It Begins: Americans / 6 Planes Held Hostage, As Terrorists Refuse To Allow Planes To Take Off

Let's be clear, I do not have a "hate-on" for Trump, nor am I defending the current admin. I have defended Trump many times, and I have never had a good word for Biden.

I'd appreciate you not constructing straw-men about how I think or feel, and then knock them down. You are better than that, and I deserve more respect than that. this case I disagree with & don't care what you think. I have punched he's big enough to drive through your arguments about how the Taliban are not to blame, tried to 'help' Anericans trying to make it to the Airport, & how Biden, Austin, Milley, & McKenzie did anything but completely f* this up.

We will agree to seriously disagree on this one this case I disagree with & don't care what you think. I have punched he's big enough to drive through your arguments about how the Taliban are not to blame, tried to 'help' Anericans trying to make it to the Airport, & how Biden, Austin, Milley, & McKenzie did anything but completely f* this up.

We will agree to seriously disagree on this one

That's fine, we can disagree. . . but you don't have the right to make up things I haven't said.
This f*-up did not happen under Trump.

Trump did not pull the military out before getting Ameticans out.
Trump left 2,500 US troops in the entire country, how many American citizens and Afghans did he get out while he was president? How many Americans were left behind for Biden to deal with?
Trump did not surrender Bagram.

Trump did Not surrender control of Kabul to & put the safety & lives of Americabs and allies in the Taliban's hands by refusing to secure the city until we were out.
Trump surrendered the entire country when he promised to remove ALL US troops. Why did he set the date as May 1 2021? Why wasn't it set as 31 Dec 2020 so he could get ALL the credit?
Trump left 2,500 US troops in the entire country, how many American citizens and Afghans did he get out while he was president? How many Americans were left behind for Biden to deal with?

Trump surrendered the entire country when he promised to remove ALL US troops. Why did he set the date as May 1 2021? Why wasn't it set as 31 Dec 2020 so he could get ALL the credit?
You're an idiot with a 'hate-on' for Trump and want to protect denentia'ravaged f*-up Joe.

BIDEN said it was the right call to pull out of Afghanistan and leave the defense of Afghanistan to the new govt & Afghan military.
- snowflakes have been defending Joe by saying this....but they piss themselves when someone like me points out that is exactly the decision TRUMP made, NOT BIDEN!

Biden didn't make the decision to leave Afghanistan....that's Joe 'plagiarizing' again. Trump made that decision - Biden just completely fu@ked up the execution of that decision / plan!

EVERY decision made by Biden & his 3 military Stooges were the wrong ones, to include Biden's decision to break his promise and leave Americans behind.

As BIDEN declared, "The buck stops here!"

Embrace the suck!
You're an idiot with a 'hate-on' for Trump and want to protect denentia'ravaged f*-up Joe.

BIDEN said it was the right call to pull out of Afghanistan and leave the defense of Afghanistan to the new govt & Afghan military.
- snowflakes have been defending Joe by saying this....but they piss themselves when someone like me points out that is exactly the decision TRUMP made, NOT BIDEN!

Biden didn't make the decision to leave Afghanistan....that's Joe 'plagiarizing' again. Trump made that decision - Biden just completely fu@ked up the execution of that decision / plan!

EVERY decision made by Biden & his 3 military Stooges were the wrong ones, to include Biden's decision to break his promise and leave Americans behind.

As BIDEN declared, "The buck stops here!"

Embrace the suck!
Actually, I think getting us out of Afghanistan is one thing that Trump got right. Unfortunately for Biden, he was left holding the bag. Trump gets credit for removing US troops and Biden get stuck cleaning up the mess that was left behind. Trump had no exit plan and didn't care after he lost the election.
Actually, I think getting us out of Afghanistan is one thing that Trump got right. Unfortunately for Biden, he was left holding the bag. Trump gets credit for removing US troops and Biden get stuck cleaning up the mess that was left behind. Trump had no exit plan and didn't care after he lost the election.
'Holding the bag'? You mean tasked with executing the withdrawal...and proving neither he nor his 3 'woke' clowns all running the military had any clue what the hell they were doing & Joe proving he was / is a weak, inept President.

