Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

Dear non-Jews,

As odd it may seem for me to be addressing all 8 billion of you, what I have to say is directed at non-Jewish populations from Nantucket to Nairobi, from Krakow to Cape Town, from Toronto to Tehran, and all points in between. It doesn’t matter what race you are, what religion you adhere to, what language you speak, how educated you are, where you live. I want to speak to all of you.

As I write this letter, the 16.1 million Jews in the world today—still nearly 1 million less than on eve of the Nazi Holocaust—are facing a surge of antisemitism unseen since the end of World War II.

I will admit that us Jews do talk a great deal about that war, but that’s because we lost 6 million of our sisters and brothers to the German Nazi extermination program, among them 1.5 million of our precious children. And for many of us, it’s clear that a significant number of you—well over 6 million—would like us to go through that hellish ordeal again so that we can be gotten rid of for good this time.

I’m not just talking about the rapists and murderers of Hamas, or their backers in Iran, or their cheerleaders in the Islamic world. I’m talking as well about those of you who live in democracies, who have been educated in free societies, who enjoy free access to all sorts of information, including the obscene fake claims that the one Jewish state in the world practices apartheid, wages genocide and relishes the killing of children.

And I’m talking especially to those of you who become so agitated by the Palestinian issue (but not by any other international conflict) that you start behaving like Nazis.

Those of you of who blockaded Liverpool Street Station in London during rush hour, bellowing the genocidal slogan “From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will Be Free.”

Those of you who swan around Paris, Berlin and Buenos Aires daubing Stars of David on the walls of Jewish-owned homes or Jewish communal buildings, seeking to mark them out just like the Nazis of the last century did.

Those of you who, responding to incendiary posts on Telegram, arrive mob-style at an airport in Dagestan, Russia, to take out your anger on Jewish passengers arriving from Tel Aviv.

Those of you who patrol the streets of New York City, eyes eagerly peeled for posters broadcasting the fate of the Israeli children kidnapped by the Hamas monsters you worship, just so you can rip them down.

Those of you who mutter “they deserved it” when Jewish students on college campuses are physically punched or verbally assaulted with language straight out of the Nazi playbook.

Those of you who take to social media to wax with fury about the deaths of Palestinian civilians, but who studiously ignore the plight of the Kurds under Arab, Iranian and Turkish occupation; the Ukrainians blitzed by Russian bombs; the migrant workers slaving (literally) on behalf of Hamas’s paymasters in Qatar; the Uyghur minority suffering in China; the women in Iran struggling to free themselves from the imposition of the hijab.

Sadly, what I’ve come to realize is that too many of you are impervious to rational arguments and facts. You don’t consider Jews and Israelis to be as human as you are, or as worthy of rights and freedoms as the Palestinians you fetishize, and so we arrive at the situation we are in. A situation of your making, not ours, meaning that our pleas fall on deaf ears.

“We are not asking for special privileges, Mr. President, we are just asking to be seen for what we are: South Africans deserving of the same respect and consideration as that accorded to their fellow citizens,” stated the South African Board of Jewish Deputies in a letter last week to President Cyril Ramaphosa. But, wretchedly, you have to wonder why they even bother.

It’s the perfect paradox: You don’t want us living among you, but neither will you accept our right to self-determination in our historic homeland. What conclusion can we draw other than that you wish us dead?

Whether you realize it or not—or whether you indeed care—you have been co-opted by the Iranians in their increasingly sophisticated strategy to remove Israel from the map of the world. The Tehran regime is evil, but it isn’t stupid, and it has realized that those of us who live outside Israel are the Jewish state’s Achilles Heel.

Every synagogue window smashed, every Jew assaulted, every act of vandalism reinforces the argument that Israel is a liability for Jews—that its existence works to our detriment. The fact that we saw in graphic detail on Oct. 7 what a world without Israel might look like for Jews everywhere doesn’t sway you at all.

What I want to emphasize is this: We will not take your abuse lying down. In the words of a letter penned by the newly-formed Harvard College Jewish Alumni Association to Harvard University’s professional leadership, “For centuries, the posture of Jewish people has been one of conciliation, nursed by the hope that if we show the non-Jewish majority that we are conciliatory, we may escape harm, persecution and extermination. Those days are behind us.”

