am perhaps the most impartial poster on this thread. perhaps that is why you have such a difficult time dealing with me.
for the record---the board islamo nazi pigs are lying incessantly corrie was NOT standing directly in front of the bulldozer-----she was standing off to the side NEAR the "wheel" as the bull dozer advanced the earth on which she stood gave way and she SLIPPED FORWARD under the wheel The bulldozer was moving slowly enough that the young woman had every opportuity to step back-------she failed to do so which is why she died The comment "SHE DID NOT HAVE TO DIE" is true of every accidental military death of which there are MANY It is true of every traffic death too The fact the corrie PURPOSELY AND KNOWINGLY placed herself into danger is a factor regularly cited in personal injury cases Why is this one different?
Corrie had been run over by a bus in the USA ----the arguments would have been the same. What the islamo nazi pigs are really saying is that any islamo nazi pig in the world has a right to simply say "NO YOU CAN't" to the security measures undertaken by Israel I have a suggestion Islamo nazi pigs should be allowed to stop any security measure they wish-----with the provision that if so doing results in any harm to any person-------by virtue of islamic actions-----that 1000 of the volunteer islamo nazi pigs for each one person harmed by the islamic terrorism ------agree to be executed
Interesting anecdote, but utterly irrelevant. And if you've ever operated a Cat D-9 or the equivalent you would know why.

I operated 'dozers for four years in the Marine Corps. That was my job. And I'm telling you Rachel Corrie's death was no accident.

I'd like to know if the lawyer who handled the Corrie's case had called any experienced bulldozer operators as expert witnesses. But, inasmuch as it was an Israeli court, testimony from Jesus Christ and his mother wouldn't have changed anything.

If that case could be tried in a neutral court, and if each juror were allowed to ride with the operator, the sonofabitch who murdered Rachel would be convicted.

I'll tell you what Mike... I worked around Cat D9's myself, and I assure you they cannot always see you. I used to have to guide them in to push out side dump trailers at a dump, and you don't mess around with those things if you have a brain. Once they got in close I had to stand way outside the blade and communicate to the driver where he could see me, and tell him how much room he had left. Either you aren't being exactly truthful, or you didn't work very closely around D9's.

i'm inclined to believe the marine (which would be a first or me)...buy let's put this aside for the moment, whether rachel corrie's death was deliberate or an accident. that doesn't matter really. we should not even be going there....and you actually provided your own answer.

i have driven tracked vehicles before...APCs and an occasional SP How...and in tight spots involving placement of the vehicle, there was always someone around to insure we were getting things in the right place aand watching out for our fellow troops...and the utmost care was given around civilian noncombatants.

here we have an army that lays claim to not only being the most moral army in the world but also the best trained. HOW IN THE HELL COULD THEY RUN OVER THIS YOUNG AMERICAN WOMAN?

no matter what you think of her politics, ideals, or behaviour, there was absolutely zero reason that she had to die. what kind of friggin' incompetent military allows something like this to happen. the house wasn't going anywhere and who was directing the operator of this rome plow. she could have been arrested, removed, anything but die.

she was an american citizen who died needlessly and some of you so called "americans" actually have the gall to make jokes about her death...to defend the foreign army that needlessly, negligently, and callously at best...and perhaps even deliberately at worst.

and hoss, you should be ashamed of yourself. i find it hard to believe that we were in the same U.S. Army. there is absolutely no excuse for this woman's death and any right thinking troop would say so and lay the blame right on israel's doorstep...but you took the soup, didn't you?

I'm ex Military... Apparently you're telling me that I have no idea what I'm talking about even though you admit you needed spotters yourself around APC'S... Watch this video and at 1:18 you tell me how much visibility you think an operator of a Cat D9 has. and whether they can see a person stupidly standing in front of them... I rest my case. Blame Israel all you want... The girl was an absolute idiot for doing what she did, and all the hatred of Israel in the World wont change that fact. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tL4lJL7vljw&feature=player_detailpage]Caterpillar D9 - YouTube[/ame]
A 100-year-old man reversed his car on to a pavement and hit 11 people, including nine children from a primary school, in Los Angeles, California.

