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Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

Part 2

Let's take this apart:
In protests around the world, in the corridors of the United Nations and in the angry chambers of social media, one word is getting louder and louder: genocide. That’s what critics of Israel’s offensive against the Islamist group Hamas say the Jewish state is doing in its ravaging of the Gaza Strip, which is home to some 2.3 million Palestinians. Over the weekend, demonstrators slathered a White House gate in red paint, in a message to the Biden administration about the perceived blood on its hands for its staunch support for Israel. In condemning Israel’s actions, governments in Brazil, South Africa and Colombia, among others, have all explicitly invoked “genocide” to explain their outrage.
Just because professional Israel haters use the word does not give it validity. But Tharoor wants to, by suggesting that "genocide" is Israeli policy by quoting angry (and sometimes profoundly stupid) Israeli officials livid about the October 7 massacre - and purposefully lying about President Herzog's statement: "The Israeli president suggested that civilians in the Hamas-controlled territory are not 'innocent'," Tharoor says, yet in the very event where Herzog said that Gazans were partially responsible for Hamas being in power - an undoubtedly true statement - he explicitly said “Of course there are many, many innocent Palestinians."

However, the ill-considered statements of some Israeli officials are not government policy, and they are not IDF policy. Pretending that the idiotic Amichai Eliyahu statement that Israel could drop a nuclear bomb on Gaza has any relationship with Israeli policy is rhetoric but has no basis in reality - yet that is Tharoor's main argument.

Because he never defines "genocide" he never gives the reader the opportunity to judge whether the definition fits. As with apartheid, genocide has a legal definition: specific "acts committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group."

There is no Israeli intent, and no evidence of any such intent, to destroy Palestinians as a people. And Tharoor knows this.

So he plays loose and fast by hinting that Israel's seeming loosening of its rules of engagement compared to previous Gaza wars indicates intent:

Israel contends that it takes steps to limit civilian casualties and targets only militant positions, though that claim is difficult to square against a catalogue of Israeli strikes on crowded civilian neighborhoods, hospitals and U.N. facilities. “Although Israeli officials insist that each strike is subject to legal approval, experts say the rules of engagement, which are classified, appear to include a higher threshold for civilian casualties than in previous rounds of fighting,” my colleagues reported.
Indeed, there is a difference between this war and previous wars. Previously, the goal was to deter Hamas. Now, the goal is to destroy Hamas. That is a valid and legal military goal.

Hamas is hiding its entire organization - weapons, command and control, communications, leadership - in hundreds of miles of tunnels underneath Gaza apartments, schools and hospitals. To achieve the legal military objective of destroying Hamas involves attacking those tunnels. No army is legally obligated to engage in hand to hand fighting on the enemy's turf, risking thousands of its own soldiers, in order to avoid civilian casualties. The only thing Israel can do is warn residents to get out of the way so it could attack Hamas' infrastructure.

If you recall, Israel did exactly that. For three weeks. Even though there are Hamas strongholds in the south of Gaza, Israel has largely avoided attacking there so Gaza civilians can be saved.

Once all the residents are warned, and given enough time to evacuate, the proportionality calculation changes. This is also international law. Otherwise, civilian human shields become a valid defense, which is nonsensical.

Israel is adhering to every aspect of international law to minimize civilian casualties while pursuing its primary military objective. No one has suggested a better way to destroy Hamas. Every civilian casualty from is Hamas' responsibility under international law.

The charge of genocide against Israel is doubly grotesque.

The subtext of Israel's critics is that Israel should not really destroy Hamas - even though Hamas' own goals are explicitly genocidal in its intent. Their slanders of "genocide" are meant to allow a truly genocidal group to keep trying forever.

And, of course, using the term "genocide" against Jews who were the victims of the Holocaust that spawned that term is pure antisemitism. Comparing the deaths in Gaza during a just and legal war with the purposeful destruction of European Jewry by the Nazis cannot be regarded as anything but Jew-hatred.

