Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

A few days after Hamas’ massacre of Israeli civilians – including the murder of at least 1,400, the wounding of at least 3,500, and taking at least 212 Israelis hostage, a senior official in PA Chairman Abbas’ Fatah Movement applauded the murderers as “a source of pride, heroism, and honor for the Palestinian people”:


Fatah Tulkarem Branch Secretary Iyad Jarrad: “They [the Israelis] went crazy because they received a lesson in history, in geography, about their entire system that collapsed through the act (i.e., Hamas’ massacre) that took place in the Gaza Strip, which was carried out by our fighters and our people there…We stand alongside our brothers in the Gaza Strip, because truly they are a source of pride, heroism, and honor for the Palestinian people
[Official PA TV, Oct. 10, 2023]​
Fatah’s terror wing, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, already expressed their support while the atrocities were happening on Oct. 7, exclaiming the Hamas terrorists, were “recording spectacular epics of heroism and sacrifice”:


Posted text: “The Al-Aqsa [Martyrs’] Brigades (i.e., Fatah’s military wing): We are fighting in this great battle (i.e., Hamas’ terror war on Israel) together with the resistance factions, and our fighters are currently recording spectacular epics of heroism and sacrifice.
The Al-Aqsa [Martyrs’] Brigades – military publicity”
[Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, Telegram channel, Oct. 7, 2023]​
PA Chairman Abbas’ deputy in the Fatah Movement, Mahmoud Al-Aloul,praised the “blood of the heroes” – i.e., dead Hamas terrorist “Martyrs” – vowing that it will “turn into a curse that will remove” Israel:


Posted text: “To the Fatah Movement members and all our Palestinian people everywhere – this is the time of difficulty, be strong, and we are for Palestine and for Jerusalem and the holy sites (refers to Hamas’ terror war on Israel; see note below -Ed.).
We say to you that the blood of the heroes will turn into a curse that will remove this occupier, all those who stand behind it, and all those who do not support our people.
[Fatah Deputy Chairman Mahmoud Al-Aloul, Twitter account,
Oct. 12, 2023]​
Already three days after Hamas’ massacre, Al-Aloul stressed that the PA and Fatah should join Hamas:

“Fatah Movement Deputy Chairman [and Fatah Central Committee member] Mahmoud Al-Aloul emphasized that we must unite our positions to fight the aggression against us by the Israeli occupation.”
[WAFA, official PA news agency, Oct. 10, 2023]​
He further justified Hamas’ atrocities – “the explosion” - as a “natural response” to what the Palestinians “have experienced,” adding that the “Palestinian [PA] leadership” agrees with this “response”:

“Al-Aloul explained that from the first moment everyone’s responses were united: This explosion (i.e., the Hamas terror war) is nothing but a natural response... and this is also the position of the Palestinian [PA] leadership.
[WAFA, official PA news agency, Oct. 10, 2023]​
Another Fatah official has referred to Hamas’ massacre against Israel as a “heroic operation”:


Fatah member Raafat Alayan: “The Palestinian was left without a choice…. He had no option other than the option of resistance, and he went in the direction of resistance to the occupation. The resistance went in the direction of the heroic operation that was carried out (i.e., Hamas’ massacre on Israel). The heroic operation that the resistance carried out on Oct. 7, [2023,] is a natural result of the bias of the international institutions in favor of the US that is biased in favor of Israel.”
[Al-Mashhad TV (Dubai), YouTube channel, Oct. 17, 2023​

Pictures from processions in Nablus in the West Bank show Palestinians “celebrating the Al-Aqsa Flood operation” – Hamas’ name for its massacre and terror war on Israel.

Palestinians supporting the atrocities committed by Hamas terrorists on Oct. 7 brought their young children along, thus teaching them that Hamas’ actions - murder of at least 1,400, wounding of at least 3,500, and capturing of 212 hostages, among them numerous civilians – should be encouraged and approved. The following are photos from the procession in Nablus celebrating murder, rape, and burning alive of innocent Israelis. The text by the independent news agency Palestine Post accompanying the photos explains the atrocities are cause for “celebration”:

“#Pictures – processions set out in Nablus celebrating the Al-Aqsa Flood operation (Hamas' name for its terror war against Israel-Ed.)”
[“Palestine Post,” Telegram channel, Oct. 7, 2023]​

A small child dressed in a military uniform, wearing a green Hamas headband featuring the symbol of the Izz A-Din Al-Qassam Brigades (Hamas’ military wing). The child is holding up one finger, signifying Allah.