You are the problem, guys, not us. There is something deeply awry with your culture and your values, and what this means is that you, almost as if you were automatons, periodically launch these witch hunts targeting the Jews in your midst. You blame us not only for the bitter political divisions in the world, but for your personal and professional failures as well.

Can’t get a job? Blame Jewish control of the economy. Can’t find a romantic partner? Blame the Jews instead of looking in the mirror. From mundane to world-changing events, there will always be a peg to hang a “blame the Jews” sign on.

I’m fed up with it all frankly, and so are the vast majority of my fellow Jews. Sometimes, I feel nauseated just to be breathing the same air as you. I certainly don’t feel “conciliatory” towards you, and I have no desire to engage in a “dialogue” where the hurt we feel as a community is matched with the outrage you feel on behalf of a nest of terrorists who are now being taken out as Israel fights yet another defensive war.

It’s more than conceivable that large numbers of us, perhaps the majority, will eventually move to Israel because we are sick of living among you. How ironic that would be. Some of you will repeat the anti-Zionist mantra that Israel is the most dangerous place in the world for Jews as a riposte. But it isn’t, and a key reason why is simply this: You don’t live there.

[ Arab Clans like hers cannot be saved from the education they got. They are one of many Arab Clans who should be deported, expelled from Judea and Samaria if there is ever going to be any hope for peaceful Arabs to live with Israel. The hate education they get must end ]

Prominent Palestinian activist Ahed Tamimi was arrested Monday after posting on social media that Palestinians will “slaughter” settlers and “drink your blood.”

“Our message to the herds of settlers is that we are waiting for you in all the West Bank cities, from Hebron to Jenin,” Tamimi wrote in a post last week.

“We will slaughter you and you will say that what Hitler did to you was a joke, we will drink your blood and eat your skulls. Come on, we’re waiting for you,” she wrote.

Tamimi’s arrest was hailed by National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir.

“Well done to the IDF and the other security forces who arrested the terrorist and ‘human rights activist’ Ahed Tamimi from Nabi Saleh, who was previously convicted of attacking IDF soldiers and since the outbreak of the war has expressed sympathy and support for the human animal Nazis on social media,” the far-right minister, who was convicted of incitement in 2007, wrote on X.

(full article online )

AT THE end of the last concert, all the way down in Eilat, we had extra time to spend on the base afterward, and I saw a group of soldiers, some senior and some still in their training course, embrace Rotem Calderon with hugs and tears. The soldiers were beyond impressive and gracious in every respect to every volunteer who came to visit them, and they were thrilled to hear from the iconic Idan Raichel.

You could see the brief respite provided by the fun they had singing with Raichel up on stage, cheering on their friends, and shouting out the poignant choruses. “Kan zeh bayit, kan zeh lev, v’otach ani lo ozev!” – “Here is our home, here is our heart, and I will not leave it!” all harmonized in unison.

But there was nothing quite like the emotions that everyone displayed toward Rotem. The palpable love from the soldiers for Rotem crystallized for all present, why they are there, what motivates them, and why we will continue to fight until every hostage is safe with their loved ones again and the threat of Hamas is eradicated forever.

And as we began our four-hour return journey home at 21:30 and waved goodbye to these remarkable, beautiful, life-loving young people, I could not help but cry fresh tears at the lyrics they were bringing to life in their embrace of the mission before them and of Rotem:

“What is the story of Israel?” Raichel crooned. He turned the microphone to the crowd. “Avoteinu shorashim, v’anachnu haprachim, hamanginot, shevet achim v’achayot,” answered the soldiers. “Our ancestors were the roots, we are the flowers, the melodies, a tribe of brothers and sisters.”

Though we went to strengthen the soldiers, I found in that moment the strength I needed in the knowledge that this generation, the flowers of our ancestors, will win, and they will secure our home for every generation to come.

[ The Cowards choose to not live in Gaza. Just "their people" die for them . Time to demand they be handed over]

The top political and diplomatic brass of the terror organization Hamas all live and operate outside of the Gaza Strip, the Military Intelligence Directorate said on Monday.

The IDF listed over a quarter of Hamas officials, including top official Ismail Haniyeh, as operating outside Gaza, including in Iran, Qatar, Lebanon, and Turkey.