The 1st thing these f*-ups did was pull out the military...for what? So civilians could oversee their own evacuation & defense?

We don't even have to go over the long list of tge rest of their mistakes again - we can stop right here! It all went to shit after this.

Of course Austin & Milley were focused on their CRT & rooting out conservatives from the military agendas before this.

In the words of Joe Biden, "C'MON, MAN!"
'Holding the bag'? You mean tasked with executing the withdrawal...and proving neither he nor his 3 'woke' clowns all running the military had any clue what the hell they were doing & Joe proving he was / is a weak, inept President.

The 1st thing these f*-ups did was pull out the military...for what? So civilians could oversee their own evacuation & defense?

We don't even have to go over the long list of tge rest of their mistakes again - we can stop right here! It all went to shit after this.

Of course Austin & Milley were focused on their CRT & rooting out conservatives from the military agendas before this.

In the words of Joe Biden, "C'MON, MAN!"
29 February 2020 Americans were told to get out of Afghanistan before 1 May 2021. Apparently you can't figure out what yesterdays date was when Taliban arrested people in their country that we pulled out of long before.
Not at all. Your kind are only about 20% of the population. You hide behind the kooky kooky media and want America to be something you want by force

But in 8 months you 20% have fucked this country so bad with utter stupidity no one will want that kind of life. It is safer in Afghanistan than Chicago Ninny

But basically I'm just telling you that you are a real fucking bitch. But a bitch with a special place in my heart
"Your kind are only about 20% of the population"..... :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
February 2020 was when the last two of our heroes were KIA in Afghanistan. President Trump was doing as he had promised.

President Biden has lied to us repeatedly. you are saying that the 13 killed during the withdrawal in August aren't heros. How sad.
'Holding the bag'? You mean tasked with executing the withdrawal...and proving neither he nor his 3 'woke' clowns all running the military had any clue what the hell they were doing & Joe proving he was / is a weak, inept President.

The 1st thing these f*-ups did was pull out the military...for what? So civilians could oversee their own evacuation & defense?

We don't even have to go over the long list of tge rest of their mistakes again - we can stop right here! It all went to shit after this.

Of course Austin & Milley were focused on their CRT & rooting out conservatives from the military agendas before this.

In the words of Joe Biden, "C'MON, MAN!"
I think your timelines are off:
On 12 August, following continued Taliban victories across Afghanistan, the Biden administration announced that 3,000 U.S. troops would be deployed to Kabul International Airport to secure the evacuation of embassy personnel, U.S. nationals and SIV applicants.[18][19] With the rapid advance of the Taliban in the provinces, on 14 August the US increased its troop commitment to 5,000.[20] On 15 August, with the fall of Kabul, another 1,000 troops were deployed,[21] and on 16 August, another 1,000 troops were deployed, bringing the total number of troops to 7,000. The last US military planes left Kabul airport at 11:59 p.m. Kabul time on 30 August 2021.[22]

Here is a great summary of two presidents and how they were getting out no matter what.
I hope so...I hope Biden & his treasonous administration is not allowed to 'turn the page' & ignore the several hundred Americans & allies he abandoned / left behind!
"Several hundred" do you know what the number is?
No, Carter created the hostage situation by forcing the Shah to reduce the sanctions and restrictions on the radical Islamics like Khomeini. As long as the Shah had a boot on their neck they didn’t cause any trouble. was when the former Shah was brought to America for cancer treatment.
Hmmm, it could be that President Trump had a plan with order and benchmarks. The benchmarks were the reason Trump had already pushed back the date for our withdrawal.

By the way, why was it a great idea to leave tens of billions of dollars in materials and sophisticated weapons to supply the Taliban's entire army?

When we have to go back, how will we tell the difference between the Taliban (wearing our complete uniforms, and armed with all our weapons) from our own troops?
"trump had a plan with order and benchmarks"........... :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: Like his plan and benchmarks for replacing Obamacare.

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