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Israel's inquiry into death of activist Rachel Corrie not credible, says US

Rachel Corrie's mother: 'I know this won't be the end'
Cindy Corrie has battled Israel for justice ever since her activist daughter Rachel was killed in Gaza in 2003. On the eve of a lawsuit verdict, she says her fight will carry on.

Rachel was a volunteer for the pro-Palestinian direct action organisation the International Solidarity Movement and the youngest of the Corrie's three children. Her death propelled her family into an almost decade-long battle for accountability and justice. What Cindy describes as "a milestone" in that fight will come on Tuesday, when a court in Haifa hands down its verdict in a two-and-a-half year civil lawsuit brought by the Corries against the state of Israel.

"If you had told me 10 years ago that this would happen to us, and I'd do any of the things I have done since that time, that any of us would, I'd say you're crazy – I won't even breathe again," says Cindy. "Always for parents there's that dread of something happening to a child. I don't even know how to describe how we got through those first minutes and hours."

the day after Rachel's death, then Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon promised then US president George W Bush a "thorough, credible and transparent" investigation into Rachel's death. Less than a month later, an internal inquiry by the Israeli military concluded that its forces were not to blame. The driver of the bulldozer had not seen Rachel before she was crushed beneath the vehicle, it said. No charges were brought and the case was closed.
Rachel Corrie's mother: 'I know this won't be the end' | World news | The Guardian
Us Americans should build a monument for Corrie so we may NEVER forget her. And place it next to one for Timothy McVey.

Little Green Footballs - Teaching the Children

Seal, how ya doin with your poochie problem? Do you need more disposable diapers?

so much for the claim "jews don't celebrate death."

rachel corrie was a young woman acting on principle, and the more zionists and jews try to tarnish her memory, the more they turn her into a heroine and icon of the struggle of a people who are being deprived of their human rights and the liberties most americans take for granted.

so much for the claim "jews are the smartest people in the world."

i think jokes about pancake houses regarding rachel corrie's death are no different than jokes about the birkenau BBQ pit and jewish deaths...well, other than rachel corrie didn't go down quietly. she had a lot of fight in her.

ya wanna joke about the the misfortunate, MJB...
"let me tell you a story about a BOY named ted...
get the picture
yes, we see
varoom varoom...
put that in your "DOO-WOP" and rotate, mac.

MJ...weren't you the same fulminating hypocrite who was so incensed that seal mocked the death of Theo on the defunct AOL-boards???? I'm fairly certain that was indeed you...and here you make crude, amazingly callous jokes about the death of Corrie??? How does the title of "hypocrite" sit with you fella????
Now lookie here Princess. I am an American. As such I do not support those who condemn us & wish us death like whats her name Corrie did. But hey, she did do one good deed before her demise by greasing the chain on Israel's Caterpillar.

Us Americans should build a monument for Corrie so we may NEVER forget her. And place it next to one for Timothy McVey.
You really are a piece of shit, aren't you?

Your no fucking American...you would flush America down 6the toilet for Israel! The way you feel about the other human beings on this earth is going to come back to haunt you...do us a favor and leave this board!
MJ: Now lookie here Princess. I am an American. As such I do not support those who condemn us & wish us death like whats her name Corrie did. But hey, she did do one good deed before her demise by greasing the chain on Israel's Caterpillar.

I do not support Rachel Corrie's action in traveling to Israel to interfere in that nation's politics, and I would not object if she had been booted in the ass and deported, but she was an American citizen whom I believe to be the victim of cold-blooded murder. And I accuse the Israeli government of arrogantly lying to defend the actions of the guilty party, just as they lied to defend the actions of those who attacked the USS Liberty.

I base my accusation on the fact that my military MOS was Engineer, Heavy Equipment Operator, Earth Moving Tractor (bulldozer). I operated an International Harvester TD18-A, an 18 ton armored bulldozer approximately the same size and configuration as the one shown in this actual photo of Corrie shortly before she was deliberately run down and bladed.


The operator's head is plainly visible in the center pane of the shield and the line of sight between him and Corrie is inarguable. The operator claims he could not see Corrie, the Israeli government supports that claim, both are contemptuously lying. And those American Jews who, because they are Zionists first and Americans second, are approving of what happened to their fellow citizen and voicing support of Israel's obvious lie, are disloyal to the Nation which protects them from an anti-Semitic world.

