"Issues" or America?


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Constitution?..what constitution? We have Obama

There have been many wise warnings that freedom is seldom lost all at once. It is usually eroded away, bit by bit, until it is all gone.
By Thomas Sowell - August 21, 2012
There are some very serious issues at stake in this year's election -- so many that some people may not be able to see the forest for the trees. Individual issues are the trees, but the forest is the future of America as we have known it.

The America that has flourished for more than two centuries is being quietly but steadily dismantled by the Obama administration, during the process of dealing with particular issues.

For example, the merits or demerits of President Obama's recent executive order, suspending legal liability for young people who are here illegally, presumably as a result of being brought here as children by their parents, can be debated pro and con. But such a debate overlooks the much more fundamental undermining of the whole American system of Constitutional government.

The separation of powers into legislative, executive and judicial branches of government is at the heart of the Constitution of the United States -- and the Constitution is at the heart of freedom for Americans.

No President of the United States is authorized to repeal parts of legislation passed by Congress. He may veto the whole legislation, but then Congress can override his veto if they have enough votes. Nevertheless, every President takes an oath to faithfully execute the laws that have been passed and sustained -- not just the ones he happens to agree with.

If laws passed by the elected representatives of the people can be simply over-ruled unilaterally by whoever is in the White House, then we are no longer a free people, choosing what laws we want to live under.

When a President can ignore the plain language of duly passed laws, and substitute his own executive orders, then we no longer have "a government of laws, and not of men" but a President ruling by decree, like the dictator in some banana republic.

When we confine our debates to the merits or demerits of particular executive orders, we are tacitly accepting arbitrary rule. The Constitution of the United States cannot protect us unless we protect the Constitution. But, if we allow ourselves to get bogged down in the details of particular policies imposed by executive orders, and vote solely on that basis, then we have failed to protect the Constitution -- and ourselves.

Whatever the merits or demerits of the No Child Left Behind Act, it is the law until Congress either repeals it or amends it. But for Barack Obama to unilaterally waive whatever provisions he doesn't like in that law undermines the fundamental nature of American government

"Issues" or America? | RealClearPolitics
Constitution?..what constitution? We have Obama

There have been many wise warnings that freedom is seldom lost all at once. It is usually eroded away, bit by bit, until it is all gone.
By Thomas Sowell - August 21, 2012
There are some very serious issues at stake in this year's election -- so many that some people may not be able to see the forest for the trees. Individual issues are the trees, but the forest is the future of America as we have known it.

The America that has flourished for more than two centuries is being quietly but steadily dismantled by the Obama administration, during the process of dealing with particular issues.

For example, the merits or demerits of President Obama's recent executive order, suspending legal liability for young people who are here illegally, presumably as a result of being brought here as children by their parents, can be debated pro and con. But such a debate overlooks the much more fundamental undermining of the whole American system of Constitutional government.

The separation of powers into legislative, executive and judicial branches of government is at the heart of the Constitution of the United States -- and the Constitution is at the heart of freedom for Americans.

No President of the United States is authorized to repeal parts of legislation passed by Congress. He may veto the whole legislation, but then Congress can override his veto if they have enough votes. Nevertheless, every President takes an oath to faithfully execute the laws that have been passed and sustained -- not just the ones he happens to agree with.

If laws passed by the elected representatives of the people can be simply over-ruled unilaterally by whoever is in the White House, then we are no longer a free people, choosing what laws we want to live under.

When a President can ignore the plain language of duly passed laws, and substitute his own executive orders, then we no longer have "a government of laws, and not of men" but a President ruling by decree, like the dictator in some banana republic.

When we confine our debates to the merits or demerits of particular executive orders, we are tacitly accepting arbitrary rule. The Constitution of the United States cannot protect us unless we protect the Constitution. But, if we allow ourselves to get bogged down in the details of particular policies imposed by executive orders, and vote solely on that basis, then we have failed to protect the Constitution -- and ourselves.

Whatever the merits or demerits of the No Child Left Behind Act, it is the law until Congress either repeals it or amends it. But for Barack Obama to unilaterally waive whatever provisions he doesn't like in that law undermines the fundamental nature of American government

"Issues" or America? | RealClearPolitics
Nothing has undermined our Constitutional rights more than the Patriot and Military Commission's Act's.

I don't hear the right bitching about repealing them.
Imperial presidency, rule by executive decree. Obama is a disgrace while our liberties are being taken away little by little the liberals focus on some stupid comments by some congressman
Constitution?..what constitution? We have Obama

There have been many wise warnings that freedom is seldom lost all at once. It is usually eroded away, bit by bit, until it is all gone.
By Thomas Sowell - August 21, 2012
There are some very serious issues at stake in this year's election -- so many that some people may not be able to see the forest for the trees. Individual issues are the trees, but the forest is the future of America as we have known it.

The America that has flourished for more than two centuries is being quietly but steadily dismantled by the Obama administration, during the process of dealing with particular issues.

