Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

Moral narcissists are deeply invested in continuing to perpetuate the faux narrative of the "Palestinian victim." But why... Well, besides being able to express their Jew hatred freely under the guise of "human rights," those not involved in a conflict can also ( thanks to the discourse of the victim) appear enlightened and morally engaged simply by identifying who the victim is and empathizing with them. "The simple act of naming and identifying victims becomes a substitute for conscience and public discourse," writes Joseph Amato, "Identifying oneself with the ‘real suffering’ of a chosen class, people, group, race ,sex, or historical victim is the communion call of the twentieth-century secular individual. It is his sincerity, his holiness, his martyrdom’”. If one is ‘for’ the victim, the one is literally ‘on the side of the victim. One thereby obtains something of the victim’s status. You cannot be victimizer if you side with the victim. This is the reason why Europeans side with the “Palestinians.” If they are on the side of the Palestinians, then they are not victimizers (not perpetrators of holocaust, of colonialism etc.).

In order to keep the chosen victim a victim, therefore, the moral narcissist is forced to excuse away all bad behavior of the victim that would otherwise turn the victim into a victimizer. PaliNazi fellow travelers do this by lying , invoking double standards and by dehumanizing Jews. Hence the obscene need of PaliNazis and their fellow travelers to tear down pictures of babies , children and women who the PaliNazis have kidnapped, deny their atrocities or lie about why the atrocities were committed by the PaliNazis. Another tactic is to claim that the PaliNazis who committed the atrocities are a very small minority not supported by the majority of PaliNazis. That ,my friends ,is a complete lie!
[ Following in Hamas and PA steps of spending donated money Not on the population that needs it ]


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