It Begins: California Begins Indoctrinating Children Into The LGBT Lifestyle Against Parents Wishes

It's the parent's choice.....period
Keep your snot nosed brat home if you want to teach bigotry.
Jump off a cliff if you want to faggotize children.
So you are such a fucking idiot you think people are made gay & not born that way.

That males sense.

Bigots & racists are typically dumbasses.
There is no gay gene, you do realize that? Science denier
Leftists are science deniers. They are everything they accuse the Right of being and then some.

Just because they have not found a gay gene does not mean that homosexuality is a train inherent to the brain.

Like you morons believe in science. That's really some funny chit.
The Only ignorant fucks are the ones that are part of a collective. Shit for brains
Bigots & racisys are ignorant fucks. That is your collective.
Shut up, you slack jawed faggot.

Yet another tough guy using a fake name & hiding his location.

A real American is equal rights for all. Not a stupid ifgnarant wjite supremacist asshole like you.
There you go again sounding like a bitch in heat…

Bigotry & racism are traits of ignorant people.

The only bitch in heat around here is you when you see a picture of Trump.
You angry bro?
Keep your snot nosed brat home if you want to teach bigotry.
Jump off a cliff if you want to faggotize children.
So you are such a fucking idiot you think people are made gay & not born that way.

That males sense.

Bigots & racists are typically dumbasses.
There is no gay gene, you do realize that? Science denier
Leftists are science deniers. They are everything they accuse the Right of being and then some.

Just because they have not found a gay gene does not mean that homosexuality is a train inherent to the brain.

Like you morons believe in science. That's really some funny chit.
The studies you speak of found that homosexual behavior causes changes in the brain, not that they were born with a different brain.
Keep your snot nosed brat home if you want to teach bigotry.
Jump off a cliff if you want to faggotize children.
So you are such a fucking idiot you think people are made gay & not born that way.

That males sense.

Bigots & racists are typically dumbasses.
There is absolutely zero evidence that anyone is born a faggot, but there's tons of evidence that the vast majority of faggots were molested and raped by fags as children and teens.

Bullshit, there have been studies highlighting differences in the brain. Something you would not understand because you have no brain.
Yes, and those studies found that the changes in the brain occurred because of homosexual behavior, not that they were born that way. Studies also show homosexual behavior changes people's skin texture and scent.
I get it. Any study of a homosexual brain has to be because of changes due to behaviors taken & not just present at birth or early development? Therefore, no one can ever prove it to be a born with scenario.

You really are quite stupid.
Keep your snot nosed brat home if you want to teach bigotry.
Jump off a cliff if you want to faggotize children.
So you are such a fucking idiot you think people are made gay & not born that way.

That males sense.

Bigots & racists are typically dumbasses.
There is absolutely zero evidence that anyone is born a faggot, but there's tons of evidence that the vast majority of faggots were molested and raped by fags as children and teens.

Bullshit, there have been studies highlighting differences in the brain. Something you would not understand because you have no brain.
Yes, and those studies found that the changes in the brain occurred because of homosexual behavior, not that they were born that way. Studies also show homosexual behavior changes people's skin texture and scent.
Being gay is a choice being made every day… LOL
Jump off a cliff if you want to faggotize children.
So you are such a fucking idiot you think people are made gay & not born that way.

That males sense.

Bigots & racists are typically dumbasses.
There is absolutely zero evidence that anyone is born a faggot, but there's tons of evidence that the vast majority of faggots were molested and raped by fags as children and teens.

Bullshit, there have been studies highlighting differences in the brain. Something you would not understand because you have no brain.
Yes, and those studies found that the changes in the brain occurred because of homosexual behavior, not that they were born that way. Studies also show homosexual behavior changes people's skin texture and scent.
I get it. Any study of a homosexual brain has to be because of changes due to behaviors taken & not just present at birth or early development? Therefore, no one can ever prove it to be a born with scenario.

