Israel’s New Tourist Attraction Allows Guests to ‘Shoot Palestinian Terrorists’

Should we go through all such camps for kids in the US?
Americans are totally gun freaks, but somehow when they come to Israel and visit a professional instructor, to experience shooting some carton boards with their parents - You people get SHOCKED.

A gun culture criticizes ranges...
This is as close to experiencing warfare as a person can get without being involved in the military and having a bonafide reason for that kind of "training." It is "amusement."
Have you noticed how many of our vets come back with PTSD, end up unable to function and being homeless? Has it ever occurred to you to question what causes that? Could it be the stress of warfare? The stress of imminently being shot or exploded? Trying to sort out who is the enemy, even if it is an 8 year old kid? And these purveyors are marketing it as "amusement?" Get out of town.

So You're suggesting a range can cause a PTSD?
Maybe I shout take my 8 year old daughter out of those fencing lessons...
No. What I'm suggesting is that "replicating" a situation for amusement that in real life is about as traumatic as the human experience gets, is obscene and misled.
Should we go through all such camps for kids in the US?
Americans are totally gun freaks, but somehow when they come to Israel and visit a professional instructor, to experience shooting some carton boards with their parents - You people get SHOCKED.

A gun culture criticizes ranges...
This is as close to experiencing warfare as a person can get without being involved in the military and having a bonafide reason for that kind of "training." It is "amusement."
Have you noticed how many of our vets come back with PTSD, end up unable to function and being homeless? Has it ever occurred to you to question what causes that? Could it be the stress of warfare? The stress of imminently being shot or exploded? Trying to sort out who is the enemy, even if it is an 8 year old kid? And these purveyors are marketing it as "amusement?" Get out of town.

So You're suggesting a range can cause a PTSD?
Maybe I shout take my 8 year old daughter out of those fencing lessons...
No. What I'm suggesting is that "replicating" a situation for amusement that in real life is about as traumatic as the human experience gets, is obscene and misled.

Professional courses of self defense can be at the same time fun and dead serious.
However I see a clear difference between a course in self-defense, and real active armies of children sponsored by the international community.
Professional courses of self defense can be at the same time fun and dead serious.
However I see a clear difference between a course in self-defense, and real active armies of children.
And you continue to miss the point.

This is a tourist attraction that allows visitors to pretend to shoot at Palestinians. It is sick beyond words, but so is the zionist mentality.
Professional courses of self defense can be at the same time fun and dead serious.
However I see a clear difference between a course in self-defense, and real active armies of children.
And you continue to miss the point.

This is a tourist attraction that allows visitors to pretend to shoot at Palestinians. It is sick beyond words, but so is the zionist mentality.

No it doesn't. It's a self defense course, the nationality of the terrorists/attackers is irrelevant.
No it doesn't. It's a self defense course, the nationality of the terrorists/attackers is irrelevant.
Is it a tourist attraction that allows visitors to pretend to shoot at Palestinians?

Yes, and this alone makes it is sick beyond words, but so is the zionist mentality.
Professional courses of self defense can be at the same time fun and dead serious.
However I see a clear difference between a course in self-defense, and real active armies of children.
And you continue to miss the point.

This is a tourist attraction that allows visitors to pretend to shoot at Palestinians. It is sick beyond words, but so is the zionist mentality.

No it doesn't. It's a self defense course, the nationality of the terrorists/attackers is irrelevant.
In order for it to be a self defense course, wouldn't the folks need to actually have the tools of self defense at their disposal once they leave the course--i.e., the guns? I'm asking--are American tourists allowed to carry military style weapons on their persons while visiting Israel?
If not, it is not a self-defense course, for there is no way to use the "training," shooting at Palestinian terrorists, irl.
Are they shooting Mexicans?

Professional courses of self defense can be at the same time fun and dead serious.
However I see a clear difference between a course in self-defense, and real active armies of children.
And you continue to miss the point.

This is a tourist attraction that allows visitors to pretend to shoot at Palestinians. It is sick beyond words, but so is the zionist mentality.

No it doesn't. It's a self defense course, the nationality of the terrorists/attackers is irrelevant.
In order for it to be a self defense course, wouldn't the folks need to actually have the tools of self defense at their disposal once they leave the course--i.e., the guns? I'm asking--are American tourists allowed to carry military style weapons on their persons while visiting Israel?
If not, it is not a self-defense course, for there is no way to use the "training," shooting at Palestinian terrorists, irl.

No body there is shooting at Palestinians.
As for the ability to carry openly a rifle...I don't see the relevance in that.
You cannot really carry a sword too, but You can own one and train if there're professionals with permissions.

This is all blown out of proportions. While in the US they do the same.
The Jewish version of Disney World, shooting non-Jews, even if just simulation, fulfills the Jewish fantasy.
The Jewish version of Disney World, shooting non-Jews, even if just simulation, fulfills the Jewish fantasy.

If you review the website for Caliber 3, you will agree that your silly attempt at comparison fails like so many of your silly attempts at comparison.

