It Begins: California Begins Indoctrinating Children Into The LGBT Lifestyle Against Parents Wishes

There was a time where people didn't want their kids being "indoctrinated" by racial integration either.

Perhaps just maybe, schools are trying to make the future generation a bit more tolerant of others.

It's the parent's choice.....period
Keep your snot nosed brat home if you want to teach bigotry.
. Now what if the conservatives we're in the majority, and they were in charge of the schools/curriculum in your state, and they said to you the same thing to "keep your snot nosed kid home", after you liberalize him or her ?? That would drive you insane wouldn't it ?? You'd be like "hey you mean my kid can't protest the national anthem anymore or stop any prayer before lunch, make sure no one plays kick ball or no one gets a trophy unless everyone gets the same, no more protesting the boy scouts or girl scouts from being on campus, no more stopping the students from wearing the latest styles, no more stopping creationism from being taught in lue of evolution" etc. ????????
Like clockwork

Homosexuals automatically get equated with pedophiles
You don't understand consenting adults do you?
There is no denying that pedophilia and gay lifestyle’s seem to run into each other. Like any other choice repercussions will happen with bad ones.
Homosexuality & pedophilia have the same relationship ass heterosexuality & pedophilia. None

Heterosexuality is physical attraction to the opposite sex.

Homosexuality is physical attraction to the same sex

Pedophilia is physical attraction to young children.
That ProgPat guy says homosexuality is due to being exposed to environmental factors in the development stages, like teaching gay classes in school.

That explains a lot about your intellectual limitations....YOU CANR FUCKING READ!

Queen Mary's School of Biological and Chemical Sciences, and Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm report that genetics and environmental factors (which are specific to an individual, and may include biological processes such as different hormone exposure in the womb), are important determinants of homosexual behaviour.

The study shows that genetic influences are important but modest, and that non-shared environmental factors, which may include factors operating during foetal development, dominate.

If you could read, you would understand what is meant by" environmental influences"
Hey it's your link. Says no gay gene and environmental factors. Read it again and get back to me.

Homosexual behavior due to genetics and environmental factors | (e) Science News
Thank you for admitting that you have the reading comprehension ability of a pre school drop out.
There is no denying that pedophilia and gay lifestyle’s seem to run into each other. Like any other choice repercussions will happen with bad ones.
Homosexuality & pedophilia have the same relationship ass heterosexuality & pedophilia. None

Heterosexuality is physical attraction to the opposite sex.

Homosexuality is physical attraction to the same sex

Pedophilia is physical attraction to young children.
That ProgPat guy says homosexuality is due to being exposed to environmental factors in the development stages, like teaching gay classes in school.

That explains a lot about your intellectual limitations....YOU CANR FUCKING READ!

Queen Mary's School of Biological and Chemical Sciences, and Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm report that genetics and environmental factors (which are specific to an individual, and may include biological processes such as different hormone exposure in the womb), are important determinants of homosexual behaviour.

The study shows that genetic influences are important but modest, and that non-shared environmental factors, which may include factors operating during foetal development, dominate.

If you could read, you would understand what is meant by" environmental influences"
Hey it's your link. Says no gay gene and environmental factors. Read it again and get back to me.

Homosexual behavior due to genetics and environmental factors | (e) Science News
Thank you for admitting that you have the reading comprehension ability of a pre school drop out.
I'm happy that you think gay people deserve honors.

I think heteros should be honored for their massively more important contributions to humankind.
Homosexuality & pedophilia have the same relationship ass heterosexuality & pedophilia. None

Heterosexuality is physical attraction to the opposite sex.

Homosexuality is physical attraction to the same sex

Pedophilia is physical attraction to young children.
That ProgPat guy says homosexuality is due to being exposed to environmental factors in the development stages, like teaching gay classes in school.

That explains a lot about your intellectual limitations....YOU CANR FUCKING READ!

Queen Mary's School of Biological and Chemical Sciences, and Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm report that genetics and environmental factors (which are specific to an individual, and may include biological processes such as different hormone exposure in the womb), are important determinants of homosexual behaviour.

