Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

Ya know, the distinction between good and evil in this war could not possibly be any clearer.

No matter how you want to slice it and what you want to look at, there are not two equal sides here. There is good and there is evil.

You can look at the protests.

One side sings songs of unity and peace. The other side yells chants of genocide and murder.

You can look at the hostages/prisoners.

One side longs for its children and wives to unite with their families. The other side demands the release of murderers and terrorists.

You can look at how the released are treated.

One side does everything it can to ensure their hostages come home safely and are treated accordingly. The other side parades its prisoners around the streets while calling for violence.

You can look at the value of human life.

One side mourns its casualties and yearns for peace. The other side celebrates the death of its people and yearns for destruction.

You can look at innocent deaths. One side goes to extraordinary lengths to minimize civilian deaths. The other side does everything in its power to maximize civilian deaths, which they then use as a PR tactic.

You can look at how the war can end.

One side can put down its weapons and achieve an instant end to the war. The other side can put down its weapons and be annihilated by the enemy.

You can look at the respective charters.

One side has a charter (the Torah) that puts peace and human life as the highest value. The other side has a charter that glorifies death and genocide.

You can look at the importance of truth.

One side tells the truth even when inconvenient. The other side has a propaganda machine that spreads lies and blood libels all day every day.

The point is, if you see the two sides as good vs evil, congratulations, you are a moral person.

If you don’t see the clear difference, if you compare the two sides, if you make an equal sign between innocent hostages and murderous prisoners, congratulations to you. You are morally bankrupt and an accomplice to murder, rape, abduction, and decapitation.

Israel has always been and will always be the moral side of the Middle East conflict. The other side represents radical Islam and proudly declares that Israel is only its first stop.

In order to navigate the challenges the world will face as a result of radical Islam spreading like a cancer, the first thing they need is a compass.

If you compare Israel to Hamas, you have no moral compass and when radical Islam comes for you, you will not know where to go or who to turn to.

If for no other reason, you should stand with Israel because Israel is fighting this war so you don’t have to.

The top: Who Hamas took and still hasn’t released

The bottom: Who Israel arrested and has now released If you can’t see the difference, you are a lost cause.
Once Kriboi was back on Israeli soil, he said that he had managed to escape from his Hamas captors when the building in which he was being held collapsed in an Israeli air strike.

Attempting to find his way back to Israel, Kriboi roamed through the unfamiliar terrain for four days, but was eventually found by local Gazans and handed back over to the terrorists.

When foreign media and international humanitarian aid organizations insist on painting the entire civilian population of Gaza as “innocent,” it might be instructive for them to recall this tale.

Sadly, there are no “Righteous Among the Nations” in Gaza. The local population is either far too cowed to resist their Hamas masters, or simply fully agree with their genocidal plans to erase the Jewish nation.

In either case, the above story makes even more clear the necessity to eradicate the Hamas terrorist organization – before it succeeds in annihilating its Jewish neighbors – and to implement measures to ensure that Gaza can never again present an existential threat to the State of Israel.

(full article online)

Eritrean national Mulugeta Tsagi received permanent residency status in Israel on Sunday as a “thank you” saving an Israeli soldier’s life on Oct. 7.

Tsagi administered life-saving first aid to an Israeli military officer shot by Hamas terrorists in Sderot, then stayed with the officer for several hours until he finally reached a hospital.

(full article online)

The Nova festival attack would have been much worse if not for Rami. Rami is a farmer from Moshav Patish, which is located only a few minutes away from where the Nova festival was held. He received a call before 7 AM with an urgent message, to rescue a friend’s son from the massacre at the rave and without hesitating, he drove there. And on his first trip, 15 people climbed into his car to be saved, terrified, scared, some injured, they climbed into his trunk sat on the roof, and escaped to safety. As he describes it, he made countless trips, eventually saving hundreds of people.

Some stayed in his home until their parents came to get them, and without weapons or bullet-proof vests, he drove again and again and again to rescue people. They were hiding in the bushes, scared as their friends had been raped, slaughtered, massacred in front of their eyes. And Rami simply navigated the back roads which he knew from being a farmer and a lifelong resident of Moshav Patish. And as he describes, people climbed into his car missing limbs, in terrible condition.

His phone kept ringing, message after message after message from people hiding. Sharing their location via WhatsApp, whispering voicenotes so they wouldn’t be found. Rami walked, crawled, drove and did whatever he could to rescue people. Parents and loved ones calling him nonstop begging him to save people.

And on trip he was confronted by Palestinian terrorists, who he lied to and said he was Muslim. Speaking Arabic which he knows from his many years of working in the Palestinian areas, he told the terrorists to give him the girl they were holding and run away before the Israelis capture them- and they did. He saved the child who climbed in his car. In another case, he threw a rock at the terrorists and rescued a young woman from their grasp.

He saw rapes and murders, bodies, and horrible things. And yet, somehow, he continued and kept going. From Saturday morning until Sunday night, he wandered that forest endlessly saving people. When he couldn’t find people, he closed people’s eyes who were dead, he evacuated bodies to ensure they wouldn’t be eaten by coyotes. Things one can’t even describe or discuss are the things that Rami did.

One can write these words – but as one understands the magnitude of what he did, these are simply the things of a James Bond action movie. Rami has hundreds of messages on his phone. All over Israel people thank him for the heroism he exhibited and, lives he saved. All of these souls, and their offspring will live because of the heroism of the great Israeli Jewish Zionist Rami Davidyan.

Rami Davidian is simply a hero. Rami: Thank you. You are a hero of the Jewish people. I am so blessed to have been able to have met you.

(full article online)


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