Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

[Useful idiots who believe lies told to them all of their lives, trained minds who will not believe the facts even if they were in front of them, and like MAGA, resort to hysterics and threats. And think they are on the right side, and think they will win ]


It took the United Nations five months to finally recognize the sexual crimes committed on October 7th during Hamas’ massacre.

Today, with the release of the report on the sexual abuse that Israeli female hostages are enduring, the shame of the UN is on clear display. The UN has not held even one discussion on the topic. Not even one meeting!

The meaning of a ceasefire is to lengthen the suffering of the hostages. Any call for a ceasefire is blatant support for Hamas to continue their sexual violence!

I call on the Secretary-General and the Security Council to immediately condemn Hamas for their crimes, and apply unrelenting pressure on the terrorists to ensure that their sexual abuse ends and that the hostages are released!
that's an opinion piece from Haaretz (and if you don't know their politics, you should) from 2018. mDo it is not evidence, but an opinion from one person, 6 years ago.

Actually, that is from 2014 (Operation Protective Edge) during which Israel responded to thousands of rockets being fired upon it. During that same conflict, the UN claimed that Hamas was as guilty of war crimes. I didn't see that in your quote, but it is in the UN report. One wonders what would happen if no one chose to fire rockets at Israel. It almost seems that, then, Israel would not respond. Crazy, I know.

Or perhaps you'll read up on them and realize that they aren't a very reputable source

You mean that Jews who agree with your belief, you choose to call "moral." There's a big difference between assuming a priori moral status and then trusting statements made as coming from a moral center, and finding the statements that agree with your position and deciding they are moral so the ones who said them are therefore moral in your book. I find the statements and actions of those who would try to coopt Yad Vashem for their own ends to be highly immoral.

Don't know. Why does it matter? Where are Israel's terror tunnels, child soldiers and suicide bombers?

See, you are starting with loaded language and an obvious bias.

"Native residents"? "Palestine"? Already you are buying in to a narrative because it suits you. It doesn't comport with actual history, but you use it as if it did because it helps you establish the foundation you need. That's specious at best and more likely, just intellectually dishonest.

You really should re-read the 2016 Pew report. What it says is a bit more complicated than what you present. And the continued mention of "native" and "Palestinian" further demonstrate how you are digging in to a position which is not supported by history.

If Hamas were to return the hostages tomorrow what do you think would happen? If Hamas were to refuse to condone acts of terror against Israel, refuse to invade, refuse to fire rockets, refuse to use tunnels to get into Israel to kill or kidnap...what do you think Israel would do? Asking Israel's endgame is useless because Israel's exit strategy is dependent on Hamas which has repeatedly refused to stop attacking Israel, refused even to account for the hostages and which hijacks aid shipments.

What illegal occupation -- Israel left Gaza in 2005. Do you know what happened after that? Rockets were fired into Israel.

"Pay dearly"? LOL. And quoting another opinion piece from the same writer and the same newspaper doesn't do much to establish any actual facts.

In addition to 60 years of studying Middle Eastern realities and 10 - 11 months of walking and hitch-hiking throughout the Middle East and Levant, I also worked on an Emergency Psychiatric Unit for a large inner-city population.

It is only there that I have seen the same level of extremist denial and delusion comparable to opinions advanced by supporters of ethnic cleansing as a Solution to the Palestinian "Problem".

You complain that the facts I relate and support contain "loaded language" and an "obvious bias" when referring to the Palestinians as "Palestine's native residents".

However, it is an undeniable fact that because Jews comprised only about 6% of Palestine's native population in 1900 and non Jewish Palestinians comprised the rest for centuries before the first Zionist terrorist invaded, the long tormented, non Jewish existing population actually is / are "Palestine's native residents".

Therefore, rejecting the fact that the long preexisting population actually is / are Palestine's native residents simply exemplifies that same denialism and delusional behaviors I attempted to treat long ago.

The assertion that only the relatively recent, Israeli funded Hamas is the sole cause of Levantine carnage over the decades also exemplifies that same denial and delusion.

Israel's right wing element helped fund Hamas to initiate a civil war within Palestinian society by fighting the PLO and was "Hoisted by their own petard".

