It Begins: California Begins Indoctrinating Children Into The LGBT Lifestyle Against Parents Wishes

While I support gay rights, I do see an agenda at work here and I do not believe young children should be treated like lab rats. These issues should be reserved for at least middle school if not high school.

There is no good reason why society should tolerate the teaching of this immoral, perverted filth to any minors. Corrupting the morals of a minor used to be treated as a serious crime, and if our society were sane, it still would be.
There was a time where people didn't want their kids being "indoctrinated" by racial integration either.

Perhaps just maybe, schools are trying to make the future generation a bit more tolerant of others.
No.....what they're trying to do is destroy our society.
This is what communists do to any country they want to take over.
They start with the children.
How do liberals control the entire education system in this country.

We try telling how they do it, you liberals refuse to believe it or bother to look at the information. It's easier to deny it all.

I hope changes his name to Dick when he gets older.

The sad part is this mother set herself up for this kid to hate her getting the exact results she asked for with in a man as it is .................... Tramps like this wonder why men want nothing to do with them. ..

There can't possibly be a father in the picture..
So what. People in history are people in history. Gay. Straight. Whatever. I would have to think that LGBT people participated in making history. I would not think that the inclusion of anyone's sexual orientation in a discussion of historical figures would be important, except for the ongoing tendency to present all people as heterosexual, which serves to marginalize people who are not. Telling children that not everybody is heterosexual is not "indoctrination." It's just teaching them about the real world. I am a heterosexual, not because of some political posturing, but simply because I have always been attracted to males and have not been attracted to females. Life is life, people. Sheesh.
Heteros participated in history in much greater numbers. Teach the children to love heteros instead.

Why "instead"? Why have anything against LGBTs? The world contains LGBTs as well as heterosexuals.
Then make the class about heteros rather than homos. If you can support homos, I can support heteros. Both are sexual preferences.

It's not a class "about" sexual orientation. It' a class "about" history. It's a class about people whose actions were sufficiently meritorious to warrant remembering. This is not an either-or-situation. I "support" people of all orientations. Your attempt to pretend that LGBT folks don't exist is odd. What are you people fishing for?
The exact same thing you are fishing for. The same class except for heteros.

Why would you think homos are special and deserving over heteros? Do you also think blacks are special and deserving over whites? Women over men?

The class is for everyone. I didn't read anywhere that the textbooks could not discuss heterosexual historical figures. Nobody is being treated as "special" or "more deserving" here. I think that this is the point of the whole exercise.
Heteros participated in history in much greater numbers. Teach the children to love heteros instead.

Why "instead"? Why have anything against LGBTs? The world contains LGBTs as well as heterosexuals.
Then make the class about heteros rather than homos. If you can support homos, I can support heteros. Both are sexual preferences.

It's not a class "about" sexual orientation. It' a class "about" history. It's a class about people whose actions were sufficiently meritorious to warrant remembering. This is not an either-or-situation. I "support" people of all orientations. Your attempt to pretend that LGBT folks don't exist is odd. What are you people fishing for?
The exact same thing you are fishing for. The same class except for heteros.

Why would you think homos are special and deserving over heteros? Do you also think blacks are special and deserving over whites? Women over men?

The class is for everyone. I didn't read anywhere that the textbooks could not discuss heterosexual historical figures. Nobody is being treated as "special" or "more deserving" here. I think that this is the point of the whole exercise.
Then why not teach heterosexuality? Gays can attend, too. At the end of the term they can hold a Straight Parade.

Fake news. Not even very good, as fake news goes.

I have to say the idea was briefly amusing, when The Onion came out. All of the multitudes of other sites that try to emulate The Onion have just made the concept stupid, at best, and contributed to noise and confusion. I wish they would all go away, including The Onion.

Fake news just isn't funny any more, if it ever was.
Many years ago an educated competent black woman friend of mine went to visit relatives in Alabama. She said she had a cousin named Vagina and another one named Constipation. Their mother worked as an aid in a nursing home. She had no education but heard the words and liked the way they sounded. The two girls were called Ginny and Connie.

I hope changes his name to Dick when he gets older.

The sad part is this mother set herself up for this kid to hate her getting the exact results she asked for with in a man as it is .................... Tramps like this wonder why men want nothing to do with them. ..

There can't possibly be a father in the picture..
That kid has probably a better than average chance of jumping off of a bridge… LOL
Before they were just suggesting it. Now, California parents have no choice: It Begins: California Announces Ban for Parents


It Begins: California Announces Ban for Parents
Warner Todd Huston
December 27, 2017
Despite their reputation for being the “Party of choice,” Democrats in California have ruled that parents are not allowed to opt their school-aged children out of the mandatory LGBT indoctrination in the state-sponsored school system.

