It Begins: California Begins Indoctrinating Children Into The LGBT Lifestyle Against Parents Wishes

DNA does not lie, although some people choose to live in denial of their DNA. And it seems of their lifestyle too... huh?

There is no gay gene, gay does not show up on any type of DNA test... It can only be a choice which is fine as long as it’s kept yourself.

You are showing your pathetic ignorance once again

Homosexual behavior due to genetics and environmental factors | (e) Science News

Study Finds Epigenetics, Not Genetics, Underlies Homosexuality

Your just dumbing down a complex subject due to you intellectual and cognitive challanges
Name it anything you want it’s still a choice, DNA does not lie.
There is a reason why there are so many diseases associated with Sodom and Gomorrah type behavior, disproportionally.

You may choose to deny it but you are born a homosexual.

You & your buddy Mike Pence can tie up homosexuals & use electroshock therapy all you want but it just shows your gross ignorance & hatred for gays.
I don’t hate anybody, but it’s best if you keep your lifestyles to yourselves.
No one needs to know, and by the way keep that sick twisted shit away from other peoples kids.
So kids should not learn about any group of people that you hate? How would we teach your kids about slavery?
That Africans practiced slavery long before whites began buying blacks from,other blacks.
DNA does not lie, although some people choose to live in denial of their DNA. And it seems of their lifestyle too... huh?

There is no gay gene, gay does not show up on any type of DNA test... It can only be a choice which is fine as long as it’s kept yourself.

You are showing your pathetic ignorance once again

Homosexual behavior due to genetics and environmental factors | (e) Science News

Study Finds Epigenetics, Not Genetics, Underlies Homosexuality

Your just dumbing down a complex subject due to you intellectual and cognitive challanges
Name it anything you want it’s still a choice, DNA does not lie.
There is a reason why there are so many diseases associated with Sodom and Gomorrah type behavior, disproportionally.
You probably also believe this bizarre bovine excrement too:

Kevin Swanson: The Goal Of Public Schools Is To Turn Kids Into Transgender Communists | Right Wing Watch

Radical anti-LGBTQ pastor and radio host Kevin Swanson declared on his “Generations” radio program yesterday that parents must remove their children from public education before the system turns them into transgender communists.

“The state has an agenda with your children,” he warned. “I realize that this may sound a little bit hyperbolic, it may sound [like] a little bit of an exaggeration—I don’t think it is, because I think if you begin to see the trajectory of where things have gone and you just draw it out for the next five, six, eight years, you’re going to find this is the agenda.”

“The goals of the educational program for your kids in the public schools,” Swanson continued, “the goals of the world for your children is that your kids be transgendered and communist by 20 years of age.”
You are showing your pathetic ignorance once again

Homosexual behavior due to genetics and environmental factors | (e) Science News

Study Finds Epigenetics, Not Genetics, Underlies Homosexuality

Your just dumbing down a complex subject due to you intellectual and cognitive challanges
Name it anything you want it’s still a choice, DNA does not lie.
There is a reason why there are so many diseases associated with Sodom and Gomorrah type behavior, disproportionally.

You may choose to deny it but you are born a homosexual.

You & your buddy Mike Pence can tie up homosexuals & use electroshock therapy all you want but it just shows your gross ignorance & hatred for gays.
I don’t hate anybody, but it’s best if you keep your lifestyles to yourselves.
No one needs to know, and by the way keep that sick twisted shit away from other peoples kids.
So kids should not learn about any group of people that you hate? How would we teach your kids about slavery?
That Africans practiced slavery long before whites began buying blacks from,other blacks.
I get it., So that made it OK here in the US> You people are such fucking idiots.
Homosexuals automatically get equated with pedophiles
You don't understand consenting adults do you?

“Consenting adults”? You mean like the children in elementary school classes where you sick perverts insists on pushing your sick, disgusting filth?

Gee, I cannot think why anyone would equate you sick freaks with pedophiles.