Ishaan Tharoor is knowingly playing his part - acting as a bridge between the fanatic anti-Israel protesters and the eventual 200 page reports by Amnesty and HRW that will declare Israel to be "genocidal." He is laying the groundwork so that people will associate Israel with genocide the way the antisemites of a decade ago did the same with "apartheid."

Both of those programs are aimed only at the Jewish state. And we all know why.

After a night of dancing at a Negev Desert rave, when Shye Weinstein heard the first barrage of rocket fire from Gaza on Saturday morning, he knew the party was over. He walked over to his friends in the party’s rest area and urged them to pack up.

As heard on videos Weinstein captured on his cellphone, his cousin and friends slowly — begrudgingly — agreed to begin to leave as rockets audibly exploded overhead.

“Initially, it was just rockets,” the 26-year-old new immigrant from Toronto told The Times of Israel.

“Living in Israel, rockets aren’t abnormal. We thought we’d take our time and get ready. We thought, if it’s just rockets, the Iron Dome is enough to keep us safe.”

Weinstein, his cousin and six friends from Tel Aviv were attending an all-night “Nature Party” near Kibbutz Re’im that began Friday night and drew some 3,000 mostly young Israelis.
The chaos that erupted at the Supernova Sukkot music festival was captured on cellphone footage by Weinstein and other attendees, depicting terrified partygoers racing across vast open fields and taking cover in orchards as shots are heard in the background.

According to an increasing number of military analysts, Hamas terrorists had apparently known in advance of the massive event taking place in an isolated area. They surrounded the participants and shot dozens before moving through the area to hunt others in hiding.

(full article online)

Lying on the ground, breathing deeply, and listening to the rustling sounds of horses eating might not be everyone’s idea of relaxation. But at the Dror family’s horse farm late last month, it brought calm to a small group of young people whose lives were shattered on October 7.

On that day, they had been among the thousands at an all-night trance party near Kibbutz Re’im, a few kilometers from the Gaza border.

At around 6:30 a.m., sirens interrupted the dancing. Then, as rockets and missiles rained down from the Gaza Strip, Hamas terrorists stormed in, murdering an estimated 260 people in cold-blooded hails of gunfire as the party-goers tried to flee, and kidnapping an unknown number to the Palestinian enclave.

Survivors have given testimony of widespread torture and sexual assault, and of people begging for their lives before being killed as the massacre unfolded on the festival grounds.

The meditation with horses at Moshav Ofer in the Carmel Hills in northern Israel forms just one part of one of many initiatives that have sprung up to provide psychological help to the party survivors.

A horse called Tzlil looks on as Supernova trance party survivors meditate, under the guidance of Ronit Adar, October 31, 2023. (Sue Surkes/Times of Israel)

“Horses are characterized by power, nobility,” said Ronit Adar, an expert in Chi Kung, craniosacral therapy, and guided meditation. “They are steadfast, they can burst into a gallop to take you anywhere you want. They are also sensitive creatures. Everything that a human feels can be found in a horse. Connecting to a horse can connect us to these feelings.”

Four young adults had selected this first-ever meditation session at Dror’s farm out of a menu of other therapeutic options.

(full article online)

[ No attacks on Jews by Arabs did not start with the riots of 1920 and 1921 because the Jews had legally earned a Mandate to rebuild their Nation on their ancient homeland ]

Part 1

Arab and Muslim antisemitism have been around for a while. For example, James Augustus St. John in "From Egypt and Mohammed Ali Or Travels in the Valley of the Nile"(1834) he explains that the term "Yahoodi" (Jew) was the worst insult a Muslim could muster when attacking an opponent.

And Jews from Morocco to Persia suffered discrimination and daily abuse throughout the Muslim world.

This, of course, included Palestine, as seen in this 1869 travelogue:

Antisemitism by Arabs in Palestine pre-dated "occupation" and the "nakba" and Zionism itself.