Naturally, far left-wing California has become the first state in the Union to force kids to use LGBT inclusive textbooks. But at the same time it left no legal way for parents to opt out from the propaganda.

The gay propaganda law supposedly requires a “‘fair, accurate, inclusive, and respectful’ treatment of homosexual, bisexual, transgender, and lesbian Americans despite the historical insignificance,” according to Truth Revolt.

State publisher Mark Jarrett cited several historical figures who *might* have been gay saying that his textbooks will essentially make these historical figures gay icons.

“We’re not trying to make anybody gay; we’re not saying there’s an agenda; we’re not saying that these people are better than other people; what we’re saying is this is another group of Americans and they face certain prejudices,” said state publisher Mark Jarrett, whose history textbooks include special mention of the sexual preferences of historical figures like Jane Adams, Emily Dickinson, Nathaniel Hawthorne, President James Buchanan, though it’s inconclusive if these prominent Americans were gay or not.

“I think we should say, ‘Buchanan, he never married. He had a very good friend who was living with him. He may have been gay,’” Jarrett added. “On the other hand, at that time, being gay was seen as something evil and wrong.”

It should be noted that men sharing expenses with other men and living together was an extremely common thing in our country’s history. Senators did it, Congressmen did it, and so do regular Americans all across the nation.

In Fact, it was extremely common even into the 20th century. It has only been since WWII that Americans developed a sense that living completely on alone with no co-habitating partners, whether platonic or romantic, was considered the thing to do.

As to President Buchanan, gay activists have tried to claim him as their own for decades but there is no direct proof of his sexual proclivities.

Gay activists have also ridiculously tried to make President Abraham Lincoln gay, as well.

The radical gay agenda is infused throughout California’s textbooks, Truth Revolt report:

California approved the textbooks written by Jarrett, a Ph.D, to be used in the 8th grade. Students will read that legendary stagecoach driver Charlie Parkhurst “was a woman who identified as a man,” according to Fox News. They will read that George Washington’s chief of staff Baron Von Steuben “may have been gay,” and that poet Walt Whitman “was drawn to young men… but denied his same sex preferences in public.”

Critics say much of these accounts are speculation, but California rejected any publisher that didn’t mention the homosexual preferences or claims against historical figures in their textbooks. In one textbook, the state forced the publisher to add “lesbian” to describe NASA astronaut Sally Ride.

So, to appease the radical gay lobby, California is now taking what are supposed to be factual school textbooks and filling them with “speculation” on the sexual leanings of historical figures despite the FACT that the facts are not known.

California is now officially indoctrinating, not educating, its children.​
Democrats continue to ruin the nation.

So equality is destroying America? Only the white supremacist America you assholes want.
Equality? I’m not saying a dude can’t blow another dude. Just don’t make it political. Don’t march, scream and shout. Give each other hand jobs in private.
We will always lose this fight so long as there are those on the Right who condone faggotry in any way. It must be shunned and treated as it was before.
Weakness is not a valued trait. Strength through superior firepower I say.

Fake news. Not even very good, as fake news goes.

I have to say the idea was briefly amusing, when The Onion came out. All of the multitudes of other sites that try to emulate The Onion have just made the concept stupid, at best, and contributed to noise and confusion. I wish they would all go away, including The Onion.

Fake news just isn't funny any more, if it ever was.

Today we can't put anything past these rejects of society. Hell remember that one story where someone wanted to name their kid Hitler, and the parents had to take it to Court.
Heteros participated in history in much greater numbers. Teach the children to love heteros instead.

Why "instead"? Why have anything against LGBTs? The world contains LGBTs as well as heterosexuals.
Then make the class about heteros rather than homos. If you can support homos, I can support heteros. Both are sexual preferences.

It's not a class "about" sexual orientation. It' a class "about" history. It's a class about people whose actions were sufficiently meritorious to warrant remembering. This is not an either-or-situation. I "support" people of all orientations. Your attempt to pretend that LGBT folks don't exist is odd. What are you people fishing for?
The exact same thing you are fishing for. The same class except for heteros.

Why would you think homos are special and deserving over heteros? Do you also think blacks are special and deserving over whites? Women over men?

The class is for everyone. I didn't read anywhere that the textbooks could not discuss heterosexual historical figures. Nobody is being treated as "special" or "more deserving" here. I think that this is the point of the whole exercise.
Political correctness becomes you… LOL
Gay people should learn how to keep their shit to themselves, and keep it the fuck out of the classroom. The kids have enough shit to deal with in life anymore… Leave them alone ...fuck!
Before they were just suggesting it. Now, California parents have no choice: It Begins: California Announces Ban for Parents


It Begins: California Announces Ban for Parents
Warner Todd Huston
December 27, 2017
Despite their reputation for being the “Party of choice,” Democrats in California have ruled that parents are not allowed to opt their school-aged children out of the mandatory LGBT indoctrination in the state-sponsored school system.

