Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

Foreign nationals began exiting the Gaza Strip through the Rafah crossing into Egypt on Wednesday for the first time since Hamas launched a war against Israel on Oct. 7.

The development comes after Qatar reportedly brokered a U.S.-backed agreement between Israel, Egypt and Hamas.

Seriously wounded Palestinians in Gaza were also expected to be transported via the crossing with Sinai to receive medical treatment in Egypt.

Some 400 foreigners and dual nationals are expected to leave Gaza on Wednesday. About 90 sick and wounded were also being allowed to exit.

Cairo had been hesitant to date to allow foreign nationals entry into the country over fears the move would open the doors to Palestinian refugees.

Jordan and Egypt have made clear that they will not accept any Palestinians from the Gaza Strip, declaring it a “red line.”

The Israel Defense Forces has been calling on civilians in Gaza City and points north to evacuate as the military presses ahead with its ground offensive to destroy Hamas.

U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan revealed on Sunday that Hamas is preventing hundreds of American citizens from leaving the Gaza Strip.

“The challenge right now … is that the Egyptians are prepared to let Americans and other foreign nationals out of Gaza. The Israelis have no issue with that. But Hamas is preventing their departure and making a series of demands,” Sullivan told CBS’s “Face the Nation” program.

Some 500 to 600 U.S. citizens are believed to be stuck in the Hamas-controlled enclave, Washington previously confirmed. Sullivan did not elaborate on the demands the terrorist group was making to permit their departure.

[ Israel left Gaza in 2005. It is not occupied. They are talking about Israel itself, seen as Muslim land because it was conquered by Muslims ]

Senior Hamas official Ghazi Hamad told Lebanon’s LBC TV on Oct. 24 that the terror group would continue to carry out massacres like the one it carried out in southern Israel on Oct. 7 until the Jewish state is destroyed.

“Israel is a country that has no place on our land. We must remove that country because it constitutes a security, military and political catastrophe to the Arab and Islamic nation, and must be finished,” said Hamad, according to a translation of the interview provided by the Middle East Media Research Institute.

“We are not ashamed to say this, with full force,” he added.

Israel’s existence was “illogical,” he said, adding, “The existence of Israel is what causes all that pain, blood and tears.”

“The Al-Aqsa Flood [Hamas’s name for the Oct. 7 mass terror attack] is just the first time, and there will be a second, a third, a fourth, because we have the determination, the resolve and the capabilities to fight,” said Hamad.

He reiterated Hamas’s false claim that the terror group had not intended to harm civilians, stating that the Oct. 7 assault had been “complicated.”

With regard to Israel’s response to the massacre, which has caused the deaths of many civilians in Gaza, Hamad said, “Will we have to pay a price? Yes, and we are ready to pay it. We are called a nation of martyrs, and we are proud to sacrifice martyrs.”

Hamad’s remarks echoed those of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, who said in an address broadcast by Lebanon’s Al-Mayadeen on Oct. 26 that “the blood of the women, children and elderly […] we are the ones who need this blood, so it awakens within us the revolutionary spirit, so it awakens with us resolve.”

Hamas, according to Hamad, are “victims of the occupation. Period.” Therefore, he said, “Nobody should blame us for the things we do. On Oct. 7, Oct. 10, Oct. 1,000,000—everything we do is justified.”

[ Nice Muslim Clan. It is clans like this which keep the 2 state solution, which was never wanted since 1920, a non issue. It is all about Islam's teachings of superiority and hatred towards Jews. Wake Up !]

Palestinian activist Ahed Tamimi said this week that Palestinians will “slaughter” the Jews of Judea and Samaria, from Hebron to Jenin.

“Our message to the flocks of settlers, we are waiting for you in all the cities of the West Bank. From Hebron to Jenin, we will slaughter you, and you will say that what Hitler did to you is a joke,” said Tamimi in an instagram post on Sunday.

“We will drink your blood and eat your skull. Come on, we’re waiting for you,” she continued.