The study shows that genetic influences are important but modest, and that non-shared environmental factors, which may include factors operating during foetal development, dominate.

If you could read, you would understand what is meant by" environmental influences"
Hey it's your link. Says no gay gene and environmental factors. Read it again and get back to me.

Homosexual behavior due to genetics and environmental factors | (e) Science News
Thank you for admitting that you have the reading comprehension ability of a pre school drop out.
I'm happy that you think gay people deserve honors.

I think heteros should be honored for their massively more important contributions to humankind.
I'm happy that you have done such a good job of proving that you're an uneducated moron who cant respond intelligently to factual information. My work is done here.:ahole-1:
That ProgPat guy says homosexuality is due to being exposed to environmental factors in the development stages, like teaching gay classes in school.

That explains a lot about your intellectual limitations....YOU CANR FUCKING READ!

Queen Mary's School of Biological and Chemical Sciences, and Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm report that genetics and environmental factors (which are specific to an individual, and may include biological processes such as different hormone exposure in the womb), are important determinants of homosexual behaviour.

The study shows that genetic influences are important but modest, and that non-shared environmental factors, which may include factors operating during foetal development, dominate.

If you could read, you would understand what is meant by" environmental influences"
Hey it's your link. Says no gay gene and environmental factors. Read it again and get back to me.

Homosexual behavior due to genetics and environmental factors | (e) Science News
Thank you for admitting that you have the reading comprehension ability of a pre school drop out.
I'm happy that you think gay people deserve honors.

I think heteros should be honored for their massively more important contributions to humankind.
I'm happy that you have done such a good job of proving that you're an uneducated moron. My work is done here.:ahole-1:
I support heteros. :)
That explains a lot about your intellectual limitations....YOU CANR FUCKING READ!

If you could read, you would understand what is meant by" environmental influences"
Hey it's your link. Says no gay gene and environmental factors. Read it again and get back to me.

Homosexual behavior due to genetics and environmental factors | (e) Science News
Thank you for admitting that you have the reading comprehension ability of a pre school drop out.
I'm happy that you think gay people deserve honors.

I think heteros should be honored for their massively more important contributions to humankind.
I'm happy that you have done such a good job of proving that you're an uneducated moron. My work is done here.:ahole-1:
I support heteros. :)
You support bigotry and stupidity. You one annoying ass, but my guess is that is exactly what you want to be.
Hey it's your link. Says no gay gene and environmental factors. Read it again and get back to me.

Homosexual behavior due to genetics and environmental factors | (e) Science News
Thank you for admitting that you have the reading comprehension ability of a pre school drop out.
I'm happy that you think gay people deserve honors.

I think heteros should be honored for their massively more important contributions to humankind.
I'm happy that you have done such a good job of proving that you're an uneducated moron. My work is done here.:ahole-1:
I support heteros. :)
You support bigotry and stupidity. You one annoying ass, but my guess is that is exactly what you want to be.
Oooh such big strong words from the great sissy defender. Now prance on out of here, lady.
DNA does not lie, although some people choose to live in denial of their DNA. And it seems of their lifestyle too... huh?

There is no gay gene, gay does not show up on any type of DNA test... It can only be a choice which is fine as long as it’s kept yourself.

You are showing your pathetic ignorance once again

Homosexual behavior due to genetics and environmental factors | (e) Science News

Study Finds Epigenetics, Not Genetics, Underlies Homosexuality

Your just dumbing down a complex subject due to you intellectual and cognitive challanges
Name it anything you want it’s still a choice, DNA does not lie.
There is a reason why there are so many diseases associated with Sodom and Gomorrah type behavior, disproportionally.

You may choose to deny it but you are born a homosexual.

You & your buddy Mike Pence can tie up homosexuals & use electroshock therapy all you want but it just shows your gross ignorance & hatred for gays.
I don’t hate anybody, but it’s best if you keep your lifestyles to yourselves.
No one needs to know, and by the way keep that sick twisted shit away from other peoples kids.

