Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

Oh, I answered your question by showing that IDF represses al Jazeera's reporting by targeting its journalists. (1)

No other military has been so desperate to hide its atrocities than IDF which has murdered 68 journalists in just 10 weeks.

So, I've answered your question, you just didn't like the answer which I've supported with several sources.

Since you have no idea what passes for Middle Eastern "News" in pro Israel
American news, you cannot know the degree to which al Jazeera is censored from the average American.

For example, even though I don't watch much TV, I don't ever remember seeing anything from al Jazeera on any of the countless number of news sources in our area.

The only "Americans" who are cheerleaders for Netanyahu's blatant Gaza genocide are gullible victims of America Ziono-media "news", traitorous "Israel Firsters" and homicidal psychopaths.

(1). "Israeli military accused of targeting journalists and their families in Gaza"

"Committee to Protect Journalists says at least 68 journalists and media workers killed since 7 October"

EXCERPT "The Committee to Protect Journalists has accused the Israeli military of targeting journalists and their families in Gaza amid the highest death toll of media workers in any recent conflict.

The New York-based CPJ said at least 68 journalists and other media workers had been killed in Gaza, Israel and southern Lebanon since the Hamas cross-border attack on 7 October and subsequent Israeli assault.

“More journalists have been killed in the first 10 weeks of the Israel-Gaza war than have ever been killed in a single country over an entire year,” it said." CONTINUED

Do try to focus,
the answer you provided only proves
your preference for drama instead of accuracy.

Al Jihadzeera "journalists" die in conflicts all around the world,
no one calls that "cencorship" except to attack Israel, and no one
interested in truth uses that term for combatants with anti-tank missiles.

Why do Arab states ban Al-Jihadzeera?

Journalists know Hamas lies about casualty figures. They don't care.

The New York Times has a large feature article about the victims in Gaza - just like they seem to have every week.

Lives Ended in Gaza
Since the war started, more than 30,000 people have been killed during Israel’s bombardment and invasion. Here are some of their stories.

Yes, the "newspaper of record" is now saying, as fact, that 30,000 people have been killed.

Their source? Hamas!

The thing is that reporters and editors know damned well that Hamas is lying about Gaza casualties.

Look at their reporting for alleged mass casualty events in Gaza since October.

After the Al Ahli hospital fiasco they admitted that there was no way 471 people were killed. The NYT reported a week later, "The death toll, initially put at 500 by Hamas and then lowered to 471, is believed by Western intelligence agencies to be considerably lower — but no number has been verified. The hospital itself was not directly struck; whatever caused the explosion actually hit the hospital courtyard, where people had gathered for safety, and a handful of parked cars."

Hamas claimed the October 13 Salah-al-Deen road explosion, also falsely blamed on Israel, killed 70 people but respected news media did not parrot those figures; some counted about 12.

They all know Hamas lies about numbers. But they never report any doubts about them, even when they themselves show they aren't buying it in their reporting.

The fact is that in the past there were independent sources in Gaza (like PCHR and the UN-OCHA) that could do their own counts and keep Hamas honest. Today there is nobody. So Hamas lies with impunity, since they see that the media doesn't publicly doubt those accusations the way they do with Israeli statements. The "118" that Hamas claimed were killed by the IDF last Thursday during thee aid truck stampede includes absurd claims by the Gaza health ministry like there are still bodies being found at the scene two days later. (It isn't like they were hidden under rubble.)

This is a major media fail, happening in real time, in front of our eyes. And sometime in 2025 some researcher will spend the time to count all the deaths and discover that these are all lies, but it will be too late.

It already is.
Journalists know Hamas lies about casualty figures. They don't care. EoZ
BBC News – obsessive, biased- and unaccountable
David Collier ^ | 3 Mar 2024

On Friday (1 March), BBC News published the latest findings from their ‘fact-checking’ flagship ‘BBC Verify’ – looking at the 100+ deaths that occurred during the chaos surrounding the aid convoy in Gaza.

BBC launched BBC Verify last year – a unit comprising of 60 journalists to help fact-check, verify video, and counter disinformation. Intended to be a gold standard in the age of fake news, BBC Verify has just ended up being another obsessive anti-Israel propaganda outfit.