(full article online)

On November 2, Palestinian Authority TV correspondent Mohammad Abu Hattab was killed in the Gaza Strip. CNN promptly reported on how the TV station reacted to news of his death, describing heart-wrenching scenes of grief in a November 3 article entitled, “‘No international protection at all.’ Grief and anger erupt on air after another Palestinian journalist is killed in Gaza.” CNN omitted that over the recent weeks, the same TV station, and even the deceased correspondent, had been joyously celebrating and justifying the murder of Jews. That omission fits into a longstanding pattern at CNN of leaving its audience in the dark about Palestinian societal attitudes.

Describing the scenes at Palestine TV, CNN’s Abeer Salman, Kareem Khadder, and Tara John wrote:

Hattab’s death sent shockwaves through his newsroom, with Palestine TV journalist Salman Al Bashir making an emotional on-air report that reduced a television anchor to tears.
“We can’t bear this anymore. We are exhausted, we are here victims and martyrs awaiting our deaths, we are dying one after the other and no one cares about us or the large scale catastrophe and the crime in Gaza,” he said.
“No protection, no international protection at all, no immunity to anything, this protection gear does not protect us and not those helmets,” Al Bashir continued, as he removed his own helmet and protective vest, which had “PRESS” inscribed in bright letters.
“It is every journalist’s worst nightmare. While live on air, this reporter found out his colleague was killed,” is how CNN’s Salma Abdelaziz began her video report on the death of Hattab.

Yet, when Israelis – including journalists and their families – were butchered by Hamas, Hattab and Palestine TV did not consider it a “nightmare.” To the contrary, they celebrated the mass murder. As Palestinian terrorists were still rampaging through southern Israel – raping, torturing, mutilating, burning, murdering, and kidnapping – Hattab was glorifying the terrorists, as documented by Palestinian Media Watch:

“Today Gaza landed a blow that this occupation will yet remember… Today the Palestinian people had its say, and the resistance responded with all the force at its disposal… Today Palestine stands united against the barbaric aggression that the Israeli occupation is committing… This operation (i.e., Hamas terror massacre) disrupted the Israeli calculations and history will mark it. This occupation will know well that the Palestinian people is in its land and needs to take its right to self-determination by force… Today the world states are taking action to save this occupation from this military operation in which [Israel suffered] killed people and captives. We are talking about dozens of detainees and captives, both dead bodies and captive soldiers and settlers… Today they are imprisoned in the Gaza Strip.”
Hattab wasn’t alone at Palestine TV. On October 11, one of the station’s political commentators described the 1,400 murdered Israelis – the overwhelming majority of them civilians, including children, elderly, and disabled – as “military squads.” On October 24, the TV station aired another political commentator who described Jews as “human waste.” Palestine TV’s Israel affairs reporter spent October 16 denying the well-documented atrocities in southern Israel had even happened. A week later, the station featured a university lecturer who described the scenes from the October 7 massacre as “beautiful images.”

Let’s be clear: no journalist deserves to die, no matter how reprehensible their beliefs are.

But CNN’s selective coverage has left its audience with an incomplete picture. They are shown Palestinians weeping over the tragic costs of war, but not those exact same Palestinians celebrating and justifying the horrendous atrocities that launched that war.

This fits into a longstanding pattern at CNN. The network has consistently failed to adequately inform its audience of the prevalence of antisemitism and incitement in Palestinian society. Worse, it has actively distorted the truth about Palestinian bigotry and extremism, often in ways that work to dishonestly shift blame to Israel.

Not that long ago, CNN’s Christiane Amanpour fabricated polling data to falsely claim Palestinians supported a peaceful, two-state solution with Israel when the actual data showed the exact opposite.

(full article online)

Part 1

1) Calls to replace a Jewish state with a Palestinian Arab state

  • From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free
  • From the river to the sea
  • Palestine will be free
  • Free free Palestine
  • Viva viva Palestina
  • We will chant in jubilation—until freedom and liberation
  • End the occupation
  • Long live Palestine, Israel is dead

river to the sea – from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, covering the entire land of Israel

free, freedom, liberation – terms used to indicate freedom and liberation from a Jewish governed state anywhere in the Middle East.

occupation – Palestinian Liberation activists considers Jewish political and security control anywhere in the region (both Israel and the disputed territories) to be occupation of Palestinian land.

