Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

[ Hamas has all the food and water. The ones who fled do not have weapons to demand that Hamas share that with them]

To advise them on policing the Pro Palestinian marches,
are relying on an antisemite for advice.

Attiq Malik, a lawyer, chairs an official committee for Scotland Yard & he led a “from the river to the sea chant”He also made statements about “Zionist control”

Is this who told you this chant wasn't offensive
@MetCC, & you proudly proclaimed him to be an "expert".

You absolute bunch of useless tools.

[ It has always been Islam against the Jews ]

Pro-Hamas, pro-pogrom, antisemitic Muslim Brotherhood symposium in Istanbul

A symposium titled “The Palestinian Issue from the Balfour Declaration... to the Al-Aqsa Flood,” was held in Istanbul, Saturday, November 4. It praised Hamas for its "resistance" and specifically for its October 7 pogrom.

Citing this as a victory, the speakers said that the war " stopped the path of normalization once and for all."

It appeared to be very much supportive of the Muslim Brotherhood, praising former Egyptian President Morsi for his support of Gaza during his short term in office, and including Brotherhood speakers.

Support for terror groups didn't end there. The speakers said that "the fall of the Islamic State and the disappearance of the feeling of brotherhood is the reason for preventing the emergence of a strong Islamic state that confronts the practices of the Zionist entity." This sounds like a pretty strong endorsement for ISIS.

The President of the World Forum for Thought and Culture, Dr. Mona Sobhi, gave the welcoming speech, during which she saluted "the heroes of the Palestinian resistance in the Gaza Strip." She added, "Your effort and struggle, O heroes of Palestine, and your creation of this historical epic since October 7, is God’s blessing upon you that began decades ago, and you have been guided to good work, and raising generations of balanced education, in which the doctrinal, moral, intellectual and physical formation of young people, these Young people sold their souls to God Almighty, and for the sake of God they rose, and we are now witnessing this fruit of this good and blessed planting, which bears fruit in patience and victory, determination and will, awareness and maturity.”

"October 7 was a watershed that history will write in letters of light," she said.

Hamas leader Fawzi Barhoum said, "We in Hamas will expel the Zionists from Palestine humiliated and submissive." But he also said, "There is a media battle due to the export of a misleading narrative from the Israeli media about the Hamas movement that it is an ISIS terrorist movement, and that narrative must be confronted in our media and we fight with pen and image until we convey our narrative to the world."

Rania Nasr, a member of the Coalition of Women Scholars and Preachers and the Palestine Scholars Association, said that the attack "renewed the blood of the nation and sent educational messages from the heart of the trench confirming the Muslim faith. "

Secretary of the Jerusalem Department of the Palestine Scholars Association and a member of the International Union of Muslim Scholars, Dr. Mahmoud Al-Shajarawi, said, "the date of the battle came on the 20th day of the Zionist holiday season, and it also came on Saturday, which is a Jewish religious holiday, which is the night of complete forgiveness, a time of joy for the Jews, so the Al-Aqsa Flood was a tragedy for the Zionists.": He also claimed that Israel allows animal sacrifices on the Temple Mount.

The media spokesman for the Muslim Brotherhood, Ali Hamad, said "the Palestinian issue is a right that can be seized by any and all means - our struggle with the enemy is not over a piece of land, but rather a struggle between truth and falsehood and between the Qur’an and the Talmud."


It's been a month, and still @WHO and @MSF have not condemned Hamas murders of Israeli medics, attacks on Israeli medical facilities and military use of Gaza hospitals and ambulances

The World Health Organization condemned Israeli airstrikes at terrorists who were using hospitals and ambulances for cover.

WHO condemns the attacks on 3 November near Al-Shifa Hospital, Al-Quds Hospital, and the Indonesian Hospital in Gaza City and North Gaza governorates.

Two further attacks were reported on the same day at Al-Quds Hospital, resulting in at least 21 injuries. An additional attack was reported near the Indonesian Hospital.

Attacks on health care, including the targeting of hospitals and restricting the delivery of essential aid such as medical supplies, fuel, and water, may amount to violations of International Humanitarian Law.

They have not said a negative word about Hamas' use of hospitals and ambulances for military purposes nor about Hamas using medical staff and patients as human shields.

What about Hamas' attacks on medical facilities in Israel on October 7?

Ten Magen Dovid Adom workers were murdered, including at least two who were slaughtered while trying to save others' lives - Aharon Chaimov, who was murdered in his ambulance while trying to help the injured in Ofakim, and Amit Mann, who spent her final six hours treating the injured at the clinic in Kibbutz Be'eri before the clinic itself was attacked and she was murdered.

Several ambulances were attacked, some deliberately to ensure that they could not be used to save lives. Hamas even published its own video of an attack on an ambulancewith a drone.

And the World Health Organization has not said a word of condemnation of Hamas for directly and proudly attacking medical workers, ambulances and facilities.

And it isn't only WHO. Doctors Without Borders (MSF) have also been completely silent about Hamas' attacks on Israeli medical personnel and facilities, and have also not said a word about Hamas' use of hospitals and ambulances for military purposes.

While both WHO and MSF have issued brief condemnations of the October 7 attacks, they have not condemned Hamas for its deliberate attacks on medics and medical facilities.

Bias isn't only obvious from what people and organizations say. Sometimes their silence is what proves their bigotry.

In a meticulously detailed presentation on Sunday, IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari offered copious evidence pointing to the scope of Hamas crimes against the civilian population in Gaza. Hagari’s presentation zeroed in on the use the terrorist group makes of hospitals and other medical facilities in Gaza, converting them into operation centers and launchpads for missiles, while shielding themselves behind the civilians using them.

Hagari screened a video showing a shaft leading underground Sheikh Hamad Hospital, which he said is connected to Hamas tunnel networks. He showed photo evidence of several rocket launchpads placed in close proximity to hospitals as to prevent IDF strikes.

A recording was played of an intercepted phone call of a non-Hamas Gazan official, where a man is heard saying “They say there is a fuel shortage in Gaza, they are liars, liars. There is no fuel shortage of fuel in Gaza. It is in the hands of Hamas.”

Hagari also offered video evidence of Hamas violently deterring Gazans from moving to a safer area, as the IDF urges them through some six millions of leaflets dropped from the air.

[ Humans, turned less than humans for their learned hatred of Jews and Israel. Celebrating the deaths of Jews, as in after every other pogrom of Jews for the past 1700 years]


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