While BBC Verify do not actually come to any conclusions over the aid convoy deaths, the piece is heavily slanted to blame the Israeli army for the deaths.

This latest ‘fact checking’ story rested heavily on one key eyewitness – a Palestinian journalist called Mahmoud Awadeyah. This is what he told the BBC:

Mahmoud Awadeyah eyewitness

This eyewitness account provides the backdrop for BBC Verify to imply that ‘Israel did it’. BBC News then rely on one other witness – the interim hospital manager at al-Awda hospital, to drive home the claim.

But there is a larger problem. BBC Verify don’t actually verify anything here. They just take these people at their word and publish these statements without question.

Anyone who follows my work knows that I always check Journalists where I can. Research has shown that 50% of the journos in Gaza appear to work directly for Hamas or Islamic Jihad. Who exactly is Mahmoud Awadeyah that the BBC relied on to create their BBC Verify headline?

The BBC’s source – Mahmoud (Al) Awadeyah​

Mahmoud Al Awadeyah posted an account on his FB from the scene. He has an IG account as well and uses both Awadia and Al Awadia on his social media.

He works for Al Quds Today and the Tasnim News Agency. Tasnim is an Iranian news agency set up and controlled by the IRGC.


Perhaps the pro-IRGC affiliation explains why his likes on the ‘X’ platform include a post about Hamas honouring the IRGC commander Qasem Soleimani.

But the problem goes way beyond liking posts. On 27 January 2023, as seven Israelis lay dead following a terror attack outside of a synagogue – Awadeyah posted these celebrations on Facebook:



In summer of 2023 Awadeyah stood in front of a mural that celebrated the murder of 82-year-old Inga Avramyan who was killed by an Islamic Jihad rocket when it hit her apartment in Rehovot. Awadeyah celebrated the killing, and promised more:


His timelines across social media are full of pro-terrorist imagery and support for violence:

There were also several posts on his FB that mourned for ‘Abu Hadi’ or Khalil Al Bahtini – a leader of the milItary wing of Islamic Jihad. Al Bahtini was killed in a targeted strike by Israel in May 2023:


And here they are together in this photo, with Awadeyah posting about how close they were:


This is the BBC’s key source for the BBC Verify article.

How can the BBC possibly consider this man’s evidence as reliable? He dances when Jewish civilians are murdered, and sits and breaks bread with the leaders of proscribed terrorist groups. Is there a sane person alive who believes this terrorist supporter would not lie for his cause?

Did nobody at ‘BBC Verify’ bother to look at his social media account?

The answer of course is no, of course they didn’t. BBC Verify consists of amateurish hacks, who have a supremacist attitude, and who don’t even bother to do the most basic of checks. This is not journalism – it is activism – driven by a bunch of privileged nobodies with limited intelligence and grossly inflated egos. Angry? You bet I am. The BBC anti-Israel drumbeat helps to spread antisemitism and it is all funded by the taxpayer. This is absolutely disgraceful.

But then this is just what BBC News do all the time.

Tuesday 27 Feb – the ‘special’ day of coverage​

On Tuesday 27 February, BBC News ran live coverage so Gazans could ‘share their daily lives’ with the world. It turned out to be another day of relentless anti-Israel propaganda dutifully funded by the British taxpayer.

Have no doubt, the BBC has mobilised against Israel and are using almost every dirty trick in the book to demonise the Jewish state. There is no attempt at balance, there is no quality to the output, and there is no truth in the final picture. BBC News coverage of the war is akin to a civil service version of Electronic Intifada.

Still don’t believe me? Just carry on reading.

Almost every day the BBC front page news covers an aspect of the war in an attempt to demonise Israel. The piece is always on the front page – and invariably negative. A simple browse through the BBC headlines captured in the wayback machine easily highlights this.

On 27 February the BBC decided to run a whole day with updates from Gazans telling everyone about the lives they are leading now. For example, one of the first out of the block at 7:40am was Dr Haya Hijazi. We are told she is living in a tent and the headline tells us she starts each day with a search for clean water:
BBC lies Haya Hijazi

Except this does not seem to be true. Haya Hijazi is a social media propagandist who runs constant campaigns for donations. She is quite successful and has 576,000 followers on Instagram. It is impossible to know how much money she receives, but her IG is full of videos of herself handing out produce. She clearly has no shortage herself. In fact, just before she told BBC she needed to ‘search for water’, she was busy filming herself handing out cash. This post from her own Instagram account on Monday:

Not your average Gazan then.

