Issue 1 in Ohio

Kansas and Ohio have proven beyond a shadow of public opinion doubt based on special election voters that both your arguments above are a complete and utter failure. To start with your arguments contradict themselves anyway.

FIrst you state

Then you state

Ohio and Kansas are red states currently and they both morally accept RvW being good law requiring 24 weeks gestation after which a state may have an interest in arbitrarily protecting the life of an unborn child.

Note to St Seymour: Science says competent brain development coincides with fetal viability at 24 weeks not 8 weeks

All the above also means that most Kansans and Ohioans who vote their opinions on a woman’s right to control her own body and life do not agree with your absurd argunent that a Fetus" is no different from "infant.

A fetus without a physical brain is significantly different than an infant that had one and was successfully separated from being part of its mother’s neurological system.

Please grab some bench - Your team is losing the voters two to one.

hvdvt.23.08.07 420
hvdvt.22.06.28 #53
symrflps.23.05.17 #61
Heart beats at 6 weeks sometimes before the mother even know she is pregnant. Grab some bench ghoul
Listen Idiot, she had the right to not have sex, and now she gets a special right nowhere stated in the constitution to kill her child because ooops! You who support abortion, support child predators, becuase if you can kill a child, why can't you abuse them, they are nothing special and should be used how they see fit as they have no special meaning! So go support your local NAMBLA organization I mean you do already but they would love a check!
Who gave the New Republicans the right to control her baby factory? Your belief that supporting a woman's right to choose when to have a baby makes one a supporter of child predator is a giant absurdity. But of course you have to believe these absurdities in those you demonize in order to justify the atrocities you'll want to commit.
I'm sorry you're too dimwitted to comprehend.
I'm guessing failing 3rd grade 4 times wasn't the right career move for you eh Jethro?

Masters in Chemical Engineering, dipshit, what's your degree in, Pygmy lesbian clubfooted albino studies?
I'm sorry you're too dimwitted to comprehend.
I'm guessing failing 3rd grade 4 times wasn't the right career move for you eh Jethro?
Still going with the juvenile insults? One would think you'd have learned better by now that they don't work, and only make you look foolish.
Masters in Chemical Engineering, dipshit, what's your degree in, Pygmy lesbian clubfooted albino studies?
Sure you do.
Masterbater in the Bathroom is what it says on your indictment.

It is obvious you're a barely graduated high school student from West Pigshit, MAGADUMIA.

How do I know?
Your total lack of critical thinking skills and your complete ignorance across any number of topics.

Try some night classes Jethro.
Still going with the juvenile insults? One would think you'd have learned better by now that they don't work, and only make you look foolish.
I don't need insults to make you look foolish schlubnugget
I just let your words do the work while I giggle girlishly at your ignorance.


The pro-life control freaks didn't just lose, they got stomped. Americans hate pro-life policies. That's because Americans like liberty.

Pro-lifers, how do you justify your "I back tyranny of the minority" stance? Not just on abortion, but on every issue. You say "mob rule" is bad ... so how then is minority rule better?

I'll answer that. Elitism is what conservatism is based on. Conservatives think they're superior people, which gives them the divine right to rule over all lesser beings.
I don't need insults to make you look foolish schlubnugget
I just let your words do the work while I giggle girlishly at your ignorance.


Girlishly? Interesting. I lost nothing, as you haven't refuted anything I've said beyond, "Nuh-uh, you're a poopyhead".

Again, you're insisting that human beings at early stages of development are not human beings, and you arbitrarily assign birth as the moment a baby becomes human. Very odd, that. Let's try one more time. "Human being" is a biological term that covers all stages of development while "person" is a legal term that can be arbitrarily assigned. Heck, Canada just declared a river is a person in order to give it rights. That's what you're arguing, isn't it, that a developing human being isn't a person yet so it doesn't have any rights and can be legally and violently killed for the convenience of the parents?
Human being" is a biological term that covers all stages of development while "person" is a legal term that can be arbitrarily assigned.

which human being do you love most Jesus or Trump
Okay, I'll ask. What does that have to do with anything I was commenting on?
Evangelical Christian leader Russell Moore revealed this week that many evangelical pastors have become alarmed that their Trump-loving congregants have become so militant that they are even rejecting the teachings of Jesus Christ.​
If you won’t answer the question that’s fine.
Evangelical Christian leader Russell Moore revealed this week that many evangelical pastors have become alarmed that their Trump-loving congregants have become so militant that they are even rejecting the teachings of Jesus Christ.​
If you won’t answer the question that’s fine.
That sounds like something completely different.
Who gave the New Republicans the right to control her baby factory? Your belief that supporting a woman's right to choose when to have a baby makes one a supporter of child predator is a giant absurdity. But of course you have to believe these absurdities in those you demonize in order to justify the atrocities you'll want to commit.
Get bent blind idiot she had control over her baby factory and it was open for business, by dehumanizing children in the womb is it any wonder your friends in the the child sex industry would do the same! Cutting up a child in the womb and removing it to somehow save the mothers life is whats absurd, I mean what could go wrong? Pipe down clown!
Fluttering nerves or cardiac activity is not a heartbeat. The rabid right conflates the two because they've gone all emotional........
Well not that it matters, but yes the heart does beat at 6 weeks, but it's a separate human at conception when DNA is transferred
Thank you for granting your permission to women to not have sex at all . Every human being has a right to engage in lawful unprotected sex as well, Do you agree?

frnknstn.23.08.09 #504
nf.23.08,09 #512
She sure does, however the special right granted to then kill that human is B.S especially when the father gets no rights

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