Tamimi’s account, which had almost 100,000 followers, subsequently disappeared from Instagram. It was not clear whether the account was deactivated or suspended.

Tamimi’s threat came only weeks after Hamas death squads invaded southern Israel on Oct. 7, killing 1,400 people, wounding thousands more and taking more than 230 people back to the Gaza Strip as hostages.

Tamimi, now 22, first gained notoriety after assaulting an Israeli soldier during riots in 2012.

Her village of Nabi Saleh in Samaria has long been a hotbed of violent anti-Israel protests, with many of her family members involved in clashes with Israeli forces. One cousin, Ahlam Tamimi, has admitted to masterminding a suicide bombing that killed 16 people.

In 2018, an Israeli military court sentenced the young Tamimi to eight months in jail on assault charges. According to her lawyer, Tamimi agreed to a plea deal in order to avoid a more serious indictment that could have landed her in prison for years.

The 2018 conviction thrust Tamimi into international fame, with CNN, Vogue, BBC News, Al Jazeera and other media outlets featuring her story.

Upon being released from prison, Tamimi continued to incite hatred and violence against the Jewish state. For example, in March 2019, she took to Instagram to call for the murder of then-Likud Party lawmaker Yehudah Glick.

“My soul is disgusted when I realize that he remains alive, better that he was dead. I hate him. Yehuda Glick is the most disgusting person on earth. It is permissible [according to Islam] to kill him,” wrote Tamimi.

Police and Border Police officers on Wednesday morning located and removed graffiti in Israel’s capital supporting the Hamas massacre of Oct. 7.

Officers were confronted when operating in the ultra-Orthodox Mea Shearim neighborhood, with rioters throwing objects including eggs, water bottles and stones at them and chanting hateful slogans, the Israel Police said.

The police dispersed the crowd and continued the search for grafitti supporting the Hamas terrorists.

Police took down PLO flags and graffiti was removed including one that read “1,400 Zionist terrorists neutralized,” in reference to the 1,400 mostly Israeli civilians Hamas terrorists from Gaza murdered on Oct. 7.

Police also removed “Zionism=Nazism” after vandals spray-painted it on a wall.

“Zionism=Nazism,” written on a wall in Mea Shearim, Jerusalem, Nov. 1, 2023. Credit: Israel Police.
Police arrested a resident of Jerusalem’s Abu Tor neighborhood on Oct. 21 suspected of painting swastikas on several Israeli flags displayed in the south of the capital.

The arrest came after Jerusalem District police opened an investigation into several cases of flags being desecrated with swastikas.

Police have arrested dozens of suspects on charges of incitement and support for terrorism in the wake of Hamas’s Oct. 7 terrorist assault on the western Negev.

Part 1

When news broke of the bombing of the Al-Ahli hospital in Gaza, Western media and the Muslim world rushed to judgment. It was an Israeli airstrike, they said. It had to be. By the time the IDF announced the results of its investigation into the incident, which revealed that a misfired Palestinian Islamic Jihad rocket that fell in the hospital parking lot was to blame—later confirmed by numerous governments and intelligence services—it was too late. The “Arab street” was in an uproar.

The repercussions rippled as far as Dagestan, where Muslims attempted a pogrom against the passengers on a plane arriving from Tel Aviv.

Meanwhile, the Arab media stubbornly persists in claiming without evidence that Israel caused the hospital explosion. Not only that, but some deny that the Oct. 7 Hamas massacre ever took place or claim the Israelis inflicted it on themselves.

The hospital libel has a long pedigree. Blood libels date back in some form to the time of ancient Rome and emerged in full in 12th century England. It was a classic trope of Christian antisemitism, alleging that Jews murder children in order to use their blood to bake matzah. This monstrous lie in various forms led to violence against Jews well into the 20th century.

The blood libel was spread by Christians in the Muslim world. The 1840 Damascus Blood Libel was the first of dozens in the Ottoman Empire. After the French consul in Damascus joined Capuchin monks in accusing Jews of murdering a monk and his servant, many Jewish notables were arrested.