Naturally, far left-wing California has become the first state in the Union to force kids to use LGBT inclusive textbooks. But at the same time it left no legal way for parents to opt out from the propaganda.

The gay propaganda law supposedly requires a “‘fair, accurate, inclusive, and respectful’ treatment of homosexual, bisexual, transgender, and lesbian Americans despite the historical insignificance,” according to Truth Revolt.

State publisher Mark Jarrett cited several historical figures who *might* have been gay saying that his textbooks will essentially make these historical figures gay icons.

“We’re not trying to make anybody gay; we’re not saying there’s an agenda; we’re not saying that these people are better than other people; what we’re saying is this is another group of Americans and they face certain prejudices,” said state publisher Mark Jarrett, whose history textbooks include special mention of the sexual preferences of historical figures like Jane Adams, Emily Dickinson, Nathaniel Hawthorne, President James Buchanan, though it’s inconclusive if these prominent Americans were gay or not.

“I think we should say, ‘Buchanan, he never married. He had a very good friend who was living with him. He may have been gay,’” Jarrett added. “On the other hand, at that time, being gay was seen as something evil and wrong.”

It should be noted that men sharing expenses with other men and living together was an extremely common thing in our country’s history. Senators did it, Congressmen did it, and so do regular Americans all across the nation.

In Fact, it was extremely common even into the 20th century. It has only been since WWII that Americans developed a sense that living completely on alone with no co-habitating partners, whether platonic or romantic, was considered the thing to do.

As to President Buchanan, gay activists have tried to claim him as their own for decades but there is no direct proof of his sexual proclivities.

Gay activists have also ridiculously tried to make President Abraham Lincoln gay, as well.

The radical gay agenda is infused throughout California’s textbooks, Truth Revolt report:

California approved the textbooks written by Jarrett, a Ph.D, to be used in the 8th grade. Students will read that legendary stagecoach driver Charlie Parkhurst “was a woman who identified as a man,” according to Fox News. They will read that George Washington’s chief of staff Baron Von Steuben “may have been gay,” and that poet Walt Whitman “was drawn to young men… but denied his same sex preferences in public.”

Critics say much of these accounts are speculation, but California rejected any publisher that didn’t mention the homosexual preferences or claims against historical figures in their textbooks. In one textbook, the state forced the publisher to add “lesbian” to describe NASA astronaut Sally Ride.

So, to appease the radical gay lobby, California is now taking what are supposed to be factual school textbooks and filling them with “speculation” on the sexual leanings of historical figures despite the FACT that the facts are not known.

California is now officially indoctrinating, not educating, its children.​
Democrats continue to ruin the nation.

So equality is destroying America? Only the white supremacist America you assholes want.
Equality? I’m not saying a dude can’t blow another dude. Just don’t make it political. Don’t march, scream and shout. Give each other hand jobs in private.
We will always lose this fight so long as there are those on the Right who condone faggotry in any way. It must be shunned and treated as it was before.
Weakness is not a valued trait. Strength through superior firepower I say.
We have the superior firepower on our side...but the media is owned by the left. So we have an uphill battle no matter what.
I see a contradiction, here. Gay people wish to be normalized and I happen to think they should. Requiring books to state that Sally Ride was a lesbian does the opposite. Since her lesbianism has nothing to with her work, that strikes me as tantamount to demanding that textbooks teach that somebody was left handed.

It draws attention to something that doesn't matter.

While I support gay rights, I do see an agenda at work here and I do not believe young children should be treated like lab rats. These issues should be reserved for at least middle school if not high school.
I do not see any contradiction at all. The point, in this case is that Lesbianism is normal. It demonstrates that a Lesbian is just as capable as anyone else. As for left handed people, 60 years ago or so, being left handed was considered abnormal and they tried to make left handed kids into right handed kids. In those days if they were learning about a great painter or musician who was left handed, it would have been appropriate to mention it also.

Fake news. Not even very good, as fake news goes.

I have to say the idea was briefly amusing, when The Onion came out. All of the multitudes of other sites that try to emulate The Onion have just made the concept stupid, at best, and contributed to noise and confusion. I wish they would all go away, including The Onion.

Fake news just isn't funny any more, if it ever was.
You know what the saddest part is, it is so believable in a politically correct world. Crazy Cali would be proud...
It’s like we live in a David Bowie video. LOL
I see a contradiction, here. Gay people wish to be normalized and I happen to think they should. Requiring books to state that Sally Ride was a lesbian does the opposite. Since her lesbianism has nothing to with her work, that strikes me as tantamount to demanding that textbooks teach that somebody was left handed.