It is regrettable that all Israelis suffer because of the machinations of Israel's right wing Zionists but delusional to blame only Palestine's native residents for a Zionist scheme to sow discord that backfired.

I was disappointed that you didn't address the primary cause of the cyclical violence that are Israel's illegal and internationally condemned "Settlements" on "disputed land" (aka Palestinian land).
It is no secret that these heavily armed, IDF supported extremists serve as Israel's own violent, racist and aggressive human shields.

Since it is an exercise in denial and delusion to omit the fact that Israel's "Settlers" and their murderous land theft are the major cause of today's cyclical violence, I wonder why you are surprised that some Palestinians are resisting what is the oldest and most brutal foreign funded occupation in modern history.

Everyday, peace seeking Israelis who live within Israel legal borders deserve to be secure as anyone else but as long as Israel's murderous, right wing "Settler" land thieves / "Human shields" and their supporters remain in violation of International law (UN Resolutions #242 and #338), they deserve as much misery as they inflict.
On the other hand, attacks on Israel, proper, are also criminal and unacceptable forms of revenge not unlike forms of Jewish revenge after WW 2 took countless innocent lives(1).

Since you have never spent time in and around Palestinian refugee camps, you can't know the depth of both hopelessness and the rage it causes to see your family and friends executed while losing your home and everything but what you can carry.

About 50 years have passed and I still can't imagine the the level of hopelessness and trauma that the long persecuted residents of Gaza and the West Bank must feel after decades of humiliation, abuse and rage from Netanyahu's repeatedly "mowing the lawn."
(It is Netanyahu who uses the phrase "mowing the lawn", not me)

Finally, since it it is IDF that is currently the invader / occupier of Gaza, the End Game / Exit Strategy, it is incumbent upon the occupier / invader to determine the withdrawal and cessation of hostilities.
As long as IDF is busily killing primarily women and children, Hamas or its replacement will continue resisting and retaliating.

Unless you can show evidence to the contrary, Netanyahu's and Gallant's current M.O. can only be the deliberate depopulation of Gaza to appeal to his right wing, "Settler" element and there's no question about the immorality of genocide.


EXCERPT "A German publisher has abruptly canceled a book that investigates the Jewish role in running internment camps in Poland after World War II, saying the work otherwise could be "cause for some misunderstanding." The 6,000 copies printed will be destroyed.

For six months after the war, Morel ran an internment camp for German civilians in the Polish community of Swietochlowice.

Former inmates told Sack that Morel brutalized, tortured and killed some of the German civilians housed at the camp. Two years ago, Morel fled to Israel; Polish authorities are reportedly considering filing murder charges against him." CONTINUED
In addition to 60 years of studying Middle Eastern realities and 10 - 11 months of walking and hitch-hiking throughout the Middle East and Levant, I also worked on an Emergency Psychiatric Unit for a large inner-city population.
that's nice. I have time living there and studying and teaching about it.
It is only there that I have seen the same level of extremist denial and delusion comparable to opinions advanced by supporters of ethnic cleansing as a Solution to the Palestinian "Problem".
I have not seen this level of gaslighting and outright lies as I have regarding the attacks on Israel online.
You complain that the facts I relate and support contain "loaded language" and an "obvious bias" when referring to the Palestinians as "Palestine's native residents".

However, it is an undeniable fact that because Jews comprised only about 6% of Palestine's native population in 1900 and non Jewish Palestinians comprised the rest for centuries before the first Zionist terrorist invaded, the long tormented, non Jewish existing population actually is / are "Palestine's native residents".
Yes, it deniable because your claim wasn't about people who lived there in 1900. Your claim was about "native". Jews, Christians and Muslims have lived in the region for a long time, and otehr Jews have been moving there for a lot longer than you seem to understand. Sadly, the jewish population was often terrorized there by a variety of ruling groups even though they were the native population.