Four children were in critical condition when firemen arrived on the scene but are all expected to survive.

Parents and children were buying snacks from a stall after school finished on Wednesday when Preston Carter backed a powder blue Cadillac towards them.

Some of the children ended up trapped under the car.

People tried to get the driver's attention, but it was too late.
BBC News - Los Angeles driver, 100, hits group of children

I wonder if he will get away with the "I didn't see them" defense?
I'll tell you what Mike... I worked around Cat D9's myself, and I assure you they cannot always see you. I used to have to guide them in to push out side dump trailers at a dump, and you don't mess around with those things if you have a brain. Once they got in close I had to stand way outside the blade and communicate to the driver where he could see me, and tell him how much room he had left. Either you aren't being exactly truthful, or you didn't work very closely around D9's.

i'm inclined to believe the marine (which would be a first or me)...buy let's put this aside for the moment, whether rachel corrie's death was deliberate or an accident. that doesn't matter really. we should not even be going there....and you actually provided your own answer.

i have driven tracked vehicles before...APCs and an occasional SP How...and in tight spots involving placement of the vehicle, there was always someone around to insure we were getting things in the right place aand watching out for our fellow troops...and the utmost care was given around civilian noncombatants.

here we have an army that lays claim to not only being the most moral army in the world but also the best trained. HOW IN THE HELL COULD THEY RUN OVER THIS YOUNG AMERICAN WOMAN?

no matter what you think of her politics, ideals, or behaviour, there was absolutely zero reason that she had to die. what kind of friggin' incompetent military allows something like this to happen. the house wasn't going anywhere and who was directing the operator of this rome plow. she could have been arrested, removed, anything but die.

she was an american citizen who died needlessly and some of you so called "americans" actually have the gall to make jokes about her death...to defend the foreign army that needlessly, negligently, and callously at best...and perhaps even deliberately at worst.

and hoss, you should be ashamed of yourself. i find it hard to believe that we were in the same U.S. Army. there is absolutely no excuse for this woman's death and any right thinking troop would say so and lay the blame right on israel's doorstep...but you took the soup, didn't you?

I'm ex Military... Apparently you're telling me that I have no idea what I'm talking about even though you admit you needed spotters yourself around APC'S... Watch this video and at 1:18 you tell me how much visibility you think an operator of a Cat D9 has. and whether they can see a person stupidly standing in front of them... I rest my case. Blame Israel all you want... The girl was an absolute idiot for doing what she did, and all the hatred of Israel in the World wont change that fact. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tL4lJL7vljw&feature=player_detailpage]Caterpillar D9 - YouTube[/ame]

what i am saying is yes, the operator of this cat had poor visibility and was irresponsible or negligent or perhaps even deliberate to operate these machines without clearing the area of civilians. i even said, in an earlier post, that she should have been arrested if need be rather than needlessly endanger her life.

she was not stupid, she was not an absolute idiot, nor was she any of the things jews and zionists claim she was in order to justify her tragic death. she was young and young people do not always make the wisest of decisions.

