It Begins: California Begins Indoctrinating Children Into The LGBT Lifestyle Against Parents Wishes

I see a contradiction, here. Gay people wish to be normalized and I happen to think they should. Requiring books to state that Sally Ride was a lesbian does the opposite. Since her lesbianism has nothing to with her work, that strikes me as tantamount to demanding that textbooks teach that somebody was left handed.

It draws attention to something that doesn't matter.

While I support gay rights, I do see an agenda at work here and I do not believe young children should be treated like lab rats. These issues should be reserved for at least middle school if not high school.
I do not see any contradiction at all. The point, in this case is that Lesbianism is normal. It demonstrates that a Lesbian is just as capable as anyone else. As for left handed people, 60 years ago or so, being left handed was considered abnormal and they tried to make left handed kids into right handed kids. In those days if they were learning about a great painter or musician who was left handed, it would have been appropriate to mention it also.
Why do you hate heteros? Are you some kind of bigot or something?
How do you draw from Progressive Patriot's post that he hates heterosexuals? It seems like you are saying that heterosexuals are being removed from history when nothing indicates that this is true. As a heterosexual, I would be very upset if anyone tried to. History is not a zero-sum game.
It seems you're saying homos are being removed from history. I want the same thing you want, only I love my kind rather than think it's superior and must condescend to those I believe are inferior.
Democrats continue to ruin the nation.

So equality is destroying America? Only the white supremacist America you assholes want.
Equality? I’m not saying a dude can’t blow another dude. Just don’t make it political. Don’t march, scream and shout. Give each other hand jobs in private.
We will always lose this fight so long as there are those on the Right who condone faggotry in any way. It must be shunned and treated as it was before.
Weakness is not a valued trait. Strength through superior firepower I say.
We have the superior firepower on our side...but the media is owned by the left. So we have an uphill battle no matter what.

Are you threatening your fellow citizens with violence in order to get your way?
We need to have a class taught by a guy like Sam Kinison ...

True, Political correctness/affirmative-action Has ruined comedy no doubt.
Now, Sam he’s a bit crude for me but at the same time... He did put that dude in his place.
Being gay is a choice, there is no gay gene, And being oblivious to those facts makes you part of the problem.
I see a contradiction, here. Gay people wish to be normalized and I happen to think they should. Requiring books to state that Sally Ride was a lesbian does the opposite. Since her lesbianism has nothing to with her work, that strikes me as tantamount to demanding that textbooks teach that somebody was left handed.

It draws attention to something that doesn't matter.

While I support gay rights, I do see an agenda at work here and I do not believe young children should be treated like lab rats. These issues should be reserved for at least middle school if not high school.
I do not see any contradiction at all. The point, in this case is that Lesbianism is normal. It demonstrates that a Lesbian is just as capable as anyone else. As for left handed people, 60 years ago or so, being left handed was considered abnormal and they tried to make left handed kids into right handed kids. In those days if they were learning about a great painter or musician who was left handed, it would have been appropriate to mention it also.
Why do you hate heteros? Are you some kind of bigot or something?
How do you draw from Progressive Patriot's post that he hates heterosexuals? It seems like you are saying that heterosexuals are being removed from history when nothing indicates that this is true. As a heterosexual, I would be very upset if anyone tried to. History is not a zero-sum game.
It seems you're saying homos are being removed from history. I want the same thing you want, only I love my kind rather than think it's superior and must condescend to those I believe are inferior.
What is your "kind"? I love my "kind." It's called "humanity."
I see a contradiction, here. Gay people wish to be normalized and I happen to think they should. Requiring books to state that Sally Ride was a lesbian does the opposite. Since her lesbianism has nothing to with her work, that strikes me as tantamount to demanding that textbooks teach that somebody was left handed.

It draws attention to something that doesn't matter.

While I support gay rights, I do see an agenda at work here and I do not believe young children should be treated like lab rats. These issues should be reserved for at least middle school if not high school.
I do not see any contradiction at all. The point, in this case is that Lesbianism is normal. It demonstrates that a Lesbian is just as capable as anyone else. As for left handed people, 60 years ago or so, being left handed was considered abnormal and they tried to make left handed kids into right handed kids. In those days if they were learning about a great painter or musician who was left handed, it would have been appropriate to mention it also.
Why do you hate heteros? Are you some kind of bigot or something?
How do you draw from Progressive Patriot's post that he hates heterosexuals? It seems like you are saying that heterosexuals are being removed from history when nothing indicates that this is true. As a heterosexual, I would be very upset if anyone tried to. History is not a zero-sum game.
It seems you're saying homos are being removed from history. I want the same thing you want, only I love my kind rather than think it's superior and must condescend to those I believe are inferior.
What is your "kind"? I love my "kind." It's called "humanity."
Then why single out homos? I single out heteros. Explain.
So equality is destroying America? Only the white supremacist America you assholes want.
Equality? I’m not saying a dude can’t blow another dude. Just don’t make it political. Don’t march, scream and shout. Give each other hand jobs in private.
We will always lose this fight so long as there are those on the Right who condone faggotry in any way. It must be shunned and treated as it was before.
Weakness is not a valued trait. Strength through superior firepower I say.
We have the superior firepower on our side...but the media is owned by the left. So we have an uphill battle no matter what.

