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Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

[ Consequences of being pro Hamas around the world ]

He was caught glorifying the Gaza-based butchers as well as the banned Palestine Islamic Jihad group.

It is understood the man - who cannot be named - left the country while his case was considered by Home Secretary Suella Braverman, who has since revoked his visa.

He is the first to be stripped of his visa since Immigration Minister Robert Jenrick warned of the threat a fortnight ago.

Mr Jenrick told The Sun tonight: “There can be zero tolerance for visitors to the UK who abuse the privilege of a visa and endorse evil terrorist acts.

"To any individuals considering following suit in the coming days and weeks: be in no doubt that we will continue to revoke visas wherever required.

"We will not tolerate extremism on our streets."

Mr Jenrick wrote to police chiefs late last month warning that foreign nationals caught glorifying banned terror groups faced expulsion.

He said: “The opportunities that a UK visa affords an individual is a special privilege, not an automatic entitlement.

“Those that abuse that privilege by causing harm to the UK, our citizens or values forfeit the benefits conferred to them.”

Our revelation is the first case of someone having their visa revoked since the Cabinet Minister's intervention.


'Disgraceful! These people should be prosecuted': London citizens comment on cenotaph vandalism​

I went to my first Free Palestine protest this month. I’ll start with the good news: at no point did I, a poster child for the Ashkenazim, feel unsafe. Sure, one of the speakers, Frank Cardenas of the Peace and Freedom Party, drew cheers and applause with the line, “Do I condemn Hamas? Hell no!” But he also assured the crowd that the current conflict was not about Jews versus Arabs, but about colonizers versus the colonized. Not having colonized anyone lately, I managed not to take it personally.

A co-production of the Los Angeles Movement for Advancing Socialism, the East L.A. Brown Bears, the L.A. County Peace and Freedom Party, and an organization called Centro CSO, the demonstration on November 4 attracted maybe two or three hundred participants and began with a series of mostly Latino speakers at Boyle Heights’ Mariachi Plaza. It then migrated across the L.A. River to the steps of City Hall, where there was more shouting into megaphones about the need for both a cease-fire and the destruction of Israel.

There was also a call for an alliance between Palestinians and Chicanos, who “face harassment, violence, and murder by the occupying forces of LAPD. . . and other police departments.” Lost in the fervor, of course, was the detail that the “occupying force” in Gaza is not Israel, but a gang of Islamists who would have happily slaughtered every merry Christian at this gathering. (The situation in the West Bank, I maintain, is another story, and it sure would be nice if we could say with a straight face that Israel’s current government has pursued nothing but peaceful coexistence with its Palestinian neighbors.)

Decolonization was the word of the day, and there was much talk of a “one-state solution” that would turn over all of Israel to the Palestinian people. I asked some folks what this would mean for the Jews of Israel, and responses ranged from the evasive (“I don’t think it’s for me to guess”) to the delusional (“Before Israel became a nation, everybody lived peacefully side by side”) to the blithely genocidal (“The Jewish people in Israel [will] always have to look over their shoulders because. . . the hatred that Palestinians have for them is justified.”).

Look, no one said decolonization would be easy, but what’s the alternative, trying to live in peace?

Peace, it would seem, is for suckers. What’s hot right now is “liberation.” What’s really righteous is to promulgate a fundamental loathing of anyone belonging to the “oppressor” class.

It’s a mindset attractive even to the upwardly mobile. I spoke, for instance, to a CalTech engineering student who confidently asserted that a “global intifada”—by which he meant the overthrow of capitalism—“is a desire shared by all working people across the world.” What would that look like? “It’s gonna look bloody,” he shrugged, as if describing a traffic jam.

The sixties this is not. Remember “make love not war”? That ethos is evidently far less appealing than the chance to cosplay as a revolutionary and give voice to bloodlust.

I would like to think that those ostensibly standing for “peace and freedom” are capable of rejecting the allure of such bitterness and rage. And there are doubtless people—there must be—organizing for Palestinian dignity who aren’t playing in that sandbox.

But I didn’t meet any of them that Saturday.

Young people tearing down posters of Israeli hostages and launching waves of anti-Israel demonstrations say they’re being fueled by thousands of pro-Palestinian videos, mainly on TikTok and Instagram.

Ripping down posters and lavishing praise on those who do has become a trend ever since Hamas terrorists took 240 Israelis hostage during their Oct. 7 terror assault on Israel.

More than a dozen protesters interviewed by The Post in Manhattan said their opinions about the Israel-Hamas war were shaped mainly by Instagram and TikTok accounts — and to a lesser extent their school professors.

They were at a rally on Thursday attended by at least 2,000, many of them under-30s who had skipped school to join the anti-Israel spectacle.

Zara Asif, 17, who came with her classmate Manoor Javed, 16, from New Utrecht High School in Bensonhurst, said they have both been inspired to go to pro-Palestinian rallies around the Northeast and Washington DC by watching TikTok and Instagram videos.