In the Arab and Muslim world today, a fabricated accusation is still enough to incite violence against Israel and Jews. Indeed, the power of the mob has always been a tool of the unscrupulous.

The Gaza hospital libel unleashed these mobs. For example, in Tunisia, the shrine of Rabbi Yossef HaMa’aravi, 30 kilometers from Gabès in the south, was torched. The tiny 1,500-member Jewish community—once 100,000 strong—fears for its future.

Part 2

Over the centuries during which Jews lived in Muslim-majority countries, many acts of antisemitic violence originated with false accusations. A favorite pretext was connected to the Jewish use of alcohol. Charges that Jews defiled the Qur’an or Muslim holy sites, committed blasphemy or had supposed designs on the Al-Aqsa mosque have fueled anti-Jewish violence for decades—and still do today. The destruction of Jewish neighborhoods was often accompanied by looting, murder and rape.

Historically, the Jews had few rights and could not defend themselves against such false allegations. In the 19th century, Britain and France cast themselves as champions of defenseless minorities in the face of injustice. But these same colonial powers helped incite violence through a policy of “divide and rule” or were complicit in the violence by failing to protect vulnerable minorities. The forces of law and order were conspicuously absent until Jewish blood had been spilled.

Arab autocracies have long used the conflict with Zionism as a means to unite the masses and distract them from domestic failings. From the 1930s to the ‘50s and ‘60s, the power of the mob was directed against the Jews living in Muslim countries. These Jews became proxies for Israel. Often, the accusations descended into farce: A Jew smoking a cigarette could be accused of sending smoke signals to the “Zionists.”

In this age of instant information, how does one explain the persistence of such libels? It is clear that social media is a double-edged sword. It can be used to tell the truth but also to amplify lies.

People believe what they want to believe, even in the face of overwhelming empirical evidence. Telling the truth in the Arab world, however, has a political dimension. Whatever Arab leaders might think in private, correcting lies could endanger their survival.

[ "Israel has no right to exist on our land". He means Muslim, not Palestinian land ]

Ghazi Hamad of the Hamas political bureau said in an October 24, 2023 show on LBC TV (Lebanon) that Hamas is prepared to repeat the October 7 "Al-Aqsa Flood" Operation time and again until Israel is annihilated. He added that Palestinians are willing to pay the price and that they are "proud to sacrifice martyrs." Hamad said that Palestinians are the victims of the occupation, therefore no one should blame them for the events of October 7 or anything else, adding: "Everything we do is justified."

(Video online)

This has been Hamas' consistent message since its founding. They've never deviated from it. And yet, for decades, "experts" and "analysts" have dismissed Hamas threats as mere rhetoric, Westsplaining that Hamas is really pragmatic and not genocidal.

October 7 proved that nothing has changed. This interview shows, more than anything, that Israel has the moral obligation to destroy Hamas no matter what.

And because Hamas has spent a decade and a half turning Gaza itself into a huge fort to protect itself, Hamas is responsible for every civilian that dies.
In over three weeks of extensive coverage of the Israel-Hamas war, National Public Radio has managed to commit an impressive amount of journalistic sins, misleading tens of millions of devoted listeners across America.

Since the atrocious Hamas massacre on October 7, NPR has been overwhelmingly focused on the victimization of Palestinians, while interviewing biased individuals, omitting critical facts and including outright distortions.

One of NPR’s most egregious reports from this period, which includes all of the above, is Daniel Estrin’s “Examining who carried out the brutal violence in Israel three weeks ago.” In this despicable attempt to humanize the perpetrators of the deadly carnage, rape and kidnaping, listeners need to suffer through empathy-inducing descriptions such as this:

On October 8, a militant returned to Gaza with Mohammed’s cellphone and personal effects and told Mohammed’s family what happened. He said Mohammed had made it a mile or two inside Israel, and an Israeli aircraft shot him – five bullets to the chest, one near the neck. Mohammed recited a prayer before he died.
The neighbor told us Mohammed had led a pretty ordinary life. He didn’t finish his high school matriculation exam. He worked as a taxi driver. He got married, had lots of friends and family at his wedding, started a business selling food products. But everyone in the family and neighborhood knew he belonged to the militant wing of the Iranian-aligned Islamic Jihad.

