Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

Bassem Eid (born 5 February 1958) is a Palestinian living in Israel who has an extensive career as a Palestinian human rights activist. His initial focus was on human rights violations committed by Israeli armed forces, but for many years has broadened his research to include human rights violations committed by the Palestinian Authority (PA), and the Palestinian armed forces on their own people. He founded the Palestinian Human Rights Monitoring Group in 1996, although it ceased operations in 2011. He now works as a political analyst for Israeli TV and radio.
Part 1

As the world has watched, transfixed, at the cascade of horrific images coming out of southern Israel, we strain for an appropriate comparison. How can we understand an ideology that motivates terrorists to butcher over 1,400 men, women, and children in a single day, torturing 80% of their victims and perpetrating mass rapes so brutal that they shattered leg and pelvic bones? U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, who was commander of U.S. forces in the Middle East during the campaign against ISIS, said the outrages that Hamas committed were “worse than ISIS.”

There is only one real model for the force that just killed the most Jews on a single day since the Holocaust, and that, of course, is the Nazi Einsatzgruppen themselves, who initiated the slaughter of 6 million Jews in Europe. In fact, the similarities are more than incidental, as a strain of Nazi-inspired antisemitism has always been inculcated in the Palestinian national movement. For peace to come, that will have to change.

In 1921, Herbert Samuel, the Jewish Briton who was High Commissioner of the British Palestine Mandate, unwisely gave in to pressure to appoint Haj Amin al-Husseini, a leader of the 1920 anti-Jewish riots, as Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, the supreme Islamic religious authority in the country. The Mufti went on to engineer bloody riots against the Jewish presence in the Holy Land in 1929 (murdering 67 Jews in Hebron) and 1936-39 (killing about 415 Jews).

After the 1936 violence, the British finally dismissed al-Husseini from his position, at which point he traveled to the Third Reich and met with Hitler. He became a recruiter for the Nazi SS among the Muslim population of the Balkans. In a 1943 letter to the Mufti, SS Chief Heinrich Himmler wrote that the Nazi leadership “has been closely following the battle of freedom-seeking Arabs – and especially in Palestine – against the Jewish invaders.”

According to Faiz Bei Adrisi, senior Arab officer in the Mandate police and commander of the village subdistrict of the Jerusalem district, al-Husseini told him that his plan in the event of an Axis victory was to “build in the Dotan Valley, near Nablus, giant crematoriums of the Auschwitz kind, to which the Jews of the Land of Israel, as well as the Jews of Iraq, Egypt, Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, and even North Africa, would be brought, so as to annihilate them with the methods used by the SS in the death camps of Europe.” When al-Husseini was laid to rest in Beirut in 1974, his spiritual godson Yasser Arafat – founder of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), which rules in the West Bank today – was his chief mourner.

Part 2

This is the context for the prevalence of Nazi symbolism in Palestinian political culture. In the 2018 “Great March of Return,” Palestinian marchers adopted the symbol of the Nazi swastika alongside the Palestinian flag; swastikas have also been displayed at anti-Israel marches this year in cities like New York and London. The supposed moderate, PLO and Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas, has made a career of alternately denying and justifying the Holocaust, beginning with a doctoral thesis in the 1970s questioning the extent of the genocide and continuing into his comments of the last few weeks. Ironically, Abbas is also famous for slandering Israel with the Nazi-like behavior he doubts in the actual Nazis, as when he outlandishly accused Israel last year of committing “50 Holocausts” against the Palestinians.

If that is the leadership of the PA, which craves international respectability and depends economically on Western aid, the Iranian-controlled terrorist group Hamas doesn’t even attempt to hide its racist and genocidal ideology. The founding Hamas Covenant calls for the destruction of Israel and the killing of the world’s Jews. Just as the Nazi “Final Solution” to the existence of Jewish people was the extermination of the entire Jewish nation, Hamas today advocates the same goal.

The Hamas-run education system trumpets incitement against Jews, urges children to become suicide bombers, and glorifies Hitler’s Mein Kampf and the Tsarist secret police forgery “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” as textbooks. It’s no accident that since Hamas seized control of the Strip in 2007, an entire generation of Gazans has been brainwashed to be capable or accepting of atrocities against Jews, any more than the Nazi psychological effect on the populations under its control was accidental.

So, everything ends where it began. The Nazis burned Jews in ovens; on October 7, that day of barbarism, Hamas terrorists baked a baby to death in the parents’ oven while repeatedly raping the screaming mother. Behold the power of an idea. The Nazi ideology of hatred was never fully squelched but allowed to fester right where it could do the most harm – among the neighbors of the Jewish state itself.

In allowing the PLO and Hamas to take root in soil that had formerly been under Israeli control, Israel – under world and especially American pressure – made a catastrophic mistake. Israel and the world community must now do for the Palestinian people what the Allies did for the Germans nearly eighty years ago – help us liberate ourselves from Nazism. Only by firmly defeating this wicked ideology once and for all can both the Jewish and Palestinian people finally know peace and security.

