Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

The ideas you keep getting from Anti Israel sources which are not true:

1) The Israeli right wing is basically genocidal and expansionist

2) Israel is stealing land. It is not. 78% was stolen by the British during the mandate and given to the Arabia nearly kicked out Hashemite clan. Then the British tried to keep the rest for themselves and also helped the Hashemites in 1948 to attack Jews in Judea, Samaria and the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem. THERE is your real expansionists. The Muslims who kept that land for 1967 until they tried again with another war and lost that land to Israel, because by then Israel became stronger.

3) When you say Palestine long existing population you are definitely excluding the Jewish people who are the indigenous people of the land for over 3000 with a history included in many conqueror's history writings.

4) Israel is not a land of welfare but it is a Startup Nation which is economically sound.
You are confusing Jews with the Arabs of Gaza and PA who receive donations from around the world in order to help them destroy Israel and many receive salaries for having killed Jews, be they dead or in prison.

5) Ukraine is experiencing an existential threat. So is Israel. Iran .......give me a break.

6) by all means keep making the mistake of calling the getting rid of Hamas, Islamic Jihad in Gaza a "genocide". You continue to not gain points by doing that.

7) 95% of Jews are Zionists. Zionism is the right to reestablish the Jewish Nation ON its ancient Jewish homeland. It was to be done without doing any harm to any existing population outside of the Jewish one. Arab leader Al Hussaini did not agree with it, defeated the Arab clans who wanted it, and he started riots and killing of Jews instead of ever considering living in peace with a Sovereign Jewish State. They were offered a State by the British in 1937, 1947, 2000 and other times. They refused because these Arabs could not accept any territory once conquered by Muslims to be sovereign to anyone else but Muslims. THAT is the root of the conflict.

8) The Palestine Arabs refer to and which is used in the "Free Palestine" banners, etc is ISRAEL, not anywhere else. They AGAIN wanted to FREE all of Israel via another attack, this time with Hezbollah and the Houthis via Iran.

9) You do not have ONE freaking idea of what you are talking about. Allege this and allege that and are Incapable of seeing what is actually going on:

Muslims created an environment around the world against Israel after they lost the 1973 war. BDS, infiltrating governments, media, education. THIS is what we have today. It is not just a war with rockets, but a psychological war based on endless lies.
Israel has had to be strong and stronger and ready for war not because she wants to but because the Arab primitive thinking demands that they treat Jews like non humans and retake land once conquered by Muslims.

Not one complaint or battle or war against the Crusaders or Ottomans for the past 600 years before the Mandate For Palestine.

Israel and 15 Million Jews do not need your "knowledge". It is a "knowledge" designed to weaken Israel and see it eventually destroyed.


Am Israel Chai !

The People of Israel Live !!!

Even a cursory review of the comments I have written will show that about half of the sources I have used have been Jewish and / or Israeli sources.

That you regard "The Times of Israel" that I cited (1) as an "Anti Israel" source shows the degree to which you are desperate in attempting to defend the indefensible.

(1). "Palestinian terror leaders, Houthi officials met to coordinate against Israel – report"​

Palestinian terror leaders, Houthi officials met to coordinate against Israel – report
Top figures from Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and PFLP held discussions with Yemen's Iran-backed rebels last week on 'next stage' of war, Palestinian sources say

EXCERPT "Top figures from Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and PFLP held discussions with Yemen’s Iran-backed rebels last week on ‘next stage’ of war, Palestinian sources say" CONTINUED​

Please explain how "The Times of Israel" is "Anti Israeli" and, therefore, not to be trusted when your the only sources on which you base your opinions have been Hasbara "Tweets"

I have already refuted much of what you have written and supported my assertions with sources far more credible than cherry picked Hasbara "Tweets" that are essentially the plagiarized opinions of others.

Relentlessly spamming the board with the writings of others exemplifies precisely what you have complained about with:
....a psychological war based on endless lies.