Jews of this kind are not new to world politics. In his book, The Holocaust Industry, Professer Norman Finkelstein, himself a Jew whose parents survived the pogrom carried out by the Nazis, condemns this type of Jew as being responsible for the historical suffering of all Jews, including those who do not share the feelings of natural supremacy and exclusive insularity which is manifest in these militant Zionist Jews.

Rachel Corrie's death was no accident. She was murdered by a callous, arrogant Zionist who should be tried in a neutral court.
"Rachel Corrie's death was no accident. She was murdered by a callous, arrogant Zionist who should be tried in a neutral court."
Stupid Christian girl, she thought the God Damned Jews had some respect for human life. But, that Israeli bulldozer ran her over like she was a dog. Not even a dog, but a bug.

In Jewish philosophy, gentiles aren't considered to be people. In Jewish philosophy, killing a gentile isn't considered an offense.
Stupid Christian girl, she thought the God Damned Jews had some respect for human life. But, that Israeli bulldozer ran her over like she was a dog. Not even a dog, but a bug.

In Jewish philosophy, gentiles aren't considered to be people. In Jewish philosophy, killing a gentile isn't considered an offense.

Source? Link? In Christian philosophy, all non-Christians go to Hell. Not so in Judaism.
I didn't wish Corrie dead. And it sure wasn't me who started this thread to piss off Americans by thinking about her again & what she did to our country. But like it or not, dead is dead.

Us Americans should build a monument for Corrie so we may NEVER forget her. And place it next to one for Timothy McVey.

Little Green Footballs - Teaching the Children

Seal, how ya doin with your poochie problem? Do you need more disposable diapers?

MJ...weren't you the same fulminating hypocrite who was so incensed that seal mocked the death of Theo on the defunct AOL-boards???? I'm fairly certain that was indeed you...and here you make crude, amazingly callous jokes about the death of Corrie??? How does the title of "hypocrite" sit with you fella????
Stupid Christian girl, she thought the God Damned Jews had some respect for human life. But, that Israeli bulldozer ran her over like she was a dog. Not even a dog, but a bug.

In Jewish philosophy, gentiles aren't considered to be people. In Jewish philosophy, killing a gentile isn't considered an offense.

Source? Link? In Christian philosophy, all non-Christians go to Hell. Not so in Judaism.

Do you not know anything about Jews except for jewish propaganda? Do you not know how to use Google?

A jew who kills a righteous gentile is not to be punished because a gentile is not considered a man. And, even more so if he kills an unrighteous gentile. Hilchot Rotze'ach 2:11
Stupid Christian girl, she thought the God Damned Jews had some respect for human life. But, that Israeli bulldozer ran her over like she was a dog. Not even a dog, but a bug.

In Jewish philosophy, gentiles aren't considered to be people. In Jewish philosophy, killing a gentile isn't considered an offense.

Source? Link? In Christian philosophy, all non-Christians go to Hell. Not so in Judaism.

Do you not know anything about Jews except for jewish propaganda? Do you not know how to use Google?

A jew who kills a righteous gentile is not to be punished because a gentile is not considered a man. And, even more so if he kills an unrighteous gentile. Hilchot Rotze'ach 2:11

the pigs and dogs of the world have feared jews for centuries because jews can read----illiterates compensate for their deficiencies by denigrating "BOOK LEARNIN " and invent vulgar little fantasies as to what is in THEM THAR BOOKS in their vulgar diseased little minds---------dirty little old ladies of your community lied to you about the talmud and also lied when they threatened you that the jews would "kidnap" you------because the dirty little old ladies of your community are simply stupid
Us Americans should build a monument for Corrie so we may NEVER forget her. And place it next to one for Timothy McVey.

MJB; You are not an American, at least not one that I would wish to be associated with. Indeed you have no idea of what it means to be an American. If you are an American you stand up for what is right and that is what Rachel Corrie did, indeed that is one of the hallmarks of the American People and when that principal dies then America will die also !!! I am proud of her and I think her protest of America supporting Israel by supplying them with weapons was a righteous and noble cause. You should remember that people die but ideas don't., so build your monument, I for one will lay flowers there.

While you are at it build a monument or two for these dualie heroes that are probably in your pantheon of people you want to be like, the traitor Jonathan Pollard and the terrorist Baruch Goldstein.

