Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

Gaslighting is exactly what you with attacking the character and framing the vast majority of Jews with whom you disagree. This apparent fallacy is a sign of logical weakness.

And that is only because you can't rationally address the position of those who
actually represent the community, and no interest to ever discuss anything.

So why do you think you know enough to lecture on the subject?

As to the usual threat of 1/8 billion Muslims to every minority
in the region - thanks for demonstrating again, that rather than justice,
this is the bottom line, how all debate ends with Islamists - it's all a power game.

In al the years you haven't come up with anything,
what makes you think Allah's decision from 1948
changed the outcome of the odds?

Really, Allah is a Zionist,
what has changed?

You still don't seem to understand the true meaning of the term "Gaslighting" which comes from a 1944 movie named "Gaslight".
Please either watch the movie to understand its meaning.
It is a form of primarily domestic abuse that is used to make someone else question their own sanity.

I am simply stating facts, quotes and asking questions that you either deny, distort, ignore or deliberately evade.

For example, I wrote that there are about 1.8 Billion Muslims in the world, not "1/8 Billion".

1.8 Billion is 1,800,000,000, not 1/8 of 1,000,000,000.

There are also about 15.7 Million Jews in the world.
That 1.8 Billion Muslims vastly outnumber the world's 15.7 Million Jews is a simple fact, not an opinion.

I am not saying that because Muslims vastly outnumber Jews that they deserve all of Palestine. I am simply stating that Israelis have a choice.

They can either return most of the illegal "Settlements" and negotiate in good faith for a just and durable peace.


They can allow the corrupt Netanyahu (1) to continue his illegal and provocative "Greater Israel" expansionism and incur even greater resistance and constant attacks.

In other words, you can have either illegal "Settlements" and criminal expansionism or a more peaceful existence but not both.

Do you really think that because your mythology / religion claims that you are the "Chosen People" that you are entitled to other people's land?

Finally, I can't find a single person who supports Netanyahu's genocidal agenda that can articulate Netanyahu's End Game or any final objective other than just killing as many Palestinians as the world will tolerate.

Do you really think that you will be any more secure in 4 - 6 months after Netanyahu kills another 30,000+ Palestinians?


(1). "Netanyahu corruption trial resumes, as war rages on"

EXCERPT "Netanyahu’s corruption trial first began in January 2020, making him the first sitting Israeli prime minister to appear in court as a defendant, on trial for charges of fraud, breach of trust and bribery. He denies any wrongdoing." CONTINUED
You still don't seem to understand the true meaning of the term "Gaslighting" which comes from a 1944 movie named "Gaslight".
Please either watch the movie to understand its meaning.
It is a form of primarily domestic abuse that is used to make someone else question their own sanity.

I am simply stating facts, quotes and asking questions that you either deny, distort, ignore or deliberately evade.

For example, I wrote that there are about 1.8 Billion Muslims in the world, not "1/8 Billion".

1.8 Billion is 1,800,000,000, not 1/8 of 1,000,000,000.

There are also about 15.7 Million Jews in the world.
That 1.8 Billion Muslims vastly outnumber the world's 15.7 Million Jews is a simple fact, not an opinion.

I am not saying that because Muslims vastly outnumber Jews that they deserve all of Palestine. I am simply stating that Israelis have a choice.

They can either return most of the illegal "Settlements" and negotiate in good faith for a just and durable peace.


They can allow the corrupt Netanyahu (1) to continue his illegal and provocative "Greater Israel" expansionism and incur even greater resistance and constant attacks.

In other words, you can have either illegal "Settlements" and criminal expansionism or a more peaceful existence but not both.

Do you really think that because your mythology / religion claims that you are the "Chosen People" that you are entitled to other people's land?

Finally, I can't find a single person who supports Netanyahu's genocidal agenda that can articulate Netanyahu's End Game or any final objective other than just killing as many Palestinians as the world will tolerate.

Do you really think that you will be any more secure in 4 - 6 months after Netanyahu kills another 30,000+ Palestinians?


(1). "Netanyahu corruption trial resumes, as war rages on"

EXCERPT "Netanyahu’s corruption trial first began in January 2020, making him the first sitting Israeli prime minister to appear in court as a defendant, on trial for charges of fraud, breach of trust and bribery. He denies any wrongdoing." CONTINUED
Tell you what Grau, when you do get to learn about the Muslim extremism and taking over other people's lands, like the one in the post above, you may come over and ask questions about a war Israel did not ask for and one which Israel is going to finish it the way any Democracy which is forced into a war would.

There are no illegal settlements in Area C, per the Oslo Accords, and you may believe any and all lies the Arabs tell you because you are good at believing them.

You will find plenty of Muslims and Christians and Druze and Bedouin IN Israel and around the world who do support Israel's right to defend itself and destroy Hamas in Gaza.

Hamas had been warned too many times and chose to do what it did on 10/7. Actions have consequences and this is the consequence of not going on with their lives after Israel left in 2005 and choosing to continue this Muslim obsession and disgusting view of Jews, where Jews have no rights. Much less the right to their own Nation because a few extremist Muslims and Christians say so.

When the war is over and Hamas is taken over, then.....we shall see what is going to happen.

YOU do not decide who the citizens of Israel vote for. Muslims, Jews, Christians, Druze and Bedouins will vote for whoever they wish to vote for. If it turns out to be Netanyahu, it is none of your business. If it is not....STILL none of your business.

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