Are you keeping your lifestyle to yourself? Or do you flash it around?
Do you actually think that people outside the family discuss people's sex lives with kids?
Any parent who has some sort of beef, religious or otherwise, with another group of people needs to talk to his or her child about it. Explain that dad and mom believe a different way from what the child sees or hears in public. Parents do this all of the time. My father had to do it for me when I came home hysterical because somebody told me that Jewish people weren't going to heaven and I had a Jewish friend.
. It's a shame parents have to explain away something to their children when they return home isn't it or worse having to go down to the school because idiocy is taking place ? Some groups have a terrible time hiding the outlandish, in your face, radical members of their groups who want to disrupt, destroy, and create chaos and mayhem out of a hatred for their fellow citizens or fellow students. There are laws that protect all citizens, what more is needed ??
You are showing your pathetic ignorance once again

Homosexual behavior due to genetics and environmental factors | (e) Science News

Study Finds Epigenetics, Not Genetics, Underlies Homosexuality

Your just dumbing down a complex subject due to you intellectual and cognitive challanges
Name it anything you want it’s still a choice, DNA does not lie.
There is a reason why there are so many diseases associated with Sodom and Gomorrah type behavior, disproportionally.

You may choose to deny it but you are born a homosexual.

You & your buddy Mike Pence can tie up homosexuals & use electroshock therapy all you want but it just shows your gross ignorance & hatred for gays.
I don’t hate anybody, but it’s best if you keep your lifestyles to yourselves.
No one needs to know, and by the way keep that sick twisted shit away from other peoples kids.

Are you keeping your lifestyle to yourself? Or do you flash it around?
Do you actually think that people outside the family discuss people's sex lives with kids?
Any parent who has some sort of beef, religious or otherwise, with another group of people needs to talk to his or her child about it. Explain that dad and mom believe a different way from what the child sees or hears in public. Parents do this all of the time. My father had to do it for me when I came home hysterical because somebody told me that Jewish people weren't going to heaven and I had a Jewish friend.
. It's a shame parents have to explain away something to their children when they return home isn't it or worse having to go down to the school because idiocy is taking place ? Some groups have a terrible time hiding the outlandish, in your face, radical members of their groups who want to disrupt, destroy, and create chaos and mayhem out of a hatred for their fellow citizens or fellow students. There are laws that protect all citizens, what more is needed ??
Parents are always free to reinforce their hatred
Name it anything you want it’s still a choice, DNA does not lie.
There is a reason why there are so many diseases associated with Sodom and Gomorrah type behavior, disproportionally.

You may choose to deny it but you are born a homosexual.

You & your buddy Mike Pence can tie up homosexuals & use electroshock therapy all you want but it just shows your gross ignorance & hatred for gays.
I don’t hate anybody, but it’s best if you keep your lifestyles to yourselves.
No one needs to know, and by the way keep that sick twisted shit away from other peoples kids.

Are you keeping your lifestyle to yourself? Or do you flash it around?
Do you actually think that people outside the family discuss people's sex lives with kids?
Any parent who has some sort of beef, religious or otherwise, with another group of people needs to talk to his or her child about it. Explain that dad and mom believe a different way from what the child sees or hears in public. Parents do this all of the time. My father had to do it for me when I came home hysterical because somebody told me that Jewish people weren't going to heaven and I had a Jewish friend.
. It's a shame parents have to explain away something to their children when they return home isn't it or worse having to go down to the school because idiocy is taking place ? Some groups have a terrible time hiding the outlandish, in your face, radical members of their groups who want to disrupt, destroy, and create chaos and mayhem out of a hatred for their fellow citizens or fellow students. There are laws that protect all citizens, what more is needed ??
Parents are always free to reinforce their hatred
. Depends on what you consider hatred. In many cases they are just defending common sense, but that can be called hatred by groups with an agenda yes ?
You may choose to deny it but you are born a homosexual.

You & your buddy Mike Pence can tie up homosexuals & use electroshock therapy all you want but it just shows your gross ignorance & hatred for gays.
I don’t hate anybody, but it’s best if you keep your lifestyles to yourselves.
No one needs to know, and by the way keep that sick twisted shit away from other peoples kids.

