It Begins: Americans / 6 Planes Held Hostage, As Terrorists Refuse To Allow Planes To Take Off

If the Taliban was worried about IS-K they would have killed them in the prison, not let them out. It's pretty convenient to have a group of terrorists that made a beeline through enemy territory just to strike at us as we were leaving. It defies all logic.
They did, right outside the prison.
Holy Shit....

You apologize for Biden's complete fuck-up

You defend the Taliban by claiming the reason they were stopping Americans tryingvto get to the airport at their checkpoints around the airport they had encircled, seizing/destroying their passports, and beating them was to 'protect' the US citizens....

I guess you are going to tell us next that the Taliban are going door to door hunting down remaining Americans....and killing some of them - which the WH Chief of Staff refused to deny is to protect these US citizens....and the ones they are killing is to spare them extremely brutal deaths at the hands of ISIS, like being beheaded or burnt alive on the internet....
I'm not apologizing for Biden's "fuck up."

Do you know what Operation Gladio is?

How about Operation Gladio B?

. . IMO? I don't think it was a "fuck up," other than, the Taliban sort of, kind of had an idea of what the double cross was.

And, I am not defending the Taliban executing Americans, but. . . if there was a covert OP going on to decapitate them in a stay behind operation, and the folks that were left behind were purposely left behind to do them harm? But these American agents' contacts were instead nailed. . .

And then the whole operation went sideways, and now you are whining because the corporate and government propaganda has you screaming hara-kiri?

Well? :dunno:

Play with fire? Get burned.
Hmmm, it could be that President Trump had a plan with order and benchmarks. The benchmarks were the reason Trump had already pushed back the date for our withdrawal.

You do not know or will ever know if he had any plan any different to Biden.
He deliberately left the date until after the election for fear it would backfire. Which it did. Get some facts.

By the way, why was it a great idea to leave tens of billions of dollars in materials and sophisticated weapons to supply the Taliban's entire army?

By the way, there was not tens of billions of it. Most of it was sabotaged by troops anticipating it would be used. That's why all those choppers are still there trying to get started by the idiots.

When we have to go back, how will we tell the difference between the Taliban (wearing our complete uniforms, and armed with all our weapons) from our own troops?

Biden will not be going back and neither will anyone else. I don't care if they are dressed in Mickey mouse suits.
No parts for anything were left behind.
Try maintaining them with nothing.

Joes not that stupid you fool.
Why did the Taliban wait to do this shit until Denentia Joe was Commander & Chief? They knew Trump wouldn't have it & would begin bombing the hell out of them again.

They knew nothing of the sort because his negotiations was months prior. They took the place back in 9 days because if no opposition. How do you know what they knew? You don't. You are telling lies to degrade joe

Trump would not have pulled the military out before evacuating civilians and allies.

Again, you don't know what we're the concessions he organised. I will bet it was his re election what was considered more than anything. Can't you see how obvious it was?

Trump would not have surrendered Bagram.
Again, admit you have no evidence of that. How could you possibly know.

Trump would not have surrendered Kabul, refusing the offer to secure the airport, would not havectrusted the Taliban to secure the city & protect us as we left.

Again, you don't that.

Trump would not have begged the Taliban for more time to get out people out ... and would not have accepted 'NO' as an answer.

Again, your a liar. Biden did not be for anything. He set that timeline before he started the evacuation. Do you ever read anything? You're watching too much fox.

Trump would not have left Anericans behind.

This is the same trump who called McCain a loser because he was a POW.
What makes you think he would be concerned about American civilians in a foreign land who had 20 years to get out?

Pleeeeeeeeeeease. Think before you post. Get some facts.

Biden and Barry made a habit of doing so, Benghazi, Kabul.....

Really. Remember Vietnam and Iraq?
You hypocrite.
There is no fucking "hostage crisis" you stupid dupe.

This is just more shit that Trump and Fox News have made up and you accept without question. While GOP members have said planes aren't been allowed to take off, these are the same people who tell you the election was stolen, so their record of truth and honesty, is non-existant.