And so it went on. The first entry of the day was from Yahya Hussen – who used to live in the exclusive Al-Zahra neighbourhood. The next was from Samira Noorallah who used to live in a house ‘of 300 square meters’. These are not your average Gazans either. Then came this one – a ‘journalist’ called Aseel Mousa:


In simply referring to Mousa as a journalist, the BBC neglect to inform readers that Aseel Mousa writes for hate magazines like Electronic Intifada. She openly saluted Oct 7 on her X account. This is a celebratory post from Mousa on January 27 2023 at 19:07 – as seven Israelis were slaughtered in a terrorist attack:


These are the people BBC is giving voice to. Does nobody check anything? Or do they just not care?

BBC News and subtle brainwashing​

A BBC News headline the following day was more subtle. It was about Biden’s primary victory in Michigan


This is the problem with bias – it often works like a magician’s assistant – most people look the wrong way, and if they do catch on, they end up down a rabbit hole arguing over semantics. But the real bias is not contained in the words – it is contained in the intent, design and process – it is institutional.

This is no surprise because the BBC’s pool of journalists is turning into a sewer full of anti-Zionist and/or woke activists. The journalist behind last Wednesday’s piece on Biden is Brandon Denon. Before taking up this position with the BBC he was the ‘Racial Justice and Equity Reporter‘ at the Indianapolis Star. He is married to Daliyah Assil (Dalyah Shaheera Drenon on FB), a ‘Syrian Palestinian’.


Assil’s family is active, and her sister Reem Assil has the ‘honour’ of having her own page on the Canary Mission website. She is listed for her glorification of terrorism and her pro BDS activities:


No, Brandon is not responsible for the pro-terrorist sympathies of his sister-in-law, or the ‘free Palestine’ posts of his wife. But anyone who thinks that a racial justice and equity reporter who is married into a Palestinian Syrian activist family is going to write impartial articles about Israel is simply deluded. But this is the reality of the BBC employee pool these days – more fit for Novara media or the Canary, than the British public service broadcaster.

And the BBC anti-Israel propaganda coverage is relentless. It is not just a few skewed headlines or dodgy journalists – it is as if the BBC turned its entire arsenal on the Jewish state.

More on BBC Unverified​

Take a recent BBC Verify video featuring journalist Merlyn Thomas on the events in Nasser Hospital in Gaza.

The piece is all speculation, and Thomas does not actually verify anything at all in this ‘BBC Verify’ video. Worse still, she pushes statements such as “Doctors say a number of people there have been killed by Israeli snipers in recent days” – which is surely exactly the type of unverified propaganda rubbish that BBC Verify was created to address.


This is the result of nothing more than a few obsessives at the BBC finding another excuse to demonise Israel. Check Thomas’ social media. It is all one way traffic.

There are plenty of such examples from BBC Verify. Jake Horton & Daniele Palumbo looked at work taking place in Egypt near the Gaza border. Their speculation relied on an anonymous conspiratorial suggestion from an ‘aid worker’, and a quote from Andreas Krieg ‘an academic at KCL’. Andreas Krieg literally worked with the Qatari military (Qatar hosts key elements of the Hamas leadership). How can BBC Verify not mention this in an article related to Israel?

And Andreas Krieg seems to be a BBC Verify favourite – as Merlyn Thomas and co used him again just a few days ago when they tried to support Hamas claims over the numbers of civilian dead (BBC Verify’s attempts to pretend they can address this in the middle of a conflict just underlines how amateurish this all is).

But the bottom line is this: BBC Verify only engage in verifying things that try to undermine Israeli actions and statements. Could you imagine them addressing the fake narrative of the Gazan journalists? They never would – nor do they ever address anything that undermines the Palestinian propaganda campaign.

It is ALL one way traffic. That’s the bias.

BBC News – the unaccountable elite​

And they know there is nothing we can do. The BBC is untouchable and the BBC Journalists truly believe they are of a superior breed.