A youth wearing a white headband of “the Lion’s Den,” an independent Palestinian terror cell largely based in Nablus. (See note below.) The headband includes the terror cell’s logo, featuring crossed assault rifles over the Dome of the Rock.


A man waving a white flag of “the Lion’s Den” featuring its logo.


A youth making a “V” for “victory.”


A masked youth holding an assault rifle, which could either be real or a toy.

[“Palestine Post,” Telegram channel, Oct. 7, 2023]​

Palestinian Media Watch has exposed that PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah Movement supports Hamas’ massacre on Israelis and that its terror wing, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, has bragged it helped Hamas carrying it out. Fatah’s Brigades have also called to “strike the sons of apes and pigs [and] slaughter everyone who is Israeli,” while Fatah’s Student Movement has called for terror in the West Bank.

Hamas war on Israel October 2023 - At least 1,400 Israelis were murdered and over 3,500 wounded, in addition to at least 212 Israelis who were abducted into the Gaza Strip, in a Hamas terror war that began when approximately 2,500 Hamas terrorists broke through Israel's security fence at the Gaza Strip border and launched a surprise attack, taking control of several Israeli towns and attacking a music festival on the Jewish holiday of Shemini Atzeret (Simchat Torah), which fell on the Sabbath, Oct. 7, 2023. During the massacre the terrorists tortured, raped, shot, beheaded, and burned their victims alive, murdering entire families and leaving at least 21 children without parents. Hamas terrorists also fired at least 5,000 rockets at Israeli population centers. In response, Israel launched Operation Iron Swords to counter the Hamas terror threat. Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon joined Hamas' terror war starting from the following day, attacking Israel from the north. Occasional rocket launches and shootings continued from Lebanon throughout the war.

The Lion's Den - an independent Palestinian terror cell largely based in Nablus. It has not stated an official affiliation and its members come from a variety of terror organizations, including Fatah's military wing the Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, Hamas, and Islamic Jihad. The Lion's Den was responsible for numerous shooting attacks mainly in the West Bank beginning in 2022, with an uptick in shootings during September-October 2022. Two of the main founders of the cell were Fatah terrorists Muhammad Al-Azizi and Ibrahim Al-Nabulsi, both killed in shootouts with Israeli forces on July 24, 2022 and Aug. 9, 2022 respectively.


Today's antisemitism in Arab media

Rai al Youm, a news and opinion website founded and led by Palestinian British journalist Abdel Bari Atwan (who used to be a fixture on the BBC), often publishes blatant Jew-hate. This article by Dr.. Ishib Ould Abati is right in line with the general editorial direction of the site.


The Jewish kingdom of lies and the normalized kingdom of Zionism!

It must be noted that Martin Luther spent twenty years trying to convince the Jews of his reformist call in order for them to back down from their policies of usurious trade, deception, cheating, lying, corrupting public morals, despising everyone who is not Jewish, stealing children, and eating pastries with their blood on the anniversary of the exodus of Moses, peace be upon him, from Egypt.

On May 14, 1948, the state of the Zionist entity was established in Palestine, and with the permission of the One and Only One, they will be expelled from the entire Arab world and the region will be cleansed of their evil, and of the evil of their supporters.

Martin Luther was the outstanding thinker of his time, but despite that, he fell into the deception of the Jews for twenty years before he criticized the religion of the Jews, their abhorrent behavior, and the policies of their rabbis in which they combined religion with usurious trade, with which they impoverished European and human societies, as they are today.

So when will the Arab politicians, and indeed America’s “agents,” wake up after fifty years of deception - and not after twenty years, as happened with Martin Luther - which the Zionists have led them into since the “Camp David” Accords, Wadi Araba, Oslo, and pagan Abrahamism?!

Will the “Al-Aqsa Flood” be the actual beginning of the migration of Zionists from Palestine, as we expect and hope, or will the control of the Arab oil and gas devils, the sectarian warlords, steal this achievement and hand it over to America, just as they handed over to it the two American hostages who were taken out of Gaza without anything in return?

[ May they soon be in Israeli soil, safe and sound]

Nurit Cooper (left) and Yocheved Lifshitz (Courtesy)
Nurit Cooper (left) and Yocheved Lifshitz (Courtesy)

Channel 12 news reports that the families of Nurit Cooper, 79, and Yocheved Lifshitz, 85, have been notified of their release from Hamas captivity.

Both were abducted from their homes in Kibbutz Nir Oz. Their husbands remain in Gaza.
The two are yet to be seen at the crossing, where they have apparently been handed over to Red Cross custody.