No one would ever confuse you with a person that is not a fucking dumbass bigit.
Name it anything you want it’s still a choice, DNA does not lie.
There is a reason why there are so many diseases associated with Sodom and Gomorrah type behavior, disproportionally.

You may choose to deny it but you are born a homosexual.

You & your buddy Mike Pence can tie up homosexuals & use electroshock therapy all you want but it just shows your gross ignorance & hatred for gays.
I don’t hate anybody, but it’s best if you keep your lifestyles to yourselves.
No one needs to know, and by the way keep that sick twisted shit away from other peoples kids.
So kids should not learn about any group of people that you hate? How would we teach your kids about slavery?
That Africans practiced slavery long before whites began buying blacks from,other blacks.
I get it., So that made it OK here in the US> You people are such fucking idiots.
It was here long before the white man showed up here, original slave owners in this country were American Indians. Shit for brains

Of course that does not make it right no one is saying that. But it is what it is. You white man did not invent slavery… And by the way there is still slavery in Africa
Homosexuals automatically get equated with pedophiles
You don't understand consenting adults do you?

“Consenting adults”? You mean like the children in elementary school classes where you sick perverts insists on pushing your sick, disgusting filth?

Gee, I cannot think why anyone would equate you sick freaks with pedophiles.

No one would ever confuse you with a person that is not a fucking dumbass bigit.
Super Dave you have been listening to Hollywood too much...
Yes, and those studies found that the changes in the brain occurred because of homosexual behavior, not that they were born that way. Studies also show homosexual behavior changes people's skin texture and scent.
Being gay is a choice being made every day… LOL
And what if it is?
People have a right to make their own choices in who they love
Even pedophiles? Love is Love, right? That's what you libtards love to say all the time.
Like clockwork

Homosexuals automatically get equated with pedophiles
You don't understand consenting adults do you?
There is no denying that pedophilia and gay lifestyle’s seem to run into each other. Like any other choice repercussions will happen with bad ones.
Most pedophiles are heterosexual
Homosexuals automatically get equated with pedophiles
You don't understand consenting adults do you?

“Consenting adults”? You mean like the children in elementary school classes where you sick perverts insists on pushing your sick, disgusting filth?

Gee, I cannot think why anyone would equate you sick freaks with pedophiles.

Letting children know that homosexuals exist is filth?
DNA does not lie, although some people choose to live in denial of their DNA. And it seems of their lifestyle too... huh?

There is no gay gene, gay does not show up on any type of DNA test... It can only be a choice which is fine as long as it’s kept yourself.

You are showing your pathetic ignorance once again

Homosexual behavior due to genetics and environmental factors | (e) Science News

Study Finds Epigenetics, Not Genetics, Underlies Homosexuality

Your just dumbing down a complex subject due to you intellectual and cognitive challanges
Name it anything you want it’s still a choice, DNA does not lie.
There is a reason why there are so many diseases associated with Sodom and Gomorrah type behavior, disproportionally.

You may choose to deny it but you are born a homosexual.

You & your buddy Mike Pence can tie up homosexuals & use electroshock therapy all you want but it just shows your gross ignorance & hatred for gays.
I don’t hate anybody, but it’s best if you keep your lifestyles to yourselves.
No one needs to know, and by the way keep that sick twisted shit away from other peoples kids.

Are you keeping your lifestyle to yourself? Or do you flash it around?
Do you actually think that people outside the family discuss people's sex lives with kids?
Any parent who has some sort of beef, religious or otherwise, with another group of people needs to talk to his or her child about it. Explain that dad and mom believe a different way from what the child sees or hears in public. Parents do this all of the time. My father had to do it for me when I came home hysterical because somebody told me that Jewish people weren't going to heaven and I had a Jewish friend.
I see a contradiction, here. Gay people wish to be normalized and I happen to think they should. Requiring books to state that Sally Ride was a lesbian does the opposite. Since her lesbianism has nothing to with her work, that strikes me as tantamount to demanding that textbooks teach that somebody was left handed.

