Issues of morality shuts Christians up.

It's a misunderstanding and a mis-label to define atheism as a religion. Religions are frequently associated with various customs, traditions, rituals and belief systems. These belief systems often have a hierarchy of individuals who serve to promote, define and interpret the belief system as well as to delineate the path one takes toward approaching one or more gods. Often within such a hierarchy, the person at the top of the hierarchical structure is consider closer to the gods than other mortal men.

Atheism has none of the hierarchical structure of religions. Similarly, atheism has no rituals, customs, practices or beliefs that define organized religion.

Your customs and traditions are to loathe believers and real science. Your rituals are to bash and attack everything associated to God. You do have a belief system everything came from nothing. You do have your priests operating in the courts,the schools, on T.V. and Radio. Your hierarchical men are closer and know more about the natural processes which created everything.

Wrong on the last sentence as well.

Actually,what you are doing is called projection
You(not all believers) loathe those that do not agree with your beliefs

You bash and attack everyone that questions your god/religion.

You constantly refuse to acknowledge what a belief system actually is--A belief system is more than a hypothesis about creation.

Those people that operate in courts, schools and on T.V. and radio are not "the priests of Atheism" Many of them are theist such as Christians and Judaism

Atheist have a tendency NOT to agree with each other.

Atheism,in itself, lacks a singular Heirachy and many atheists have to assign who is trustworthy through their own assessments of the person or organization. To help you understand this--Theism, in itself, lacks Heirachy, but there are theist groups(such as Catholics, Baptists) that contains a heirachy of priests and so forth. Then there are individual theists that do not subscribe to such.

You guys do not know what a belief system is nor understand what religion actually is.

In short--Atheism is not a religion because Theism is not a religion. They are a classification on religion. Not independent belief systems.
It's a misunderstanding and a mis-label to define atheism as a religion. Religions are frequently associated with various customs, traditions, rituals and belief systems. These belief systems often have a hierarchy of individuals who serve to promote, define and interpret the belief system as well as to delineate the path one takes toward approaching one or more gods. Often within such a hierarchy, the person at the top of the hierarchical structure is consider closer to the gods than other mortal men.

Atheism has none of the hierarchical structure of religions. Similarly, atheism has no rituals, customs, practices or beliefs that define organized religion.

Your customs and traditions are to loathe believers and real science. Your rituals are to bash and attack everything associated to God. You do have a belief system everything came from nothing. You do have your priests operating in the courts,the schools, on T.V. and Radio. Your hierarchical men are closer and know more about the natural processes which created everything.

Wrong on the last sentence as well.

Actually,what you are doing is called projection
You(not all believers) loathe those that do not agree with your beliefs

You bash and attack everyone that questions your god/religion.

You constantly refuse to acknowledge what a belief system actually is--A belief system is more than a hypothesis about creation.

Those people that operate in courts, schools and on T.V. and radio are not "the priests of Atheism" Many of them are theist such as Christians and Judaism

Atheist have a tendency NOT to agree with each other.

Atheism,in itself, lacks a singular Heirachy and many atheists have to assign who is trustworthy through their own assessments of the person or organization. To help you understand this--Theism, in itself, lacks Heirachy, but there are theist groups(such as Catholics, Baptists) that contains a heirachy of priests and so forth. Then there are individual theists that do not subscribe to such.

You guys do not know what a belief system is nor understand what religion actually is.

In short--Atheism is not a religion because Theism is not a religion. They are a classification on religion. Not independent belief systems.

The same can be said concerning Christians, that is why their are so many different denominations of Christianity.

You don't have to agree with me I accept all Christians and Jews. But my background being in science, I do attack the foolish imaginations of so called science.

It's not hard to do because the evidence can be observed in nature.
It's a misunderstanding and a mis-label to define atheism as a religion. Religions are frequently associated with various customs, traditions, rituals and belief systems. These belief systems often have a hierarchy of individuals who serve to promote, define and interpret the belief system as well as to delineate the path one takes toward approaching one or more gods. Often within such a hierarchy, the person at the top of the hierarchical structure is consider closer to the gods than other mortal men.

Atheism has none of the hierarchical structure of religions. Similarly, atheism has no rituals, customs, practices or beliefs that define organized religion.