Explaining the message in their own words:

The Palestinian liberation movement seeks the complete return of ancestral homeland and the return of its people to this land. Palestinians do not view this as a movement of “equality,” or ending “apartheid.” Liberal zionists and their lobbies hope Palestinians buy into this agenda but it is wholly rejected… [Our fight] is not over until all land, from the river to the sea, has been returned to the indigenous Palestinians and the occupation has been totally dismantled. It is never over until imperialism is over. (Palestinian Resistance News Network’s Media Guide)

The fight for Palestinian liberation is a necessary struggle against an occupying and colonial state; not a “war” or “conflict.” It is a struggle for national liberation… The occupation and the existence of Israel is not peaceful; there is no ‘maintaining the peace’ with a violent settler state. (BDS & Palestine Solidarity Working Group Palestine Organizing Toolkit)

Part 2

2) The Jewish State—an illegitimate, foreign entity to be eliminated

  • We don’t want two states, we want ’48
  • Nakba, seventy five years — Give back the land, stop the tears
  • Displacing lives since ’48 – Nothing here to celebrate!
  • 1-2-3-4 occupation no more — 5-6-7-8 smash the settler Zionist state
  • Free the people free the land -Justice is our demand -No peace on stolen land.
  • Hey hey, ho ho, Zionism/colonialism/imperialism has got to go!
  • Decolonize Palestine
  • Settler settler go back home — Palestine is ours alone
  • Zionist settlers leave us alone, Palestine is our home
  • Israel, Israel you shall learn! By the millions we’ll return!
  • Right of Return for refugees

1948 – the year Israel was established

Nakba – the loss of the Arab war to annihilate the State of Israel in 1948

Displacing lives – a reference to the Palestinian Arabs who became refugees in the 1948 war waged by their leaders to wipe Israel off the map

Occupation – Palestinian Liberation activists consider Israeli political or security control of the land of Israel and the territories to be occupation of Palestinian land

Justice – the return of the Jewish state to Palestinian hands, which Palestinians claim is theirs by right

Stolen land – all of Israel. Palestinians claim they are the indigenous
people, that Jews have no ancestral homeland, no history or right to the land of Israel

Colonialism/imperialism – Israeli habitation anywhere within the Jewish ancestral homeland, which Palestinians consider to be theirs

Decolonize/decolonization – to rid the land of Jewish cities, towns, collective communities, and neighborhoods

Settler – any Jew who lives in the area of Israel or in the disputed territories

Go back home – a call for Jews to leave Israel for Europe, which Palestinians claim Jews come from

Return – a call to anyone with Palestinian ancestry from anywhere in the world to move to Israel and become the dominant ethnic group to take over governance

Refugee – refers to any Arab, anywhere in the world with an ancestor who lived in the area before 1948

Explaining the message in their own words:

Anti-zionism means the dismantlement of the zionist entity. .. It is referred to as the zionist entity or “israel” because it is a colony… To Palestinians, the entirety of the zionist entity is a settlement. It is never over until imperialism is over.…This is a long and steadfast resistance movement against settler colonialism: The resistance has been consistent since the British invasion of Palestine and onward against settler colonialism… (Palestinian Resistance News Network’s Media Guide)

The occupation and the existence of Israel is not peaceful; there is no ‘maintaining the peace’ with a violent settler state…. decolonization is a call to action, a commitment to the restoration of Indigenous sovereignty. (BDS & Palestine Solidarity Working Group Palestine Organizing Toolkit)

Part 3

3) Justifying/Glorifying Terrorism and Murder

  • Resistance is justified when people are occupied
  • Intifada intifada, long live the intifada
  • We will honor all our martyrs!
  • With our soul, with our blood, we sacrifice for you, Palestine.