[ Where UN, EU, Qatar, Norway and other donor money goes in Gaza ]

Israel's Shin Bet security service and Police force jointly interrogated six detainees from Gaza who participated in the destruction and mass murder of October 7, 2023.

The footage from the interrogation was released on Monday and showed selected clips from six separate interrogations.

Each terrorist had a slightly different experience, but Israeli intelligence forces noted a number of common themes. All the Hamas agents were given explicit instructions to kill and kidnap civilians including the elderly along with women and children. While they did this, their commanders stayed behind in Gaza.

The reward for terrorism

One of the terrorists told Israeli forces that "whoever brings a hostage back [to Gaza] gets $10,000 and an apartment."

They said that the plan had been to take over the towns they attacked and hold positions there once they had finished killing and kidnapping the residents.

They made it clear that when it came to murder, they were not to distinguish between civilians and soldiers.

(full article online)

I just received a press release from the Council on American-Islamic Relations declaring that they consider Israel's attacks on Hamas to be "genocide."

It is disgusting. CAIR fully accepts Hamas' lies about how many were killed.

Looking back, their press releases since the massacre on October 7 have been truly disgusting. The very first one, drafted when the first news of a huge attack on Israeli civilians were being published, was a blatant attempt to change the subject and imply that no matter what happened to the Jews, it is their own fault.

It was an obvious attempt to exonerate Hamas and blame Jews for being massacred.

The following Monday, their first statement was more of the same, "CAIR Urges Congress to Address Root Cause of Mideast Violence - Israel's Occupation of Palestinian Lands." They reluctantly said that anyone calling up their representatives should first "acknowledge the loss of lives and recognize the humanity on both sides, including Israelis and Palestinians" before urging Congress to do exactly what Hamas wants it to do: handcuff Israel.

CAIR never condemned Hamas. Not once - not even when Hamas was blowing up buses and pizza shops in the second intifada.

This is even though the only genocide in the Middle East was Hamas' attempt to murder every Jewish man, woman, senior citizen an child it could find.

This is even though CAIR claims that it always condemns terrorism, no matter who the guilty party is.

It never condemned the rapes or murders or kidnappings. It never called on Hamas to release the hostages.

This last part is interesting because CAIR has called for the release of other hostages, even those held by Muslims in Iraq and by the Taliban.

Apparently, CAIR condones the attacks on Israelis. There is no other explanation.

Moreover, CAIR condemned Israel for the Islamic Jihad rocket that fell in the parking lot of a hospital. There has been no correction even as every major government and independent researchers all agree that Israel had nothing to do with it.

Remember, CAIR was consulted on the US strategy to fight antisemitism.

But its website makes it quite clear: CAIR implicitly supports Hamas and everything it does.

“Maze of the arrogant”

Al Qassam lures and mocks the criminal zionists (who prefer to bomb hospitals and civilians' homes butchering women and children) into the ground operation.

Jimmy Carter said that Hamas is willing to accept Israel and coexist in a two state solution, but Netanyahu rejects that.

Much of Western media has blood on its hands. Following the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust, many news outlets have been acting as willing tools of the genocidal terrorist groups in the Gaza Strip that perpetrated it. This is neither new nor unpredictable. An anti-Zionist narrative has for many years displaced media objectivity in every conflict involving Israel.
The strategic objective of Hamas’s attacks is to incite international condemnation of Israel by compelling it to take military action in which Gaza civilians will inevitably be killed despite unparalleled IDF measures to prevent it. Whenever this happens, like Pavlov’s dogs a chorus of reporters, tame analysts and newscasters immediately appear on the airwaves to accuse Israel of war crimes. Such accusations are loudly echoed in universities, human rights groups and international bodies. Exactly as Hamas intended.
hat in turn encourages Hamas to do the same thing again and again and is the real “cycle of violence” that many journalists love to accuse others of but are in fact themselves active participants.

When Donnison retweeted a photo of a girl from Syria, as Palestinian​

A few days ago, an explosion occurred in the parking lot at Al Ahli Hospital in the Gaza Strip. No one outside Gaza knew what had caused it. Immediately, the Hamas disinformation machine swung into action, accusing Israel of attacking the hospital and causing hundreds of casualties. Across the world, media parroted their accusations without question or challenge.

One of the worst offenders was the BBC, by far the most influential media organization in the UK, and with one of the largest audiences internationally. It is regarded by many as the most authoritative and impartial news organization in the world and has been seen as a beacon of truth going back to the Second World War.

