Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

Israel made the mistake of caving to Hamas' demands in the case of Shalit and that's why the terrorists took so many hostages this time. The horrors the hostages are suffering are not a reason for Israel to surrender to Hamas, which is what Hamas demands, but a reason to continue this war until every vestige of Hamas in Gaza has been destroyed.
Hussain Abdul-Hussain @hahussain:
#Jordan now saying Hamas is instigating Jordanian tribes against government.

Palestinian Authority last month accused Hamas of dragging Palestinians, without consulting them, to worst disaster since 1948.

Gulf/World governments have Hamas on their terrorist organization lists for over a decade.

And yet when #Israel goes after Hamas for massacring 1,200 Israelis, everyone blames Israel.
Mar 30
وزير الإعلام الأردني الأسبق سميح المعايطة: تحريض قادة #حماس لعشائر #الأردن محاولة للضغط بهدف عودة الحركة إلى المملكة
Mar 31, 2024

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