furthermore, i am the only poster that isn't pro-israeli to ever even try to give this soldier the benefit of the doubt but if push comes to shove, that soldier was irresponsible and negligent, or his immediate officer was, and rachel corrie would be alive today had the IDF acted responsibly.
whoever it was he posted it----THE AREA SHOULD HAVE BEEN CLEARED of CIVLILIANS----made the ---MOST IMPORTANT POINT absolutely true----the US military would never have tolerated the presence of those idiot kids GETTING IN THE WAY-----they would have been safely dragged away or arrested Unfortunately there has developed the concept of "peaceful protest" which is so often----in fact almost always ANYTHING BUT PEACEFUL ----even flinging rocks at the heads of people is being called a "peaceful protest" if it is a matter of Israel under attack I would suggest to Israel ----ARREST SWEEPS FOR SAFETY-----in memory of the tragedy of Rachel Corrie Get some large trucks----forget the "rubber bullets and tear gas----just get lots of soldiers in riot gear----grab the people ---load them on the trucks and drive them off a few miles FOR THEIR OWN SAFETY TO AVOID A REPETITION OF THE RACHEL CORRIE TRAGEDY ---------do not worry Israel------your actions will still be called 'barbaric' by the islamo nazi pigs-----but at least there will be less injuries-----I think maybe there is a ravine somewhere ---where the people can be stored until their family and friends come to take them home
whoever it was he posted it----THE AREA SHOULD HAVE BEEN CLEARED of CIVLILIANS----made the ---MOST IMPORTANT POINT absolutely true----the US military would never have tolerated the presence of those idiot kids GETTING IN THE WAY-----they would have been safely dragged away or arrested...
So standing on ones own property is cause for arrest?

You are so fucked!
whoever it was he posted it----THE AREA SHOULD HAVE BEEN CLEARED of CIVLILIANS----made the ---MOST IMPORTANT POINT absolutely true----the US military would never have tolerated the presence of those idiot kids GETTING IN THE WAY-----they would have been safely dragged away or arrested...
So standing on ones own property is cause for arrest?

You are so fucked!

save the the "fucked" for the Khutbah jumaat you will be able to FUCK anyone you want tomorrow during the "salat"

interfering with policing activities is illegal no matter where a person is standing It is news to me that Corrie owns land over there -----is that what she was doing? ----tryying to get fucked? she did seem to be trying to show her fat ass off quite a bit. Now that you mention it ----rachel corrie probaby was looking for a fuck----but how did you know that?
Witness to Rachel Corrie’s Death Responds to Israeli Court Ruling Absolving Soldier


The verdict in Rachel’s case is saddening for all those who knew Rachel, and for all who believe in what she stood for. It should be disappointing for all those who want to see justice done in Israel and Palestine.

On March 16, 2003, Rachel could not have been more visible: standing, on a clear day, in the open ground, wearing a high visibility vest. On that day, she had been in the presence of the Caterpillar D9 bulldozers used by the Israeli army for some hours.

She was standing in front of the home of a young family which was under threat of demolition by a bulldozer. Many homes were demolished in such a way at that time, and Rachel was seeking to protect her friends, with whom she had lived.

Whatever one thinks about the visibility from a D9 bulldozer, it is inconceivable that at some point the driver did not see her, given the distance from which he approached, while she stood, unmoving, in front of it. As I told the court, just before she was crushed, Rachel briefly stood on top of the rolling mound of earth which had gathered in front of the bulldozer: her head was above the level of the blade, and just a few meters from the driver.

Those of us who are familiar with events under occupation in Palestine are may not be surprised by this verdict, which reflects a long-standing culture of impunity for the Israeli military, but we should be outraged.
Witness to Rachel Corrie's Death Responds to Israeli Court Ruling Absolving Soldier - NYTimes.com
whoever it was he posted it----THE AREA SHOULD HAVE BEEN CLEARED of CIVLILIANS----made the ---MOST IMPORTANT POINT absolutely true----the US military would never have tolerated the presence of those idiot kids GETTING IN THE WAY-----they would have been safely dragged away or arrested Unfortunately there has developed the concept of "peaceful protest" which is so often----in fact almost always ANYTHING BUT PEACEFUL ----even flinging rocks at the heads of people is being called a "peaceful protest" if it is a matter of Israel under attack I would suggest to Israel ----ARREST SWEEPS FOR SAFETY-----in memory of the tragedy of Rachel Corrie Get some large trucks----forget the "rubber bullets and tear gas----just get lots of soldiers in riot gear----grab the people ---load them on the trucks and drive them off a few miles FOR THEIR OWN SAFETY TO AVOID A REPETITION OF THE RACHEL CORRIE TRAGEDY ---------do not worry Israel------your actions will still be called 'barbaric' by the islamo nazi pigs-----but at least there will be less injuries-----I think maybe there is a ravine somewhere ---where the people can be stored until their family and friends come to take them home

or perhaps, just perhaps, israel should adhere to section III, article 53 of the fourth geneva convention, to which israel is a signatory, that imposes certain restrictions and dictates certain behaviour regarding an occupying power. instead though, israel has looked for ridiculous and unconscionable loopholes in this international law, such as claiming that the palestinian people have no such protection under this convention because palestine not a signatory "state".