“Hundreds killed in Israeli strike on Gaza hospital — Palestinian officials,” was the BBC headline. The next day, the British Financial Times splashed with: “Gaza Health Ministry says hundreds killed in Israeli air strike on hospital”. Across the Atlantic, the New York Times, among others, reported the Al Alhi incident in similarly false terms.

BBC reporter John Donnison told viewers: “It is hard to see what else this could be really given the size of the explosion other than an Israeli air strike or several air strikes.” Well, if he was incapable of comprehending the other obvious possibility — a terrorist rocket falling short, which it turned out to be — then perhaps he should have restrained himself from venturing any opinion at all.
Donnison has a track record. During an earlier Gaza conflict in 2012, he retweeted a picture of a young girl lying in hospital with bloodied clothes, presented as a casualty of Israeli strikes in Gaza. In fact, it was a photograph from Syria.

Terrorists attacking Israel are always "militants"​

He is far from alone. Six BBC Arabic language journalists “liked” postings praising the 7th October attacks, with one reporter celebrating the slaughter as a “morning of hope.” And back in 2009, the BBC’s Middle East Editor, Jeremy Bowen, now World Editor, was censured by the BBC’s editorial standards body over complaints of impartiality and inaccuracy in his reporting on Israel. In 2004, after complaints about anti-Israel bias at the corporation, the BBC commissioned its own investigation which resulted in the 20,000-word Balen Report. Since it was written, the BBC has spent more than $425,000 in legal fees to contest demands that it should be published. It remains under wraps nearly 20 years later.

Even after the 7th October massacre, the BBC still refuses to call Hamas what everybody else knows they are: “terrorists”. Instead, terrorists attacking Israel are always referred to as “militants”. Meanwhile, the BBC are happy to brand as terrorists the 9/11 attackers, the London suicide bombers in 2005 and the 2017 Manchester Arena bombers. And despite digging their heels in against complaints over their stance on Hamas, the BBC described a shooting in Brussels last week as a “terrorist attack”.

(full article online)

On October 7, Hamas and other Gaza-based terror groups perpetrated the world’s deadliest one-day massacre in more than 20 years. The horrific murder, torture, rape, desecration of bodies, and kidnapping of civilians revealed the depravity and evil of Hamas, as well as those who celebrated and justified the slaughter.

This posed a challenge for the network of anti-Israel NGOs, many funded by European governments, that try to paint Israel as the worst violator of human rights in the world. In the aftermath of the brutal pogrom, how could Israel continue to be portrayed as worse than Hamas?

The solution of these NGOs is to repeat the accusations that Israel is guilty of even more outrageous and extreme international crimes: genocide and ethnic cleansing. The only way to make Israel look worse than Hamas was to allege that it was acting to “eradicate the Palestinian people.”

This atrocity inversion – whereby the real crimes of Hamas are projected onto Israel – is a central piece of the demonization campaign, and will play a key role as NGOs and their allies push the UN and ICC to investigate and indict Israelis.

Examples of NGO Atrocity Inversion

European Government Funded NGOs linked to the PFLP terror organization
Additional European government funded NGOs
International NGOs
NGOs Funded by Private Foundations
Non-Transparent NGOs
United Nations

(full article online)

The United Nations has just released a report that promotes the murder of Jews. The product of a UN “Commission of Inquiry,” created by the UN Human Rights Council and headed by Navi Pillay, comes only days after the worst atrocity against the Jewish people since the Holocaust. The message from Pillay’s pogrom directly to Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist organizations: we have your back.

Navi Pillay was the former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights during both the 2008/9 and 2014 Gaza wars, and on both occasions, championed the blood libel and lethal lie that Israel deliberately targeted civilians, including children. UN rules require “independent experts” to be “impartial” and “objective.” Pillay was appointed as Chair of the “inquiry” in 2021 because she was neither. The same is true of the other two members of the “inquiry” – more accurately, inquisition – Miloon Kothari and Chris Sidoti.

Her latest report is a frightening testament to how today’s war against the Jews is conducted on two fronts, in the field and via the United Nations.

The UN resolution that created the inquisition about Israel resulted from the criminal masterminds at the UN Human Rights Council – undemocratic Islamic states in cahoots with China, Cuba, Russia, and Venezuela. Not a single Western state voted in favor.1 It has an extraordinary budget, an unprecedented mandate with no end date, and an unlimited scope back to “time immemorial,”2 all in pursuit of criminalizing the Jewish state.

