Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

The "elephant in the room," which few commentators have had the courage to explore, is that for many Muslims, "Jew-hatred" is dogma. The 114 sura (chapters) of the Koran are replete with passages of Jew-hatred. Pictured: Adolf Hitler meets with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, on November 28, 1941. (Image source: German Federal Archive)

"We are not sub-humans. Let me repeat: We are not sub-humans," said Riyad Mansour, the Palestinian Authority's representative to the United Nations, after the sub-human atrocities inflicted on innocent civilians in Israel by his fellow Palestinian Arabs. He felt the need to repeat the claim twice last month at an emergency session of the of the UN General Assembly, possibly to try to convince anyone he could. Hamas and Iran reportedly masterminded the murderous invasion. Hamas and Islamic Jihad continue to hold at least 240 Israeli hostages in Gaza.

It was not long before media commentators, after the October 7 mass murder in Israeli towns and villages near Gaza, began to air pro-Hamas demonstrators on college campuses and in the streets of US cities. Many of these demonstrators openly rationalized and even defended the actions of Hamas.

Columbia University Professor Rashid Khalidi gave a supposed history lesson about Israel's 1948 War of Independence during which, he claimed, Jews ethnically cleansed Palestinian Arabs from their land. In reality, five Arab armies attacked Israel a few hours after its birth on May 15 1948, and then lost. Some of the Arabs who lived in the area that became Israel left of their own volition during the war, at the request of Arab leader that they "get out of the way" of the invading Arab armies. Israel did not allow them to return after the war, stating that they had not been loyal. Thus the "Palestinians" were born – between 472,000 and 650,000 people who found themselves stateless when the country they had refused to defend refused to let them back. Approximately 160,000 Arabs remained in Israel through the war and were granted full citizenship in the new state.

The Palestinians' rich Arab "brothers" would not grant them citizenship in their countries and instead dumped them into often squalid refugee camps – for which they blamed Israel.

By contrast, nearly 1 million Jews were expelled or forced to flee from Arab and Muslim countries beginning in 1948, and they were welcomed into tiny, impoverished Israel and granted citizenship.

Arabs have since referred to a war that they started and lost as the nakba(catastrophe), and continue to blame Israel for not cooperating in its own elimination. Perhaps they should have thought of that before starting the war.

Gazans are now apparently calling their situation of being bombarded by Israel a "new nakba." Left unmentioned is that this new so-called nakba is a direct response to the October 7 Arab invasion and murder of 1,400 Jews in a single day, including babies beheaded and burned alive. Other commentators referredto the 16 year blockade of Gaza by Israel and Egypt to justify their current anger – again "forgetting" the sickening assault on October 7. The Arabs are also "forgetting" that the blockade was established because the Gazans were smuggling in vast quantities of weapons and ammunition with which to murder Jews. Why won't those irritating Jews just let themselves be killed?

The "elephant in the room," which few commentators have had the courage to explore, is that for many Muslims, "Jew-hatred" is dogma. For them, the Koran, every word of it, is the dictated word of Allah (God) as told by the Angel Jibril (Gabriel) to Allah's prophet Muhammad. The Koran does not, like much of the Bible, consist of descriptive stories that can be believed or not as the reader wished. It is more proscriptive, like the Ten Commandments. One cannot say, "Oh, He didn't really mean the one about adultery."

Like it or not, this "divine" word of Allah, compiled in the 114 sura (chapters) of the Koran, is replete with passages of Jew-hatred, such as the verse:

"So when you meet those who disbelieve [in battle], strike [their] necks until, when you have inflicted slaughter upon them, then secure their bonds, and either [confer] favor afterwards or ransom [them] until the war lays down its burdens. That [is the command]." — Koran 47:4, Sahih International translation
Beheading "infidels" is a centuries-long tradition in Islam, and still used today: a teacher, Samuel Paty, in France who showed his students "controversial" Mohammad cartoons ; a British soldier, Lee Rigby, in the United Kingdom, and, this month, babies in Israel (here and here).

Hamas includes this command in its original charter -- in particular Article 7 -- which advocates not only destroying Israel but killing Jews worldwide. In 2014 Hamas had planned a similar assault on the villages and towns near the border with Gaza. Hamas terrorists, at least 200 of them, had planned to invade through their Gaza-based tunnel system around the Jewish New Year holiday of Rosh Hashanah (that year, September 24). Israeli security services noted that Hamas had plans to kidnap Israeli citizens in this earlier plan as well.