Israel-Hamas war: How we got here​

2005: Israel unilaterally withdraws from the Gaza Strip more than three decades after winning the territory from Egypt in the Six-Day War.

2006: Terrorist group Hamas wins a Palestinian legislative election.

2007: Hamas seizes control of Gaza in a civil war.

2008: Israel launches military offensive against Gaza after Palestinian terrorists fired rockets into the town of Sderot.

2023: Hamas launches the biggest attack on Israel in 50 years, in an early-morning ambush Oct. 7, firing thousands of rockets and sending dozens of militants into Israeli towns.

Terrorists killed more than 1,400 Israelis, wounded more than 4,200, and took at least 200 hostage.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was quick to announce, “We are at war,” and vowed Hamas would pay “a price it has never known.”

The Gaza Health Ministry — which is controlled by Hamas — reported at least 3,000 Palestinians have been killed and more than 12,500 injured since the war began.


(full article online)

[ Emboldened antisemites. Congratulations to the 50 years of anti Jewish, anti Israel teachings around the world. This is the result ]

[ Muslims against Muslims = silence
Muslims against Jews = the Jews are murderers ]

[ Abdullah's father was for peace with Israel. HIs son is scared of all the people who could bring him down ]

Has anyone asked him why he refuses to grant generational Palestinians Jordanian citizenship?

And the number of Palestinians he’s willing to shelter? Zero.
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[ Where was this Jihad when the Ottomans had the land for 500 years? Or the Crusaders before them? No, it is all about the hated Jews who has no rights under Islam ]


Hamas doesn't even pretend to adhere to any laws of war

The Al Qassam Brigades website had been down for a couple of weeks, but they found an Internet host and have come back.

The photos on the site shows their members fighting and posing with weapons.

All or nearly all of the photos show that they are in civilian clothing.

International law states that "combatants have an obligation to distinguish themselves from the civilian population and this can be achieved by wearing a uniform." (A headband or visible armband would be adequate as well.)

The reason is obvious: since one of the cornerstones of the laws of armed conflict is the principle of distinction between civilian and military objects, fighters dressed in civilian clothing are meant to make it possible for the attacker to make that distinction and not attack civilians.

This video shows that people in medic uniforms in Gaza are acting as combatants. Notice the "medic" not helping the injured fighter but taking his weapon to give to another fighter (both of whom are also in civilian clothing.)

I cannot see the logo on the "medic's" vest, but if it is that of a recognized sign like the Red Crescent, this is a separate war crime, perfidy.

One could argue that when hiding among civilians and purposely using the protected status of hospitals, schools, mosques and other civilian objects and uniforms as a some of the key strategies of war , it affects the calculation of proportionality when planning an attack, at least when the people in the area are men of fighting age as in this video.

[ Any lie about Jews is a good lie. Because it is sold on site. The PA should be the next one to go. Never honored the Oslo Accords, time for something new. ]

PA (not Hamas!) health minister claims Israel throwing patients out of Shifa hospital to "certain death" to be eaten by dogs. No media outlet even questions this.

The Palestinian Authority health minister in Ramallah is apparently jealous at all the attention being given by world media to her Hamas counterpart in Gaza City.

So she started making up her own lurid stories about IDF atrocities.

Palestinian Minister of Health Mai Al-Kaila said that the occupation forces are committing atrocities in hospitals in the Gaza Strip, especially Al-Shifa Medical Complex, in light of the ongoing Israeli aggression for the 37th day.

Minister Al-Kaila added, in a press statement on Sunday, that the Israeli occupation army does not evacuate hospitals, but rather throws the wounded and sick into the street to certain death, and “this is not an evacuation but an expulsion at gunpoint.”

She continued: Another danger that threatens the lives of patients and threatens the occurrence of a health catastrophe, which is the inability of medical teams to bury 100 martyrs whose bodies began to decompose in the hospital courtyard, and that stray dogs mauled some of them, according to the testimonies of the medical staff present there...
People on the ground in Gaza aren't even claiming this. It is complete fiction.

The IDF isn't even in Shifa Hospital. Al-Kaila is literally making things up, because she knows that Al Jazeera and other media will either repeat her outrageous lies as truth without any question - or, in the case of Western media, they will ignore it because publicizing obvious lies from the "moderate"Palestinian Authority means that they look like fools for believing Hamas lies.

As long as the media swallows or downplays the lies, the world does not know how much lying is a part of the Palestinian culture. This is a government official - of the government that the White House and Western Europe wants to see take over Gaza.

Mai al-Kaila is not an anomaly - she is a minister of the government, whose pronouncements during Covid were eagerly followed by the press.

But the truth of the matter is that the IDF is intentionally moving at this measured pace. This is a fresh combat strategy developed in recent years by Chiefs of Staff Gadi Eisenkot and, to a larger extent, Aviv Kochavi. It's not just a strategy - the IDF has also equipped itself to "fight slow", with the main aim of keeping casualties to a minimum, both among its own ranks and the non-combatants on the opposing side.

(full article online)


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