One doesn't need extensive psychological training to notice the desperate and unhealthy obsession with anything or anyone who threatens the fantasy land you have created in your mind and named "Israel"

I will attempt to address at least some of your points again but, regrettably, my time os limited.

Your #1 is, again, just your unsupported opinion.
In spite of a pervasive pro Israel bias, about half of younger Americans believe that Israel (i.e.Netanyahu etc) is committing genocide. (1)

This is significant in that these same younger generations who recognize the genocidal nature of the the Israeli government and it is that generation who will be making Middle East policy

Next, who is committing genocide and stealing land (as per UN Res. #242 & #338) in "disputed territories" except for Israel's right wing extremists?

Certainly not Tikkun or the IDF Veterans of "Breaking the Silence"

Your #2 denying Israeli land theft is immediately debunked by any map of Palestine from 1947 to today.

I've already refuted your notion that the Ancient Hebrews are the only and earliest people in the Levant and I've supported my assertion that Israel is America's welfare state that has extorted more money, blood and resources from America than any other country in the world.

Your #7 is simply another of your unsupported falsehoods that is also easily debunked by:

"U.S. Jews have widely differing views on Israel"​

The rest of your comment contain still more one sided and easily debunked falsehoods.

Yes, what Hamas did in October was reprehensible but it was not the beginning of the cyclical violence and it has long since been eclipsed by what more and more of the world regards as an indefensible genocide whether you and the rest of the Hasbara army like it or not.
The genocidal agenda of Israel's right wing extremists is as strongly opposed throughout the Jewish community as anywhere else as I have previously documented.

Perhaps if you relied on more expansive sources than Hasbara "Tweets", you would see that it is Netanyahu and his henchmen who are Israel's greatest existential threat as no one has done more to unite Israel's enemies and alienate its allies than the murderous machinations.

Years ago, Tamir Pardo (former Mossad chief) said that Civil War was Israel's greatest existential threat. (2)
Now that the Netanyahu regime has done more to unite and enrage much of the Islamic world than any Muslim leader could, I'm not so sure.

I've already seen enough bloodshed, starvation and misery and was as sickened by the mass murder of 7 October as anyone here but am old enough to remember a salient anti war maxim from the 1960s:

"Killing for peace is like f-----g for virginity"

I hope that we can at least agree that the killing has to stop before we stumble into a WW 3.

Enjoy your day,

(1). "Half of Young People Say Israel Is Committing Genocide Despite Strong Media Bias"

EXCERPTS "The poll findings are a powerful show of young peoples’ support for Palestinian rights despite widespread repression.

According to polling conducted this week by The Economist/YouGov, 49 percent of people aged 18 to 29 say that they think Israel is committing genocide against Palestinians, with 24 percent saying they disagree and 27 percent saying they’re not sure." CONTINUED


EXCERPT "The most pressing threat to Israel is not Iran, but rather the increased polarization within Israeli society, former Mossad chief Tamir Pardo said in his first public appearance since leaving office in June.

“There is no outside existential threat to Israel, the only real existential threat is internal division,” Pardo said at an annual event to honor fallen Druse soldiers in the North.

In response to reporter’s questions, Pardo also addressed the Palestinian issue, saying that without a diplomatic solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict “we will never be able to achieve normalization with our Arab neighbors.”CONTINUED

I haven't lost my faith ...

in the American silent majority who have been observing the chaos of what so-called Pro "Palestine" on social media and on the American streets.

The majority of Americans will never choose delusional savages and violent mobs over democracy.

This war has been a challenge for all of us!

Fighting an immoral enemy who hijacked an entire society using civilians as human shields hasn't been an easy fight.

I don't blame many Americans for being deeply troubled by the atrocities of war.

Sooner or later many will be able to see the bigger picture beyond the pro "Palestine" false narrative and propaganda.

Uprooting Hamas was a necessity for long-lasting peace in the Middle East.

Soon Gazans will celebrate their freedom from Hamas's deadly regime, the blockade will end and the beautiful waterfront fertile land will thrive and prosper again.

Thank you for your support during this difficult time.

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