If you look at Hamas' own reasons for starting the current war, in Arabic they have been quite clear: besides wanting to take hostages for a trade to release their prisoners, they say that the war is to stop the "Judaization of Jerusalem. "

The kidnappings were tied to a hostage swap. But the massacre were entirely because of Jews living and praying in Jerusalem without fear. Hamas wants the Jews to be fearful in Israel, in the hope that they will run away. (There are lots of articles in Arabic media claiming that there is a huge exodus of Jews from Israel.)

Hamas didn't say that this war was a reaction to the "siege." It was not for Palestinians killed in clashes in the West Bank. No, their main justification for murdering 1400 people was Jews visiting the holiest Jewish sites.in security. Their very name for the massacre and war is "Al Aqsa Flood."

They are telling you it is about Jews as explicitly as they can.

Even so, people like Barack Obama pretend this is about "occupation" or "justice" or whatever. They are just projecting their own hate of Israel on Hamas.

If there was no "occupation," Hamas would have attacked anyway.

Because Hamas hates Jews living in their historic homeland.

This is not exactly a secret. Read Hamas' genocidal charter! (And no, it was never changed.)

Or look at this scene from a 2014 Hamas rally, where they burned a stereotypical religious Jew in effigy.

Part 2

Anyone who bothers to look can see that Jew-hatred is Hamas' main motivation. And that it is not limited to Hamas, either.

The infamous Mufti of Jerusalem started pushing the "Al Aqsa is in Danger" lie 99 years ago. At the time, he was trying to stop Jews from praying at the Western Wall - and all Palestinians, not just Hamas, consider Jews praying there to be desecrating it today.

The conflict has always been about hatred of Jews.

Every few decades, the Arabs come up with new excuses for murdering Jews to tell the gullible West, since they have to pretend not to be antisemitic to their Western partners. In the 1920s-30s it was "Jewish immigration." In the 1940s-50s it was the "refugees." In the 1960s-90s it was "statelessness." Since then it was "occupation." Since 2009 it was the "Gaza siege." Since last year it was "apartheid."

All of those things are excuses to cover up the real reason for attacks on Jews that have been consistent for over a century: age-old hatred of Jews not acting like meek second class citizens under Muslim rule. And as we have seen, Jews have always been despised under Muslim rule, even if they were sometimes tolerated.

Part of the instant historical revisionism of the past 30 days has been to erase the obvious antisemitism of Hamas massacring every Jew they could find and pretending that they had some sort of valid reason. In a way, this excuse-finding is at least as disgusting as those who deny the murders altogether. At least the deniers are embarrassed at what Hamas did; but the protesters and pundits are justifying it.

No, history didn't start on October 7. But it isn't "complicated." The entire reason for the conflict is Arab hatred for Jews, and everything else is an elaborate attempt to avoid acknowledging that, probably because Western intellectuals are loathe to label most Arabs as bigots. So the "experts" keep looking for other reasons, the Arabs keep pretending those reasons are valid, and the inconsistencies that prove them wrong (like Palestinians refusing every plan that would give them a state, or Israel withdrawing from Gaza) just spawn new, ever convoluted theories.

As opposed to the easily debunked excuses the "experts" like to bring, Jew-hatred is the only consistent explanation for how Palestinian Arabs have acted for their entire history. Even the Oslo process fits in perfectly with Arafat's "phased plan" to destroy Israel, something Arafat admitted, and Mahmoud Abbas has not done anything to contradict it.

Hamas Jew-hatred is the only reason we have a war today

Turkey’s parliament removed Coca Cola and Nestle products from its restaurants on Tuesday over their alleged support for Israel amid the conflict in Gaza, according to a parliament statement and a source who named the two companies.

The two companies did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

“It was decided that the products of companies that support Israel will not be sold in restaurants, cafeterias, and tea houses in the parliament campus,” said the statement, which said the decision had been taken by parliament speaker Numan Kurtulmus and did not identify the companies.

A parliamentary source said Coca-Cola beverages and Nestle instant coffee were the only brands removed from the menu.

The source said the decision was taken in response to public demand.

