Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates


Infamous HITLER FAN user attacks users against hate as if they are "paid" ..

Is he paid by Holocaust denial sites he has been promoting for months?

Posting now from Islamist dictator Erdogan Turkish government propaganda what is next?
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[No question at all that Muslims have been spending the last few decades making Hamas and anything against Israel acceptable. Marches and anything connected to the terrorist side of Islam should be banned ]

There he encountered an unexpected verbal ambush. "I heard a lot of lies there that simply stem from psycho disinformation. They really have no idea what's going on. For them, for example, everything that happens in Gaza also happens to the Arabs in Israel," he says. "I was like the bad guy there, the one who came to fight with the Palestinians. That wasn't the plan. But that's how it is when you put four Americans in front of you, with no real connection to Palestine, who just talked nonsense all the time. They brought people who are Americans for everything, but their grandfather was born in Ramallah. Or that at the age of ten he would go to visit his grandfather in Nablus, something like that."
Ein Gal came to that photo shoot day seemingly as an ordinary Israeli. When he revealed to his fellow panelists that he was not just an Israeli but one of the victims of October 7th, those who experienced the events of that day first hand, not only did he not receive empathy or special interest, but also a real turn of the back. "You expect it to be a dramatic moment. And then suddenly one of these Palestinians looks at me and says tell me, aren't you ashamed to celebrate that there's a prison next to you? You see, that's what he tells me to my face. This is his reaction when I told him what I went through on the 7 in October".

"After I did this episode of Jubilee, which received several million views, I received thousands of curses on my Instagram and Facebook. That's where all the idiots who deny October 7th went," Ein Gal adds.
Do try to focus,
the answer you provided only proves
your preference for drama instead of accuracy.

Al Jihadzeera "journalists" die in conflicts all around the world,
no one calls that "cencorship" except to attack Israel, and no one
interested in truth uses that term for combatants with anti-tank missiles.

Why do Arab states ban Al-Jihadzeera?

first, while there are some people who are paid to help with Israel's PR battle, most people defending teh state are not paid. Some are trained, others are not. Why is that bad? Do you think that Arabs don't pay people for PR? Americans don't? Are you that naive?

Second, hasbara (explanation) is called by you "peddling a narrative." That's nice but immaterial. I would call it "explaining the truth in the face of Hamas lies and Pallywood." You have an article that makes a claim. Would it help if I linked to an article which said otherwise? Is having Turkish opinion listed supposed to be any sort of objective analysis?

As to your claim "The Gaza Genocide is not a "war" just as machine gunning homeless and starving women and children in a line is not "combat"." You have a right to that opinion. But it IS a war against Hamas and, sadly, Hamas is putting civilians in the line of fire. Israel has provided options, safe havens, and aid to a people who have called for its destruction and has gone beyond any other country in the treatment of its enemies during a war. If you want, I can get links for all of these claims. Interested?

Yes, we believe in "never forget" -- never forget the existential threat that people who call for more "October 7th" massacres present.

First of all, I appreciate your civility and know that in every conflict that neither side is either intrinsically good or evil.
I am also not so naive as to think that only the "other" side of any conflict uses propaganda and as an older combat Veteran, I am not so quick to condemn genuine collateral damage; the unavoidable killing of innocent civilians.

However, there is too much irrefutable evidence from even Israeli sources that IDF regards the killing of what Israeli Defense Minister calls "human animals" "...more lightly than the killing of mosquitoes" (1)

Another Jewish source reports the IDF crimes that "...include the use of human shields, close-range murder of civilians, targeting of medics, and more." (2)

If you don't believe the Jewish and Israeli sources I've already cited in earlier comments, perhaps you'll believe the confessions of the ethical Israelis of "Breaking the Silence". (3)

I stand by my assertion that what moral Jews(4) around the world are calling a genocide is not a "war".

Where is Hamas' Air Force, where is Hamas' Navy, tanks, helicopter gunships, and heavy artillery?
Netanyahu couldn't call his genocidal foray through Gaza "mowing the lawn" as he has phrased other murderous rampages.

Apologists for Netanyahu's genocide act as if the entire Palestine - Israel conflict began with Hamas' attack on 7 October 2023 when, not only did Israel help create Hamas to destroy the PLO but the cyclical violence began with the invasion of foreign Zionist terrorist gangs in the 1940s and continues as I write this.