but we can let that rest for now, i suppose, with your acknowledgement that israel, indeed, was culpable, though at least their own gross negligence if not deliberation, in the tragic death of this young, american idealist.
Witness to Rachel Corrie’s Death Responds to Israeli Court Ruling Absolving Soldier


The verdict in Rachel’s case is saddening for all those who knew Rachel, and for all who believe in what she stood for. It should be disappointing for all those who want to see justice done in Israel and Palestine.

On March 16, 2003, Rachel could not have been more visible: standing, on a clear day, in the open ground, wearing a high visibility vest. On that day, she had been in the presence of the Caterpillar D9 bulldozers used by the Israeli army for some hours.

She was standing in front of the home of a young family which was under threat of demolition by a bulldozer. Many homes were demolished in such a way at that time, and Rachel was seeking to protect her friends, with whom she had lived.

Whatever one thinks about the visibility from a D9 bulldozer, it is inconceivable that at some point the driver did not see her, given the distance from which he approached, while she stood, unmoving, in front of it. As I told the court, just before she was crushed, Rachel briefly stood on top of the rolling mound of earth which had gathered in front of the bulldozer: her head was above the level of the blade, and just a few meters from the driver.

Those of us who are familiar with events under occupation in Palestine are may not be surprised by this verdict, which reflects a long-standing culture of impunity for the Israeli military, but we should be outraged.
Witness to Rachel Corrie's Death Responds to Israeli Court Ruling Absolving Soldier - NYTimes.com

right the eyewitness recounts the fact that Corrie was standing on the MOUND OF EARTH created by the advancing "wheel" -----which slowly advanced She had every opportunity to simply move back------the DILEMMA here is that the driver of the Bulldozer did not ASSUME THAT THE SLUT WAS SUICIDAL What really happpened in this situation is that CORRIE LOST A GAME that she had started------she was playing what in my childhood was a game kids played with bicycles CHICKEN two kids would bike toward each other and the one who turned off first was "THE CHICKEN" As the bull dozer approached the LOGICAL DRIVER ASSUMED SHE HAD MOVED OFF THE MOUND-----BACK TO STABLE GROUND------in fact what happened is that she FELL forward That is the real eyewitness account It is logical that the driver saw her while she danced and waved her fat ass around but as he approached and she stood up on the MOUND at the side of the bull dozer --------he probably no longer saw her and assumed that she had STEPPED back------in fact she had but then FELL FORWARD UNDER THE WHEEL The only arguement that the the terrorist supporters have is that they believe CORRIE HAD THE RIGHT TO SAY "NO" to the bulldozer Even they know that the death of Corrie was an accident for BOTH CORRIE and THE DRIVER -----but you islamo nazi pigs can remain the idiots you have always been

If two kids played CHICKEN in my neighborhood and one got killed doing it-------that would go to court and the parents of the dead kid would insist that the surviving child was AT FAULT FOR MURDER (I have testified in several personal injury cases---of a fairly minor nature-----no matter "HOW IT HAPPENED" the injured party always imputes BLAME upon someone------no one ever says "gee how stupid of me" )
whoever it was he posted it----THE AREA SHOULD HAVE BEEN CLEARED of CIVLILIANS----made the ---MOST IMPORTANT POINT absolutely true----the US military would never have tolerated the presence of those idiot kids GETTING IN THE WAY-----they would have been safely dragged away or arrested...
So standing on ones own property is cause for arrest?

