Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

1- How many terrorists has the IDF eliminated? We know, based on Hamas’ figures, how many “innocent” people Israel killed, so tell me, if Hamas’ figures are accurate, how many Hamas terrorists did Israel kill? Hint: According to Hamas, there are no terrorists killed. That should show you how accurate their numbers are.

2- How many Jews were in Gaza on October 6th? Hint: It rhymes with ‘meero’.

3- What happened in Gaza in 2005? What is “The Disengagement”?

4- If the so-called occupation is the cause of Palestinian terror against Jews, that would imply that there was no Palestinian terror against Jews before the occupation. Is that true? What happened in 1929 in Hebron?

5- The PLO, which stands for the Palestinian Liberation Organization, was founded in 1964. There was no occupation then, so what was this organization trying to liberate?

6- When was the Arab Palestinian state that Israel occupied established? What was the national anthem?

7- What was the size of the Palestinian population in 1948 and what it is now? How does that support the claim of genocide?

8- If there is no fuel or electricity in Gaza, how are they still firing rockets into Israel?

9- What is the civilian to combatant death ratio in Gaza in this war and what is the average for other wars? How is that in any way, genocide or disproportionate?

10- How many LGBTQ people live in Gaza, or any Palestinian place, or even broader, any Muslim country? How many gay parades have been in Gaza and how many in Israel?

Go ahead, I’ll wait for your answers.

Dear anti-Israel activists, just know, not only are you supporting terrorists, rapists, and pedophiles, but Hamas is sitting in their terror tunnels laughing at you and how naive you are to think that you and them share any values whatsoever, besides one: the hatred of Jews. So tell me, what’s it like to side with the modern day reincarnation of the Nazis?
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Mustafa (Gaza Tiktoker): How many coupons (for aid) have you received since the beginning of the war?

Gaza Youth: 43

M: And what did you do with them?

GY: I sold them.

M: Did you buy cigarettes?

GY: What cigarettes? We bought a tent. We're living in a tent.(Pretends to cry)

M: Cry! Cry! It will bring me more views!I swear to Allah, this youth is crying because people can't find anything to eat.

GY: Breaks out laughing.

Posted in TikTok on 11 Feb.#TheGazaYouDontSee

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