Are you keeping your lifestyle to yourself? Or do you flash it around?
Do you actually think that people outside the family discuss people's sex lives with kids?
Any parent who has some sort of beef, religious or otherwise, with another group of people needs to talk to his or her child about it. Explain that dad and mom believe a different way from what the child sees or hears in public. Parents do this all of the time. My father had to do it for me when I came home hysterical because somebody told me that Jewish people weren't going to heaven and I had a Jewish friend.
. It's a shame parents have to explain away something to their children when they return home isn't it or worse having to go down to the school because idiocy is taking place ? Some groups have a terrible time hiding the outlandish, in your face, radical members of their groups who want to disrupt, destroy, and create chaos and mayhem out of a hatred for their fellow citizens or fellow students. There are laws that protect all citizens, what more is needed ??
Parents are always free to reinforce their hatred
. Depends on what you consider hatred. In many cases they are just defending common sense, but that can be called hatred by groups with an agenda yes ?
That's why we had Jim Crow
The only thing that keeps them from being dragged into the streets and beatdown is the very same people they hate...

They are not very smart.
So you think that teaching children about inventors, artists , politicians, and writers , with a passing mention of their being gay is teaching perversion?? Are you fucking serious???!!:finger3::finger3::finger3:

What is the reason for teaching this in the first place moron? One's sexual fetish is not relevant to one's contribution in invention, art, politics and writing unless their works really are perverted in which case, their works should be banned from public elementary schools.

The reason for teaching that there are different types of people is so nutters won't bully people who are gay and so that maybe some bigotry and ignorance is averted.

No the reason they are teaching that is turn boys into girls and a nation full off sissy fagots ..

The Sudden Surge of Transgender Teens

The Sudden Surge of Transgender Teens
Trying to Understand Why So Many Young People Are Challenging Traditional Identities
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
By Starshine Roshell
At a party recently, two of my good friends informed me that their teenagers, formerly a boy and a girl, were newly identifying as a trans girl and a gender-fluid person; once himand her, they were now her and them, respectively. The next day, I met a girl whose best friend had left for spring break as a girl and returned to junior high as a trans boy.

I couldn’t help wondering: Why the sudden surge of transgender teens?

Were there always children who felt antsy in their assigned gender — but never safe saying so in a pre-Caitlyn Jenner world? Could the explosion of social awareness be enticing some angsty adolescents to “try out” gender nonconformity as an option they wouldn’t have considered before? And is it insensitive to even ask that?

Bren Fraser is a therapist who works with transgender clients age 7 and up. “It’s become a specialty for me,” she says, confirming that there are gender-questioning students at all of our public high schools, junior highs, and even some elementary schools. “I’ve seen much more growth in the last two years — even more in the last year.”
I don’t hate anybody, but it’s best if you keep your lifestyles to yourselves.
No one needs to know, and by the way keep that sick twisted shit away from other peoples kids.

Are you keeping your lifestyle to yourself? Or do you flash it around?
Do you actually think that people outside the family discuss people's sex lives with kids?
Any parent who has some sort of beef, religious or otherwise, with another group of people needs to talk to his or her child about it. Explain that dad and mom believe a different way from what the child sees or hears in public. Parents do this all of the time. My father had to do it for me when I came home hysterical because somebody told me that Jewish people weren't going to heaven and I had a Jewish friend.
. It's a shame parents have to explain away something to their children when they return home isn't it or worse having to go down to the school because idiocy is taking place ? Some groups have a terrible time hiding the outlandish, in your face, radical members of their groups who want to disrupt, destroy, and create chaos and mayhem out of a hatred for their fellow citizens or fellow students. There are laws that protect all citizens, what more is needed ??
Parents are always free to reinforce their hatred
. Depends on what you consider hatred. In many cases they are just defending common sense, but that can be called hatred by groups with an agenda yes ?
That's why we had Jim Crow
What's Jim Crow have to do with the topic ?
i sure am glad I am not a kid growing up in california.I feel so sorry for the youth of today especially out there in CAL.
Would you rather be in Alabama?

whats going on there thats worse than all the restrictions and BS in CAL?
Dhaaaaa.....seriously? Almost half of the state voted for Roy Moore.
So, they didn't allow false allegations to sway their votes.
Besides back then 20 - 30 year olds were all dating or fucking 14 year olds. I was 16 at the time and the girls all bragged about how old their boyfriends were.
The only thing that keeps them from being dragged into the streets and beatdown is the very same people they hate...