NPR’s Estrin then turns to interview Mkhaimar Abusada, whom he introduces as “a political analyst” in Gaza. In fact, Abusada is also Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, who has called for violence against Israelis. Surely, it’s a relevant piece of information to mention when NPR gives him the platform to say: “Hating the Jews or hating Israel as an occupier…that probably explain the brutality that took place on the 7th of October”.

At the end of the report, Estrin includes an edited version of a phone call from a terrorist to his parents in Gaza on October 7. The full recording of the call, releasedby Israel on October 25, clearly includes the terrorist’s father congratulating him after the son boasts of killing ten Jews. NPR’s version — through Estrin’s narration — omits this. Instead, it makes it look like the family wanted the son to return home and never supported his actions. It even goes as far as evoking empathy for their plight under Israeli bombardment.

ESTRIN: Israel released this recording it says is a phone call during the attacks from a son to his family back in Gaza. “Ten Jews. I killed 10, Mom.”
ESTRIN: You hear a woman crying, “oh, my son, may God protect you.” A man’s voice says, “enough. Come back, come back.”
ESTRIN: “What do you mean, come back,” the son says, “there is no coming back. It’s either martyrdom or victory.”
ESTRIN: Was he killed or detained in Israel? Did he return to his family in Gaza? Israel hasn’t said. What we know is that his family, like every other family in Gaza and Israel, now face the consequences of yet another war.

Biased Interviewees​

Another example of victimization of Palestinians coupled with a biased interview and omission of facts can be found in this report about a recent Gaza blackout. The piece focuses on the predicament of Gazans who were cut off from internet and phone communications last weekend under Israeli bombardment.

But it fails to mention that hundreds of Israeli families have not been able to contact their loved ones who have been held hostage by Hamas for over three weeks. It also includes Hind Khoudari, who is presented as a “journalist,” as one of its interviewees. It does not mention that Khoudari is actually a Hamas collaborator who tipped off the terrorist organization to arrest a group of Palestinian peace activists:

(full article online)

Part 1

Hamas ‘Foot Soldiers’ and Al Jazeera Propaganda​

The first video Under The Desk News published about the conflict was on the day Hamas terrorists invaded southern Israeli communities, slaughtering more than 1,400 civilians and dragging at least 240 hostages back to the Gaza Strip.

Spehar opens the piece with an explanation that the information contained within has been sourced entirely from Al Jazeera, perhaps unaware that the media organization is owned by the Qatari state, which has also been a key financial backer of Hamas over the years.

According to Spehar (and Al Jazeera), the Israeli-Palestinian conflict “goes back to, like, the 1940s because back then the United Nations decided to divide up this particular area of land into the State of Israel, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip and this was to basically divide Jewish folks from Arab folks.”

Of course, anyone with an ounce more historical literacy than Spehar would know that what actually happened predates the 1940s, such as the period of the British Mandate of Palestine, when Jews were the victims of Arab violence long before the British handed over the problem to the UN.

The subsequent adoption of Resolution 181 by the UN General Assembly in 1947, which would have seen the creation of independent Arab and Jewish states with Jerusalem under international control, was rejected by the Arab side. Five Arab armies launched an all-out war of annihilation when Israel declared its independence in 1948.

Spehar then fast-forwards to the massacre of October 7 — leapfrogging entirely over things like Israel being repeatedly attacked by Arab armies and the bloody Palestinian intifadas — and explains: “A Palestinian armed group called Hamas launched an attack against Israel. They admit to firing 5,000 rockets and they’ve sent foot soldiers into Israel.”