In the Koran, Allah has cursed the Jews for the unseemly manner in which the Koran described the Hebrews treating and disobeying the prophets of God. This "divine" curse includes scattering the Jews throughout the globe, forever exiling them from their ancient homeland.

Some "true believer" Muslims therefore feel they have the right to murder Jews anywhere at any time. They believe there is no credence in the historically reality of a biblical Israel, no legitimacy in the geopolitical areas of Judea and Samaria (also known as the West Bank). Those they call "Zionists" (meaning Israelis and Jews), despite having lived in the land continuously for nearly 4,000 years, are falsely labelled "occupiers" and "colonialists" who must be made to disappear. There is to be no "Jewish National Home" as guaranteed by post-World War II international agreements and the UN.

The real dispute from that brand of Islamic Jew-hatred is not about land, or "refugees" or a "two-state solution." It is about the refusal by many Muslims to co-exist with Jews. The anti-Israel chant of pro-Palestinian protestors is: "From the [Jordan] River to the [Mediterranean] Sea, Palestine will be free" -- meaning "free" of Jews. This hoped-for Islamist outcome is reinforced in Arab school textbooks, maps that omit Israel, and even crossword puzzles. Ten years ago, U.S. soldiers being deployed to the Middle East who flew to Qatar or Kuwait on the United Arab Emirates airline, before the UAE's supreme leadership in spearheading the Abraham Accords, reported that on maps in flight brochures, a country named Israel did not exist. Many seem to be working now to make that a reality, not just on a map.

Counter education is an interesting question. What leads to this level of hate? It isn’t just a matter of what they are taught, it is what makes them receptive to it. Poverty, economic collapse, joblessness, instability, lack of agency, no future and no foreseeable change.
What leads to this level of hate? Besides a fundamental difference in worldview formulated from a complex mixture of cultural, ethnic, and religious concepts?

It is profoundly incorrect, and distasteful, to suggest that a violent, murderous, barbaric hatred develops out of something as utterly common as poverty. It is also disturbingly reductive to imagine that the people of Gaza have no agency over their own lives and the conditions within which they find themselves. It does them no service for you, and others in the world, to continue to support the idea of Palestinian helplessness and lack of agency as though they have no other options but to go on murderous rampages to kill Jews. And the fact that you are even looking for some sort of justification so they can escape responsibility is cringe. Further, it is this attitude of justification which is contributing to the rise in antisemitism all through the world. Because at the other end of that justification is "if the Jews hadn't ..."

The problem is not poverty. The problem is shifting responsibility away from the Palestinians. The solution is one of responsibility, as in taking responsibility. When someone provides you with a pipe, you have a CHOICE whether to use it for water or for weapons. Choose water.
The "elephant in the room," which few commentators have had the courage to explore, is that for many Muslims, "Jew-hatred" is dogma. The 114 sura (chapters) of the Koran are replete with passages of Jew-hatred. Pictured: Adolf Hitler meets with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, on November 28, 1941. (Image source: German Federal Archive)

"We are not sub-humans. Let me repeat: We are not sub-humans," said Riyad Mansour, the Palestinian Authority's representative to the United Nations, after the sub-human atrocities inflicted on innocent civilians in Israel by his fellow Palestinian Arabs. He felt the need to repeat the claim twice last month at an emergency session of the of the UN General Assembly, possibly to try to convince anyone he could. Hamas and Iran reportedly masterminded the murderous invasion. Hamas and Islamic Jihad continue to hold at least 240 Israeli hostages in Gaza.

It was not long before media commentators, after the October 7 mass murder in Israeli towns and villages near Gaza, began to air pro-Hamas demonstrators on college campuses and in the streets of US cities. Many of these demonstrators openly rationalized and even defended the actions of Hamas.

Columbia University Professor Rashid Khalidi gave a supposed history lesson about Israel's 1948 War of Independence during which, he claimed, Jews ethnically cleansed Palestinian Arabs from their land. In reality, five Arab armies attacked Israel a few hours after its birth on May 15 1948, and then lost. Some of the Arabs who lived in the area that became Israel left of their own volition during the war, at the request of Arab leader that they "get out of the way" of the invading Arab armies. Israel did not allow them to return after the war, stating that they had not been loyal. Thus the "Palestinians" were born – between 472,000 and 650,000 people who found themselves stateless when the country they had refused to defend refused to let them back. Approximately 160,000 Arabs remained in Israel through the war and were granted full citizenship in the new state.