It draws attention to something that doesn't matter.

While I support gay rights, I do see an agenda at work here and I do not believe young children should be treated like lab rats. These issues should be reserved for at least middle school if not high school.
I do not see any contradiction at all. The point, in this case is that Lesbianism is normal. It demonstrates that a Lesbian is just as capable as anyone else. As for left handed people, 60 years ago or so, being left handed was considered abnormal and they tried to make left handed kids into right handed kids. In those days if they were learning about a great painter or musician who was left handed, it would have been appropriate to mention it also.

Don't you think your time would be better spent talking to those who are against gay rights instead of one who is very much for gay rights, but doesn't think being extremely aggressive is the way to go about it?

You are an extreme leftist and authoritarian and so you want to force an agenda on people by taking it right to their children. I support a more libertarian style of true liberalism and so I don't.

I am getting SO fucking tired of all the relentless and overbearing identity politics. It is tearing this country apart at the seams and you are one of those who is tearing.
Don't you think your time would be better spent talking to those who are against gay rights instead of one who is very much for gay rights, but doesn't think being extremely aggressive is the way to go about it?
No I. don't I talk to everyone and in this case, just because you identify as pro LGBT, it does not mean that we agree. The religious right has been very aggressive in trying to reverse-and in some cases succeeding - LGBT rights. But if you will recall the issue raised in the bigoted and misleading OP, you might see that this is not a case of aggression but rather one of inclusion and attempting to counter the negative stereotypes of LGBT people
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You are an extreme leftist and authoritarian and so you want to force an agenda on people by taking it right to their children. I support a more libertarian style of true liberalism and so I don't.
That is exactly where we differ. Libertarians are a short hop away from anarchists as far as I'm concerned. Non violent anarchists. Anarchy light. You don't suppot oppression but don't want government to get in the way of those who promote it.
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am getting SO fucking tired of all the relentless and overbearing identity politics. It is tearing this country apart at the seams and you are one of those who is tearing.
I'm tired of it too, but it is not the liberals who are responsible for it. It is the right wing bigots and ideologues who push their agenda. We respond to those efforts. They fucking started it and the left is defending themselves.
Homosexuals automatically get equated with pedophiles
You don't understand consenting adults do you?

“Consenting adults”? You mean like the children in elementary school classes where you sick perverts insists on pushing your sick, disgusting filth?

Gee, I cannot think why anyone would equate you sick freaks with pedophiles.

Letting children know that homosexuals exist is filth?
It is in Bobworld.
i sure am glad I am not a kid growing up in california.I feel so sorry for the youth of today especially out there in CAL.
Even pedophiles? Love is Love, right? That's what you libtards love to say all the time.
Like clockwork

Homosexuals automatically get equated with pedophiles
You don't understand consenting adults do you?
There is no denying that pedophilia and gay lifestyle’s seem to run into each other. Like any other choice repercussions will happen with bad ones.
Homosexuality & pedophilia have the same relationship ass heterosexuality & pedophilia. None

Heterosexuality is physical attraction to the opposite sex.

Homosexuality is physical attraction to the same sex

Pedophilia is physical attraction to young children.
That ProgPat guy says homosexuality is due to being exposed to environmental factors in the development stages, like teaching gay classes in school.

That explains a lot about your intellectual limitations....YOU CANR FUCKING READ!

Queen Mary's School of Biological and Chemical Sciences, and Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm report that genetics and environmental factors (which are specific to an individual, and may include biological processes such as different hormone exposure in the womb), are important determinants of homosexual behaviour.

The study shows that genetic influences are important but modest, and that non-shared environmental factors, which may include factors operating during foetal development, dominate.

If you could read, you would understand what is meant by" environmental influences"
Hey it's your link. Says no gay gene and environmental factors. Read it again and get back to me.

Homosexual behavior due to genetics and environmental factors | (e) Science News

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