You are so fucked!

save the the "fucked" for the Khutbah jumaat you will be able to FUCK anyone you want tomorrow during the "salat"

interfering with policing activities is illegal no matter where a person is standing It is news to me that Corrie owns land over there -----is that what she was doing? ----tryying to get fucked? she did seem to be trying to show her fat ass off quite a bit. Now that you mention it ----rachel corrie probaby was looking for a fuck----but how did you know that?

you certainly represent jews, judaism, and the attitude of the israeli government and israeli armed forces towards non-jews, gentiles, or the goyim (whatever you choose to call them) well.

i imagine also you were delighted at the 1943 beheading of hans and sophie scholl, and christoph probst, for illegally interfering with certain policing activities.
try again deach------hans and sophie were executed by your fellow nazis----corried died in an accident while engaging a bull dozer

I will tell you a story that goes all the way back to about ---1962--- My brother was a college student in a famous city that was in some racial turmoil at the time He took part in a demonstration-----a friend of his-----who was a minister at the YMCA----lay down in the street as part of the demonstration a police car backed up and ran over the minister who was killed thereby. Everyone was very upset------but NO ONE CONSIDERED IT A MURDER---IT WAS CONSIDERED AN ACCIDENT by all the friends of the activist minister including my brother -------WHY?? because they were not stupid I never put my car in reverse without TURNING MY HEAD around and making sure there is no one there -----I have been nervous about "backing up" since that time when my big brother came home all upset over his dead friend When I started to drive I had the nervous thought that IF A COP CAN MAKE A MISTAKE LIKE THAT ---SO CAN I. In fact I have encountered MANY CASES OF people being run over by someone BACKING UP------because the person behind the car "WAS NOT VISIBLE IN THE MIRROR" not visible is a reason for kids getting killed by buses in my town too ALL OF THIS STUFF made me so nervous about my son that from an early age I cautioned him to STAY AWAY from all vehicles in traffic even if they are stopped at a red light YOU NEVER KNOW they may not see you DO NOT ASSUME THAT THEY SEE YOU

it was an accident-------anyone who believes that the israeli government has a plan to KILL PEOPLE BY CHASING THEM DOWN WITH BULLDOZERs has to be be STUPID. Any grown girl who plays "CHICKEN" with a bulldozer is REALLY STUPID ---corrie was tragically stupid I blame her mother Most mothers caution their kids about TRUCKS and BUSES I am not unique
I have posted some remarks,posted links and fended off accusations, but I haven't said anything that's mocking her death. I give the dozer operator the benefit of the doubt when he says he didn't see her. If you look at the driver's line of vision in the link of the D-9 and my explanation, you'll see what I mean. Until then you can't be making blanket statements. Someone was responsible for guiding the dozer but maybe they meant to scare her but kill her. IMO.


Here again is a picture of Rachel Corrie with a bulldozer moving frontally toward her. The line of sight between her and the operator is perfectly clear. Even if he were blind or asleep there admittedly was a second on the seat beside him. so in the face of this photographic evidence how can you continue to insist that night is day and black is white?

You should understand the effect of this kind of brazen, boldface lying is cumulative over time and it imbues the kind of contemptuous loathing in people that causes them to ignore any degree of suffering on the part of the habitual liars. The tragedy of that is the innocent who identify with the habitual liars are made to suffer along with them.

While most of the world's nations are not motivated to destroy Israel incidents of this nature increasingly ensure they will turn a blind eye to any such effort in the future. Incidents of this nature serve to increase the number of Americans who want their government to sever relations with Israel.

So keep lying and add fuel to the fire. Every little bit helps.
Witness to Rachel Corrie’s Death Responds to Israeli Court Ruling Absolving Soldier


The verdict in Rachel’s case is saddening for all those who knew Rachel, and for all who believe in what she stood for. It should be disappointing for all those who want to see justice done in Israel and Palestine.

On March 16, 2003, Rachel could not have been more visible: standing, on a clear day, in the open ground, wearing a high visibility vest. On that day, she had been in the presence of the Caterpillar D9 bulldozers used by the Israeli army for some hours.