To test the ground, I recently raised three official complaints with the BBC. Important note: I didn’t complain about bias because that can lead to an argument of subjectivity. I researched and found three items produced by the BBC that contained serious ethical failings.

  1. The first was a fake news article put together with the help of a terrorist supporter in Gaza.
  2. The second was an article that didn’t bother to do background research into the Hamas ties of the victims.
  3. The third was an article in which the BBC’s Gazan based journalist appears to interview his own wife as if she were a random stranger.
I submitted complaints against all three. In all three cases I had to wait several weeks before receiving the same dismissive response.


They do not care – and we cannot touch them. I did refer the three cases to OFCOM as instructed in those BBC emails – but I am not hopeful there either. The BBC Journalists are unaccountable. The more I dig into the BBC’s institutional hatred of Israel, the more I come to the obvious conclusion that no fair minded person should be helping to fund them. They all help to spread antisemitism.
Are any of Israel's paid, trained and scripted Hasbara trolls capable of composing an honest, articulate and credibly supported argument or are they getting paid just to post someone else's spam?

The Gaza Genocide is not a "war" just as machine gunning homeless and starving women and children in a line is not "combat".

Whatever happened to "never forget"?

(1). “Israel to pay students to defend it online”

EXCERPT “The Israeli prime minister's office said in a statement that students on Israeli university campuses would receive full or partial scholarships to combat anti-Semitism and calls to boycott Israel online. It said students' messages would parallel statements by government officials.” CONTINUED

(2). "The art of deception: How Israel uses ‘hasbara’ to whitewash its crimes"

"The Israelis have long relied on a public diplomacy strategy to dominate the arena of narrative control and information manipulation."

EXCERPT "As Israel conducts its latest round of aggression against the Palestinians, the prevailing narrative often peddled in mainstream western media outlets continues to be implicitly framed to favour the Israeli narrative.

Probably the most common tactic has been to link any criticism of Israeli policies, whether its human rights violations or illegal colonisation of Palestinian land, to anti-Semitism." CONTINUED
Are any of Israel's paid, trained and scripted Hasbara trolls capable of composing an honest, articulate and credibly supported argument or are they getting paid just to post someone else's spam?

The Gaza Genocide is not a "war" just as machine gunning homeless and starving women and children in a line is not "combat".

Whatever happened to "never forget"?

(1). “Israel to pay students to defend it online”

EXCERPT “The Israeli prime minister's office said in a statement that students on Israeli university campuses would receive full or partial scholarships to combat anti-Semitism and calls to boycott Israel online. It said students' messages would parallel statements by government officials.” CONTINUED

(2). "The art of deception: How Israel uses ‘hasbara’ to whitewash its crimes"

"The Israelis have long relied on a public diplomacy strategy to dominate the arena of narrative control and information manipulation."

EXCERPT "As Israel conducts its latest round of aggression against the Palestinians, the prevailing narrative often peddled in mainstream western media outlets continues to be implicitly framed to favour the Israeli narrative.

Probably the most common tactic has been to link any criticism of Israeli policies, whether its human rights violations or illegal colonisation of Palestinian land, to anti-Semitism." CONTINUED
first, while there are some people who are paid to help with Israel's PR battle, most people defending teh state are not paid. Some are trained, others are not. Why is that bad? Do you think that Arabs don't pay people for PR? Americans don't? Are you that naive?

Second, hasbara (explanation) is called by you "peddling a narrative." That's nice but immaterial. I would call it "explaining the truth in the face of Hamas lies and Pallywood." You have an article that makes a claim. Would it help if I linked to an article which said otherwise? Is having Turkish opinion listed supposed to be any sort of objective analysis?

As to your claim "The Gaza Genocide is not a "war" just as machine gunning homeless and starving women and children in a line is not "combat"." You have a right to that opinion. But it IS a war against Hamas and, sadly, Hamas is putting civilians in the line of fire. Israel has provided options, safe havens, and aid to a people who have called for its destruction and has gone beyond any other country in the treatment of its enemies during a war. If you want, I can get links for all of these claims. Interested?

Yes, we believe in "never forget" -- never forget the existential threat that people who call for more "October 7th" massacres present.

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