Your customs and traditions are to loathe believers and real science. Your rituals are to bash and attack everything associated to God. You do have a belief system everything came from nothing. You do have your priests operating in the courts,the schools, on T.V. and Radio. Your hierarchical men are closer and know more about the natural processes which created everything.

Wrong on the last sentence as well.

Actually,what you are doing is called projection
You(not all believers) loathe those that do not agree with your beliefs

You bash and attack everyone that questions your god/religion.

You constantly refuse to acknowledge what a belief system actually is--A belief system is more than a hypothesis about creation.

Those people that operate in courts, schools and on T.V. and radio are not "the priests of Atheism" Many of them are theist such as Christians and Judaism

Atheist have a tendency NOT to agree with each other.

Atheism,in itself, lacks a singular Heirachy and many atheists have to assign who is trustworthy through their own assessments of the person or organization. To help you understand this--Theism, in itself, lacks Heirachy, but there are theist groups(such as Catholics, Baptists) that contains a heirachy of priests and so forth. Then there are individual theists that do not subscribe to such.

You guys do not know what a belief system is nor understand what religion actually is.

In short--Atheism is not a religion because Theism is not a religion. They are a classification on religion. Not independent belief systems.

No, what he does is DEFEND his belief against people who attack it, and those who believe in it. I've seen no evidence that he loathes non-believers. I've seen evidence that he loathes anti-Christian freaks who get off on publicly attacking Christians, calling them stupid, ignorant, blind, making fun of their faith, making fun of their churches, making fun of their god and taking great pride in posting the most foul and blasphemous crap they can think of.

You see that as hatred against all those who don't believe. It isn't. It's just disgust with you, personally.
Atheism is a faith. Atheists work hard to win converts, and it has no more logical base than any other faith.

I've never had atheists come to my door and try to convert me.

That's because you don't admit to being Christian. I've had them in my house, at my work, online on my facebook, at the store, in the news, in the schools, trying to "convert" me, or just talking shit about Christians in general.

I have yet to be in line at the store and have a Christian ranting about those "damn atheists".
Atheism is a faith. Atheists work hard to win converts, and it has no more logical base than any other faith.

I've never had atheists come to my door and try to convert me.

That's because you don't admit to being Christian. I've had them in my house, at my work, online on my facebook, at the store, in the news, in the schools, trying to "convert" me, or just talking shit about Christians in general.

I have yet to be in line at the store and have a Christian ranting about those "damn atheists".

And how have they tried to "convert" you?....if talking "shit" about christians is bad...isn't talking "shit" about atheists just as bad?
Atheism is a lack of belief in supernatural claims. That is IT. There is no more that you can say about a person who calls themselves an atheist other than: they do not believe in the supernatural claims asserted by those who do believe. It is a conservative position that lacks any assertion.

Does it take faith to not believe in bigfoot? NO. Same thing. It does not take faith to not believe in god.

Therefore, because there are zero assertions made in the atheist position, including no assertion of moral standards, social guidelines, or dogma, atheism is not a religion. Stop saying it is. It's a ridiculous and untrue assertion.
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No, I can say plenty about atheists, because I have experienced them.

They take their proselytizing very seriously.
2) The U.S. Government reports that in 2008 those identifying themselves specifically as "Atheist" composed the 18th largest group of 43 possible categories of "self-described religious identification." The number of persons so identifying themselves almost doubled from seven years earlier. Admittedly, "Atheist" is one of the options listed under "no religion specified," but given that other options for respondents included checking "Agnostic" or "No Religion" or not answering the question at all, it appears that identifying oneself specifically as an Atheist, as opposed to simply "not religious," is growing in appeal. This points to the utility of a distinction made by Jonathan Lanman between "non-theists," those with no particular religious belief, and "strong atheists," those who view religion not only as irrelevant but as misguided and dangerous."

David Lose: Has Atheism Become a Religion?
3) Similarly, it's worth noting the degree to which Atheists routinely, strategically, and often vociferously position what is often described as their "secular-humanist" views against religious traditions. Read or listen to any of the celebrity Atheists of the past decade like Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, and Sam Harris and you realize that they fashion many of their arguments not against some alternative economic, political, or philosophical position but against organized religion. Religious faith is clearly their primary opponent in the contest for the intellectual allegiance of the population, which makes it hard not to conclude that they offer their views and beliefs as a viable alternative to traditional religious systems."

David Lose: Has Atheism Become a Religion?

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