They are not very smart.
So you think that teaching children about inventors, artists , politicians, and writers , with a passing mention of their being gay is teaching perversion?? Are you fucking serious???!!:finger3::finger3::finger3:

What is the reason for teaching this in the first place moron? One's sexual fetish is not relevant to one's contribution in invention, art, politics and writing unless their works really are perverted in which case, their works should be banned from public elementary schools.

The reason for teaching that there are different types of people is so nutters won't bully people who are gay and so that maybe some bigotry and ignorance is averted.

No the reason they are teaching that is turn boys into girls and a nation full off sissy fagots ..

The Sudden Surge of Transgender Teens

The Sudden Surge of Transgender Teens
Trying to Understand Why So Many Young People Are Challenging Traditional Identities
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
By Starshine Roshell
At a party recently, two of my good friends informed me that their teenagers, formerly a boy and a girl, were newly identifying as a trans girl and a gender-fluid person; once himand her, they were now her and them, respectively. The next day, I met a girl whose best friend had left for spring break as a girl and returned to junior high as a trans boy.

I couldn’t help wondering: Why the sudden surge of transgender teens?

Were there always children who felt antsy in their assigned gender — but never safe saying so in a pre-Caitlyn Jenner world? Could the explosion of social awareness be enticing some angsty adolescents to “try out” gender nonconformity as an option they wouldn’t have considered before? And is it insensitive to even ask that?

Bren Fraser is a therapist who works with transgender clients age 7 and up. “It’s become a specialty for me,” she says, confirming that there are gender-questioning students at all of our public high schools, junior highs, and even some elementary schools. “I’ve seen much more growth in the last two years — even more in the last year.”
. Sad commentary on our nations health and values.
The only thing that keeps them from being dragged into the streets and beatdown is the very same people they hate...

They are not very smart.
So you think that teaching children about inventors, artists , politicians, and writers , with a passing mention of their being gay is teaching perversion?? Are you fucking serious???!!:finger3::finger3::finger3:

What is the reason for teaching this in the first place moron? One's sexual fetish is not relevant to one's contribution in invention, art, politics and writing unless their works really are perverted in which case, their works should be banned from public elementary schools.

The reason for teaching that there are different types of people is so nutters won't bully people who are gay and so that maybe some bigotry and ignorance is averted.

No the reason they are teaching that is turn boys into girls and a nation full off sissy fagots ..

The Sudden Surge of Transgender Teens

The Sudden Surge of Transgender Teens
Trying to Understand Why So Many Young People Are Challenging Traditional Identities
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
By Starshine Roshell
At a party recently, two of my good friends informed me that their teenagers, formerly a boy and a girl, were newly identifying as a trans girl and a gender-fluid person; once himand her, they were now her and them, respectively. The next day, I met a girl whose best friend had left for spring break as a girl and returned to junior high as a trans boy.

I couldn’t help wondering: Why the sudden surge of transgender teens?

Were there always children who felt antsy in their assigned gender — but never safe saying so in a pre-Caitlyn Jenner world? Could the explosion of social awareness be enticing some angsty adolescents to “try out” gender nonconformity as an option they wouldn’t have considered before? And is it insensitive to even ask that?

Bren Fraser is a therapist who works with transgender clients age 7 and up. “It’s become a specialty for me,” she says, confirming that there are gender-questioning students at all of our public high schools, junior highs, and even some elementary schools. “I’ve seen much more growth in the last two years — even more in the last year.”
. Sad commentary on our nations health and values.
Americans are not to be trifled with. Their patience is long, but their strength overwhelming.

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