It draws attention to something that doesn't matter.

While I support gay rights, I do see an agenda at work here and I do not believe young children should be treated like lab rats. These issues should be reserved for at least middle school if not high school.
I do not see any contradiction at all. The point, in this case is that Lesbianism is normal. It demonstrates that a Lesbian is just as capable as anyone else. As for left handed people, 60 years ago or so, being left handed was considered abnormal and they tried to make left handed kids into right handed kids. In those days if they were learning about a great painter or musician who was left handed, it would have been appropriate to mention it also.
Why do you hate heteros? Are you some kind of bigot or something?
I see a contradiction, here. Gay people wish to be normalized and I happen to think they should. Requiring books to state that Sally Ride was a lesbian does the opposite. Since her lesbianism has nothing to with her work, that strikes me as tantamount to demanding that textbooks teach that somebody was left handed.

It draws attention to something that doesn't matter.

While I support gay rights, I do see an agenda at work here and I do not believe young children should be treated like lab rats. These issues should be reserved for at least middle school if not high school.
I do not see any contradiction at all. The point, in this case is that Lesbianism is normal. It demonstrates that a Lesbian is just as capable as anyone else. As for left handed people, 60 years ago or so, being left handed was considered abnormal and they tried to make left handed kids into right handed kids. In those days if they were learning about a great painter or musician who was left handed, it would have been appropriate to mention it also.
Actually a lot of those people became ambidextrous, that’s a good thing.

As far as being gay and has been always a choice and always will be your choice… Robots might change that
The point, in this case is that Lesbianism is normal. It demonstrates that a Lesbian is just as capable as anyone else. As for left handed people, 60 years ago or so, being left handed was considered abnormal and they tried to make left handed kids into right handed kids.

Oh the old "left handed people" bullshit. Hey Patriot, did you know that out of 3,000 gay men the CDC surveyed in 2004-2005, something like 75% of them admitted they had been molested as boys? It was so bad, the results of that survey, that they called childhood molestation history in gay men "an epidemic"...coming from the CDC.

So you can knock off that "born that way" crap. The cat's out of the bag and all know it's behavioral, and learned, and taught....

By the way, if lesbianism is normal, why do they like to use dildos so much...because it reminds them of being with a woman? :popcorn:
I see a contradiction, here. Gay people wish to be normalized and I happen to think they should. Requiring books to state that Sally Ride was a lesbian does the opposite. Since her lesbianism has nothing to with her work, that strikes me as tantamount to demanding that textbooks teach that somebody was left handed.

It draws attention to something that doesn't matter.

While I support gay rights, I do see an agenda at work here and I do not believe young children should be treated like lab rats. These issues should be reserved for at least middle school if not high school.
I do not see any contradiction at all. The point, in this case is that Lesbianism is normal. It demonstrates that a Lesbian is just as capable as anyone else. As for left handed people, 60 years ago or so, being left handed was considered abnormal and they tried to make left handed kids into right handed kids. In those days if they were learning about a great painter or musician who was left handed, it would have been appropriate to mention it also.
No one is confusing being left handed with being some other guy’s bottom.
Today we can't put anything past these rejects of society. Hell remember that one story where someone wanted to name their kid Hitler, and the parents had to take it to Court.

That one, sadly, was real. The family's last name was Campbell, and they had a son named Adolf Hitler Campbell, and a daughter named Aryan Nations Campbell. The controversy arose when a Walmart refused to make a personalized birthday cake for Adolf Hitler.

At the time, I was a loyal and happy employee of a very well-known maker of food products, most notably, canned soup. My most prominent position on the subject was that this entire family ought to be forced to change their last name to Progresso.
I see a contradiction, here. Gay people wish to be normalized and I happen to think they should. Requiring books to state that Sally Ride was a lesbian does the opposite. Since her lesbianism has nothing to with her work, that strikes me as tantamount to demanding that textbooks teach that somebody was left handed.

It draws attention to something that doesn't matter.

While I support gay rights, I do see an agenda at work here and I do not believe young children should be treated like lab rats. These issues should be reserved for at least middle school if not high school.
I do not see any contradiction at all. The point, in this case is that Lesbianism is normal. It demonstrates that a Lesbian is just as capable as anyone else. As for left handed people, 60 years ago or so, being left handed was considered abnormal and they tried to make left handed kids into right handed kids. In those days if they were learning about a great painter or musician who was left handed, it would have been appropriate to mention it also.
Why do you hate heteros? Are you some kind of bigot or something?
How do you draw from Progressive Patriot's post that he hates heterosexuals? It seems like you are saying that heterosexuals are being removed from history when nothing indicates that this is true. As a heterosexual, I would be very upset if anyone tried to. History is not a zero-sum game.

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