Are you threatening your fellow citizens with violence in order to get your way?
No it seems you are threatening, why would you bring that shit into the schools? You know people want nothing to do with that shit, and certainly don’t want their kids to be exposed to that shit. Who are you to say they should be exposed to that? Being a parent is hard enough without shit like that confusing and clouding an adolescences mind.
You and the schools are not the parents of other peoples kids, You like to say that you want people to stay out of other peoples bedrooms? Well, stay the fuck out of other peoples houses and lives if you want to peddle that sick twisted shit.

If that’s your village fuck your village
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They can't indoctrinate children that are not there. Parents, it is up to you. Raise hell, or raise stupid children. Your choice.
I see a contradiction, here. Gay people wish to be normalized and I happen to think they should. Requiring books to state that Sally Ride was a lesbian does the opposite. Since her lesbianism has nothing to with her work, that strikes me as tantamount to demanding that textbooks teach that somebody was left handed.

It draws attention to something that doesn't matter.

While I support gay rights, I do see an agenda at work here and I do not believe young children should be treated like lab rats. These issues should be reserved for at least middle school if not high school.
I do not see any contradiction at all. The point, in this case is that Lesbianism is normal. It demonstrates that a Lesbian is just as capable as anyone else. As for left handed people, 60 years ago or so, being left handed was considered abnormal and they tried to make left handed kids into right handed kids. In those days if they were learning about a great painter or musician who was left handed, it would have been appropriate to mention it also.
Actually a lot of those people became ambidextrous, that’s a good thing.

As far as being gay and has been always a choice and always will be your choice… Robots might change that
When did you choose to be straight, Sparky? Could you choose to be gay?
I see a contradiction, here. Gay people wish to be normalized and I happen to think they should. Requiring books to state that Sally Ride was a lesbian does the opposite. Since her lesbianism has nothing to with her work, that strikes me as tantamount to demanding that textbooks teach that somebody was left handed.

It draws attention to something that doesn't matter.

While I support gay rights, I do see an agenda at work here and I do not believe young children should be treated like lab rats. These issues should be reserved for at least middle school if not high school.
I do not see any contradiction at all. The point, in this case is that Lesbianism is normal. It demonstrates that a Lesbian is just as capable as anyone else. As for left handed people, 60 years ago or so, being left handed was considered abnormal and they tried to make left handed kids into right handed kids. In those days if they were learning about a great painter or musician who was left handed, it would have been appropriate to mention it also.
Why do you hate heteros? Are you some kind of bigot or something?
Your shit gets more stupid with every post
I see a contradiction, here. Gay people wish to be normalized and I happen to think they should. Requiring books to state that Sally Ride was a lesbian does the opposite. Since her lesbianism has nothing to with her work, that strikes me as tantamount to demanding that textbooks teach that somebody was left handed.

It draws attention to something that doesn't matter.