Tragically, the visuals the Israeli government has been using—dead and maimed bodies—are too easy for the PLO and Hamas to counter.

It was not hard to predict that the Arabs would now line up their mangled bodies from our air raids in response to mangled Jewish bodies.

What the Arabs cannot counter: Clear presentations of lethal indoctrination to murder Jews by the U.N.’s Palestinian Arab refugee agency UNRWA, as we at the Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research have documented for 36 years.

Our footage and studies of UNRWA schools show that UNRWA arms and brainwashes Arab children as young as nine years old with a curriculum of premeditated genocidal murder.

Tragically, numerous agencies that promote Israel’s cause have not shared this lethal incitement with journalists who cover the war.

I have spoken with dozens of reporters. Not one journalist has even glanced at the new UNRWA textbooks that glorify the murder of Jews.

Not one reporter has seen our movies that depict Arab children trained to murder Jews in cold blood.

I and my colleagues who work to document lethal incitement to massacre Jews predicted the current war.

On Sept. 27, I brought four Arabic-fluent journalists with whom we have worked for 25 years to brief Israel intelligence on how UNRWA indoctrinates a new generation to murder Jews in a cold and systematic manner, devoid of emotion.

That is precisely what occurred on Oct. 7, when 3,000 highly trained and well-disciplined Palestinian Arab UNRWA terrorists traversed the porous Gaza fence and went on a killing spree, attacking anyone in their path—men, women, children and babies. Many of the UNRWA terrorists knew their victims by name.

This fact is worth reiterating: Testimonies showed that as the UNRWA attackers killed children, often in front of their parents, many of the killers knew each victim by name.

Our new movie will depict how UNRWA mesmerizes youngsters in Bethlehem and Jerusalem to engage in the kind of killing spree that the world witnessed on Oct. 7.

The world needs to know that UNRWA teaches murder.

  • Palestinian terrorist killed after stabbing and seriously wounded a border policewoman this morning
  • PA headline about the stabbing: “A child was shot by the occupation and died as a Martyr in Jerusalem”

While the scale of Hamas' murderous atrocities is far greater than those committed by Palestinians under the direction of the Palestinian Authority/Fatah, the fundamental Palestinian policy of supporting and justifying the murder of all Israelis was established by the PA years ago and continues to be the foundation of PA terror support.

Today we witnessed another example when a 16-year-old Palestinian terrorist from east Jerusalem stabbed and seriously wounded a border policewoman and moderately wounded another, near Jerusalem’s old city. The terrorist was shot and killed immediately after his attack.

WAFA the official PA news agency, headlined the story: “A child was shot by the occupation and died as a Martyr in Jerusalem.” The article also writes that the “Martyr” will “ascend to heaven” - stressing that his action of stabbing and attempting to murder an Israeli is what Allah desires of Palestinians, and therefore the 16-year-old terrorist will be granted the glorious afterlife reserved for “Martyrs.”

While the WAFA story mentions Israel’s “claim” that he attempted to stab, the story continues to present has as the heroic victim and Islamic Martyr:

“A child was shot by the Israeli occupation forces and died this morning, Monday in occupied Jerusalem. Eyewitnesses reported to [the official PA news agency] WAFA that the occupation forces fired a volley of bullets at child Muhammad Omar Al-Faroukh, 16, from the village (Jerusalem neighborhood) of Issawiya, on Saladin Street in central Jerusalem, on the claim that he attempted to carry out a stabbing operation, which caused his death as a Martyr.
The occupation police claimed that two female soldiers (sic., a border policewoman and a border policeman) were wounded, one of them critically…
With the ascent to Heaven of child Al-Faroukh in Jerusalem, the number of Martyrs in the West Bank since Oct. 7, [2023] rises to 144.”
[WAFA, official PA news agency, Nov. 6, 2023]

It was relatively quiet on Wednesday morning as fellow Times of Israel reporter Canaan Lidor and I drove up Route 232, the road that cuts through agricultural fields and desert river beds as it connects the kibbutzim of the western Negev.

Despite the pastoral surroundings, signs of war were everywhere. Plumes of smoke rose from the Gaza Strip only kilometers to the west. Green IDF vehicles zoomed by in small convoys.

A few hundred yards before an army checkpoint, a white Toyota pick-up truck – similar to the model favored by the Islamic State in their propaganda videos – lay in a ditch, the passenger side smashed in.

The truck, bearing a white and green Gaza license plate, was used by Hamas terrorists as they stormed across the border on Saturday morning.

With no bullet holes in the truck and no cartridges or blood on the ground, it is not clear what happened to its occupants. But the equipment inside and strewn about on the white rocks nearby made clear its intended use.