The assertion that only the relatively recent, Israeli funded Hamas is the sole cause of Levantine carnage over the decades also exemplifies that same denial and delusion.
Who is asserting that? Well before there was a Hamas, there were other terrorists who caused carnage in the region such as the PLO.
It is regrettable that all Israelis suffer because of the machinations of Israel's right wing Zionists but delusional to blame only Palestine's native residents for a Zionist scheme to sow discord that backfired.
Let's assume that the history is as you state it. Then Israel's error empowered Hamas. And now Hamas's error is putting Arabs at risk and it is delusional to blame Israel for responding to an attack by the ruling power in Gaza, no matter how they got there.
I was disappointed that you didn't address the primary cause of the cyclical violence that are Israel's illegal and internationally condemned "Settlements" on "disputed land" (aka Palestinian land).
The violence comes because Arabs fire rockets, blow up buses and kill people sleeping in their beds and then try to blame "settlers" who respond. You don't want a cycle of violence, don't kidnap children and kill them.
It is no secret that these heavily armed, IDF supported extremists serve as Israel's own violent, racist and aggressive human shields.
it's no secret that you believe that, you mean. You lay the blame where you want to and ignore anything else. That's your prerogative but please don't be surprised that it doesn't convince anyone of the rectitude of your position.

Now imagine that instead of sitting on your couch reading these words, you would have spent those few seconds in the dungeons of hell in Gaza.

Imagine those few seconds were spent trying to avoid being raped or murdered by the Hamas monster who is watching you.

Imagine how hard those few seconds would be.

Now imagine 12,960,000 seconds.

21 weeks in the darkness of the terror tunnels.

150 days.

3,600 hours.

216,000 minutes.

And let me tell you something else. Every second those hostages are in there and the UN, Red Cross, and governments across the globe don’t demand their release is a permanent irreversible stain on humanity, the likes of which we haven’t seen since The Holocaust.

For the love of God, these poor hostages must be released!
In addition to 60 years of studying Middle Eastern realities and 10 - 11 months of walking and hitch-hiking throughout the Middle East and Levant, I also worked on an Emergency Psychiatric Unit for a large inner-city population.

It is only there that I have seen the same level of extremist denial and delusion comparable to opinions advanced by supporters of ethnic cleansing as a Solution to the Palestinian "Problem".

You complain that the facts I relate and support contain "loaded language" and an "obvious bias" when referring to the Palestinians as "Palestine's native residents".

However, it is an undeniable fact that because Jews comprised only about 6% of Palestine's native population in 1900 and non Jewish Palestinians comprised the rest for centuries before the first Zionist terrorist invaded, the long tormented, non Jewish existing population actually is / are "Palestine's native residents".

Therefore, rejecting the fact that the long preexisting population actually is / are Palestine's native residents simply exemplifies that same denialism and delusional behaviors I attempted to treat long ago.

The assertion that only the relatively recent, Israeli funded Hamas is the sole cause of Levantine carnage over the decades also exemplifies that same denial and delusion.

Israel's right wing element helped fund Hamas to initiate a civil war within Palestinian society by fighting the PLO and was "Hoisted by their own petard".

It is regrettable that all Israelis suffer because of the machinations of Israel's right wing Zionists but delusional to blame only Palestine's native residents for a Zionist scheme to sow discord that backfired.

I was disappointed that you didn't address the primary cause of the cyclical violence that are Israel's illegal and internationally condemned "Settlements" on "disputed land" (aka Palestinian land).
It is no secret that these heavily armed, IDF supported extremists serve as Israel's own violent, racist and aggressive human shields.

Since it is an exercise in denial and delusion to omit the fact that Israel's "Settlers" and their murderous land theft are the major cause of today's cyclical violence, I wonder why you are surprised that some Palestinians are resisting what is the oldest and most brutal foreign funded occupation in modern history.

Everyday, peace seeking Israelis who live within Israel legal borders deserve to be secure as anyone else but as long as Israel's murderous, right wing "Settler" land thieves / "Human shields" and their supporters remain in violation of International law (UN Resolutions #242 and #338), they deserve as much misery as they inflict.
On the other hand, attacks on Israel, proper, are also criminal and unacceptable forms of revenge not unlike forms of Jewish revenge after WW 2 took countless innocent lives(1).