You really are quite stupid.
If they found a gene that causes it you could prove that some people were born that way. But the problem is, the entire genome has been mapped and there is no gay gene. It doesn't even make sense to think people are born to be homosexual. There is no biological imperative for that to be the case. And if you say it is evolution's way of population control, well then you are saying homosexuality is a virus
Jump off a cliff if you want to faggotize children.
So you are such a fucking idiot you think people are made gay & not born that way.

That males sense.

Bigots & racists are typically dumbasses.
There is absolutely zero evidence that anyone is born a faggot, but there's tons of evidence that the vast majority of faggots were molested and raped by fags as children and teens.

Bullshit, there have been studies highlighting differences in the brain. Something you would not understand because you have no brain.
Yes, and those studies found that the changes in the brain occurred because of homosexual behavior, not that they were born that way. Studies also show homosexual behavior changes people's skin texture and scent.
I get it. Any study of a homosexual brain has to be because of changes due to behaviors taken & not just present at birth or early development? Therefore, no one can ever prove it to be a born with scenario.

You really are quite stupid.
You’re sounding very politically correct, it suits you well. Lol

There are right choices and wrong choices, we all make both. People have the right to make the wrong choice of being gay… That’s life.

For the worldly, human point of view it’s too bad that desires are not always the right choice. We should all pray that this world loses its grip on us... For our sake
BTW Dave, not all fags claim to have been born a fag. A sizable minority denies that and are proud that they chose to be butthole surfers.
Jump off a cliff if you want to faggotize children.
So you are such a fucking idiot you think people are made gay & not born that way.

That males sense.

Bigots & racists are typically dumbasses.
There is absolutely zero evidence that anyone is born a faggot, but there's tons of evidence that the vast majority of faggots were molested and raped by fags as children and teens.

Bullshit, there have been studies highlighting differences in the brain. Something you would not understand because you have no brain.
Yes, and those studies found that the changes in the brain occurred because of homosexual behavior, not that they were born that way. Studies also show homosexual behavior changes people's skin texture and scent.
Being gay is a choice being made every day… LOL
And what if it is?
People have a right to make their own choices in who they love
So you are such a fucking idiot you think people are made gay & not born that way.

That males sense.

Bigots & racists are typically dumbasses.
There is absolutely zero evidence that anyone is born a faggot, but there's tons of evidence that the vast majority of faggots were molested and raped by fags as children and teens.

Bullshit, there have been studies highlighting differences in the brain. Something you would not understand because you have no brain.
Yes, and those studies found that the changes in the brain occurred because of homosexual behavior, not that they were born that way. Studies also show homosexual behavior changes people's skin texture and scent.
I get it. Any study of a homosexual brain has to be because of changes due to behaviors taken & not just present at birth or early development? Therefore, no one can ever prove it to be a born with scenario.

You really are quite stupid.
If they found a gene that causes it you could prove that some people were born that way. But the problem is, the entire genome has been mapped and there is no gay gene. It doesn't even make sense to think people are born to be homosexual. There is no biological imperative for that to be the case. And if you say it is evolution's way of population control, well then you are saying homosexuality is a virus
Karma is a bitch, it’s a funny thing that the collective is nothing without the individual. You lose the individual, you lose everything including any sense of morality.
So you are such a fucking idiot you think people are made gay & not born that way.

That males sense.

Bigots & racists are typically dumbasses.
There is absolutely zero evidence that anyone is born a faggot, but there's tons of evidence that the vast majority of faggots were molested and raped by fags as children and teens.

Bullshit, there have been studies highlighting differences in the brain. Something you would not understand because you have no brain.
Yes, and those studies found that the changes in the brain occurred because of homosexual behavior, not that they were born that way. Studies also show homosexual behavior changes people's skin texture and scent.
Being gay is a choice being made every day… LOL
And what if it is?
People have a right to make their own choices in who they love
Even pedophiles? Love is Love, right? That's what you libtards love to say all the time.
There is absolutely zero evidence that anyone is born a faggot, but there's tons of evidence that the vast majority of faggots were molested and raped by fags as children and teens.

