Issues of morality shuts Christians up.

I love these discussion. But i've found that a common flaw with the non-religious argument is that the person doing the disciussion always seems to assume that Humanity is God's most valued creation.

For all we know, we may simply be the microbes to God's most valued creation. It would be interesting to see where humanity stands.
I have, and a right wingnut to boot. A nauseating creature. Against all aid to the poor, pro abortion, pro war, and a tax cheat. Still, it complained about schools, roads, and other services. It thought being an atheist made it 'intellectual", also expected the State to shell out millions in a tiny eminent domain action. A walking, blabbering contradiction.

Can't be a right wingnut if she's pro abortion, I don't think.

And "tax cheat". Has to be a democrat.

Why does it "has to be"?
Do you remember when Obama was picking his cabinet? If you dont, then never mind.


LOL. Never mind. I keep giving you a chance to participate without me explaining everything to you, but I am running out of patience.

So, if you have to explain something, you can't or won' much for your debating skills....kind of along with your ability to prove statements you made....non-existant.
I've never had atheists come to my door and try to convert me.

That's because athiests use the courts to force everyone to do their bidding. Duh!

Wait...the courts? The secular courts? What does that have to do with religion(s)?

They are there to protect us from religions and do a good job of it so far.

That is why Christians follow secular law and have discarded the draconian and unjust Christian laws.

That's because athiests use the courts to force everyone to do their bidding. Duh!

Wait...the courts? The secular courts? What does that have to do with religion(s)?

They are there to protect us from religions and do a good job of it so far.

That is why Christians follow secular law and have discarded the draconian and unjust Christian laws.


Where does it say in the constitution that the purpose of the courts is to "protect us from religion"?

Honestly, the stupidity that comes out in these discussions, the complete ignorance of history or even current events, or the basic tenets that our republic is built upon, is mind boggling.

Go back to 6th grade, and this time don't smoke dope on recess.
Do you really expect to have a discussion with such a condescending attitude?

I never expect an honest discussions with Christians.

I have yet to have one where they do not hide behind fantasy, miracles, magic and a genocidal son murderer who can do whatever he likes, moral or not, because Christians think he is an all powerful God.
Fear guides you.


Your perceptions & beliefs nullify the alleged attempt.

True. I will not believe in fantasy, miracles and magic or pray to a genocidal son murdering God who thinks it is good to punish the innocent instead of the guilty.

I have taken a somewhat different tack here but no one seems to understand it yet.
That or no believer can think of an argument against it.
That or it is too long for the attention span of most Christians.
I am not sure which yet.

No, it's because you're an idiot, so nobody is going to engage. There's no point. We'll ignore you like we ignore mentally ill people with indescipherable messages printed on cardboard, hanging at busy intersections.

I love these discussion. But i've found that a common flaw with the non-religious argument is that the person doing the disciussion always seems to assume that Humanity is God's most valued creation.

For all we know, we may simply be the microbes to God's most valued creation. It would be interesting to see where humanity stands.

God will only tolerate humanity standin, in one location.
In front of him.



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