It Begins: Americans / 6 Planes Held Hostage, As Terrorists Refuse To Allow Planes To Take Off

wow be careful…the cult might have to call you in for re-education for admitting the fact xiden hostage crisis is a “slam against” xiden

There is no fucking "hostage crisis" you stupid dupe.

This is just more shit that Trump and Fox News have made up and you accept without question. While GOP members have said planes aren't been allowed to take off, these are the same people who tell you the election was stolen, so their record of truth and honesty, is non-existant.

These clowns will say anything to rile fools like you up. The rest of us don't fall for their bullshit.
Sorry Moonglow, President Biden can't do much of anything himself which we all know. Others make all the decisions and what is printed on his teleprompter.

You may have missed where Biden was telling the Afghan President to lie for him.

White House Won't Answer Questions About Biden's Leaked Phone Call Pressuring Afghan President On Optics

Posted By Tim Hains
On Date September 1, 2021

White House press secretary Jen Psaki declined to respond to a question about reports that President Biden pressured his departed Afghan counterpart to make it look like the fight against the Taliban was going well "whether it is true or not."

Reuters reported a leaked transcript of a July call that shows President Biden pressured Afghan President Ghani to "change the perception" that the Taliban was winning ahead of Ghani's retreat flight to Qatar.

"I am not going to go into the details of a private conversation," Psaki said. She said earlier this week that trusting Ghani not to flee the country is one mistake President Biden will learn from.

Please do not forget that we were TOLD by the Democrats that by voting for Joe Bided we would be electing someone with over 40 years of experience in foreign policy. So after forty years, President Biden really believed that a college professor, we installed as President of Afghanistan the minute we left would not flee the country? Really?

Why would the White House answer questions about shit that FOX News made up?
So. . . let me see if I have this correct.

The Taliban won't let folks use their airport b/c the US and the international government won't recognize their government? The same international government that has impounded and confounded their ability to do business in the international community? And this propaganda wants to make them out as the only problem in the relationship?

Oh boy, big surprise.

Look at how the establishment treats our own folks and our own independent media it doesn't deem. . ."legitimate."


Look how the entire establishment treated Trump, hell, nearly half this nation doesn't even believe our own election was legit. . . And now folks in this thread are gobbling up this war propaganda that has links to the MIC?

Either bow to the paradigm of the NWO folks, and their drive to a centralized global government. . . or you shall be enslaved and killed. . . something like that?

Now, of course, I do not hold any of the same values as any of the folks in Afghanistan, but it is their nation, and their culture, so it is their right to do with their state whatever they see fit. Treat them as equals, and am I sure they would cooperate.

SOME quotes age well, others do not. That is one that does not.

When that quote was said, it took about six weeks to cross the Atlantic. We also had everything we needed without importing anything. Today we have a world economy plus we can have a pilot sitting in Colorado or wherever, flying a drone-based anywhere in the world. PLUS we have illegal aliens coming into our country by the millions of which we know nothing. Now we have Afghans coming in about which we are TOLD have been vetted by our government. BUT, we've been TOLD a LOT LATELY!
You can debate if he should have gotten them all out before the Taliban took over but now they control the airport so any flights into or out of the country are under their authority. To fly into a foreign airport without permission is practically an act of war and very dangerous.
NO, there is no debate about whether or not we should have gotten all our citizens out along with any Afghan who worked with us and wanted out. Then we should have gotten the billions of dollars in sophisticated weapons out. We left so many uniforms behind that the Taliban is now outfitted in our uniforms, helmets, boots, weapons. Anything of value to an enemy should have been destroyed if it could not be removed.
We did this hours ago. Mcaul is unable to back his assertions up.

There is no fucking "hostage crisis" you stupid dupe.

This is just more shit that Trump and Fox News have made up and you accept without question. While GOP members have said planes aren't been allowed to take off, these are the same people who tell you the election was stolen, so their record of truth and honesty, is non-existant.

These clowns will say anything to rile fools like you up. The rest of us don't fall for their bullshit.
They may or may not even be real. As I said, no other sources have been able to confirm this and even the moron on faux was unable to clarify anything.

Stop letting the faux and Rupert lead you around by the nose.
Yeah, the videos of Americans in hiding in Afghanistan, telling how terrorists are hunting for them door to door, are from Americans known to be in Afghanistsn but, reportedly by Psaki, it has not confirmed yet that they truly want to leave...
The real news, however, is that it isn't the TALIBAN that won't allow these private civilian flights in Afghanistan there to bring Americans home - it's BIDEN & HIS STARE DEPARTMENT.


He ignores his advisors, lies to Americans, surrenders Bagram AB to the Taliban, hands over control of Kabul to the Taliban / terrorists, refuse to allow US troops to go get Americans & bring them to the airport, ends up leaving several hundred Americans behind for the Taliban / Al Qaeda / ISIS, flies 100 or so terrorists/ terrorist-connected Afghanis to the US....

....and now Biden qin't allow Americans to be rescued / brought home.


Is the CCP controlling Biden (as they already bought he & his family)?

Is it the CCP controlling Biden through his handlers?

Is Joe just helping terrorists again, like he did when he was Varry's Veep?

