It Begins: Americans / 6 Planes Held Hostage, As Terrorists Refuse To Allow Planes To Take Off

I am sure you will rush to the rescue, nah, for you it will be set at a table and type yer perfect existence onto a message board while doing absolutely nothing...You have no intention of ever making anyone but a democrat responsible for the actions of every human on the planet.
How is it that a 60 yr old man from Missouri sounds like a 10 yr old girl with Stockholm syndrome?

Actually you spell Missouri as Mizzouri. Proof your a full time troll.

You’re demanding that some random guy on the internet go on a secret mission to rescue hostages from Afghanistan ?

How is it that a 60 yr old man from Missouri sounds like a 10 yr old girl with Stockholm syndrome?

Actually you spell Missouri as Mizzouri. Proof your a full time troll.

You’re demanding that some random guy on the internet go on a secret mission to rescue hostages from Afghanistan ?

It was already being done. Retired species members went to Afghanistan and rescued reportedly approx 600 Afghan allies & Americans....another story was reported about another member who rescued a woman and her daughter.....there are Joe private planes in Afghanistsn to rescue Americans that Joe & his state Dept won't let leave...

It must be embarrassing for Joe that UK spec ops, retired us military, & others are doing what he couldn't / wouldn't.
You don't run away and leave Americans behind in the pit with the poisonous snakes...

You don't ask the poisonous snakes to protect you & your people while climbing out of the pit...

You don't stop other people from doing what you failed / refused to do - rescue those you left behind...

...unless you're Joe Biden & the Biden administration.
I can't have a conversation with you, because you only hear what you want to hear.

There is a reason that the Taliban is acting the way they are. . . they will give the US and the international community the cooperation we seek. . .

. . . our leaders just don't want to give them that. YOU ARE BLAMING THE WRONG PEOPLE. You are buying the war propaganda, because you WANT to buy it. You aren't getting the full story, or if you are, you are ignoring facts that aren't convenient to your world view.

Our leaders don't give a shit about the Americans trapped there. . they are playing politics with the lives of those folks left behind. . . the global elites are not going to release funds, nor will they normalize relations, they will not let the economic situation normalize.

YOU DO KNOW, Sanctions are an act of war. . . right? They are like an economic block-aid.

It causes the domestic population to revolt against the leadership of the ruling regime. So why should the Taliban cooperate when the US is trying to subvert them?

US wrestles with Taliban sanctions as Afghan crisis looms

". . . The fate of billions of dollars of international reserves and foreign aid represents its own set of politically and legally fraught decisions as the world comes to grips with what Afghanistan will look like under Taliban rule. The stakes are extraordinarily high as millions of Afghans face the prospect of becoming collateral damage from a stranglehold of sanctions on the Taliban that remain in place, threatening to sink an economy that the United States has spent two decades trying to prop up.. .. "
I can't have a conversation with you, because you only hear what you want to hear.

There is a reason that the Taliban is acting the way they are. . . they will give the US and the international community the cooperation we seek. . .

. . . our leaders just don't want to give them that. YOU ARE BLAMING THE WRONG PEOPLE. You are buying the war propaganda, because you WANT to buy it. You aren't getting the full story, or if you are, you are ignoring facts that aren't convenient to your world view.

Our leaders don't give a shit about the Americans trapped there. . they are playing politics with the lives of those folks left behind. . . the global elites are not going to release funds, nor will they normalize relations, they will not let the economic situation normalize.

YOU DO KNOW, Sanctions are an act of war. . . right? They are like an economic block-aid.

It causes the domestic population to revolt against the leadership of the ruling regime. So why should the Taliban cooperate when the US is trying to subvert them?

US wrestles with Taliban sanctions as Afghan crisis looms

". . . The fate of billions of dollars of international reserves and foreign aid represents its own set of politically and legally fraught decisions as the world comes to grips with what Afghanistan will look like under Taliban rule. The stakes are extraordinarily high as millions of Afghans face the prospect of becoming collateral damage from a stranglehold of sanctions on the Taliban that remain in place, threatening to sink an economy that the United States has spent two decades trying to prop up.. .. "
I hear what I want to hear?

Videos of Americans in Afghanistan show them asking for help, telling how the Taliban are going door to door hunting them, and they and other credible sources are reporting they are killing Americans.

These are the Taliban Joe trusted to secure Kabul while we got our people out through the airport...which they blocked off & kept Americans from reaching, who beat those trying to get there.

These are the Taliban who reportedly released approx 5,500 of the worst, hard-core Al Qaeda & ISIS prisoners from the Bagram prison, who facilitated / allowed these terrorists to kill 13 US service members & kill/wounded many more civilians, to fire rockets at the airport & planes...

...but you don't think the terrorists who murdered 13 Americans with a car bomb attack would kill any Americans left behind.

