Issues We Can Expect&Not To Expect To Hear At The "DNC Comedy Weekend" This Summer.

Mar 16, 2012

The "Big Liberal Event" of the summer will only turn out to be a 3 or 4 night event compiled of lies and attempting to explain why the economy is much worse than when Bush was president.:eusa_snooty:
To begin with, will any of the speakers actually start a sentence with "When Obama Took Office in 2009,the unemployment level was 7.8% and now it's (fill in the blank)
Same with the debt and defecit. Anyone wonder if those issues will be mentioned?:eusa_think:
And lets see if Wasserman lies to the world by telling us that when Obama took office,unemployment was 12% and thanks to Obama,its down to 7.9%.:eusa_liar:

The reality is, The Dem's will have nothing to boast about, We will still have 12% unemployment, 16 Trillion in debt and the most angry,anxious and uncertain majority of Americans watching this convention while physically or mentally telling every speaker to go {!!#%**K} themselves, and at the same time laughing at them as they spew one lie after another.:eusa_clap:
what to look and wait for is to see how many of our economic woes are Bush's and Romneys fault.
the "ACME Signs" corporation of North Carolina already has an order for 3000 "I'ts Bush's Fault" signs.

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