Caliber 3 was established in 2003 by Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) Col. Sharon Gat (Res.) and has since become the leading Counter Terror & Security training academy in Israel. Today Caliber-3, run by active military members of the IDF, offers top security solutions, high threat protection, intelligence operations and tactical training to military, law enforcement, government agencies and commercial clients around the globe .

We Germans will show you what superior weaponry actually means.

We Israelis will show You how easy it is to turn Your pipes into useless scrapped metal...without even touching it.
As expected you react in the usual aggressive way what all the more highlights the need for proper defense. Israel´s ground forces are the weakest in the region:


Our AA systems will nullify Israel´s air superiority. Result: Game over.

You really should move into the 21st century...there're new ways of warfare much more efficient.
But if You wanna go the old way my answer is simple - Artillery. But Israel doesn't need it...

You want to discuss, let's open another thread.
This AA defensives will be accompanied by German and Syrian forces. We have cookies.

Germans don't fight anymore, they're too busy surrendering to the Muzzies.
Not that you have sovereignty. Jumping jacks of a tiny country in the Middle East.
What scares me most is that these shoot-em-up amusement parks are catering to tourists, and the articles both cite American visitors. If this even tries to get off the ground here, I'm buying new sneakers and I will be in the street stopping the bulldozer. This is obscene. The picture of that 5 year old girl holding that gun is obscene.

Who started this? The owners should be interviewed. They need to take responsibility for this.

This has no political meaning for me, so you folks can keep quibbling back and forth about who is better--the Palestinians or the Israeli's. As for humanity, the Israelis who thought this up LOSE.
This is common in the US, you know.
Israeli ‘security boot-camp’ trains tourists to target and shoot Palestinians


While most of those signing up have been American visitors, there have also been tourists from China, Japan, India and South America, keen to experience Israeli-style security training in an attraction condemned by the Palestinian mayor of the nearby town and an anti-settlement group."

Sounds like a Hasbara operation. They brainwash people from all over the world into believing that killing Palestinians is normal. Kind of like the Nazis brainwashing the Germans into thinking killing Jews was normal. Amazing how well the Jews learned from the Nazis. It is ironic that this particular theme park is in the West Bank on Palestinian owned land. You couldn't make this stuff up.

Israeli ‘security boot-camp’ trains tourists to target and shoot Palestinians


While most of those signing up have been American visitors, there have also been tourists from China, Japan, India and South America, keen to experience Israeli-style security training in an attraction condemned by the Palestinian mayor of the nearby town and an anti-settlement group."

Sounds like a Hasbara operation. They brainwash people from all over the world into believing that killing Palestinians is normal. Kind of like the Nazis brainwashing the Germans into thinking killing Jews was normal. Amazing how well the Jews learned from the Nazis. It is ironic that this particular theme park is in the West Bank on Palestinian owned land. You couldn't make this stuff up.

Sounds like the stuff you make up. When islamic terrorists threaten your life with firearms or knives, one certainly has the right to defend one's life.
The latest tourist attraction created by Israelis has taken guests by storm. Those visiting Israel are now able to enter an illegal settlement in the West Bank, where they’re offered the ultimate Israeli experience pretending to be a soldier shooting “terrorist” Palestinians in a new simulator.

In the illegal Israeli settlement of Gush Etzion, located between southern Jerusalem and Bethlehem, lies Caliber 3, a “counter-terrorism” academy that created a new concept in an attempt to allow the average tourist to experience how it feels to be an Israeli soldier.

Visitors partake in various activities, such as shooting “targets” with real bullets, and a simulation of a suicide bombing, as well as a stabbing. The programme is available for adults and children, and even carries a three-month-long summer camp for teenage boys to give them the ultimate IDF experience.

They are also taught krav maga, a form of fighting created by Israeli security forces.

According to Israeli newspaper Haaretz, few tourists were concerned that this could potentially incite further tensions, or dehumanise Palestinians. But unfortunately for the tourists, they are completely wrong.

Attractions like Caliber 3 are designed to dehumanise Palestinians and attempt to eradicate the legitimacy of their cause, and the fact that the system is built on an Israeli settlement normalises an occupation that has been consistently declared illegal by the international community.

They should have a few palestinians firing back, that would make it more realistic
Krav Maga is a form of self defense like Karate, Asswipe. Did you post from that garbage site "global compost" again? Ha ha ha.
Israeli ‘security boot-camp’ trains tourists to target and shoot Palestinians


While most of those signing up have been American visitors, there have also been tourists from China, Japan, India and South America, keen to experience Israeli-style security training in an attraction condemned by the Palestinian mayor of the nearby town and an anti-settlement group."

Sounds like a Hasbara operation. They brainwash people from all over the world into believing that killing Palestinians is normal. Kind of like the Nazis brainwashing the Germans into thinking killing Jews was normal. Amazing how well the Jews learned from the Nazis. It is ironic that this particular theme park is in the West Bank on Palestinian owned land. You couldn't make this stuff up.
Sounds like cyber jihadis promoting more Pallywood propaganda.
How dare Jewish civilians create a video game to help defend themselves against Palestinian terrorist animals?!

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