The Palestinians' rich Arab "brothers" would not grant them citizenship in their countries and instead dumped them into often squalid refugee camps – for which they blamed Israel.

By contrast, nearly 1 million Jews were expelled or forced to flee from Arab and Muslim countries beginning in 1948, and they were welcomed into tiny, impoverished Israel and granted citizenship.

Arabs have since referred to a war that they started and lost as the nakba(catastrophe), and continue to blame Israel for not cooperating in its own elimination. Perhaps they should have thought of that before starting the war.

Gazans are now apparently calling their situation of being bombarded by Israel a "new nakba." Left unmentioned is that this new so-called nakba is a direct response to the October 7 Arab invasion and murder of 1,400 Jews in a single day, including babies beheaded and burned alive. Other commentators referredto the 16 year blockade of Gaza by Israel and Egypt to justify their current anger – again "forgetting" the sickening assault on October 7. The Arabs are also "forgetting" that the blockade was established because the Gazans were smuggling in vast quantities of weapons and ammunition with which to murder Jews. Why won't those irritating Jews just let themselves be killed?

The "elephant in the room," which few commentators have had the courage to explore, is that for many Muslims, "Jew-hatred" is dogma. For them, the Koran, every word of it, is the dictated word of Allah (God) as told by the Angel Jibril (Gabriel) to Allah's prophet Muhammad. The Koran does not, like much of the Bible, consist of descriptive stories that can be believed or not as the reader wished. It is more proscriptive, like the Ten Commandments. One cannot say, "Oh, He didn't really mean the one about adultery."

Like it or not, this "divine" word of Allah, compiled in the 114 sura (chapters) of the Koran, is replete with passages of Jew-hatred, such as the verse:

Beheading "infidels" is a centuries-long tradition in Islam, and still used today: a teacher, Samuel Paty, in France who showed his students "controversial" Mohammad cartoons ; a British soldier, Lee Rigby, in the United Kingdom, and, this month, babies in Israel (here and here).

Hamas includes this command in its original charter -- in particular Article 7 -- which advocates not only destroying Israel but killing Jews worldwide. In 2014 Hamas had planned a similar assault on the villages and towns near the border with Gaza. Hamas terrorists, at least 200 of them, had planned to invade through their Gaza-based tunnel system around the Jewish New Year holiday of Rosh Hashanah (that year, September 24). Israeli security services noted that Hamas had plans to kidnap Israeli citizens in this earlier plan as well.

In the Koran, Allah has cursed the Jews for the unseemly manner in which the Koran described the Hebrews treating and disobeying the prophets of God. This "divine" curse includes scattering the Jews throughout the globe, forever exiling them from their ancient homeland.

Some "true believer" Muslims therefore feel they have the right to murder Jews anywhere at any time. They believe there is no credence in the historically reality of a biblical Israel, no legitimacy in the geopolitical areas of Judea and Samaria (also known as the West Bank). Those they call "Zionists" (meaning Israelis and Jews), despite having lived in the land continuously for nearly 4,000 years, are falsely labelled "occupiers" and "colonialists" who must be made to disappear. There is to be no "Jewish National Home" as guaranteed by post-World War II international agreements and the UN.

The real dispute from that brand of Islamic Jew-hatred is not about land, or "refugees" or a "two-state solution." It is about the refusal by many Muslims to co-exist with Jews. The anti-Israel chant of pro-Palestinian protestors is: "From the [Jordan] River to the [Mediterranean] Sea, Palestine will be free" -- meaning "free" of Jews. This hoped-for Islamist outcome is reinforced in Arab school textbooks, maps that omit Israel, and even crossword puzzles. Ten years ago, U.S. soldiers being deployed to the Middle East who flew to Qatar or Kuwait on the United Arab Emirates airline, before the UAE's supreme leadership in spearheading the Abraham Accords, reported that on maps in flight brochures, a country named Israel did not exist. Many seem to be working now to make that a reality, not just on a map.

In reality, five Arab armies attacked Israel a few hours after its birth on May 15 1948, and then lost.
More Israeli bullshit. The ethnic cleansing of Palestine started before the 1948 war. About 300,000 Palestinians became refugees before that war started.