While I support gay rights, I do see an agenda at work here and I do not believe young children should be treated like lab rats. These issues should be reserved for at least middle school if not high school.
I do not see any contradiction at all. The point, in this case is that Lesbianism is normal. It demonstrates that a Lesbian is just as capable as anyone else. As for left handed people, 60 years ago or so, being left handed was considered abnormal and they tried to make left handed kids into right handed kids. In those days if they were learning about a great painter or musician who was left handed, it would have been appropriate to mention it also.
Why do you hate heteros? Are you some kind of bigot or something?
Your shit gets more stupid with every post
So much for being banned lol.
I do not see any contradiction at all. The point, in this case is that Lesbianism is normal. It demonstrates that a Lesbian is just as capable as anyone else. As for left handed people, 60 years ago or so, being left handed was considered abnormal and they tried to make left handed kids into right handed kids. In those days if they were learning about a great painter or musician who was left handed, it would have been appropriate to mention it also.
Why do you hate heteros? Are you some kind of bigot or something?
How do you draw from Progressive Patriot's post that he hates heterosexuals? It seems like you are saying that heterosexuals are being removed from history when nothing indicates that this is true. As a heterosexual, I would be very upset if anyone tried to. History is not a zero-sum game.
It seems you're saying homos are being removed from history. I want the same thing you want, only I love my kind rather than think it's superior and must condescend to those I believe are inferior.
What is your "kind"? I love my "kind." It's called "humanity."
Then why single out homos? I single out heteros. Explain.
You just keep re-affirming you stupidity and ignorance of the issue here. Gay people are now being treated exactly the same as other minorities
Why do you hate heteros? Are you some kind of bigot or something?
How do you draw from Progressive Patriot's post that he hates heterosexuals? It seems like you are saying that heterosexuals are being removed from history when nothing indicates that this is true. As a heterosexual, I would be very upset if anyone tried to. History is not a zero-sum game.
It seems you're saying homos are being removed from history. I want the same thing you want, only I love my kind rather than think it's superior and must condescend to those I believe are inferior.
What is your "kind"? I love my "kind." It's called "humanity."
Then why single out homos? I single out heteros. Explain.
You just keep re-affirming you stupidity and ignorance of the issue here. Gay people are now being treated exactly the same as other minorities
I'm all for the majorities. Which doesn't mean I'm against minorities, just that I support the majorities.
Equality? I’m not saying a dude can’t blow another dude. Just don’t make it political. Don’t march, scream and shout. Give each other hand jobs in private.
We will always lose this fight so long as there are those on the Right who condone faggotry in any way. It must be shunned and treated as it was before.
Weakness is not a valued trait. Strength through superior firepower I say.
We have the superior firepower on our side...but the media is owned by the left. So we have an uphill battle no matter what.

Are you threatening your fellow citizens with violence in order to get your way?
No it seems you are threatening, why would you bring that shit into the schools? You know people want nothing to do with that shit, and certainly don’t want their kids to be exposed to that shit. Who are you to say they should be exposed to that? Being a parent is hard enough without shit like that confusing and clouding an adolescences mind.
You and the schools are not the parents of other peoples kids, You like to say that you want people to stay out of other peoples bedrooms? Well, stay the fuck out of other peoples houses and lives if you want to paddle that sick twisted shit.

If that’s your village fuck your village

A reference to "superior firepower" communicates a threat of violence towards one's fellows. From what I have read about these textbooks, they merely say that LGBT people have existed who achieved valuable accomplishments. There doesn't seem to be any page that instructs students to "go gay, TODAY!" No one can erase other people off the face of the earth. You are trying to argue that some people, plain, simply, don't exist. If some parent has something against LGBTs, Jews, women, Mexican-Americans, Belgians, whomever, let this parent tell this to his or her child. It's not up to society to do a parent's job.
I see a contradiction, here. Gay people wish to be normalized and I happen to think they should. Requiring books to state that Sally Ride was a lesbian does the opposite. Since her lesbianism has nothing to with her work, that strikes me as tantamount to demanding that textbooks teach that somebody was left handed.

It draws attention to something that doesn't matter.

While I support gay rights, I do see an agenda at work here and I do not believe young children should be treated like lab rats. These issues should be reserved for at least middle school if not high school.
I do not see any contradiction at all. The point, in this case is that Lesbianism is normal. It demonstrates that a Lesbian is just as capable as anyone else. As for left handed people, 60 years ago or so, being left handed was considered abnormal and they tried to make left handed kids into right handed kids. In those days if they were learning about a great painter or musician who was left handed, it would have been appropriate to mention it also.
Actually a lot of those people became ambidextrous, that’s a good thing.

As far as being gay and has been always a choice and always will be your choice… Robots might change that
When did you choose to be straight, Sparky? Could you choose to be gay?
DNA does not lie, although some people choose to live in denial of their DNA. And it seems of their lifestyle too... huh?

To be frank, There is a reason why an shit hole is an exit only… LOL

Being a fudge packer has all kinds of repercussions to it - diseases, mental illnesses, social embarrassments, regret just to name a few.

There is no gay gene, gay does not show up on any type of DNA test... It can only be a choice which is fine as long as it’s kept yourself.

I’m a libertarian, Marry a fence post for all I care Just keep your shit in your bedroom and out of the classroom. Other people’s kids just do not need that sort of sick and twisted baggage forced upon them let the parents decide. They are far too young to make real life choices on their own and the village is no answer. The breakdown of the traditional American family is the reason for the violence and other bad behaviors in this country. Why not help the traditional American family?
We will always lose this fight so long as there are those on the Right who condone faggotry in any way. It must be shunned and treated as it was before.
Weakness is not a valued trait. Strength through superior firepower I say.
We have the superior firepower on our side...but the media is owned by the left. So we have an uphill battle no matter what.