Since you have never spent time in and around Palestinian refugee camps, you can't know the depth of both hopelessness and the rage it causes to see your family and friends executed while losing your home and everything but what you can carry.

About 50 years have passed and I still can't imagine the the level of hopelessness and trauma that the long persecuted residents of Gaza and the West Bank must feel after decades of humiliation, abuse and rage from Netanyahu's repeatedly "mowing the lawn."
(It is Netanyahu who uses the phrase "mowing the lawn", not me)

Finally, since it it is IDF that is currently the invader / occupier of Gaza, the End Game / Exit Strategy, it is incumbent upon the occupier / invader to determine the withdrawal and cessation of hostilities.
As long as IDF is busily killing primarily women and children, Hamas or its replacement will continue resisting and retaliating.

Unless you can show evidence to the contrary, Netanyahu's and Gallant's current M.O. can only be the deliberate depopulation of Gaza to appeal to his right wing, "Settler" element and there's no question about the immorality of genocide.


EXCERPT "A German publisher has abruptly canceled a book that investigates the Jewish role in running internment camps in Poland after World War II, saying the work otherwise could be "cause for some misunderstanding." The 6,000 copies printed will be destroyed.

For six months after the war, Morel ran an internment camp for German civilians in the Polish community of Swietochlowice.

Former inmates told Sack that Morel brutalized, tortured and killed some of the German civilians housed at the camp. Two years ago, Morel fled to Israel; Polish authorities are reportedly considering filing murder charges against him." CONTINUED
You beyond clearly, like so many others, confuse the word native of a place - as in born in - with indigenous.

Palestinians, they are Arabs, they are indigenous of Arabia, and it does not matter where in the world they are BORN, they will continue to be indigenous of that Peninsula, just as Europeans who are born in the Americas, Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii, Greenland, are still INDIGENOUS of the countries they came from in Europe, or those who came from Japan, China, etc and live in those places or are BORN there.

Indigenous people of the Americans fought the European invaders as much as they could.

The Jewish people INDIGENOUS of their ancestral homeland were never able to fight their invaders after the Bar Kochba defeat in the 2nd Century CE.

The Jewish People legally bought land from the Ottomans once that Empire allowed buying land after 1850. Arabs also bought land. Arabs, NOT Palestinians, they never called themselves that and JEWS are the original Palestinians because the Romans changed their homeland JUDEA's name into SYRIA Palestina, not JUST Palestina, because of the two previous Empires who had defeated the Jews ON their homeland.

Being BORN on any land does not make one INDIGENOUS, no matter how many centuries one has live there, and MOST Arabs only move the the REGION called Palestine because the Jews started businesses in the Land of Israel which attracted lots of Arabs who were looking for work. Therefore any of those Arab migrants can never be called Indigenous, much less "Natives" of the land of Israel.

Come up with any study you wish to "prove" the Arab rights to the Jewish land, to prove Israel's "Intent" in ethnically cleansing Arabs from the land, but the facts only pinpoint to endless ethnic cleansing of Jews :

1920 Gaza
1929 Hebron
1948 ALL of Judea, Samaria AND the Jewish Quarter of Judea.

Arabs fled in 1948 listening to their Arab leaders who promised a destroyed Israel and an Israel free of Jews. That is why so many ended up in Gaza, while the Arabs in the North, like Haifa, were asked by Israeli leaders to stay and STAY they did, and still there making part of the 2 MILLION non Jews in Israel who have the same rights as the Jews.

Say whatever you like about your walkings, visits, etc, etc, you choose the "facts" which suit how your mind sees and believes are the facts. Millions of others have been, yes, programmed by abut five decades of accusations against Israel.

The Levant is in the Middle East. The term Middle East only exists since last century. Notice how the "Middle East" is practically ALL Arab Muslim plus Persian Iran with little tiny Israel there.

Of all of those countries, which were invaded by the Arab Muslims, since the 7th Century CE, ONLY Kurdistan and Israel are ruled by the indigenous people of those lands. And Kurdistan has yet to be accepted as a sovereign country.

Jew hatred is a disease which grows and grows, seems dormant for some time than hits hard again because people wish to believe the worst of Jews.