She was standing in front of the home of a young family which was under threat of demolition by a bulldozer. Many homes were demolished in such a way at that time, and Rachel was seeking to protect her friends, with whom she had lived.

Whatever one thinks about the visibility from a D9 bulldozer, it is inconceivable that at some point the driver did not see her, given the distance from which he approached, while she stood, unmoving, in front of it. As I told the court, just before she was crushed, Rachel briefly stood on top of the rolling mound of earth which had gathered in front of the bulldozer: her head was above the level of the blade, and just a few meters from the driver.

Those of us who are familiar with events under occupation in Palestine are may not be surprised by this verdict, which reflects a long-standing culture of impunity for the Israeli military, but we should be outraged.
Witness to Rachel Corrie's Death Responds to Israeli Court Ruling Absolving Soldier - NYTimes.com

right the eyewitness recounts the fact that Corrie was standing on the MOUND OF EARTH created by the advancing "wheel" -----which slowly advanced She had every opportunity to simply move back------the DILEMMA here is that the driver of the Bulldozer did not ASSUME THAT THE SLUT WAS SUICIDAL What really happpened in this situation is that CORRIE LOST A GAME that she had started------she was playing what in my childhood was a game kids played with bicycles CHICKEN two kids would bike toward each other and the one who turned off first was "THE CHICKEN" As the bull dozer approached the LOGICAL DRIVER ASSUMED SHE HAD MOVED OFF THE MOUND-----BACK TO STABLE GROUND------in fact what happened is that she FELL forward That is the real eyewitness account It is logical that the driver saw her while she danced and waved her fat ass around but as he approached and she stood up on the MOUND at the side of the bull dozer --------he probably no longer saw her and assumed that she had STEPPED back------in fact she had but then FELL FORWARD UNDER THE WHEEL The only arguement that the the terrorist supporters have is that they believe CORRIE HAD THE RIGHT TO SAY "NO" to the bulldozer Even they know that the death of Corrie was an accident for BOTH CORRIE and THE DRIVER -----but you islamo nazi pigs can remain the idiots you have always been

If two kids played CHICKEN in my neighborhood and one got killed doing it-------that would go to court and the parents of the dead kid would insist that the surviving child was AT FAULT FOR MURDER (I have testified in several personal injury cases---of a fairly minor nature-----no matter "HOW IT HAPPENED" the injured party always imputes BLAME upon someone------no one ever says "gee how stupid of me" )

D9 bulldozer's do not have exposed wheels, they do have a blade and tracks, and a two man crew, the operator says he didn't see her, which was his whole defense you stated (It is logical that the driver saw her ) did they ask the other person inside the D9, the commander?

In other news
Soldier hit by tank dies

Golani sergeant Yonatan Ben Yishai succumbs to mortal wounds sustained during exercise in the Golan Heights; IDF inquest in progress
Irony. Yesterday Rachel Corrie's case was dismissed and today G-D claimed the life of an Israeli soldier...
Soldier hit by tank dies - Israel News, Ynetnews
i'm inclined to believe the marine (which would be a first or me)...buy let's put this aside for the moment, whether rachel corrie's death was deliberate or an accident. that doesn't matter really. we should not even be going there....and you actually provided your own answer.

i have driven tracked vehicles before...APCs and an occasional SP How...and in tight spots involving placement of the vehicle, there was always someone around to insure we were getting things in the right place aand watching out for our fellow troops...and the utmost care was given around civilian noncombatants.

here we have an army that lays claim to not only being the most moral army in the world but also the best trained. HOW IN THE HELL COULD THEY RUN OVER THIS YOUNG AMERICAN WOMAN?

no matter what you think of her politics, ideals, or behaviour, there was absolutely zero reason that she had to die. what kind of friggin' incompetent military allows something like this to happen. the house wasn't going anywhere and who was directing the operator of this rome plow. she could have been arrested, removed, anything but die.

she was an american citizen who died needlessly and some of you so called "americans" actually have the gall to make jokes about her death...to defend the foreign army that needlessly, negligently, and callously at best...and perhaps even deliberately at worst.

and hoss, you should be ashamed of yourself. i find it hard to believe that we were in the same U.S. Army. there is absolutely no excuse for this woman's death and any right thinking troop would say so and lay the blame right on israel's doorstep...but you took the soup, didn't you?

