Issue 1 in Ohio

I am saying why are you bringing it up trees are not human
It was the comparison between the stages. Calling a single cell zygote a human being is like calling an acorn a sapling oak tree.
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It was the comparison between the stages. Calling a singee cell zygote a human being is like calling an acorn a sapling oak tree.
One is a human being, one isn't, maybe you should start punting on first down! I have no doubt you would put a tree and a human on the same level!
Zygote and blastocyst are terms used to dehumanize that very human.
No they aren't, they are used to describe the various stages of development that we all go through. Everybody started out as a single cell of unique DNA.
Not before the cord was clamped Your son received oxygen from your wife until the cord was clamped. What is your point that your kid took his first breaths between the time the cord was clamped and when it was cut.

Ever heard the expression “cut off” Like cut off the newborn infant’s oxygen supply from the mother?

Currently, most hospitals in the United States practice early (immediate) cord clamping. This means cutting the umbilical cord 10 to 15 seconds after birth or soonerTrusted Source.​
Before the mid-1950s, it was standard practice to wait one to five minutes before cutting the cord. Around this time, the number of births in hospitals began to rise.​
No, I mean they did a C-section, and as they pulled my son out, he started breathing, screaming and peeing, all at the same time. No, they did not clamp the cord first.
You do not stand for reproductive freedom otherwise you would stand up for the father having rights also
When men die during childbirth maybe I’ll consider your “poor fellow” male victim concerns,

Until then keep your fertility member out of vaginas 100 percent of the time unless the person with a vagina has guaranteed and swears under oath that she is ready prepared and committed to full term gestate a fetus just for you.

frnknstn.23.08.11 #697
Christ you’re insane
Then why the objection to a law protecting babies who survive an attempt to kill them and are born alive?

1. According to the usual suspects, they're fully human and persons at the moment they are born and that means they have the same rights as a baby born to someone who doesn't want to kill them.
2. Any baby that is born is immediately given any lifesaving treatment should it be required. A doctor or nurse who didn't, for example, unwrap an umbilical cord that was choking a newborn would be prosecuted, so why NOT protect these most vulnerable humans who survive an attempt to kill them in the womb? What makes them less of a person?

Who's insane again?
It is a human being you continue to call it a zygote so it dehumanizes it in your evil mind
If the zygote doesn't attach to the uterus it will never become a human being. It happens all the time naturally that the zygote doesn't attach and dies. Is that evil too?
If the zygote doesn't attach to the uterus it will never become a human being. It happens all the time naturally that the zygote doesn't attach and dies. Is that evil too?
As I've said before, if you can't differentiate between a natural miscarriage and a deliberate abortion, there's no helping you. You might as well insist that an elderly person tripping and falling down a flight of stairs to their death is no different from someone pushing that same person down the stairs, killing them.
When men die during childbirth maybe I’ll consider your “poor fellow” male victim concerns,

Until then keep your fertility member out of vaginas 100 percent of the time unless the person with a vagina has guaranteed and swears under oath that she is ready prepared and committed to full term gestate a fetus just for you.

frnknstn.23.08.11 #697
Emotional answer! It takes two to tango and you put all the onus on the man!
If the zygote doesn't attach to the uterus it will never become a human being. It happens all the time naturally that the zygote doesn't attach and dies. Is that evil too?
That is nature, it's not being ripped from the womb! Do you think before you type?
As I've said before, if you can't differentiate between a natural miscarriage and a deliberate abortion, there's no helping you. You might as well insist that an elderly person tripping and falling down a flight of stairs to their death is no different from someone pushing that same person down the stairs, killing them.
There is no miscarriage of a zygote. There are birth control pill that will block the zygote from implanting in the womb however. Still, a significant number of zygotes do not attach and are flush out in the next cycle.

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