These clowns will say anything to rile fools like you up. The rest of us don't fall for their bullshit.
hahaha well cbs reported it too
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well. suicide bomb outside a airport killing 13 of our servicemen…isn’t really Taliban killing them…it’s letting them commit suicide via a suicide bomb
How come the administration wasn't tracking that explosive, the militants, and droning the shit out of it before it even got close to the base? They do it everywhere else in the ME?

well. suicide bomb outside a airport killing 13 of our servicemen…isn’t really Taliban killing them…it’s letting them commit suicide via a suicide bomb
The terrorists also fired rockers at / into the airport and were shooting at planes taking off & landing.

Damn, you sure are working hard to defend the Taliban.
Since you have no link I guess we are suppose to take your word for it....
easyt. . I know you, and respect you. . and I have been here long enough, I would hope you would trust me enough to know, that I don't just make shit up and lie.

I have no love for Biden or the DNC, you know that. . . so, you know enough about the mods and admin here, you know they would not allow a bloody video of a massacre to be allowed to stay on this site, so. . . .


. . . you do have to trust me.

I consider you a friend, I hope you consider me one too.

. . . and, I imagine things are going to just deteriorate in Afghanistan from here on out.

The only way we are going to get our intelligence agents out of there in one piece, is to normalize relations with the Taliban. If we don't? Then yeah, we can expect a catastrophe.

If you want to blame that on them, do so. If you want to blame it on the Biden administration, you can do that also.

You now know how I feel.
Again, cockroach, the Taliban did not do this shit under Trump. Biden proved himself to be a feeble, spineless, dementia-ravaged puppet from the start. The CCP & Russia walked all over him , it was like 'blood in the water'.

Biden allowed the Taliban to dictate terns of our pull-out, literally begged them for enough time to get our people out, took 'no' for an answer ignored/denied reports the Taliban were preventing Americans from getting to the airport and beating them, allowed it to continue while making no effort to stop that shit, them left Americans behind....AGAIN.


Stop trying to project Biden's weakness & failure onto a man who was no longer in office when this shit went south because of Biden, Austin, Milley, and McKenzie (Biden's hand-picked f*-ups).

Get up off your knees in front of the Talibab, & stop defending / servicing them. We fought them for 20 years, killing each other, & you want people to believe they suddenly turned over a new leaf & became our best buds?

Yeah, they released 6,000 hard-core terrorists, surrounded the airport, blocked Anericans from the airport, beat Americans trying to reach the airport, refused to escort Americans to the airport, denied extending the deadline to give us more time to get our people out, allowed ISIS to bomb the airport & hotel, allowed ISIS to fire at planes coming into & flying out of the airport, are now hunting door to door hunting Americans, and have killed/ are killing some (the WH Chief of Staff refused to deny these credible reports when asked about it) .... all of this done IN UR BEST INTEREST, you claim, because they are all just misunderstood, nice guys who don't like the thousands of terrorists they released....'it's complicated.

NO, there is no debate about whether or not we should have gotten all our citizens out along with any Afghan who worked with us and wanted out. Then we should have gotten the billions of dollars in sophisticated weapons out. We left so many uniforms behind that the Taliban is now outfitted in our uniforms, helmets, boots, weapons. Anything of value to an enemy should have been destroyed if it could not be removed.
Trump signed a deal in 2020 with the Taliban to pull all US troops out by 1 May 2021. He was President until Jan 2021 and removed 15,000+ troops. How many American citizens did he pull out? How much equipment did he take from the Afghan Army that was supposed to fight the Taliban?

It is said that success has a thousand fathers, but failure is an orphan. Every US President shares the blame for what happened, you can't put it all on Biden.
The terrorists also fired rockers at / into the airport and were shooting at planes taking off & landing.

Damn, you sure are working hard to defend the Taliban.
i was being the post I was responding to
easyt. . I know you, and respect you. . and I have been here long enough, I would hope you would trust me enough to know, that I don't just make shit up and lie.

I have no love for Biden or the DNC, you know that. . . so, you know enough about the mods and admin here, you know they would not allow a bloody video of a massacre to be allowed to stay on this site, so. . . .


. . . you do have to trust me.

I consider you a friend, I hope you consider me one too.

. . . and, I imagine things are going to just deteriorate in Afghanistan from here on out.