Hamas is putting civilians in the line of fire.
I've read this absurd rationalization countless times.
It's not Hamas that massacred thousands of Palestine's native residents and herded the rest into a walled open-air prison that Israel uses as an arms testing ground (5) every time they feel like "mowing the lawn".

In other words, artificially created population density is no excuse for mass murder.

Israel has provided options, safe havens, and aid to a people who have called for its destruction and has gone beyond any other country in the treatment of its enemies during a war.
Even before the tragic events of 7 October 2023, almost half of Israeli Jews supported ethnic cleansing( 6) of all native Palestinian Arabs and with today's murderous "Settler" extremism (7), I hope you'll understand why anyone today would have trouble believing that Israel is a gushing fount of philanthropy toward the native residents of Palestine whose primary offense was already living on land coveted by foreign Zionist terrorists.

The most compelling proof that Netanyahu and his right wing extremists are only interested in the systematic extermination of Gaza's residence and theft of their land is the absence of an End Game or Exit Strategy.

What will Gaza be in 6 months other than endless mounds of rubble and body parts?

I rarely make predictions but I'll make two:
1. Even if Hamas is eliminated, resistance to Israel's illegal occupation will only grow. Netanyahu can't kill his way to Israel's security.

2. America will pay dearly because of its complicity in what over 1/3 of America believes is genocide. (8)

Finally, my time in and around Palestinian refugee camps during the '73 War has allowed me to see the side most heavily repressed by MSM. I am also aware of the numerous Israeli / Jewish NGOs that help Palestinians and expose IDF atrocities just as I appreciate the democratic candor of Israeli media and society.
Because I have spent time in multiple hostile environments, I fully appreciate the desire of everyday Israelis to be in a secure setting.
It is simply my opinion that the greatest obstacle to security has come from the "Greater Israel," right wing, "Settler" extremists.

The following article (9) explains that the Settlements are proof that Israel's right wing doesn't want peace and the security that comes with it. (unfortunately, it's behind a paywall)

While we obviously disagree on some major points, I hope we can agree that the sooner the killing stops the less likely we are to have a regional escalation.


(1)"The Israel Massacre Forces"

EXCERPT "The shooting on the Gaza border shows once again that the killing of Palestinians is accepted in Israel more lightly than the killing of mosquitoes"CONTINUED

(2). "Independent investigation details Israel’s deliberate targeting of civilians in Gaza"
Independent investigation details Israel’s deliberate targeting of civilians in Gaza

EXCERPT "A new independent medical fact-finding mission in Gaza has detailed Israel’s deliberate killing of Palestinian civilians in its summer 2014 attack, codenamed Operation “Protective Edge.” Acts documented in the investigation include the use of human shields, close-range murder of civilians, targeting of medics, and more."


(4). “Jews Against Genocide statement and action”

EXCERPT “We, Jews Against Genocide, came to Yad Vashem, Israel’s memorial of the genocide committed against Jews, to honor the Palestinian children who are dying in a genocide committed by Jews.

We brought dolls to symbolise the children of Gaza, and tried to bring a glimpse of the horror that Gazan’s face, to Israel’s doorstep. We hope to show Israel, and the world, the absurd reality of using the memory of one genocide to justify another.” CONTINUED

(5). “The Lab”: Israel Tests Weapons, Tactics On Captive Palestinian Population
EXCERPT "“The Lab,” which won a recent award at DocAviv, Israel’s documentary Oscars, is due to premiere in the U.S. in August. Directed by Yotam Feldman, the film presents the first close-up view of Israel’s arms industry and the dealers who have enriched themselves.

The title relates to the film’s central argument: that Israel has rapidly come to rely on the continuing captivity of Palestinians in what are effectively the world’s largest open-air prisons.

The reason is that there are massive profits to be made from testing Israeli military innovations on the more than four million Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank."CONTINUED

(6). “Nearly half of Israeli Jews believe in ethnic cleansing, survey finds”

EXCERPT “Almost half of Jewish Israelis believe Arabs should be "expelled or transferred" from Israel, a survey has found." CONTINUED

(7). "Israel Must Loudly Arrest the Murderous West Bank Settlers"

EXCERPT "Since Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack, settlers there have killed more than 120 Palestinians and injured at least 2,000. They have forcibly expelled more than 800 Palestinians from their homes, blown up their generators and solar panels, and burned down tents of Bedouin herders.