Resistance – aka “armed struggle” includes suicide bombings, car rammings, stabbings and the sort of savagery perpetrated by Palestinian terrorists targeting civilians in Israel on Oct. 7

Occupied – the land of Israel that Palestinians claim is theirs by right

Intifada – lit. shaking off; refers to the use of violence to “shake off” or eliminate Israeli security or political control

Martyrs– those who are killed in the process of carrying out violent attacks on Israelis

With our soul, with our blood – with all means, including violence, even if we die in battle

Sacrifice – losing our life in the process of carrying out attacks on Israelis

Messaging Guidance by Hamas Supporting Groups: The Palestinian people have the right to resist colonization and oppression – this right is enshrined in international law. The Palestinian people have the right to return to their homeland and free themselves from the complete land, air, and sea siege they’ve been subjected to; this requires resistance, and it is both morally just and politically necessary. These events are the natural and justified response to decades of oppression and dehumanization… Resistance comes in all forms— armed struggle, general strikes, and popular demonstrations. All of it is legitimate, and all of it is necessary…You don’t get freedom peacefully. liberating colonized land is a real process that requires confrontation by any means necessary.”… (BDS & Palestine Solidarity Working Group Palestine Organizing Toolkit)

The resistance of Palestinians against violent settler colonialism is valid and it is not the role of any journalist or figure to decry this response, but rather to understand its manifestations. The right to resist via armed struggle is enshrined in international law (UN Res 45/130). However, it does not need Western law nor institutions for validation as this only centers the role of empire, colonialism, and capitalism. (Palestinian Resistance News Network’s Media Guide)

Israel is a country that has no place on our land. We must remove that country, because it constitutes a security, military, and political catastrophe to the Arab and Islamic nation, and must be finished. We are not ashamed to say this, with full force. We must teach Israel a lesson, and we will do this again and again. The Al-Aqsa Flood [Oct. 7 massacre] is just the first time, and there will be a second, a third, a fourth, because we have the determination, the resolve, and the capabilities to fight. Will we have to pay a price? Yes, and we are ready to pay it. We are called a nation of martyrs, and we are proud to sacrifice martyrs. (Hamas official Ghazi Hamad)

Part 4

4) Denying Israel the right to protect itself from Palestinian terrorists

  • Palestine to Mexico– border walls have got to go!
  • End the blockade on Gaza
  • End the siege on Gaza now!
  • How many lives must they give? — Stop the siege, let Gaza live
  • Break the siege – free Gaza
  • Demanding humanity in Palestine
  • Humanity over politics
  • Ceasefire now

Border walls – fence and wall system with monitored entry points to prevent Palestinian terrorists from infiltrating Israeli territory to carry out attacks

Blockade – Israel’s and Egypt’s enforcement of their respective borders with Hamas-run Gaza to prevent terrorists from entering their countries and to prevent materials used by Hamas for weaponry, tunnel bunkers and war on Israel, in effect since Hamas violently seized control of the Gaza Strip from the Palestinian Authority (PA) and ended PA security enforcement there

Siege –Israel’s halt in providing supplies – water, electricity and fuel, food– to Hamas-run Gaza (although this halt was temporary), after Hamas launched its war on Israel on Oct. 7

As CAMERA’s Alex Safian pointed out, Gaza has its own water, fuel and food supply and the ending of Israel’s “humane gesture towards an entity run by popularly elected inhumane jihadists, determined to murder Jews and Israelis wherever the opportunity arises” does not completely cut off these supplies. But their own supplies were stockpiled by Gaza’s ruling Hamas for its continuing war on Israel. As Hamas politician Moussa Abu Marzouk asserted in a recent interview, the Hamas government is only responsible for its terrorist fighters and bears no responsibility to ensure the safety and well-being of its citizens. Civilian casualties and suffering among Gazans is thus entirely the fault of its Hamas terrorist leaders whose control of Gaza Israel is seeking to end.

Humanity – an expression of concern for the civilians in Gaza who have become victims of their leaders

Hamas leaders have abdicated responsibility for Gazan civilians’ safety and sustenance and use them solely as human shields. Israel is nonetheless blamed for the suffering of Gazans as it tries to put an end to the malevolent leadership that has caused their ordeals.

Politics – Israel’s efforts to end terrorist rule over Gaza.

Ceasefire now –
a call for Israel to abandon its efforts to end Hamas rule over Gaza and allow the terrorists to dominate and succeed in its stated mission of eliminating the Jewish state and its Jews.