This SOB needs to be removed from office now...
I hope so...I hope Biden & his treasonous administration is not allowed to 'turn the page' & ignore the several hundred Americans & allies he abandoned / left behind!
State Department continues to declare it will find a way to bring Americans home, discusses giving Taliban 'financial aid'....

Begs to question why the presidential debate topics didn’t include foreign policy.
Begs to question why the presidential debate topics didn’t include foreign policy.
I assumed it was due to 'the simple' answer, which was Joe has never been right on any foreign policy decision he ever made. Everything that has been exposed since then has shown there is SO very much more than just that.
SOME quotes age well, others do not. That is one that does not.

When that quote was said, it took about six weeks to cross the Atlantic. We also had everything we needed without importing anything. Today we have a world economy plus we can have a pilot sitting in Colorado or wherever, flying a drone-based anywhere in the world. PLUS we have illegal aliens coming into our country by the millions of which we know nothing. Now we have Afghans coming in about which we are TOLD have been vetted by our government. BUT, we've been TOLD a LOT LATELY!

We'll just have to agree to disagree.

Sure, it is a smaller world, but morals and ethics of what it means to be an American, and the priciples that this nation was founded on? IMO, those do not change.

Aside from Ron Paul, this politician and political thinker, is the closest today to the classical liberalism of the foreign policy of the founders. He had it right a couple weeks ago. . . and it is all coming to pass. . .

You can't blame a snake for being a snake. . it is in the nature of a snake. OTH, you give it room to be a snake, you won't get bit. You corner it, threaten it, etc? Shit gonna happen.

In Afghanistan, the Worst Is Yet to Come​

August 27, 2021 by Patrick J. Buchanan

". . .As The New York Times writes, the Afghan economy is “in free fall.”

“Cash is growing scarce, and food prices are rising. Fuel is becoming harder to find. Government services have stalled as civil servants avoid work, fearing retribution.”

The Taliban’s desperate need is for people to run the economy and for money from the international community to pay for imports of food and vital necessities of life.

What will also be needed from us, soon after the fall of Afghanistan, is a reappraisal of America’s commitments across the Middle East.

We have 900 U.S. troops in Syria who control the oil reserves of that country and serve as a shield for the Syrian Kurds.

How long should we keep them there?

We retain several thousand troops in Iraq. Why?

These are questions for which new answers are going to be needed.

Indeed, there will be a temptation to counter our defeat and humiliation with defiant gestures or precipitate action to restore our lost credibility. Henry Kissinger’s advice on any such action today seems wise:

“No dramatic strategic move is available in the immediate future to offset this self-inflicted setback, such as by making new formal commitments in other regions. American rashness would compound disappointment among allies, encourage adversaries, and sow confusion among observers.”

As for Afghanistan and the Kabul airport, there comes a time when even a great nation needs to accept the reality that Corregidor is lost."
I assumed it was due to 'the simple' answer, which was Joe has never been right on any foreign policy decision he ever made. Everything that has been exposed since then has shown there is SO very much more than just that.
News media was in on the scam. Chris Wallace included.

We'll just have to agree to disagree.

Sure, it is a smaller world, but morals and ethics of what it means to be an American, and the priciples that this nation was founded on? IMO, those do not change.

Aside from Ron Paul, this politician and political thinker, is the closest today to the classical liberalism of the foreign policy of the founders. He had it right a couple weeks ago. . . and it is all coming to pass. . .

You can't blame a snake for being a snake. . it is in the nature of a snake. OTH, you give it room to be a snake, you won't get bit. You corner it, threaten it, etc? Shit gonna happen.

In Afghanistan, the Worst Is Yet to Come​

August 27, 2021 by Patrick J. Buchanan

". . .As The New York Times writes, the Afghan economy is “in free fall.”

“Cash is growing scarce, and food prices are rising. Fuel is becoming harder to find. Government services have stalled as civil servants avoid work, fearing retribution.”

The Taliban’s desperate need is for people to run the economy and for money from the international community to pay for imports of food and vital necessities of life.

What will also be needed from us, soon after the fall of Afghanistan, is a reappraisal of America’s commitments across the Middle East.

We have 900 U.S. troops in Syria who control the oil reserves of that country and serve as a shield for the Syrian Kurds.

How long should we keep them there?

We retain several thousand troops in Iraq. Why?

These are questions for which new answers are going to be needed.

Indeed, there will be a temptation to counter our defeat and humiliation with defiant gestures or precipitate action to restore our lost credibility. Henry Kissinger’s advice on any such action today seems wise:

“No dramatic strategic move is available in the immediate future to offset this self-inflicted setback, such as by making new formal commitments in other regions. American rashness would compound disappointment among allies, encourage adversaries, and sow confusion among observers.”

As for Afghanistan and the Kabul airport, there comes a time when even a great nation needs to accept the reality that Corregidor is lost."
You don't run away and leave Americans behind in the pit with the poisonous snakes...

You don't ask the poisonous snakes to protect you & your people while climbing out of the pit...

You don't stop other people from doing what you failed / refused to do - rescue those you left behind...

...unless you're Joe Biden & the Biden administration.

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