Spehar adds that the United States has given its support for “Israel’s right to defend themselves [sic]” and that it would provide resources for Israel to defend itself, while claiming Israel’s response has consisted of “bombing Gaza to pieces.”

We can’t imagine why Spehar didn’t give any details of how Hamas “foot soldiers” brutally raped women, stabbed babies to death, and burnt people alive during their rampage.

Spehar then gives viewers a bit of advice, warning them that if they’re “not an expert on this conflict or if [they] don’t have, like, a vested interest, it might not be a good day to kind of weigh in with [their] own little spin” — apparently blithely unaware of the irony of this statement.

Al Jazeera, Spehar adds, is a good way of keeping up with war developments because “they’re the most fair and the easiest to understand.”

The most fair and easy-to-understand thing about Al Jazeera is that it is owned by the Qatari royal family and acts as a mouthpiece for Islamist terrorist groups.

Part 2

Backtracking A Few Hours Later…​

In a sign that Spehar caught some flak for the muted terms in which the Hamas attack was described in the first October 7 video, Under The Desk News published an update just hours later in which Spehar confirmed Hamas is indeed “a terrorist organization who are doing atrocious things right now.”

Alas, Spehar immediately segues into nonsensical conspiracy theories: “Hamas the terrorist organization is comprised of [sic] of a lot of 20 to 25-year-old boys — this is not as a sophisticated terrorist cell as some others have been. So how did they pull off this sneak attack this morning? Now a lot of what we’re looking at is who gave them the intel to get around the Iron Dome and all of the other defense mechanisms that Israel has. We’re assuming it’s Iran. Who told Iran? Russia. Who told Russia?”

First, describing Hamas terrorists aged in their 20s who were raping and murdering Jews in their homes as “boys” is ludicrous, insulting and, above all, tacitly absolves them of responsibility for their barbaric actions.

Second, “get around the Iron Dome?” Spehar must be confused about what the Iron Dome is because Hamas did not somehow bypass the defensive system — many Hamas rockets were shot down by interceptor missiles and others got through. The Iron Dome is a completely separate defense system from that which Hamas terrorists broke through to get into Israel on October 7.

Third, is Spehar seriously suggesting Russia planned the attack and told Iran about the plan, which in turn explained the plan to Hamas? Your guess is as good as ours.

‘Hamas Cares About Your Kids’​

There are too many examples of Spehar spreading blatant misinformation about Israel and the war on the Under The News Channel to list individually.

However, one is just too absurd not to be given a special mention, which is an October 10 video in which Spehar suggests murderous terrorist group Hamas is concerned about the mental health of children around the world.

“Parents,” Spehar says to the camera, ” let’s talk about your kids’ social media for a quick sec. Parents in the warzone of Israel and Palestine are being warned to remove all social media from their children’s phones. Globally, there is an advisory that parents also might want to remove social media from their children’s phones because this weekend Hamas is promising to broadcast footage of hostages. So Hamas is saying, ‘You have until this weekend essentially to take social media off your children’s phones or it is very likely that they will see hostages begging for their lives’… Hamas is saying, ‘We’re going to be putting out more [graphic content] — if you don’t want your kids to see that then you should take social media off their phone.”

Yes, Spehar actually believes the terrorist group that shot babies as they lay in their cribs and raped young girls is concerned about kids around the world witnessing their appalling violence.

Just to clear up any confusion: the only reason Hamas announced they would be releasing hostage videos was to further terrorize Jews. Nothing more, nothing less.

There is a much bigger problem, though, than channels like Under The News Desk churning out anti-Israel propaganda to impressionable viewers.

The greater issue is with TikTok becoming the most popular source of news for young people and the fact that the platform has been accused of regularly promoting “toxic misinformation,” according to a September 2022 report.

If anyone was wondering why so many students and other young people have taken to the streets and called to “globalize the intifada” over the past few weeks, look no further than the TikTok app on their smartphones.


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