Are you threatening your fellow citizens with violence in order to get your way?
No it seems you are threatening, why would you bring that shit into the schools? You know people want nothing to do with that shit, and certainly don’t want their kids to be exposed to that shit. Who are you to say they should be exposed to that? Being a parent is hard enough without shit like that confusing and clouding an adolescences mind.
You and the schools are not the parents of other peoples kids, You like to say that you want people to stay out of other peoples bedrooms? Well, stay the fuck out of other peoples houses and lives if you want to paddle that sick twisted shit.

If that’s your village fuck your village

A reference to "superior firepower" communicates a threat of violence towards one's fellows. From what I have read about these textbooks, they merely say that LGBT people have existed who achieved valuable accomplishments. There doesn't seem to be any page that instructs students to "go gay, TODAY!" No one can erase other people off the face of the earth. You are trying to argue that some people, plain, simply, don't exist. If some parent has something against LGBTs, Jews, women, Mexican-Americans, Belgians, whomever, let this parent tell this to his or her child. It's not up to society to do a parent's job.
Do these same texts mention that George Washington was hetero, and that he was married to a woman? What about Jefferson? Geronimo?
We will always lose this fight so long as there are those on the Right who condone faggotry in any way. It must be shunned and treated as it was before.
Weakness is not a valued trait. Strength through superior firepower I say.
We have the superior firepower on our side...but the media is owned by the left. So we have an uphill battle no matter what.

Are you threatening your fellow citizens with violence in order to get your way?
No it seems you are threatening, why would you bring that shit into the schools? You know people want nothing to do with that shit, and certainly don’t want their kids to be exposed to that shit. Who are you to say they should be exposed to that? Being a parent is hard enough without shit like that confusing and clouding an adolescences mind.
You and the schools are not the parents of other peoples kids, You like to say that you want people to stay out of other peoples bedrooms? Well, stay the fuck out of other peoples houses and lives if you want to paddle that sick twisted shit.

If that’s your village fuck your village

A reference to "superior firepower" communicates a threat of violence towards one's fellows. From what I have read about these textbooks, they merely say that LGBT people have existed who achieved valuable accomplishments. There doesn't seem to be any page that instructs students to "go gay, TODAY!" No one can erase other people off the face of the earth. You are trying to argue that some people, plain, simply, don't exist. If some parent has something against LGBTs, Jews, women, Mexican-Americans, Belgians, whomever, let this parent tell this to his or her child. It's not up to society to do a parent's job.
Only a fool would have race and gay, Having the same legitimacy and problems. There is no choice of race the same cannot be said for gay. They cannot be farther apart.
The home is where that should be kept, people need to bug the fuck out of other peoples lives on all aspects. Your sexual orientation is your business, your financial situation is your business… And no one else’s business.

You’re right and were someone else’s begins, gay is a choice like every other superficial choice. It has repercussions don’t make those repercussions other peoples.
Weakness is not a valued trait. Strength through superior firepower I say.
We have the superior firepower on our side...but the media is owned by the left. So we have an uphill battle no matter what.

Are you threatening your fellow citizens with violence in order to get your way?
No it seems you are threatening, why would you bring that shit into the schools? You know people want nothing to do with that shit, and certainly don’t want their kids to be exposed to that shit. Who are you to say they should be exposed to that? Being a parent is hard enough without shit like that confusing and clouding an adolescences mind.
You and the schools are not the parents of other peoples kids, You like to say that you want people to stay out of other peoples bedrooms? Well, stay the fuck out of other peoples houses and lives if you want to paddle that sick twisted shit.

If that’s your village fuck your village

A reference to "superior firepower" communicates a threat of violence towards one's fellows. From what I have read about these textbooks, they merely say that LGBT people have existed who achieved valuable accomplishments. There doesn't seem to be any page that instructs students to "go gay, TODAY!" No one can erase other people off the face of the earth. You are trying to argue that some people, plain, simply, don't exist. If some parent has something against LGBTs, Jews, women, Mexican-Americans, Belgians, whomever, let this parent tell this to his or her child. It's not up to society to do a parent's job.
Do these same texts mention that George Washington was hetero, and that he was married to a woman? What about Jefferson? Geronimo?
Actually George Washington was Heterosexual… And! A white male... so was Jefferson

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