The Arab armies did nor lose the 1948 war. The fighting ended when the UN Security Council called for an armistice.

Here is a section of COGAT's latest humanitarian report on Gaza. It shows how Hamas controls fuel for hospitals, shoots rockets from near water infrastructure, hides in medical facilities, and limits travel for injured Gazans to Egypt.

The humanitarian situation is analyzed by Israeli professionals based on the analysis of local system capabilities, ongoing dialogue with international and local entities, examination of civil systems' behavior in the Strip over many years (during normal and emergency times), and additional information sources. Following is our situation report, as opposed to publications by Palestinian bodies serving the Hamas narrative of the humanitarian crisis:

The energy issue is central considering its implications on other essential systems. However, this sector is also the most controlled by Hamas.

Throughout the war, we have witnessed that Hamas supplies hospitals with diesel fuel only every two days. They do so in order to keep the hospital administrations feeling that they are on the verge of collapse. Statements from hospital managers prove this point, as they issue statements about supply lasting for another day or two, while in fact, the hospitals have been functioning for a month now.

All essential facilities: hospitals, desalination plants, wells, etc. have alternative energy infrastructure in the form of solar energy systems and generators operated using diesel provided by Hamas.

Beyond the existing information regarding diesel supply, it is clear that Hamas cynically prioritizes essential facilities according to their interest. Yesterday (11.4.23), Hamas held a screening of its military wing on the walls of Shifa Hospital.Hospital managers testify that they have in their possession diesel supply, which is provided by Hamas every few days.

Hamas utilizes hospital infrastructures extensively, in several ways:-Hamas misuses hospital infrastructures for terrorist activities. We have already exposed the terrorist infrastructures in Shifa Hospital - the central hospital in the Strip, Sheikh Hamad Hospital (the Qatari Hospital), and the Indonesian Hospital. Additional information was published by the IDF spokesperson. -

Hamas' terrorist infrastructure burdens the hospitals, siphoning off energy, oxygen, food, and supplies.-

Hamas operates near medical facilities and ambulances in order to protect themselves, using the sickly as human shields.

The diesel supply in the Strip is managed by Hamas. They transfer fuel every other day to allow hospitals to function for 24-48 hours until the next supply, thus creating the impression of a managed crisis.

Egypt allowed the evacuation of wounded people for medical treatment. In the last two days, Hamas has been preventing it.International organizations provide medical aid to hospitals in the Strip. So far, they coordinated the entry of 113 trucks carrying medical equipment and drugs.

All hospitals have alternative energy production capabilities.

There is no water shortage in Gaza as of this writing.The water sources for the Strip remained mostly unchanged throughout the war:Two water mains from Israel (Bani Suheila and Birkat Sa'id) continue to supply water to the southern part of Gaza,providing over a million liters of water per day. 90% of the water supply is provided from internal infrastructures in Gaza - water pumps and desalination facilities.

Despite the importance of water sources, Hamas exploits these infrastructures to launch rockets and install terrorist infrastructures. For example, it launches rockets from sites near the desalination facility built by UNICEF with international funding. This facility provides water to 250,000 Gazans on a daily basis, and nevertheless, Hamas chose to place rocket launchers there.

There are sufficient food reserves for the near future; there is no food shortage.International organizations continue to bring food to the Strip through the Rafah crossing. So far, the entry of 201 trucks of food has been coordinated.

As pro-Hamas demonstrations took place in several European cities over the weekend, politicians and diplomats expressed concern that antisemitism was again taking hold.

In an interview on Sunday with the Spanish news agency EFE, Israel’s Ambassador in Madrid, Rodica Radian-Gordon, angrily took issue with demonstrators accusing Israel of committing genocide in its military response to the Hamas atrocities of Oct. 7.

She stressed that Israel does not seek to eliminate the Palestinian people, but those “responsible for the attack.”

“People do not know the definition of genocide. We are not here to kill the Palestinian people, or to evict them, or anything,” Radian-Gordon underlined.

“I don’t think Europe has learned the lesson of what antisemitism is and how it should be fought, because we are seeing more and more antisemitic acts throughout Europe, including Spain,” she added. While expressing concern for the welfare of Palestinian civilians was legitimate, “Hamas should not be supported,” she said.

“We make a distinction between Hamas and the Palestinian people. You have to be very careful,” Radion-Gordon said.

(full article online)


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