For example, the merits or demerits of President Obama's recent executive order, suspending legal liability for young people who are here illegally, presumably as a result of being brought here as children by their parents, can be debated pro and con. But such a debate overlooks the much more fundamental undermining of the whole American system of Constitutional government.

The separation of powers into legislative, executive and judicial branches of government is at the heart of the Constitution of the United States -- and the Constitution is at the heart of freedom for Americans.

No President of the United States is authorized to repeal parts of legislation passed by Congress. He may veto the whole legislation, but then Congress can override his veto if they have enough votes. Nevertheless, every President takes an oath to faithfully execute the laws that have been passed and sustained -- not just the ones he happens to agree with.

If laws passed by the elected representatives of the people can be simply over-ruled unilaterally by whoever is in the White House, then we are no longer a free people, choosing what laws we want to live under.

When a President can ignore the plain language of duly passed laws, and substitute his own executive orders, then we no longer have "a government of laws, and not of men" but a President ruling by decree, like the dictator in some banana republic.

When we confine our debates to the merits or demerits of particular executive orders, we are tacitly accepting arbitrary rule. The Constitution of the United States cannot protect us unless we protect the Constitution. But, if we allow ourselves to get bogged down in the details of particular policies imposed by executive orders, and vote solely on that basis, then we have failed to protect the Constitution -- and ourselves.

Whatever the merits or demerits of the No Child Left Behind Act, it is the law until Congress either repeals it or amends it. But for Barack Obama to unilaterally waive whatever provisions he doesn't like in that law undermines the fundamental nature of American government

"Issues" or America? | RealClearPolitics
Nothing has undermined our Constitutional rights more than the Patriot and Military Commission's Act's.

I don't hear the right bitching about repealing them.

Exactly. If you think your freedoms being eroded away started with Obama then you're either a party hack or suffering from short term memory problems.
Constitution?..what constitution? We have Obama

"Issues" or America? | RealClearPolitics
Nothing has undermined our Constitutional rights more than the Patriot and Military Commission's Act's.

I don't hear the right bitching about repealing them.

Exactly. If you think your freedoms being eroded away started with Obama then you're either a party hack or suffering from short term memory problems.

The point is, its happening and liberals and fake ass Republicans don't give a shit
Nothing has undermined our Constitutional rights more than the Patriot and Military Commission's Act's.

I don't hear the right bitching about repealing them.

Exactly. If you think your freedoms being eroded away started with Obama then you're either a party hack or suffering from short term memory problems.

The point is, its happening and liberals and fake ass Republicans don't give a shit

They haven't for a long time now, where have you been?

Serious question though. Are you going to vote for Romney?
Exactly. If you think your freedoms being eroded away started with Obama then you're either a party hack or suffering from short term memory problems.

The point is, its happening and liberals and fake ass Republicans don't give a shit

They haven't for a long time now, where have you been?

Serious question though. Are you going to vote for Romney?

I'm voting for smaller government that would be Romney. Only losers vote third party
The point is, its happening and liberals and fake ass Republicans don't give a shit

They haven't for a long time now, where have you been?

Serious question though. Are you going to vote for Romney?

I'm voting for smaller government that would be Romney. Only losers vote third party

Then shut up and quit bitching about your freedoms, because that's the america that you're voting for. You obviously care more about party politics than you do your freedoms
They haven't for a long time now, where have you been?

Serious question though. Are you going to vote for Romney?

I'm voting for smaller government that would be Romney. Only losers vote third party

Then shut up and quit bitching about your freedoms, because that's the america that you're voting for. You obviously care more about party politics than you do your freedoms

I care more than you because you waste your vote idiot,but at least you feel good about yourself... Congradulations:eusa_clap:
Exactly. If you think your freedoms being eroded away started with Obama then you're either a party hack or suffering from short term memory problems.
They didn't start with Obama, but he's definately not making things better.

Instead of trying to get those other bills repealed, he pushes through the NDAA.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDouNtnR_IA]Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction - YouTube[/ame]
I'm voting for smaller government that would be Romney. Only losers vote third party

Then shut up and quit bitching about your freedoms, because that's the america that you're voting for. You obviously care more about party politics than you do your freedoms

I care more than you because you waste your vote idiot,but at least you feel good about yourself... Congradulations:eusa_clap:

You care, and that's why you're voting for someone who will do exactly what you're complaining about????

Let me know how that turns out.
They haven't for a long time now, where have you been?

Serious question though. Are you going to vote for Romney?

I'm voting for smaller government that would be Romney. Only losers vote third party

Then shut up and quit bitching about your freedoms, because that's the america that you're voting for. You obviously care more about party politics than you do your freedoms

When Napoleon wanted trees planted along the roads to cool his marching armies, an Aide said it would take 20 years for them to grow enough to perform that task.