“The parliament speaker’s office did not remain indifferent to the public outcry and decided to remove products of these companies from the menu of cafes and restaurants in parliament,” the source said.

Both companies have been named in social media posts in recent days by Turkish activists calling for a boycott of Israeli goods and Western companies they view as endorsing Israel.

Turkey’s government has sharply criticized Israel‘s military campaign against Hamas in Gaza and Western support for Jerusalem.

Israel has targeted Hamas in Gaza since the Palestinian terrorist group’s raid on southern Israel a month ago, when its fighters killed 1,400 people and seized 240 hostages.

Hundreds of thousands of Turks have taken to the streets to protest againstIsraeli operations into Gaza over the past month, as well as protests on social media.

In a video that Hamas doesn’t want you to see, it depicts Palestinians choosing not to act as human shields and instead moving south using the ID’s evacuation corridor to distance themselves from the activities of Hamas, known for its acts of terror.

Additionally, accounts from a Palestinian woman suggest that Israeli forces were firing, although not at civilians; the gunfire may have been directed at Hamas militants who posed a threat to the civilian population.

Gal Gadot arrives for the Ninth Breakthrough Prize Ceremony at the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures in Los Angeles, April 15, 2023. Photo: REUTERS/Aude Guerrucci

Oscar-winning Israeli director Guy Nattiv and Israeli actress Gal Gadot will host a private screening in Los Angeles of uncensored footage provided by Israel documenting the deadly massacre perpetrated by Hamas terrorists in the Jewish state on Oct. 7.

Nattiv — who recently directed Golda and the first Israeli-Iranian co-production Tatami — announced the screening on Sunday in an Instagram post. The film will showcase extremely graphic and violent footage, including videos of Hamas terrorists brutally murdering civilians. Prominent Hollywood celebrities and executives are invited to the screening, but exact details regarding the date and guest list have not been announced. No filming or phone use will be permitted during the event.

About 120 people will reportedly attend the initial screening, and if it garners more interest, further screenings may be arranged.

The Israeli government is currently organizing screenings for journalists in several cities to view uncensored footage of the atrocities. The Algemeiner attended a screening in New York on Friday along with other journalists and diplomats.

In 2019, Nattiv became the first Israeli filmmaker to ever win an Oscar for his live action short film Skin. Talking about his decision to host the upcoming screening about the Hamas atrocities, he said, “I’m a humanist, I have Palestinian friends. But when I saw the horrific images from Oct. 7 — it reminded me of my grandfather, who said that during the Holocaust, the world stood by and did nothing when Jews were sent to gas chambers. As a filmmaker, I swore that these scenes from Oct. 7 would not be forgotten, and the world would see them.”

He added, “I’m fighting for awareness of what happened in the Holocaust and what happened on Oct. 7. We can’t just ignore it.”

The screening will also be open to other filmmakers, including directors and producers. “People with a background in filmmaking, so we can show them this brutal movie that resembles films made about the Holocaust,” Nattiv said.

The supposed instructions given to thousands of Hamas terrorists who attacked Israel on October 7 and massacred 1,400 Israelis were relayed at the last minute before the terror attack began, the British newspaper The Guardian revealed Tuesday.

To maintain the secrecy of the terror attack, the initial instructions were only dispatched just hours before the assault began, an Israeli source told the newspaper.

Before 4:00 a.m., Hamas terrorists who had taken part in the terror group's training were told not to go to their usual mosques for the morning prayers. About an hour later, as the skies over Gaza started to lighten, new orders came through, primarily through hushed conversations. At 5:00 a.m., the terrorists were instructed to return to their homes, gather their weapons and gear, and assemble at specific rendezvous points. Even then, the terrorists were left in the dark about the specifics of their mission and the actions they were about to undertake.

The instructions were covertly disseminated across the Gaza Strip, with a focus on maintaining the terror attack's secrecy. Initially, they were relayed to battalion commanders, each overseeing 100 or more terrorists. Subsequently, the instructions were passed down to commanders, responsible for groups of 20 to 30 terrorists. The directives then trickled down to friends, neighbors and close associates of the terrorists who had joined them for the bi-weekly training exercises held in dozens of locations throughout the strip.