Again: This has been going on not in Gaza but in the West Bank—which is governed by the Palestinian Authority, not by Hamas." CONTINUED

(8). “35 percent of Americans say Israel committing genocide in Gaza: Poll”

EXCERPT “Around 35 percent of Americans believe Israel is carrying out a genocide against Palestinians, according to the latest Economist/YouGov poll." CONTINUED

(9). “Israel Does Not Want Peace”

EXCERPT “Israel does not want peace. There is nothing I have ever written that I would be happier to be proved wrong about. But the evidence is piling up. In fact, it can be said that Israel has never wanted peace – a just peace, that is, one based on a just compromise for both sides".CONTINUED
However, there is too much irrefutable evidence from even Israeli sources that IDF regards the killing of what Israeli Defense Minister calls "human animals" "...more lightly than the killing of mosquitoes" (1)
that's an opinion piece from Haaretz (and if you don't know their politics, you should) from 2018. mDo it is not evidence, but an opinion from one person, 6 years ago.
Another Jewish source reports the IDF crimes that "...include the use of human shields, close-range murder of civilians, targeting of medics, and more." (2)
Actually, that is from 2014 (Operation Protective Edge) during which Israel responded to thousands of rockets being fired upon it. During that same conflict, the UN claimed that Hamas was as guilty of war crimes. I didn't see that in your quote, but it is in the UN report. One wonders what would happen if no one chose to fire rockets at Israel. It almost seems that, then, Israel would not respond. Crazy, I know.
If you don't believe the Jewish and Israeli sources I've already cited in earlier comments, perhaps you'll believe the confessions of the ethical Israelis of "Breaking the Silence". (3)
Or perhaps you'll read up on them and realize that they aren't a very reputable source
I stand by my assertion that what moral Jews(4) around the world are calling a genocide is not a "war".
You mean that Jews who agree with your belief, you choose to call "moral." There's a big difference between assuming a priori moral status and then trusting statements made as coming from a moral center, and finding the statements that agree with your position and deciding they are moral so the ones who said them are therefore moral in your book. I find the statements and actions of those who would try to coopt Yad Vashem for their own ends to be highly immoral.

Where is Hamas' Air Force, where is Hamas' Navy, tanks, helicopter gunships, and heavy artillery?
Don't know. Why does it matter? Where are Israel's terror tunnels, child soldiers and suicide bombers?
Netanyahu couldn't call his genocidal foray through Gaza "mowing the lawn" as he has phrased other murderous rampages.
See, you are starting with loaded language and an obvious bias.
It's not Hamas that massacred thousands of Palestine's native residents and herded the rest into a walled open-air prison that Israel uses as an arms testing ground (5) every time they feel like "mowing the lawn".
"Native residents"? "Palestine"? Already you are buying in to a narrative because it suits you. It doesn't comport with actual history, but you use it as if it did because it helps you establish the foundation you need. That's specious at best and more likely, just intellectually dishonest.
In other words, artificially created population density is no excuse for mass murder.

Even before the tragic events of 7 October 2023, almost half of Israeli Jews supported ethnic cleansing( 6)
You really should re-read the 2016 Pew report. What it says is a bit more complicated than what you present. And the continued mention of "native" and "Palestinian" further demonstrate how you are digging in to a position which is not supported by history.
What will Gaza be in 6 months other than endless mounds of rubble and body parts?
If Hamas were to return the hostages tomorrow what do you think would happen? If Hamas were to refuse to condone acts of terror against Israel, refuse to invade, refuse to fire rockets, refuse to use tunnels to get into Israel to kill or kidnap...what do you think Israel would do? Asking Israel's endgame is useless because Israel's exit strategy is dependent on Hamas which has repeatedly refused to stop attacking Israel, refused even to account for the hostages and which hijacks aid shipments.
I rarely make predictions but I'll make two:
1. Even if Hamas is eliminated, resistance to Israel's illegal occupation will only grow. Netanyahu can't kill his way to Israel's security.
What illegal occupation -- Israel left Gaza in 2005. Do you know what happened after that? Rockets were fired into Israel.
2. America will pay dearly because of its complicity in what over 1/3 of America believes is genocide. (8)
"Pay dearly"? LOL. And quoting another opinion piece from the same writer and the same newspaper doesn't do much to establish any actual facts.