You really don't realize the harm that you do your own cause do you, or maybe you just don't care because you are a bitter old man who just loves to spit hate at everything.

ps Rachel never killed anyone !!!
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Let me know when you kiddies want to attempt a serious discussion of the purported topic in the OP.......
dirty little old ladies of your community lied to you about the talmud and also lied when they threatened you that the jews would "kidnap" you
So the Mossad has never kidnapped anyone?

you believed the little old ladies who told you that the MOSSAD was after you? so the irish never murdered children? your comment is utterly idiotic as are you. When I was a child----my mother did not threaten me that the Irish drunk down the block would kidnap me -------but an Irish girl I know-----told me that her mother used to say "THE SHEENIE WILL GET YOU" ------sheenie is a term used by some "white trash" in the USA for "jew"

as for the talmud----it is very complex and written in a lanaguage that ONLY VERY FEW UNDERSTAND ----unless you get a discussion from a real scholar------you have no way of knowing what it means for the record---the word NIDDAH does not come clase to meaning "FILTH" but that is how islamo nazi pigs translate that word------the word GOY does not mean "ANIMAL" and "BALAAM" is a character of the old testament sometimes described as a GENTILE PROPHET It has never been a name used for Jesus. and MARY is not mentioned in the talmud Of course since MARY was one of the most common female name in the time of the talmud a few characters given the name MARY may show up in legal discussions in the talmud -----lots of SIMONs and Reubens too. based on prevallence of names -----someone once calculated how many JESUS BEN JOSEPHS there were------scores

for the record Yoni ben Yoni in the talmud is the same as JOHN DOE in american jurisprudence that one does not mean Jesus either

since lots of people know and knew hebrew-----islamo nazi pigs always had a field day with TALMUD libels-----who could prove them wrong? they could always claim that the one scholar who could actually understand aramaic was LYING ----or best of all CHANGED THE TEXT see I have known about the talmud libels for a very long time-----you and yours started your filth centuries ago
A jew who kills a righteous gentile is not to be punished because a gentile is not considered a man. And, even more so if he kills an unrighteous gentile. Hilchot Rotze'ach 2:11

the pigs and dogs of the world have feared jews for centuries because jews can read----illiterates compensate for their deficiencies by denigrating "BOOK LEARNIN " and invent vulgar little fantasies as to what is in THEM THAR BOOKS in their vulgar diseased little minds---------dirty little old ladies of your community lied to you about the talmud and also lied when they threatened you that the jews would "kidnap" you------because the dirty little old ladies of your community are simply stupid

Jew, are you retarded? You're not making much sense.
dirty little old ladies of your community lied to you about the talmud and also lied when they threatened you that the jews would "kidnap" you
So the Mossad has never kidnapped anyone?

you believed the little old ladies who told you that the MOSSAD was after you? so the irish never murdered children? your comment is utterly idiotic as are you. When I was a child----my mother did not threaten me that the Irish drunk down the block would kidnap me -------but an Irish girl I know-----told me that her mother used to say "THE SHEENIE WILL GET YOU" ------sheenie is a term used by some "white trash" in the USA for "jew"

as for the talmud----it is very complex and written in a lanaguage that ONLY VERY FEW UNDERSTAND ----unless you get a discussion from a real scholar------you have no way of knowing what it means for the record---the word NIDDAH does not come clase to meaning "FILTH" but that is how islamo nazi pigs translate that word------the word GOY does not mean "ANIMAL" and "BALAAM" is a character of the old testament sometimes described as a GENTILE PROPHET It has never been a name used for Jesus. and MARY is not mentioned in the talmud Of course since MARY was one of the most common female name in the time of the talmud a few characters given the name MARY may show up in legal discussions in the talmud -----lots of SIMONs and Reubens too. based on prevallence of names -----someone once calculated how many JESUS BEN JOSEPHS there were------scores

for the record Yoni ben Yoni in the talmud is the same as JOHN DOE in american jurisprudence that one does not mean Jesus either

since lots of people know and knew hebrew-----islamo nazi pigs always had a field day with TALMUD libels-----who could prove them wrong? they could always claim that the one scholar who could actually understand aramaic was LYING ----or best of all CHANGED THE TEXT see I have known about the talmud libels for a very long time-----you and yours started your filth centuries ago

I wonder if this is the way " white trash " in the USA describe the Irish !!! Stupid me of course that is the way they adress them
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