Bullshit, there have been studies highlighting differences in the brain. Something you would not understand because you have no brain.
Yes, and those studies found that the changes in the brain occurred because of homosexual behavior, not that they were born that way. Studies also show homosexual behavior changes people's skin texture and scent.
I get it. Any study of a homosexual brain has to be because of changes due to behaviors taken & not just present at birth or early development? Therefore, no one can ever prove it to be a born with scenario.

You really are quite stupid.
If they found a gene that causes it you could prove that some people were born that way. But the problem is, the entire genome has been mapped and there is no gay gene. It doesn't even make sense to think people are born to be homosexual. There is no biological imperative for that to be the case. And if you say it is evolution's way of population control, well then you are saying homosexuality is a virus
Karma is a bitch, it’s a funny thing that the collective is nothing without the individual. You lose the individual, you lose everything including any sense of morality.
I am not entirely anti-collectivist myself, but I lean more towards individualism. I think you will fall into a collective no matter what...some collectives are better than others.
BTW Dave, not all fags claim to have been born a fag. A sizable minority denies that and are proud that they chose to be butthole surfers.
It’s kind a like a cult, that being gay. Apparently
Like a carousel you can only go around so many times before the sickness hits you. Sometimes you just have to hop like a bunny...

So you are such a fucking idiot you think people are made gay & not born that way.

That males sense.

Bigots & racists are typically dumbasses.
There is absolutely zero evidence that anyone is born a faggot, but there's tons of evidence that the vast majority of faggots were molested and raped by fags as children and teens.

Bullshit, there have been studies highlighting differences in the brain. Something you would not understand because you have no brain.
Yes, and those studies found that the changes in the brain occurred because of homosexual behavior, not that they were born that way. Studies also show homosexual behavior changes people's skin texture and scent.
Being gay is a choice being made every day… LOL
And what if it is?
People have a right to make their own choices in who they love
Have you not read my posts, I’m a libertarian. I don’t give two shits what these people do, they just need to stay out of other peoples business That want nothing to do with them... Especially other people’s kids.
Before they were just suggesting it. Now, California parents have no choice: It Begins: California Announces Ban for Parents


It Begins: California Announces Ban for Parents
Warner Todd Huston
December 27, 2017
Despite their reputation for being the “Party of choice,” Democrats in California have ruled that parents are not allowed to opt their school-aged children out of the mandatory LGBT indoctrination in the state-sponsored school system.

Naturally, far left-wing California has become the first state in the Union to force kids to use LGBT inclusive textbooks. But at the same time it left no legal way for parents to opt out from the propaganda.

The gay propaganda law supposedly requires a “‘fair, accurate, inclusive, and respectful’ treatment of homosexual, bisexual, transgender, and lesbian Americans despite the historical insignificance,” according to Truth Revolt.

State publisher Mark Jarrett cited several historical figures who *might* have been gay saying that his textbooks will essentially make these historical figures gay icons.

“We’re not trying to make anybody gay; we’re not saying there’s an agenda; we’re not saying that these people are better than other people; what we’re saying is this is another group of Americans and they face certain prejudices,” said state publisher Mark Jarrett, whose history textbooks include special mention of the sexual preferences of historical figures like Jane Adams, Emily Dickinson, Nathaniel Hawthorne, President James Buchanan, though it’s inconclusive if these prominent Americans were gay or not.

“I think we should say, ‘Buchanan, he never married. He had a very good friend who was living with him. He may have been gay,’” Jarrett added. “On the other hand, at that time, being gay was seen as something evil and wrong.”

It should be noted that men sharing expenses with other men and living together was an extremely common thing in our country’s history. Senators did it, Congressmen did it, and so do regular Americans all across the nation.

In Fact, it was extremely common even into the 20th century. It has only been since WWII that Americans developed a sense that living completely on alone with no co-habitating partners, whether platonic or romantic, was considered the thing to do.

As to President Buchanan, gay activists have tried to claim him as their own for decades but there is no direct proof of his sexual proclivities.