That being said, if after October 7th you don’t stand with Israel in its war on Hamas, there’s something I have to tell you and I’m sorry to be the one to say it, so maybe sit down for this.

You. Are. An. Antisemite.

That’s right. There is no scenario in which you side with Hamas after what it did and what it wants to do over and over and you can claim you don’t hate Jews.

Not possible.

It’s really pretty simple.

Hamas wants all Jews dead. They don’t hide it. They are proud of it.

If you support them, you support another Holocaust. That makes you an antisemite.

Oh, and while on the topic, if you don’t think Israel has a right to exist, that means you don’t think the Jewish people deserve to come home to their homeland where they are indigenous.

So let me get this straight. Christian countries? Sure. Muslim countries? No problem.

One tiny little Jewish state? Nope. That’s too much.

So again, no one else will say it. You cannot oppose the existence of Israel and claim you aren’t an antisemite.

You support Hamas? You’re an antisemite.

You oppose the state of Israel? Antisemite.

Now that we got that out of the way, you don’t want to be just a mediocre antisemite. If you’re gonna do it, do it right.

Here are some speaking points and tips for you to take your Jew hatred to the next level. You’re welcome.

1- Read Mein Kampf. You’ll find it to be a fascinating read from one of your role models.

2- Allocate some time on a daily basis to harass random Jews on the streets. Just make sure not to differentiate between Jews who are actual Zionists and love Israel and Jews who have never been to Israel and have zero opinion on the matter. A Jew is a Jew is a Jew.

3- Make sure to check the Hamas website or social media channels at least 5 times a day for speaking points. Make sure to quote Hamas’ casualty numbers as often as possible. Reminder that Israel has killed zero terrorists and every single casualty in Gaza is a woman, a child, a doctor, or a journalist. If you really want to gain some points amongst your peers, head over to your local toy store, buy a doll, color it with a red marker and snap a photo. Share that photo on your social media with the caption “Israel killed this baby.”

4- Go find all the reports about sexual violence perpetrated by Hamas and replace the word Hamas with IDF then tell everyone about it.

5- While you’re at the toy store, ask them if they have a mask. Buy it. Cover your face with it. Find an anti Jewish protest in your city and join, while yelling things you don’t understand and chanting things that contradict each other (‘Globalize the Intifada’ and ‘Ceasefire now.’)

6- Join the BDS movement and boycott all Israeli products. Before you do that though, make sure to throw out your phone, not use the internet, and sell all your computers. You can’t use any of that…

7- Speak to some of your fellow antisemites and come up with some new creative blood libels. Reminder to stay away from “The Jews control the media and the weather”, “The Jews drink Christian blood and killed Jesus.”, “The Jews are killing Gazans indiscriminately.” Those have already been used. Go crazy. No one will think twice no matter how much you lie, as long as it’s a lie about Jews being evil.

8- Tell everyone that Israel is harvesting Palestinian organs and attacking random Gazans trying to find food. That should illicit some good hatred of the Jews.

9- Make sure to accuse Israel of genocide in Gaza but when Hamas rejects yet another ceasefire, make sure you’re too busy that day to say a word on social media. Start yelling ceasefire now on the next day. Everyone will forget that Hamas is the one preventing a ceasefire.

10- Make sure to continuously change and deny history as often as you can. Remember; the Holocaust never happened. Neither did October 7th. The Palestinian people are thousands of years old and all they want is a state of their own. Please make sure to ignore any and all facts that you see in a history book. The Jews control those too.

11- One bonus point. Make sure to ignore all conflicts around the world and their casualty numbers. Then keep repeating how the Gaza casualty numbers are unprecedented, even though the truth is, they’re microscopic compared to other wars, even the one in Syria, which is right on Israel’s border.

Congratulations. You are now a well trained and highly equipped antisemite. Go buy yourself a drink on me (but I’m a Jew so it might be poisoned.)

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