The inquisition’s methodology consists of calling for submissions and ignoring all the ones Pillay labeled “pro-Israel.”3 It produces two reports yearly, one to the Human Rights Council and the other to the General Assembly. The recently released report will be presented by Pillay in person to the General Assembly on October 24. It is an opportune time for a Hamas enabler to do damage control; to that end, nothing is sacred.

Throughout her report, the words “terrorism,” “terror,” and “terrorist” appear in quotation marks. Over and over, the report ridicules Israeli defensive operations. It describes Israeli forces as “targeting persons they defined as ‘terrorists.’”4 It speaks of “the Israeli Government’s justification of its conduct as a defense against ‘terrorism.’”5 It snidely remarks, “Israeli security forces claimed that at least 50 ‘terror’ attacks had been launched.”6

The quotation marks are defended on the grounds that the UN has no definition of terrorism. They fail to mention that the UN does not define terrorism precisely because Islamic states demand an exemption clause for killing Israeli Jews.7

After heralding the fact that “‘terrorism’ is not clearly defined,”8 these terror facilitators refuse to name a single Palestinian terror organization. They didn’t name any one of the terrorist organizations participating in the October 7th slaughter – Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, or the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. They are all designated terror organizations by democratic states worldwide – but not by Pillay and the UN.

The inquisition is officially charged with looking for the “root causes” of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. They have decided the root cause is Israel – the Jewish victims themselves.

Their report is a sickening inversion of cause and effect. The manifesto claims that it is Israeli counter-terrorism efforts that incite Palestinian violence. In the report’s words:

“The increasing use of force in Israeli security forces operations…trigger protests, encourage greater armed resistance and lead to further attacks by Palestinian armed groups against Israelis.”9

(full article online)


The UN should handle Gaza​

It's a big mistake to believe that the Palestinians would prosper if they were allowed to create their "functional" state in their "historic" lands: everyone may see how the Jews succeeded in this enterprise, and how the Palestinians failed.​

The terrorist attack on Israel should be repelled before the world would be able to develop a new strategy vis-à-vis the Middle Eastern crisis, but some reflections on the recent events might – and should – already be made.

In recent days we have seen a real terrorist state's action – it was not a mythical Islamic State presumably existing in Syria and Iraq: it was a quasi-state structure, recognized by 138 sovereign nations that attacked Israel in the name of Jihad exterminating more than a thousand innocent civilians. This "state" has been assisted by numerous governments and non-governmental organizations from around the world, and I cannot say who should be condemned more: Iran and Qatar who did this because of some (geo)political reasons, or the European liberal authorities who funded its structures because of sheer "humanistic" aspirations. Whoever they were, the result looks obvious: two million people were fed and funded without doing anything useful for at least two generations.

The Palestinian "state" is something that several experts use to call not a state, but an "ungovernable chaotic entity", a state created without "taking into account the minimum prerequisites for its governability", and "recognized as sovereign, but paradoxically remaining in need of international aid in order to survive" (Rivero, Oswaldo de. "The Myth of Development. The Non-Viable Economies of the 21st Century", London, New York: Zed Books, 2001, pp. 186, 19). Such entities exist in many parts of the world, but rarely there is so great contrast and disparity between them and their successful neighbors (Israel's GDP is 130 times bigger than that of Gaza in current prices while the country is less than 6 times more populated) – and there is not any single case of turning them into stable and developing societies. Therefore, the case of the Gaza Strip should set off alarm bells for many backward societies that cannot go forward on their own. It's a big mistake to believe that the Palestinians would prosper if they were allowed to create their "functional" state in their "historic" lands: Everyone may see how the Jews succeeded in this enterprise, and how the Palestinians failed. After 80 years spent fighting, and not working, any hopes for change look like pipedreams.

The revoking of Palestinian sovereignty and rebuilding of this land under international control appears to be the only existing chance not only to save millions of lives but to draft a totally new way forward for those proto-nations that are now falling into chaos of ethnic and civil conflicts and wars. I understand perfectly well how the Europeans and Americans want to get rid of those "White man's burden" they carried for centuries and have good reasons to apologize for – but it seems that the time has come to once again, with all the morale and values of the 21st century, to make another civilizing attempt. The mistake made by the Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan should not be repeated: The mission of the international society shouldn't be nation-building in the places where nations never existed – it should be to organize a decent life where it has never been organized. Sovereign state isn't the one and only form of human society – and only taking this into account, the world can bring peace to the lands of ancient Judea, and to deliver a decent life to those who now inhabit it.

(full article online)


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