Gay activists have also ridiculously tried to make President Abraham Lincoln gay, as well.

The radical gay agenda is infused throughout California’s textbooks, Truth Revolt report:

California approved the textbooks written by Jarrett, a Ph.D, to be used in the 8th grade. Students will read that legendary stagecoach driver Charlie Parkhurst “was a woman who identified as a man,” according to Fox News. They will read that George Washington’s chief of staff Baron Von Steuben “may have been gay,” and that poet Walt Whitman “was drawn to young men… but denied his same sex preferences in public.”

Critics say much of these accounts are speculation, but California rejected any publisher that didn’t mention the homosexual preferences or claims against historical figures in their textbooks. In one textbook, the state forced the publisher to add “lesbian” to describe NASA astronaut Sally Ride.

So, to appease the radical gay lobby, California is now taking what are supposed to be factual school textbooks and filling them with “speculation” on the sexual leanings of historical figures despite the FACT that the facts are not known.

California is now officially indoctrinating, not educating, its children.​
Democrats continue to ruin the nation.

So equality is destroying America? Only the white supremacist America you assholes want.
Equality? I’m not saying a dude can’t blow another dude. Just don’t make it political. Don’t march, scream and shout. Give each other hand jobs in private.
Before they were just suggesting it. Now, California parents have no choice: It Begins: California Announces Ban for Parents


It Begins: California Announces Ban for Parents
Warner Todd Huston
December 27, 2017
Despite their reputation for being the “Party of choice,” Democrats in California have ruled that parents are not allowed to opt their school-aged children out of the mandatory LGBT indoctrination in the state-sponsored school system.

Naturally, far left-wing California has become the first state in the Union to force kids to use LGBT inclusive textbooks. But at the same time it left no legal way for parents to opt out from the propaganda.

The gay propaganda law supposedly requires a “‘fair, accurate, inclusive, and respectful’ treatment of homosexual, bisexual, transgender, and lesbian Americans despite the historical insignificance,” according to Truth Revolt.

State publisher Mark Jarrett cited several historical figures who *might* have been gay saying that his textbooks will essentially make these historical figures gay icons.

“We’re not trying to make anybody gay; we’re not saying there’s an agenda; we’re not saying that these people are better than other people; what we’re saying is this is another group of Americans and they face certain prejudices,” said state publisher Mark Jarrett, whose history textbooks include special mention of the sexual preferences of historical figures like Jane Adams, Emily Dickinson, Nathaniel Hawthorne, President James Buchanan, though it’s inconclusive if these prominent Americans were gay or not.

“I think we should say, ‘Buchanan, he never married. He had a very good friend who was living with him. He may have been gay,’” Jarrett added. “On the other hand, at that time, being gay was seen as something evil and wrong.”

It should be noted that men sharing expenses with other men and living together was an extremely common thing in our country’s history. Senators did it, Congressmen did it, and so do regular Americans all across the nation.

In Fact, it was extremely common even into the 20th century. It has only been since WWII that Americans developed a sense that living completely on alone with no co-habitating partners, whether platonic or romantic, was considered the thing to do.

As to President Buchanan, gay activists have tried to claim him as their own for decades but there is no direct proof of his sexual proclivities.

Gay activists have also ridiculously tried to make President Abraham Lincoln gay, as well.

The radical gay agenda is infused throughout California’s textbooks, Truth Revolt report:

California approved the textbooks written by Jarrett, a Ph.D, to be used in the 8th grade. Students will read that legendary stagecoach driver Charlie Parkhurst “was a woman who identified as a man,” according to Fox News. They will read that George Washington’s chief of staff Baron Von Steuben “may have been gay,” and that poet Walt Whitman “was drawn to young men… but denied his same sex preferences in public.”

Critics say much of these accounts are speculation, but California rejected any publisher that didn’t mention the homosexual preferences or claims against historical figures in their textbooks. In one textbook, the state forced the publisher to add “lesbian” to describe NASA astronaut Sally Ride.