5) Threats Against Supporters of the Jewish State/Calls to End Support for Israel

  • Rise up, don’t back down — No Zionism in our town
  • From the belly of the beast, no justice, no peace!
  • While you’re shopping bombs are dropping
  • No arms trade, draw the line — Rise up for Palestine

Justice – eliminating the Jewish state, withdrawing support for Zionism

Peace – freedom from being confronted, attacked, threatened and verbally abused

Bombs dropping – Israeli airstrikes on Hamas terrorist launching sites, bunkers, communication and planning headquarters

No arms trade, draw the line – a call to halt the transfer of Iron Dome missile defense systems to aid Israel’s air defense in repelling the missiles and rockets targeting civilians in its territory from Iranian-backed Hamas, Hezbollah and Houthis.

6) Calling for Muslim violence against Jews​

  • “Khaybar, Khaybar Ya Yahud, Jaish Mohammed Sauf Ya’ud”
    (Translation: Khayber, Khayber, oh Jews, the army of Mohammed will return.)
The first verse of a chant alluding to the battle of Khaybar that took place in 628 CE, in Saudi Arabia. Mohammed, the founder of Islam accused the Jewish residents of Khayber of conspiring with other Jewish tribes, as a pretext to massacre and expel Jews. The chant is used as a threat to Jews, to say “Watch out Jews, remember Khaybar, the army of Mohammed is returning.”

“The mood was celebratory. Flares were lit, flags flown, slogans chanted. People danced. Thousands descended on the Israeli embassy before hundreds made their way to central London last night, blocking roads and filling the streets as they partied. This was an expression of joy, not an explosion of rage”, wrote the CST’s Dave Rich, commenting on the first pro-Palestinian rally in London following Oct. 7, the date of the largest mass murder of Jews since the Holocaust.

Here’s one clip of the celebration on Oct. 9.

As Rich noted, the protest – at the boarded up Israeli Embassy – was organised on Saturday, well before Israel’s response in Gaza had built up any kind of steam…and [was] organised at a time when Israel could not even count the bodies because terrorists were still holding people hostage in their homes, when the news was full of stories and pictures of murdered and kidnapped Israelis”. Saturday, he added, “was Israel’s 9/11, Bataclan and Bucha rolled into one. And [they] went out to celebrate.”

The latest of the weekly pro-Palestinian London demos – which the British home secretary has aptly called ‘hate marches’ – took place yesterday. As with the Oct. 9 demo, and the subsequent marches, not only were there slogans and speeches in support of terrorism, there have been – to the best of our knowledge – no speeches which included calls to free the hostages, or condemned of Hamas ISIS-style barbarism against Israeli men, women, children and even babies.

The Jewish Chronicle also reported that “dozens of marchers were arrested for offences including inciting racial hatred, breaching the Terrorism Act, and assaulting police officers”.

Here are a few clips highlighting the hate, extremism and antisemitism in London yesterday.

Hamas are not terrorists, but ‘freedom fighters’
(full article online)

The best solution for everyone: Turn Gaza into a new emirate for the UAE!

There have been a number of articles about how to fill the vacuum that ill be left in Gaza after Israel destroys Hamas. It is a significant question: no one wants another Islamist group to take over.

The US is pushing for the Palestinian Authority to reassert control, but the PA is trying to extort a state out of it, saying it doesn't want to gain power based on Israeli actions.

But the PA is a corrupt, weak entity. Nobody likes them, least of all its citizens. It lost Gaza once and it would likely lose it again.

Egypt doesn't want Gaza. Egyptians hate everything about it. After all, it was Egypt that turned it into a virtual prison for Palestinian refugees after the 1948 war.

Israel doesn't want Gaza back. It doesn't want to govern two million hostile Arabs, not to mention take over day to day governance. Imagine the suicide bombings at every governmental office. And, of course, it would be "occupation."

So who should run Gaza the day after Hamas is eradicated?

When Israel left Gaza in 2005, optimists thought it could become a new Singapore. Palestinian incompetence and Hamas ended that fantasy. Hate for Israel was far more important than helping Palestinians live their lives.

But there is one country that could turn Gaza into a wonderful place; the UAE.

The UAE is at peace with Israel. it could pour massive amounts of money into rebuilding Gaza into a paradise. It wouldn't allow Islamists to gain a toehold.