Napoleon's response was "This is why we have to do it right now"

Right now we have no other choice except between Obama and Romney. There is no third party candidate that is viable. What we have to go with is the candidate we think will at least consider a true fiscal conservative/federally liberatrian plan to fix our economy and our government. We know Obama will not even consider these options.

A 3rd party candidate of a fiscally conservative/federally libertarian outlook will only be possible when the system truly starts collapsing.
Constitution?..what constitution? We have Obama

There have been many wise warnings that freedom is seldom lost all at once. It is usually eroded away, bit by bit, until it is all gone.
By Thomas Sowell - August 21, 2012
There are some very serious issues at stake in this year's election -- so many that some people may not be able to see the forest for the trees. Individual issues are the trees, but the forest is the future of America as we have known it.

The America that has flourished for more than two centuries is being quietly but steadily dismantled by the Obama administration, during the process of dealing with particular issues.

For example, the merits or demerits of President Obama's recent executive order, suspending legal liability for young people who are here illegally, presumably as a result of being brought here as children by their parents, can be debated pro and con. But such a debate overlooks the much more fundamental undermining of the whole American system of Constitutional government.

The separation of powers into legislative, executive and judicial branches of government is at the heart of the Constitution of the United States -- and the Constitution is at the heart of freedom for Americans.

No President of the United States is authorized to repeal parts of legislation passed by Congress. He may veto the whole legislation, but then Congress can override his veto if they have enough votes. Nevertheless, every President takes an oath to faithfully execute the laws that have been passed and sustained -- not just the ones he happens to agree with.

If laws passed by the elected representatives of the people can be simply over-ruled unilaterally by whoever is in the White House, then we are no longer a free people, choosing what laws we want to live under.

When a President can ignore the plain language of duly passed laws, and substitute his own executive orders, then we no longer have "a government of laws, and not of men" but a President ruling by decree, like the dictator in some banana republic.

When we confine our debates to the merits or demerits of particular executive orders, we are tacitly accepting arbitrary rule. The Constitution of the United States cannot protect us unless we protect the Constitution. But, if we allow ourselves to get bogged down in the details of particular policies imposed by executive orders, and vote solely on that basis, then we have failed to protect the Constitution -- and ourselves.

Whatever the merits or demerits of the No Child Left Behind Act, it is the law until Congress either repeals it or amends it. But for Barack Obama to unilaterally waive whatever provisions he doesn't like in that law undermines the fundamental nature of American government

"Issues" or America? | RealClearPolitics
Nothing has undermined our Constitutional rights more than the Patriot and Military Commission's Act's.

I don't hear the right bitching about repealing them.

Indeed. Its all Obama's fault. Never blame Bush he was just doing what he had to do to protect us. :eusa_whistle:

This is just another reason I am neither right nor left.
They haven't for a long time now, where have you been?

Serious question though. Are you going to vote for Romney?

I'm voting for smaller government that would be Romney. Only losers vote third party

Then shut up and quit bitching about your freedoms, because that's the america that you're voting for. You obviously care more about party politics than you do your freedoms

So I take it that you aren't going to vote for Obama.
The private sector has eroded more of our "liberties" away than government ever has... where do you think pro-corporate / anti-American citizen legislation comes from? Hint: It isn't the government. See Monsanto if you don't know what I'm talking about.
I'm voting for smaller government that would be Romney. Only losers vote third party

Then shut up and quit bitching about your freedoms, because that's the america that you're voting for. You obviously care more about party politics than you do your freedoms

So I take it that you aren't going to vote for Obama.

So I take it that you're stoned out of your mind. Obama is just another politician, like all the others, driving us towards a cliff. Sorry, but I don't vote for anyone who will be bad for the country. Even if they're the lesser of two evils.
I'm voting for smaller government that would be Romney. Only losers vote third party

Then shut up and quit bitching about your freedoms, because that's the america that you're voting for. You obviously care more about party politics than you do your freedoms

When Napoleon wanted trees planted along the roads to cool his marching armies, an Aide said it would take 20 years for them to grow enough to perform that task.

Napoleon's response was "This is why we have to do it right now"

Right now we have no other choice except between Obama and Romney. There is no third party candidate that is viable. What we have to go with is the candidate we think will at least consider a true fiscal conservative/federally liberatrian plan to fix our economy and our government. We know Obama will not even consider these options.

A 3rd party candidate of a fiscally conservative/federally libertarian outlook will only be possible when the system truly starts collapsing.

We view things differently. You view voting for Romney as planting the trees, I view it as continuing to ignore the situation. I view breaking the hold the two parties have on our country as planting the trees.
Imperial presidency, rule by executive decree. Obama is a disgrace while our liberties are being taken away little by little the liberals focus on some stupid comments by some congressman

Bush did the same thing with signing statements and with the Patriot Act and with his illegal actions before the Patriot Act was signed.

At the end of the day I agree with you but this is not a partisan thing as both parties have gone too far in this imperial Presidency thing. Had Paul been nominated I would have voted for him but no such luck.

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