I'm ex Military... Apparently you're telling me that I have no idea what I'm talking about even though you admit you needed spotters yourself around APC'S... Watch this video and at 1:18 you tell me how much visibility you think an operator of a Cat D9 has. and whether they can see a person stupidly standing in front of them... I rest my case. Blame Israel all you want... The girl was an absolute idiot for doing what she did, and all the hatred of Israel in the World wont change that fact. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tL4lJL7vljw&feature=player_detailpage]Caterpillar D9 - YouTube[/ame]

what i am saying is yes, the operator of this cat had poor visibility and was irresponsible or negligent or perhaps even deliberate to operate these machines without clearing the area of civilians. i even said, in an earlier post, that she should have been arrested if need be rather than needlessly endanger her life.

she was not stupid, she was not an absolute idiot, nor was she any of the things jews and zionists claim she was in order to justify her tragic death. she was young and young people do not always make the wisest of decisions.

furthermore, i am the only poster that isn't pro-israeli to ever even try to give this soldier the benefit of the doubt but if push comes to shove, that soldier was irresponsible and negligent, or his immediate officer was, and rachel corrie would be alive today had the IDF acted responsibly.

I'd argue that she was absolutely a stupid idiot... Rational people do not get themselves killed the way she did. She would be alive today had she chosen not to stupidly play hide and seek with a forty nine ton Bulldozer.
right the eyewitness recounts the fact that Corrie was standing on the MOUND OF EARTH created by the advancing "wheel" -----which slowly advanced She had every opportunity to simply move back------the DILEMMA here is that the driver of the Bulldozer did not ASSUME THAT THE SLUT WAS SUICIDAL What really happpened in this situation is that CORRIE LOST A GAME that she had started------she was playing what in my childhood was a game kids played with bicycles CHICKEN[...]
Some years ago while waiting for a traffic light to change on Canal Street in Manhattan a vagrant "windshield wiper," angered because I refused to tip him, stood in front of my car and refused to move even though I tried to scare him away by inching forward. He was playing chicken with me but if I had taken up his challenge and deliberately ran him down and killed him, what do you suppose a court would decide? That the vagrant had "lost a game?" Or that I was guilty of malicious, premeditated homicide?

You know as well as I do that if the circumstances were different, if Rachel Corrie's name were Rachel Goldstein and she were impeding a construction project here in the U.S., and if the operator was a goyim named Heinrich, you would be calling for a lynching.
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right the eyewitness recounts the fact that Corrie was standing on the MOUND OF EARTH created by the advancing "wheel" -----which slowly advanced She had every opportunity to simply move back------the DILEMMA here is that the driver of the Bulldozer did not ASSUME THAT THE SLUT WAS SUICIDAL What really happpened in this situation is that CORRIE LOST A GAME that she had started------she was playing what in my childhood was a game kids played with bicycles CHICKEN[...]
Some years ago while waiting for a traffic light to change on Canal Street in Manhattan a vagrant "windshield wiper," angered because I refused to tip him, stood in front of my car and refused to move even though I tried to scare him away by inching forward. He was playing chicken with me but if I had taken up his challenge and deliberately ran him down and killed him, what do you suppose a court would decide? That the vagrant had "lost a game?" Or that I was guilty of malicious, premeditated homicide?

You know as well as I do that if the circumstances were different, if Rachel Corrie's name were Rachel Goldstein and she were impeding a construction project here in the U.S., and if the operator was a goyim named Heinrich, you would be calling for a lynching.

The fact that you simply didn't get out of your car and beat his ass speaks volumes.

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