Only when the terrorists reached their assembly points did Hamas supply them with more lethal weaponry and ammunition. Many of them had trained with these weapons in the months leading up to the terror attack and had returned them to Hamas after each training session. By the morning of October 7, they had access to machine guns, sniper rifles, RPGs, hand grenades and explosives.

In addition to the instructions, the terrorists received maps detailing the deployment of Israeli forces and key target locations. Each terror squad assigned to attack Israelis was given its specific target, which could be a military base, a kibbutz, a road or a settlement. It was estimated that the Nova Music Festival was not initially among Hamas' primary objectives before the operation.

The Guardian noted that the report is based on multiple sources and meetings with Israeli intelligence officials, experts, and informed sources familiar with the investigations of the captured terrorists. According to some of these sources, the number of terrorists who breached the border was estimated to be around 3,000, including members of Islamic Jihad. The report in The Guardian suggests that Hamas had been preparing for this terror attack for approximately two years, while Israeli authorities believe the preparations extended over a year and a half.

The second appointee is Tal Heinrich, an experienced Israeli journalist; and the third is Eylon Levy, a British-born graduate of both the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge. Levy, who is highly involved in advocating for Israel, also serves as a host on a prominent news network.

The decision to bring Eylon Levy on board was made by Moshik Aviv, who leads the national advocacy initiative as head of the National Public Diplomacy Directorate. Levy's performance as an advocate for Israel has been remarkably impressive. Fluent in English and possessing a refined British accent, he has captivated viewers. Broadcasting from the situation room at the national information headquarters in Tel Aviv, which is situated in close proximity to the prime minister's office, the spokespersons conduct interviews with media outlets from across the globe and release informative videos.

Levy's post of the "dead bodies clip" rapidly gained widespread attention as it went viral. In great detail, Levy depicted the somber scenes of the victims who tragically lost their lives in the October 7 massacre. The video in question was recorded during Levy's press conference specifically held for foreign media, immediately following a similar briefing by IDF spokesperson, Brig. Gen. Daniel Hagari.

"What deeply troubles me are the charred, decapitated and disfigured corpses that haunt my thoughts," Levy said. "The sight of bodies strewn across open fields, blood-soaked bedrooms, forcibly removed from vehicles, left by the roadside, and even packed into bags, arranged in rows upon rows. The scale was such that search and rescue teams exhausted four years' worth of equipment within a mere three days. There were bodies submerged in pools of blood and piled up in a heap of mutilated corpses, where Hamas callously threw grenades into a shelter, indiscriminately targeting the young men who sought refuge there.

(full article and videos online)

Among the politically litany of unserious analogies used by anti-Zionists, one of the worst is the imposition of US racial dynamics onto the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

One high-profile instance where such a comparison was exposed as a fraud involves British actress Maxine Peake’s comments in 2020 claiming that the police tactic of kneeling on a suspect’s neck – which resulted in George Floyd’s murder – was “learnt from seminars with Israeli secret services”. Peake eventually apologised, and the outlet which published Peake’s libel, the Independent, admitted her allegation was untrue.

However, the conflation of the two issues is still common among some progressive anti-Israel activists.

The most recent example appeared in the Guardian, in an op-ed by Nasrine Malik (“Pro-Palestine rallies aren’t ‘hate marches’ – they’re an expression of solidarity, helplessness and frustration”, Nov. 6). First, as we demonstrated in a post yesterday, it is indeed apt to refer to the demos as ‘hate marches’. Indeed, just today, The Telegraph revealed that half of the groups organising this Saturday’s pro-Palestinian march in London have links to Hamas.