You're a SPECIAL kind of stupid, aren't you?!
I would agree except that Carter has injected himself poorly into current affairs after he semi-exonerated his failed presidency with post-potus humanitarian efforts.
Carter created the Iran hostage situation by giving asylum to the shah.
No, Carter created the hostage situation by forcing the Shah to reduce the sanctions and restrictions on the radical Islamics like Khomeini. As long as the Shah had a boot on their neck they didn’t cause any trouble.
Why did they do this?
Why did terrorists we have been fighting / killing for 20 years prevent US citizens - who Biden didn't give a damn enough about to accept the Taliban offer to secure the city or at least use US troops to help them get to the airport - from getting to the airport and be rescued?

SERIOUSLY? You need someone to explain that to you?

Given a little more time you couldn't come up with any reasons yourself?

How about:

1. They are terrorists / our enemies who killed / maimed hundreds if Anericans over the last 20 years?

2. To ensure Americans would be left behind, to be used as hostages? The State Dept has said it is already talking to the Taliban about giving them 'financial aid, aka 'ransom money

3. To humiliate Biden & the US....which they have done. What do you think the whole Taliban recreation of the famous photo of Americans planting the flag in WWII, except using the Taliban flag, was all about?

4. Payback, to kill Anericans. Years ago the Taliban murdered / beheaded an Anerican civilian. You want to argue whether that was Taliban, Al Qaeda, or ISIS back then? Doesn't really matter since the Taliban released over 5,500 of the most hard-core terrorists from both groups on the way to Kabul. The Taliban are just as guilty as killing those 13 US service members as ISIS.
Seventy % are idiots like you and you figures are not accurate.
Why wouldn't it have happened under trump?
Why did the Taliban wait to do this shit until Denentia Joe was Commander & Chief? They knew Trump wouldn't have it & would begin bombing the hell out of them again.

Trump would not have pulled the military out before evacuating civilians and allies.

Trump would not have surrendered Bagram.

Trump would not have surrendered Kabul, refusing the offer to secure the airport, would not havectrusted the Taliban to secure the city & protect us as we left.

Trump would not have begged the Taliban for more time to get out people out ... and would not have accepted 'NO' as an answer.

Trump would not have left Anericans behind.

Biden and Barry made a habit of doing so, Benghazi, Kabul.....
They want revenge on those that helped us. Notice the administration's tone has softened towards Afghan nationals, they are a secondary concern, and soon they will be of no concern.
So you don't believe the Taliban's rhetoric that it is distancing itself from ISIS-K, and the Russians and the Chinese who are telling the world that the US, is, once again, using ISIS as an insurgent tool to leverage terror on domestic populations and foreign governments?

Might it not just be possible, that like in Syria, this is a Deep State operation. . . just like when our own intel agencies were getting our own military killed at both Benghazi and in Syria?

Isn't it just possible. . . that all the spooks in the media are blowing smoke up everyone's ass so the weapon makers and the profit takers on wall-street can make a buck off of spilled American and Afghan blood while you all condemn the president for being a fool. . .

Like these titan's of industry and finance really give a shit. . .

If they can make you believe Joe Biden won in the cleanest election ever, they can certainly make you believe that the evil Taliban is allied with this radical Islamic Terror group they made, and they certainly had the Taliban fooled into freeing them.

In fact. . I saw someone post a video of the Taliban executing many of ISIS-K's leaders down in the badlands before some Mod pulled it. . . the Taliban is well aware of what is going on. . . but hardly any of you conservatives are. . .

Why would the Taliban execute the leaders of ISIS and turn around and work with them? None of you make any sense. . .

I posit. . the reason the Taliban was blocking routes, and stopping Americans from freely moving, is they were tracking ISIS-K, and trying to stop a disaster. They were increasing security in a nation they had signed a peace deal to maintain security over, while the Deep State had been importing terrorists into it. We saw it as our own Deep State shipped arms from from Libya to Syria. . . why should here be any different? And when they were caught and folks died. . . what did the State Department say?


Did the US Support the Growth of ISIS-K in Afghanistan?
Regional players have long accused the US of supporting the group with midnight helicopter transport into Afghanistan.

I honestly can't believe you folks are being fooled again.

So you don't believe the Taliban's rhetoric that it is distancing itself from ISIS-K, and the Russians and the Chinese who are telling the world that the US, is, once again, using ISIS as an insurgent tool to leverage terror on domestic populations and foreign governments?

Might it not just be possible, that like in Syria, this is a Deep State operation. . . just like when our own intel agencies were getting our own military killed at both Benghazi and in Syria?

Isn't it just possible. . . that all the spooks in the media are blowing smoke up everyone's ass so the weapon makers and the profit takers on wall-street can make a buck off of spilled American and Afghan blood while you all condemn the president for being a fool. . .

Like these titan's of industry and finance really give a shit. . .

If they can make you believe Joe Biden won in the cleanest election ever, they can certainly make you believe that the evil Taliban is allied with this radical Islamic Terror group they made, and they certainly had the Taliban fooled into freeing them.

In fact. . I saw someone post a video of the Taliban executing many of ISIS-K's leaders down in the badlands before some Mod pulled it. . . the Taliban is well aware of what is going on. . . but hardly any of you conservatives are. . .