Gazans would suddenly live in a place that has a future. The UAE and Israel could work on joint business ventures and economic zones to help employment and bring Gaza up to modern standards. One could imagine luxury hotels and high tech skyscrapers being built on the shores of the Mediterranean.

Gazans would become citizens of an Arab country and could still call themselves Palestinians. The emirate itself could be called "the Emirate of Palestine." Why not? And Gaza citizens of the UAE could move to the other emirates to seek other opportunities if they prefer.

Why would the UAE be interested? Well, a port on the Mediterranean is a pretty big carrot. Shipping lanes from and to Europe would be a huge economic boost. Working with Israel, the proposed train line from the Gulf to Israel could be extended a bit to Gaza to tie the Gulf countries closer to the sea as well.

Also, Palestinians are among the best educated Arabs. There is a competent workforce already there.

Moreover, Gaza could become a money-making tourism destination. Wealthy Europeans could rub shoulders with wealthy Arabs and make deals.

Gazans would have huge opportunities to work and thrive. There would be no more "refugees."

Egypt would be thrilled to have such a neighbor.The entire Sinai could benefit from increased trade.

This idea is a win for literally everyone - except those people whose entire lives are dedicated to destroying Israel.

People who truly want peace in the region would love to see this idea work. People who only want to get rid of Israel would hate this idea.

But can anyone think of any better future for Gaza than this?

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) on Monday reported taking control of a Hamas base in Gaza. Additionally, the IDF attacked 450 aerial targets and killed a commander of the Palestinian terrorist group during the last 24 hours.

According to the IDF spokesperson’s statement, the Hamas base seized by the military “had observation posts, training complexes for terrorist operatives, as well as terrorist tunnels.”

Among the aerial targets hit by the air force were “military compounds, observation posts, anti-tank posts, and more.” The naval forces hit Hamas’ “headquarters, anti-tank missile launching positions, and other observation posts.”

The Hamas commander killed by the IDF was Jamal Musa, who was responsible for special security in the terrorist organization Hamas. In 1993, Musa carried out a shooting attack against IDF forces who were patrolling the territory of the Gaza Strip.

The Nahal Oz surveillance control center has been reopened by the military at a temporary site on the Re’im army base after it was stormed by Hamas terrorists on October 7, the Israel Defense Forces announced Monday.

During the onslaught, Hamas terrorists killed and captured several members of the Combat Intelligence Collection Corps 414th unit at the Nahal Oz base. It was part of a massive attack by thousands of gunmen that killed over 1,400 people in southern Israel, mostly civilians, and abducted over 240.

The soldiers of the unit are tasked with monitoring surveillance cameras along the Gaza border and dispatching forces to potential incidents. The unit has multiple command centers in various army positions along the border. The vast majority of those serving in the unit are female soldiers.

Footage published by the IDF a week after the attacks showed Unit 414 soldiers opening fire using remote weapon systems at Hamas terrorists approaching the border, from a different base near the community of Kissufim. “Commander commander, we are at war,” a soldier was heard saying over the radio.

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant later told Unit 414 soldiers at the Zikim base who survived the attacks: “You went through things that soldiers in Israel have not gone through since the War of Independence… You functioned in combat conditions, experienced heavy losses, and played an important part in the battles.”

(full article online)

Terrorists in Lebanon bombarded Israeli towns with rockets on Monday, stepping up attacks on the increasingly tense northern border, as Israel presses on with its offensive in the south against the Gaza-ruling Hamas terror group.

The military confirmed that in the span of an hour, some 30 rockets were fired from Lebanon at northern Israel. It said troops responded with artillery shelling at the sources of the fire before later announcing airstrikes on sites belonging to Hezbollah, as rocket sirens sounded repeatedly in the community of Shtula.

Video footage showed the Iron Dome air defense system intercepting rockets over the area. There were no reports of injuries or damage.

The launches triggered warning sirens in Nahariya, Acre, and several nearby towns in the Western Galilee and the Krayot area. Shortly before, sirens sounded in the Upper Galilee towns of Malkia, Avivim and Dishon.

Hamas claimed responsibility for some of the rocket fire, saying its Lebanon branch had launched 16 projectiles at Nahariya, Haifa, and nearby towns.

(full article online)


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