But, what really caught our eye in the piece was this, where she tried to explain why the pro-Palestinian movement putatively resonates so widely across the intersectional left:

The Palestinian cause has long been part of an interconnected struggle for self-determination and equality for the international left. But increasingly it also sits at the intersection of contemporary global and economic discontents – and has become incorporated into the movement for social and racial justice. In 2021, Black Lives Matter [BLM] released a statement announcing “solidarity with Palestinians”; murals of George Floyd appear in Gaza and the West Bank.
First, CAMERA published a thoroughly researched report on the degree to which Black Lives Matter movement is compromised by antisemitism.

Moreover, and this of course will be quite inconvenient to Malik, while the body count of the Hamas massacre was still being tallied, BLM groups in Los Angeles, Chicago and DC issued statements not just “standing in solidarity with Palestinian” civilians in Gaza, but literally supporting Hamas’s barbarism. BLM Chicago tweeted an image of a Hamas paraglider with a Palestinian flag attached to his parachute and the caption “I stand with Palestine.”, before evidentially deleting the tweet following criticism.

Further, BLM Grassroots in LA wrote on Instagram (in a post that is still on their IG page) that “Their [Hamas’s] resistance must not be condemned but understood as a desperate act of self-defense,” “As a radical black organization,” the post continued, it sees “clear parallels between black and Palestinian people.”

Is this the parallel between the the two movements that Malik is referring to? Is this the concept of intersectionality at play?

The Guardian columnist continues by dishonestly evoking George Floyd, not as explicitly as Maxine Peake, of course, but the words clearly seem designed to remind readers of the horrific clip of Derek Chauvin kneeling on Floyd’s neck until he died.

Social media has made this internationalism more accessible. The heavily armed soldier or policeman with his foot on someone’s neckthese images resonate with the past and present of people who have experienced power behave with impunity, who sense in their own societies a disparity in the value of people’s lives.
The paragraph concludes thusly:

There is a universal simplicity to the conflict that transcends political ideology – about the fundamental human right to full nationhood, to live in your home in safety and with dignity. As the journalist Ta-Nehisi Coates recently explained in an interview, after he visited the occupied territories, what he saw revealed to him “just how uncomplicated it actually is”. “You don’t need a PhD in Middle Eastern studies,” he said, “to understand the basic morality of holding a people in a situation where they don’t have basic rights.”

However, if you watch the full interview by Coates – a US author and journalist who’s often framed as an ‘expert’ on racism – which was conducted after the Oct, 7 massacres, he not only fails to mention the word “Hamas” even once, or condemn the antisemitic aadism on that day, but spends the entire time demonizing Israel as a uniquely (Jim Crow-style) racist polity, framing Israel as the white oppressor and Palestinians as the oppressed people of colour.

(full article online )

[ UNWRA and these NGOs have to go ]

The Gaza-based Al Mezan Center for Human Rights issued a report summarizing the first three weeks of the war.

As far as I can tell,this "human rights" organization has never condemned the murder of any Jews, and this report continues that tradition.

In fact, it denies it.

Here is its only mention of the October 7 events:
Since October 7, 2023, the Israeli occupation forces have continued to launch a massive and unprecedented military aggression across the air, land and sea against the Gaza Strip, in which they violated civilians and civilian objects, killed and injured thousands, including horrific mass killings in hospitals, churches, centers and shelters, and destroyed thousands of housing units, and 70% of the population was displaced from their homes, with an announced Israeli decision to stop supplies of electricity, food, water, and fuel.

This widespread aggression came as an act of revenge hours after a military attack carried out by the Palestinian factions on the same Saturday morning, declaring that it came in response to the escalation of Israeli violations against the Palestinian people...

This absurd characterization of the events of October 7 prove that Al Mezan is not at all interested in telling the truth, but rather parroting terrorist propaganda. There is no daylight between their report and what Hamas claims. In fact, Al Mezan claims that the Hamas Ministry of Health is undercounting civilian victims of the war.

Which is not surprising, because members of the NGO have links to both the PFLP and Hamas terror groups.

Even so, Al Mezan is funded by the European Union, Sweden, the Netherlands and the UN-OCHA.

The IDF has probed central Gaza City and now has the final push staged . I say this will be in clean up phase by next Monday .

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