Why would the Taliban execute the leaders of ISIS and turn around and work with them? None of you make any sense. . .

I posit. . the reason the Taliban was blocking routes, and stopping Americans from freely moving, is they were tracking ISIS-K, and trying to stop a disaster. They were increasing security in a nation they had signed a peace deal to maintain security over, while the Deep State had been importing terrorists into it. We saw it as our own Deep State shipped arms from from Libya to Syria. . . why should here be any different? And when they were caught and folks died. . . what did the State Department say?


Did the US Support the Growth of ISIS-K in Afghanistan?

Regional players have long accused the US of supporting the group with midnight helicopter transport into Afghanistan.​

I honestly can't believe you folks are being fooled again.​

Holy Shit....

You apologize for Biden's complete fuck-up

You defend the Taliban by claiming the reason they were stopping Americans tryingvto get to the airport at their checkpoints around the airport they had encircled, seizing/destroying their passports, and beating them was to 'protect' the US citizens....

I guess you are going to tell us next that the Taliban are going door to door hunting down remaining Americans....and killing some of them - which the WH Chief of Staff refused to deny is to protect these US citizens....and the ones they are killing is to spare them extremely brutal deaths at the hands of ISIS, like being beheaded or burnt alive on the internet....
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So you don't believe the Taliban's rhetoric that it is distancing itself from ISIS-K, and the Russians and the Chinese who are telling the world that the US, is, once again, using ISIS as an insurgent tool to leverage terror on domestic populations and foreign governments?

Might it not just be possible, that like in Syria, this is a Deep State operation. . . just like when our own intel agencies were getting our own military killed at both Benghazi and in Syria?

Isn't it just possible. . . that all the spooks in the media are blowing smoke up everyone's ass so the weapon makers and the profit takers on wall-street can make a buck off of spilled American and Afghan blood while you all condemn the president for being a fool. . .

Like these titan's of industry and finance really give a shit. . .

If they can make you believe Joe Biden won in the cleanest election ever, they can certainly make you believe that the evil Taliban is allied with this radical Islamic Terror group they made, and they certainly had the Taliban fooled into freeing them.

In fact. . I saw someone post a video of the Taliban executing many of ISIS-K's leaders down in the badlands before some Mod pulled it. . . the Taliban is well aware of what is going on. . . but hardly any of you conservatives are. . .

Why would the Taliban execute the leaders of ISIS and turn around and work with them? None of you make any sense. . .

I posit. . the reason the Taliban was blocking routes, and stopping Americans from freely moving, is they were tracking ISIS-K, and trying to stop a disaster. They were increasing security in a nation they had signed a peace deal to maintain security over, while the Deep State had been importing terrorists into it. We saw it as our own Deep State shipped arms from from Libya to Syria. . . why should here be any different? And when they were caught and folks died. . . what did the State Department say?


Did the US Support the Growth of ISIS-K in Afghanistan?

Regional players have long accused the US of supporting the group with midnight helicopter transport into Afghanistan.​

I honestly can't believe you folks are being fooled again.​

If the Taliban was worried about IS-K they would have killed them in the prison, not let them out. It's pretty convenient to have a group of terrorists that made a beeline through enemy territory just to strike at us as we were leaving. It defies all logic.
In fact. . I saw someone post a video of the Taliban executing many of ISIS-K's leaders down in the badlands before some Mod pulled it. . .
So you 'conveniently' don't have the link that a HUGE portion of your fairy tale is based on....?!
Seventy % are idiots like you and you figures are not accurate.
Why wouldn't it have happened under trump?
Hmmm, it could be that President Trump had a plan with order and benchmarks. The benchmarks were the reason Trump had already pushed back the date for our withdrawal.

By the way, why was it a great idea to leave tens of billions of dollars in materials and sophisticated weapons to supply the Taliban's entire army?

When we have to go back, how will we tell the difference between the Taliban (wearing our complete uniforms, and armed with all our weapons) from our own troops?
Hmmm, it could be that President Trump had a plan with order and benchmarks. The benchmarks were the reason Trump had already pushed back the date for our withdrawal.

By the way, why was it a great idea to leave tens of billions of dollars in materials and sophisticated weapons to supply the Taliban's entire army?

When we have to go back, how will we tell the difference between the Taliban (wearing our complete uniforms, and armed with all our weapons) from our own troops?
Judging by what liberals are trying to do to the military, by the time we go back our uniforms will probably be pink.
No, Carter created the hostage situation by forcing the Shah to reduce the sanctions and restrictions on the radical Islamics like Khomeini. As long as the Shah had a boot on their neck they didn’t cause any trouble.
The hostage situation happened after Carter gave asylum to the shah.
Carter should have been more proactive in quelling the revolution. Just oil and the Cold War at stake, that’s all.
The hostage situation happened after Carter gave asylum to the shah.
Carter should have been more proactive in quelling the revolution. Just oil and the Cold War at stake, that’s all.
Little wonder people appear so ignorant today. They don't appear ignorant, they really are ignorant.

Seriously though, do you really not remember the Iran Hostage Crisis?

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