Issues of morality shuts Christians up.

"This assertive, us-against-them tone (in this case, against established religion) is characteristic of new religions. (Think of the Christian gospels', especially Matthew and John, stance toward first-century Judaism, for example.) As Rabbi David Wolpe observed a few months ago, there is an astonishing garrulousness to the comments made by Atheists to posts about religion that suggest not simply a lack of interest in, or even disdain for, religion but a competitive anger directed against persons of traditional religious faith. (Obviously plenty of religious folk radiate the same garrulousness, but this post is about Atheists.)
Taken together, these four elements suggest that Atheists regularly demonstrate attributes -- desire for spiritual sustenance, the importance of self-identification, offering their worldview as an alternative to other religious systems, and an assertive if not competitive style of engagement with other religious points of view -- usually exhibited by religious folk of all persuasions."

David Lose: Has Atheism Become a Religion?
Do you really expect to have a discussion with such a condescending attitude?

I never expect an honest discussions with Christians.

I have yet to have one where they do not hide behind fantasy, miracles, magic and a genocidal son murderer who can do whatever he likes, moral or not, because Christians think he is an all powerful God.
Fear guides you.


Your perceptions & beliefs nullify the alleged attempt.
It's a misunderstanding and a mis-label to define atheism as a religion. Religions are frequently associated with various customs, traditions, rituals and belief systems. These belief systems often have a hierarchy of individuals who serve to promote, define and interpret the belief system as well as to delineate the path one takes toward approaching one or more gods. Often within such a hierarchy, the person at the top of the hierarchical structure is consider closer to the gods than other mortal men.

Atheism has none of the hierarchical structure of religions. Similarly, atheism has no rituals, customs, practices or beliefs that define organized religion.

Your customs and traditions are to loathe believers and real science. Your rituals are to bash and attack everything associated to God. You do have a belief system everything came from nothing. You do have your priests operating in the courts,the schools, on T.V. and Radio. Your hierarchical men are closer and know more about the natural processes which created everything.

Wrong on the last sentence as well.

That really makes no sense. I have no issue at all with believers except when those beliefs become the engine of hate that causes good religious folk like you to rattle on about that which you don’t understand.

“Real science” is a term illustrative of the above. I have to take that to mean that you have some special knowledge of science that others don’t; that there is a mechanism toward an understanding of “real science” that you and your pals at the ICR are privy to and others are not.

Not surprisingly, your post never attempted to address my comments regarding the obvious elements of religious belief that unquestionably separates atheism from religion.

I suppose using this thread to spread you message of hate was just too good to pass up.

I was correct on the last sentence as well. Step up to the plate and identify for us what rituals, customs, practices or beliefs define atheism.

Or, don't go away mad...
"'s worth noting the degree to which Atheists routinely, strategically, and often vociferously position what is often described as their "secular-humanist" views against religious traditions. Read or listen to any of the celebrity Atheists of the past decade like Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, and Sam Harris and you realize that they fashion many of their arguments not against some alternative economic, political, or philosophical position but against organized religion. Religious faith is clearly their primary opponent in the contest for the intellectual allegiance of the population, which makes it hard not to conclude that they offer their views and beliefs as a viable alternative to traditional religious systems."

David Lose: Has Atheism Become a Religion?
You're a confirmed and habitual liar, so who cares?

Poor Koshergirl/Allie....can't even be truthful about your own name...and you want to wag your finger at others? :lol::lol::lol:

No, only at you. You're a blatant and consistent liar. You were caught yesterday, you get caught every day.

Poor really really don't like your own words coming back at you, do you? You just can't stop blaming others for the words you type when we bring them back at you. :lol::lol::lol:
Poor Koshergirl/Allie....can't even be truthful about your own name...and you want to wag your finger at others? :lol::lol::lol:

No, only at you. You're a blatant and consistent liar. You were caught yesterday, you get caught every day.

Poor really really don't like your own words coming back at you, do you? You just can't stop blaming others for the words you type when we bring them back at you. :lol::lol::lol:

He's right. You are a liar.
No, I can say plenty about atheists, because I have experienced them.

They take their proselytizing very seriously.

How odd that I have not run into one proselytizing atheist in my life.

I have, and a right wingnut to boot. A nauseating creature. Against all aid to the poor, pro abortion, pro war, and a tax cheat. Still, it complained about schools, roads, and other services. It thought being an atheist made it 'intellectual", also expected the State to shell out millions in a tiny eminent domain action. A walking, blabbering contradiction.
No, I can say plenty about atheists, because I have experienced them.

They take their proselytizing very seriously.

How odd that I have not run into one proselytizing atheist in my life.

I have, and a right wingnut to boot. A nauseating creature. Against all aid to the poor, pro abortion, pro war, and a tax cheat. Still, it complained about schools, roads, and other services. It thought being an atheist made it 'intellectual", also expected the State to shell out millions in a tiny eminent domain action. A walking, blabbering contradiction.

No, I can say plenty about atheists, because I have experienced them.

They take their proselytizing very seriously.

How odd that I have not run into one proselytizing atheist in my life.

I have, and a right wingnut to boot. A nauseating creature. Against all aid to the poor, pro abortion, pro war, and a tax cheat. Still, it complained about schools, roads, and other services. It thought being an atheist made it 'intellectual", also expected the State to shell out millions in a tiny eminent domain action. A walking, blabbering contradiction.

Can't be a right wingnut if she's pro abortion, I don't think.
How odd that I have not run into one proselytizing atheist in my life.

I have, and a right wingnut to boot. A nauseating creature. Against all aid to the poor, pro abortion, pro war, and a tax cheat. Still, it complained about schools, roads, and other services. It thought being an atheist made it 'intellectual", also expected the State to shell out millions in a tiny eminent domain action. A walking, blabbering contradiction.

Can't be a right wingnut if she's pro abortion, I don't think.

And "tax cheat". Has to be a democrat.

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