So, to appease the radical gay lobby, California is now taking what are supposed to be factual school textbooks and filling them with “speculation” on the sexual leanings of historical figures despite the FACT that the facts are not known.

California is now officially indoctrinating, not educating, its children.​
Democrats continue to ruin the nation.

So equality is destroying America? Only the white supremacist America you assholes want.
Equality? I’m not saying a dude can’t blow another dude. Just don’t make it political. Don’t march, scream and shout. Give each other hand jobs in private.
We will always lose this fight so long as there are those on the Right who condone faggotry in any way. It must be shunned and treated as it was before.
Before they were just suggesting it. Now, California parents have no choice: It Begins: California Announces Ban for Parents


It Begins: California Announces Ban for Parents
Warner Todd Huston
December 27, 2017
Despite their reputation for being the “Party of choice,” Democrats in California have ruled that parents are not allowed to opt their school-aged children out of the mandatory LGBT indoctrination in the state-sponsored school system.

Naturally, far left-wing California has become the first state in the Union to force kids to use LGBT inclusive textbooks. But at the same time it left no legal way for parents to opt out from the propaganda.

The gay propaganda law supposedly requires a “‘fair, accurate, inclusive, and respectful’ treatment of homosexual, bisexual, transgender, and lesbian Americans despite the historical insignificance,” according to Truth Revolt.

State publisher Mark Jarrett cited several historical figures who *might* have been gay saying that his textbooks will essentially make these historical figures gay icons.

“We’re not trying to make anybody gay; we’re not saying there’s an agenda; we’re not saying that these people are better than other people; what we’re saying is this is another group of Americans and they face certain prejudices,” said state publisher Mark Jarrett, whose history textbooks include special mention of the sexual preferences of historical figures like Jane Adams, Emily Dickinson, Nathaniel Hawthorne, President James Buchanan, though it’s inconclusive if these prominent Americans were gay or not.

“I think we should say, ‘Buchanan, he never married. He had a very good friend who was living with him. He may have been gay,’” Jarrett added. “On the other hand, at that time, being gay was seen as something evil and wrong.”

It should be noted that men sharing expenses with other men and living together was an extremely common thing in our country’s history. Senators did it, Congressmen did it, and so do regular Americans all across the nation.

In Fact, it was extremely common even into the 20th century. It has only been since WWII that Americans developed a sense that living completely on alone with no co-habitating partners, whether platonic or romantic, was considered the thing to do.

As to President Buchanan, gay activists have tried to claim him as their own for decades but there is no direct proof of his sexual proclivities.

Gay activists have also ridiculously tried to make President Abraham Lincoln gay, as well.

The radical gay agenda is infused throughout California’s textbooks, Truth Revolt report:

California approved the textbooks written by Jarrett, a Ph.D, to be used in the 8th grade. Students will read that legendary stagecoach driver Charlie Parkhurst “was a woman who identified as a man,” according to Fox News. They will read that George Washington’s chief of staff Baron Von Steuben “may have been gay,” and that poet Walt Whitman “was drawn to young men… but denied his same sex preferences in public.”

Critics say much of these accounts are speculation, but California rejected any publisher that didn’t mention the homosexual preferences or claims against historical figures in their textbooks. In one textbook, the state forced the publisher to add “lesbian” to describe NASA astronaut Sally Ride.

So, to appease the radical gay lobby, California is now taking what are supposed to be factual school textbooks and filling them with “speculation” on the sexual leanings of historical figures despite the FACT that the facts are not known.

California is now officially indoctrinating, not educating, its children.​
Democrats continue to ruin the nation.

So equality is destroying America? Only the white supremacist America you assholes want.
Equality? I’m not saying a dude can’t blow another dude. Just don’t make it political. Don’t march, scream and shout. Give each other hand jobs in private.
Gay pride should be left in the bedroom where it belongs… It’s no one else’s business.
Certainly not brought into the schools.
Let’s stick to reading, writing and Arithmetic there... Anything else makes for bad choices.

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