It comes from 2000 years of anti Jewish lies from Christianity.

It comes from 1700 years of anti Jewish lies from Islam.

Work AGAINST Jew hatred .

Stop running full force towards Jew hatred.

Jews have rights to be sovereign on their ancient homeland.

Arabs have the right to live in peace on that land as they are doing now.

GAZA was full abandoned by Israel in 2005.

NO excuse for Arabs to be attacking Israel from Gaza.

The reason they have continued to do it is because they want to destroy Israel, as they have been attempting to do since 1920 with the first Arab riots against Jews by the Al Hussaini Clan which could not accept Jewish sovereignty on land once conquered by either Arab or Turkish Muslims.

That is ALL this conflict has ever been about, and will continue to be about as long as there is anyone attempting to help the terrorists who never wanted peace, but simply ALL OF THE LAND.

That goes for the UN, UNWRA, any organizations or politicians in the world who are such antisemites that they are willing to make laws to help the terrorists and never protect sovereign Israel as they should.

Are you for peace?

Demand that the hostages are freed by Hamas.

Everyone who thinks they know what Israel is about is "demanding" a ceasefire, but not the release of the hostages.

That is the most telling part of what has happened since 10/7.

Before Israel was prepared to put down Hamas in Gaza after 10/7, people all over the world started celebrating the barbaric attack. And then later, how dare Israel go into Gaza to end Hamas and liberate the hostages.

You are more than probably not going to read this, much less think about any of it.

It does not matter.

Israel is winning the war. People screaming all the lies they can does not matter, exactly because they are lies.

The People of Israel LIVE !!!

“Sure it did.

When was that Arab Palestinian state established and what was the national anthem?

”Israel is committing genocide in Gaza. “Sure it is. How many people has Israel killed, where do you get those numbers from, and how many of them were terrorists?

”Israel is an apartheid state.

“Sure it is. Are there millions of Christians and Muslims living peacefully in Israel and even represented in the Knesset?

Israel occupies Gaza. “Sure it does. What is the disengagement of 2005 and how many Jews were in Gaza on October 6th?

”The Palestinians only want a state.

“Sure they do. What was The Partition Plan? What were the Oslo Accords? What were the camp david talks?” (Only three of many opportunities for the Palestinians to have a state, all of which they rejected.)

The Palestinian people just want peace and they don’t support Hamas.

“Sure they don’t. Who elected Hamas and what percentage of Palestinians in Gaza and Judea and Samaria support Hamas?

” There was no rape or any sexual violence on October 7th. Israel made it up. “

Sure it did. Did Israel also collaborate with Hamas to fabricate the GoPro footage? What AI platform did they use?”

Israel has been oppressing and occupying the Palestinians for 75 years.

“Sure it has. How many “Palestinians” were there in 1948 and how many are there now?

”Israel is killing indiscriminately in Gaza.

“Sure it is. So why is Israel sending in foot soldiers instead of just flattening Gaza and why is Israel dropping pamphlets warning civilians to evacuate?

”Israel is starving Gazans.

“Sure it is. How many thousands of trucks has Israel sent into Gaza when food and humanitarian aid?"

Israeli settlers are terrorists

“Sure they are. Name four terrorist attacks carried out by Israeli terrorists. Names and dates please.”

Israel is a racist country that discriminates against minorities.

“Sure it is. Tell me, how many gay parades have happened in Israel and how many in the areas governed by the Palestinians.”

Israel’s attack on Gaza is disproportionate.

“Sure it is. What would you have Israel do after 1,200 of its citizens were brutally murdered, raped, burned alive, and decapitated? Are you suggest Israel should do the same to Palestinians?”

Israel wants to kill all Palestinians. It doesn’t want peace.

“Sure it doesn’t. What do these years have in common? 1937, 1947, 1967, 1991, 2000, 2001, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2013, 2019, 2020? (All years in which Israel offered a peace deal to the Palestinians and were rejected.)”

When confronted with these lies, ask the person these questions, and watch them stare at you with a blank face, because they simply don’t know how to answer the questions.

Then tell them to have a good day and walk away

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