The only way we are going to get our intelligence agents out of there in one piece, is to normalize relations with the Taliban. If we don't? Then yeah, we can expect a catastrophe.

If you want to blame that on them, do so. If you want to blame it on the Biden administration, you can do that also.

You now know how I feel.
Almost none of what you said makes sense.

Yiu got a 'hate-on' for Trump,& why you are trying to defend the current dementia-ravaged, sell-iut, treasonous POS I don't know or care.

This f*-up did not happen under Trump.

Trump did not pull the military out before getting Ameticans out.

Trump did not surrender Bagram.

Trump did Not surrender control of Kabul to & put the safety & lives of Americabs and allies in the Taliban's hands by refusing to secure the city until we were out.

Trump did not beg for more time.

Trump did not take 'No' for an answer.

Trump did not promise that he would not leave Afghanistan until ALL Americans were out then turned around & left Americans behind, completely destroying his credibility.

That...ALL of own BIDEN.


And you paint the Taliban as innocent victims who had no control over any of this - interfering in the agreed upon ull-oyt by blocking Americans from making it to the airport, beating Americabs, facilitating the attacks on the airport & planes ..

Just STOP!

When Austin should have been focused on getting Americans out of Afghanistan he was instead ordering the entire military to stand down to root out white supremacists / Conservatives, injecting racist, divisive bullshit into the military.

When General Milley should gave been focused on Anericans in Afghanistan and on pulling out that 'woke' SOB was ordering all of the military academies to teach CRT to teach cadets to hare each other & this country.

Screw Biden, screw Austin, screw Miley, & screw McKenzie - every one of them isn't worth a damn. Their decisions led to failure, humiliation, loss of allies, Americans betrayed & left behind, cost Anericans left behind, and more.

And you can keep sticking up for the Taliban if you want to, but don't expect me to believe the bullshit of how they did nothing wrong in this.
Face them on the battle field for a few tours like I did and then tell me what great guys they are.
Sources other than faux are unable to confirm this, and when pressed Mcaul is unable to give any details or even a list of demands made by the Taliban.

Sounds like bullshit to me.
Many other “sources” are reluctant to report on a story that makes their guy and gal look bad.
Trump signed a deal in 2020 with the Taliban to pull all US troops out by 1 May 2021. He was President until Jan 2021 and removed 15,000+ troops. How many American citizens did he pull out? How much equipment did he take from the Afghan Army that was supposed to fight the Taliban?

It is said that success has a thousand fathers, but failure is an orphan. Every US President shares the blame for what happened, you can't put it all on Biden.

This f*-up did not happen under Trump.

Trump did not pull the military out before getting Ameticans out.

Trump did not surrender Bagram.

Trump did Not surrender control of Kabul to & put the safety & lives of Americabs and allies in the Taliban's hands by refusing to secure the city until we were out.

Trump did not beg for more time.

Trump did not take 'No' for an answer.

Trump did not promise that he would not leave Afghanistan until ALL Americans were out then turned around & left Americans behind, completely destroying his credibility.

BIDEN declared, "The buck stops HERE!"
- Yet snowflakes claim he lied when he said this, too...

What a lying POS! After he promised not to leave Afghanistan until American was out then leaving hundreds behind, the SOB gas ZERO credibility. NOTHING he says can now be believed.

When everything went to hell in Afghanistan & while he was secretly planning to bug out, leaving Anerucans behind, he interrupted his vacation long enough to return to the WH to blame EVERYONE except himself for his f*-up.

He blamed Bush, he blamed Trump, he blamed the Afghan Govt....he even blamed Americans being blocked by the Taliban from making it to the airport, who were being beaten, by the Taliban - the victims/ Americans he left behind.

As I pointed out earlier, Biden and Barry have a history of blaming victims & leaving Americans behind....
Yiu got a 'hate-on' for Trump,& why you are trying to defend the current dementia-ravaged, sell-iut
Let's be clear, I do not have a "hate-on" for Trump, nor am I defending the current admin. I have defended Trump many times, and I have never had a good word for Biden.

I'd appreciate you not constructing straw-men about how I think or feel, and then knock them down. You are better than that, and I deserve more respect than that.

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