Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

[ Paying would be murderers, for being would be murderers - or murderers - of Jews. The PA incentive so that it will continue, and they will end up arrested again, or dead. Money well spent, according to PA, rather than making the population's life a better one ]

[ Time for donors to realize what they are donating for and put a stop to it. The PA and Hamas have become wealthy from all of those donors. Time for that money to find its way to the population in need, but not for killing Jews ]

Nine of the first 78 terrorists that Israel released in the exchange deal with Hamas for Israeli hostages have served more than 5 years in Israeli prison. PA law grants every terrorist prisoner a monthly salary from the day of arrest until the day of release, with the salary rising the longer they're in prison. For terrorists who are imprisoned for more than five years, the PA continues to pay their final monthly prison salary for life.

The PA will be paying 4 of the released terrorists 2,000 shekels each month for life, while the 5 who are Jerusalem residents will receive a bonus of 300 shekels a month and thus a total of 2,300 shekels a month. These 9 released terrorists will be receiving a total of 19,500 shekels each month for life from the PA.

The Palestinian Authority has been paying over 300 million dollars a year in monthly salaries to terrorist prisoners and in monthly allowances to families of dead terrorists. Since October 7th, Israel has arrested thousands of terrorists, 2,000 in Judea and Samaria alone, and thousands more in southern Israel and the Gaza Strip, in addition to the thousands of terrorists who have been killed. All of these imprisoned terrorists and the families of the dead terrorists will be receiving monthly rewards, in the PA program known as Pay-for-Slay, as soon as the Palestinian Authority can finish the bureaucracy.

Palestinian Media Watch has been alerting the donor countries since 2011 that they are either directly funding or facilitating terror rewards, which is both immoral and illegal under their own laws. Now that the PA will have even greater monthly expenses to reward all these thousands of terrorists and their families, the US, EU, Norway, and other donor countries should be expecting the PA to beg for even more money, now that thousands more terrorists are added to their monthly payroll.

Will the donor countries increase their funding to facilitate the extra terror awards?
PMW will be following.

The following are the released terrorists who served more than five years in prison and will receive monthly salaries for life:

(full article online)

[ Judea and Samaria. Occupied. And Palestinian. There goes Jewish History. That is what they want ]


(before #October7massacre) - nationalist songs include the lyrics "Whoever stands in my way will be shot in the head", children brandish guns and point a gun at a "wolf" to "protect the home".

On the school FB page they proudly wrote: "On Arab Children's Day... we salute the children of Palestine who carry their favorite game and their favorite doll, which are the machine gun and the rifle, in this event of the 1st grade" The educational staff is seen encouraging the children to march with the guns.
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Hamas spokesperson Basem Naim has been a staple on TV interviews, strenuously denying that Hamas killed any civilians in Israel on October 7 on multiple occasions.

I think we can safely say that the man is a liar, and will say the most ludicrous statements in the service of Hamas.

Now, guess what job her had from 2007-2012?

Basem Naim was Gaza's health minister!

It is quite obvious that this position is simply meant to act as a terrorist mouthpiece.

Yet the New York Times just published an analysis of civilian casualties based on the fake numbers that the Gaza health ministry issues.

They defend it by saying "International officials and experts familiar with the way figures are compiled by health officials in Gaza say the overall numbers are generally reliable."

But they are relying on outdated information.

In previous Gaza wars, there were independent NGOs in Gaza who also did their own counts of casualties. While their statistics of how many civilians were killed were quite skewed - they counted most terrorists as civilian - organizations like PCHR and Al Mezan were independent sources that kept the health ministry honest.

That is not the case this time. The NGOs gave up on trying to count casualties by day 5 because it was too dangerous for them, and since then, Hamas has owned all the information on casualties.

So, for example, when the Al Ahli hospital was bombed by an errant Islamic Jihad rocket, the ministry claimed 471 dead, even though no expert that looked at the damage accepted anything close to that number. But that was the only "official" number and the number of dead counted by the MoH increased by more than 500 on October 17.

Hamas knows that dead Gazans are a huge advantage for its PR efforts, and it has every incentive to exaggerate those numbers.

The health ministry is lying, because it can get away with it.

No one has the information to contradict them. So they can lie with impunity, just as Hamas spokespeople lie about everything else - like destroying dozens of Israeli tanks.

Or denying that they killed any civilians on October 7.


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