Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

Biden, are you listening? There's no famine in Gaza.
Opinion: Sifting truth from fiction requires effort, yet many prefer slickly-produced social media falsehoods due to sheer naivety or laziness; the US administration, seeking votes, embraces these misleading narratives, risking Israel's security for political gain.
Alon Goldstein | published:03.13.24 | 10:54

Let's talk straight: the war in Gaza concluded over a month ago. The IDF scaled back its troop deployment in the Strip by 80% from the height of operations, with our troops withdrawing from most territories previously held, transitioning to what's typically referred to as "routine security" operations—entailing small-scale, surgical actions.

And another thing: despite the war winding down, the pace of humanitarian aid entering the Strip is at an all-time high. Hundreds of trucks are delivering supplies from the south and east, and recently through a new passage opened by the IDF from the north. This is in addition to dozens of aid airdrops, courtesy of the U.S., Arab states and several European nations.

And let’s be frank: the people of Gaza are not starving to death, contrary to the claims of their cynical politicians, the manipulative narratives spread by their envoys in European capitals and the beliefs of their naive and misled sympathizers in the United States.

Yet, these sympathizers are too lazy to dig for the truth. But their laziness is not the only issue; they also fear the truth, which if revealed, would embarrass the distorted narrative they've embraced.

According to this narrative, Hamas is seen as an organization of freedom fighters, former slaves battling historic Western colonialism, rather than a despicable fanatic group that does not hesitate to rape women and murder innocent children, including its own people.
Separating truth from fiction demands thought and effort, yet many, out of naivety, fail to invest a few hours to engage with materials from the Gaza Strip, watch authentic videos, consult credible sources, or sidestep the slickly-produced falsehoods on social media by the notorious "Pallywood" studios.
Instead of seeking a complex reality, they parrot a thread of falsehoods crafted by Hamas-ISIS spokespeople. Had they made the effort, they would discover that although life in Gaza is indeed very difficult, with hundreds of thousands of refugees losing their homes and facing a long road to recovery, there are also harrowing human stories, and innocent lives have been tragically lost to bombings, shootings, and yes, a few to diseases or starvation.

But there is no mass starvation. There is no genocide. There is a harsh reality, initiated by a massive Palestinian slaughter of Israeli families. A war that slowly phases out before its objectives have been achieved.
The president of the United States and his administration are the latest to have desperately leaped onto this deceptive narrative, attempting to win over a few hundred thousand pro-Palestinian, antisemitic and misled voters, some merely confused, whose future prosperity hardly aligns with America's. This gamble risks the security and very existence of the State of Israel, as the current U.S. administration seems willing to compromise for these votes.
Interestingly, this shift comes at a time when the war in Gaza is winding down, humanitarian aid is increasing, and simultaneously, Hezbollah's attacks in northern Israel are intensifying. It is precisely now that President Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris and other officials have chosen to drastically change their stance toward Israel, speaking of its government in terms previously reserved for Hamas and the authoritarian regime in Tehran.

The cynicism, willful blindness and outright negligence are alarming. The internal politicking of the Democratic Party is endangering not only the State of Israel and its Jewish inhabitants but also Jews living in America and Europe, as vividly illustrated by the disturbing images and expressions from demonstrations across these continents.
To our Jewish brethren in America, to our friends and allies who support Israel, do not stand by idly. Make the current administration realize that for every vote they gain by sacrificing Israel, they will lose two from Israel's supporters and American patriots.

Raise your voices. Vote with your feet. Show Biden and his cohorts that their sacrifices in the Middle East will not be welcomed under the banner of the United States. For our future, for your future, for the triumph of truth, freedom and the victory of good over abject evil.
Trump tells Netanyahu to 'finish it up' in Gaza
In Fox News Interview former U.S. president says Biden 'dumped Israel' and claims Israel wouldn't have been attacked under his presidency; he calls on Israel to take care of Hamas 'quickly' and 'get back to a world of peace'
Ynet News
[Biden, are you listening? There's no famine in Gaza YNet]

Active Red Cross involvement

Additional PA regulations reveal that the Red Cross is quite active in the process. They require an initial Red Cross visit and a minimum of four visits a year to prisoners until the completion of their trial and conviction.

The same PA regulations require that another important form be provided by the Red Cross, that of the Power of Attorney. With this form, terrorist prisoners can designate an individual who will open a bank account for them or receive terror reward payments on their behalf:

Clause 5 – Power of Attorney: (3) The authorization of a representative is executed through a power of attorney issued by the Red Cross signed by the prisoner, or through a personal power of attorney signed by him and certified by a lawyer of the Ministry and by the General Administration for Legal Matters of the Ministry. The document will be valid only at the Ministry for the purpose of paying the salaries.
The last line of this regulation is of particular significance. It states that the PA would use the power of attorney provided by the Red Cross for one purpose only—to facilitate financial reward for terrorism.

Red Cross documentation yielding further benefit to terrorists

Red Cross documentation also plays a central role in guaranteeing jobs within the PA to released terrorist prisoners, as stated in PA Government Decision – 2006, Regarding the Regulations of the Law of Prisoners and Released Prisoners - Regulation for Ensuring Jobs for the Released Prisoners”:

Clause 3. Every released prisoner has a right to be guaranteed a job in one of the ministries or the PA apparatus, if the following conditions are met:
  1. He was imprisoned for 5 or more years, because of resistance to the occupation; that is whether this period was consecutive or broken into different time periods.
  2. These period/periods is/are documented in official documents of the Red Cross organization, or in a document from the responsible ministry that will verify his imprisonment.
PA Government Decision No. 15 of 2013 – Regulation for Ensuring Jobs for Released Prisoners was enacted to replace the previous regulation of 2006, but the role of the Red Cross remained the same:

Clause 4: The fixed salary
  1. The criteria for receiving the fixed salary [after release from prison]
  2. The prisoner was imprisoned for a period of 5 or more years

(full article online)


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