A large, metal gas canister sat in a metal box in the truck’s bed, a homemade bomb that could have caused frightful damage had it been detonated. The improvised device to initiate a blast lay on the ground. A piece of a home alarm system, which enabled the bomb to be activated by phone, was attached to a white cable.

A Toyota pick-up truck used by Hamas terrorists lies in a ditch on Route 232, October 11, 2023 (Lazar Berman/The Times of Israel)

From the equipment they brought, the terrorists seemed prepared to spend days hiding out in the bushes. They had urine collection apparati to allow them to relieve themselves without having to leave their hiding spots.

Their backpacks, filled with changes of clothes and shoes, were open on the ground.

(full article online)

sraelis across the country observed a minute of silence at 11 a.m. on Tuesday morning to commemorate the victims of Hamas’s October 7 massacre, one month after the deadly onslaught.

The minute of silence marked the start of memorial ceremonies across the country, but unlike Holocaust Remembrance Day and Memorial Day, it was not accompanied by a siren.

Following the silence, flags across Israel were lowered to half-staff and mourners sang the national anthem, Hatikvah.

(full article online)

Archaeologists who have joined IDF efforts to identify victims of Hamas’s October 7 massacre say they have uncovered the remains of at least 10 people in houses burned during the grisly onslaught.

In an announcement Tuesday, the Israel Antiquities Authority said that since joining the effort two weeks ago, its archaeologists had helped authorities identify 10 men, women and children previously thought missing.

Using techniques from their experience in excavations of burnt and destroyed ancient sites, the archaeologists have been combing and sieving ash from burnt houses in Be’eri, Kfar Aza and Nir Oz, three kibbutzim devastated in the attacks. They have also examined the contents of cars from an outdoor festival where Hamas terrorists slaughtered 260 people.

(full article online )

Israeli soldiers took control of a Hamas military stronghold in the heart of Gaza City and struck terror operatives barricading themselves near a hospital, the Israel Defense Forces said Tuesday, as the military continued to deepen and expand its ground offensive in the Gaza Strip.

Days after surrounding Gaza City and saying the Strip had been cut in half, troops appeared to be concentrating efforts on capturing command and control centers and flushing Hamas members from hideouts on the outskirts of the crowded city, some of which the army charges are near or under the enclave’s overstretched hospitals.

Residents in northern Gaza reported heavy battles overnight into Tuesday morning in the city’s outer areas. The Shati refugee camp, a built-up district on Gaza City’s northern coast, has been heavily bombarded from the air and sea over the past two days, residents said.

Near Al-Quds Hospital in the Shejaiya neighborhood in the city’s east, the military said it found a number of Hamas gunmen barricaded inside a building planning to attack troops. An aerial attack was directed at the site, which led to “significant secondary explosions” that indicated the presence of a weapons depot, the IDF said.

Reports Monday night also indicated fighting was nearing Shifa Hospital, the Strip’s largest medical center — which Jerusalem says is located above Hamas’s central command center.

(full article online)


Video: Cute Gaza kids being brainwashed to want to die

The incomparable Imshin found this video on TikTok posted yesterday:

The children are on a rooftop in Gaza.

"Are you afraid of the bombings and planes?"
"Do you want to die as martyrs?"

The hashtags on the TikTok post were
Their slogan is

This is not just child abuse.

This is child abuse that a significant number of Palestinians are proud of.

Part 1​

The @WashingtonPost mainstreams the antisemitic "genocide" slander

Days after Amnesty International issued its absurd report accusing Israel of "apartheid," I wrote that the exact same playbook could be used to falsely accuse Israel of genocide as well.

The "apartheid" slander really started to gain steam at the infamously antisemitic 2001 UN-sponsored World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia, and Related Intolerance NGO Forum, which launched an NGO strategy of isolating Israel through boycotts, legal attacks and accusations of apartheid. First there were annual "apartheid week" events on colleges, where modern antisemites linked the words "Israel" and "apartheid" in the minds of a generation of college students. Once that took hold, first fringe and the mainstream NGOs like HRW and Amnesty pretended that where there's smoke, there must be fire, so they twisted the definition of "apartheid" just to fit Israel and issued large reports filled with false examples and lies to "prove" their pre-determined conclusion.

Even the most articulate Israel-haters cannot defend the definition when challenged by someone outside their bubble of hate. Their strategy is to repeat the lie often enough that everyone assumes it must be true, because the average person doesn't want to believe that prestigious human rights defenders are obsessed antisemitic liars.

My prediction that the same thing would happen with "genocide" is coming true. But this time, it has accelerated from 20 years to two months.

"Genocide" has been the theme of countless anti-Israel demonstrations so far, and now Ishaan Tharoor is doing his job by making the antisemitic slander part of everyday conversation, using classic propaganda methods, in his "Today's worldview" column in the Washington Post.


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