It Begins: California Begins Indoctrinating Children Into The LGBT Lifestyle Against Parents Wishes

Gas the fags. Smash the urban bugmanite.

That's Taliban talk, ISIS talk .

Gays have a place in our society, just don't promote young children into this indoctrination..

I met many fine gays and lesbians.if that's who they want to be when the become adults fine with me.
Fags are all degenerate. There is not one good fag on earth. As for the ISIS comparison, a broken clock can be right every once in awhile.

Say what ?

In my 52 years alive I met many great fags and lesbos .. that helped me I knew they were gay .

But we're not in your face gay.

They knew I wasn't, but they would do anything for me..

As long as gays be decent human beings..I like them..

Just dont indocterated

They're all trash, regardless of how they act around you in your face.

We will have to agree to disagree.

Bullshit, lesbos and gays can be the nicest people..

Just like blacks and Mexicans, just like Asians and Muslims.

If you get to know them

Their is assholes on both sides the god damn alt bullshit..
Gas the fags. Smash the urban bugmanite.

That's Taliban talk, ISIS talk .

Gays have a place in our society, just don't promote young children into this indoctrination..

I met many fine gays and lesbians.if that's who they want to be when the become adults fine with me.
Fags are all degenerate. There is not one good fag on earth. As for the ISIS comparison, a broken clock can be right every once in awhile.

Say what ?

In my 52 years alive I met many great fags and lesbos .. that helped me I knew they were gay .

But we're not in your face gay.

They knew I wasn't, but they would do anything for me..

As long as gays be decent human beings..I like them..

Just dont indocterated

They're all trash, regardless of how they act around you in your face.

We will have to agree to disagree.

Bullshit, lesbos and gays can be the nicest people..

Just like blacks and Mexicans, just like Asians and Muslims.

If you get to know them

Their is assholes on both sides the god damn alt bullshit..
As I said, we will have to agree to disagree. I don't believe there is one good fag on earth. I prefer not to punch right, so I don't want to argue with you about it.
That's Taliban talk, ISIS talk .

Gays have a place in our society, just don't promote young children into this indoctrination..

I met many fine gays and lesbians.if that's who they want to be when the become adults fine with me.
Fags are all degenerate. There is not one good fag on earth. As for the ISIS comparison, a broken clock can be right every once in awhile.

Say what ?

In my 52 years alive I met many great fags and lesbos .. that helped me I knew they were gay .

But we're not in your face gay.

They knew I wasn't, but they would do anything for me..

As long as gays be decent human beings..I like them..

Just dont indocterated

They're all trash, regardless of how they act around you in your face.

We will have to agree to disagree.

Bullshit, lesbos and gays can be the nicest people..

Just like blacks and Mexicans, just like Asians and Muslims.

If you get to know them

Their is assholes on both sides the god damn alt bullshit..
As I said, we will have to agree to disagree. I don't believe there is one good fag on earth. I prefer not to punch right, so I don't want to argue with you about it.

Bullshit fuck head , your problem is you never tried to get along..
And find a common ground

Fags are all degenerate. There is not one good fag on earth. As for the ISIS comparison, a broken clock can be right every once in awhile.

Say what ?

In my 52 years alive I met many great fags and lesbos .. that helped me I knew they were gay .

But we're not in your face gay.

They knew I wasn't, but they would do anything for me..

As long as gays be decent human beings..I like them..

Just dont indocterated

They're all trash, regardless of how they act around you in your face.

We will have to agree to disagree.

Bullshit, lesbos and gays can be the nicest people..

Just like blacks and Mexicans, just like Asians and Muslims.

If you get to know them

Their is assholes on both sides the god damn alt bullshit..
As I said, we will have to agree to disagree. I don't believe there is one good fag on earth. I prefer not to punch right, so I don't want to argue with you about it.

Bullshit fuck head , your problem is you never tried to get along..
And find a common ground

I'm not going to "get along" with reprobates. Period and end of story.
Look at it

On here he reminds of the liberal idiots of this video
Who thinks blacks are to stupid not to get an ID this jack ass is dumb as they get, he is an asshole..

Look at poster
He is gay as hell, but I would have a beer with him because he is a normal not in your face fag ..

This guy just wants to be accepted..

And I respect that ..

Americans are not to be trifled with. Their patience is long, but their strength overwhelming.

That's probably one of the motives behind the LGBpbiWTF pervert-rights movement—to drain America of that overwhelming strength by turning our men into sissies, faggots, and wannabe girls.
I'm not wasting any more time on you.

No the reason they are teaching that is turn boys into girls and a nation full off sissy fagots ..

The Sudden Surge of Transgender Teens

The Sudden Surge of Transgender Teens
Trying to Understand Why So Many Young People Are Challenging Traditional Identities
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
By Starshine Roshell
At a party recently, two of my good friends informed me that their teenagers, formerly a boy and a girl, were newly identifying as a trans girl and a gender-fluid person; once himand her, they were now her and them, respectively. The next day, I met a girl whose best friend had left for spring break as a girl and returned to junior high as a trans boy.

I couldn’t help wondering: Why the sudden surge of transgender teens?

Were there always children who felt antsy in their assigned gender — but never safe saying so in a pre-Caitlyn Jenner world? Could the explosion of social awareness be enticing some angsty adolescents to “try out” gender nonconformity as an option they wouldn’t have considered before? And is it insensitive to even ask that?

Bren Fraser is a therapist who works with transgender clients age 7 and up. “It’s become a specialty for me,” she says, confirming that there are gender-questioning students at all of our public high schools, junior highs, and even some elementary schools. “I’ve seen much more growth in the last two years — even more in the last year.”
In the past, children just suffered quiet, not feeling that they were in the right body to conform to their gender identity. They were confused about what they were feeling. Now that the issue has seen the light of day. They are free to pursue there true identity and an better life

Well this is an interesting post because I thought you had me that's why I posted off the chain..

No this is about young minds ...don't you see it an influence them ? Kids go through stages , I remember when I was dating a single mom and her child would mimic her and put on her makeup and stuff and she would get so pissed..

Their was no father in this little 4 year old boys life..

Kids go through stages and to say it's normal confuse them ..
. That's what the parents are there for, otherwise to train them in the right ways as they grow, but if they got messed up parents or a messed up parent, then who knows what the results will be. Then you have the evil one sitting there like a lion just waiting for the kill. If humans would pay attention to the animal kingdom, they might learn a few things about strong parenting.
Yes humans could learn something fro so call lower animals. Lions do not know bigotry and do not have religion
Religion is man made...
Holy shit! We agree on something
What the fuck does that mean?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Which part don't you understand? Leading, strong and secure sexual identity? Inventing freedom? Heteros?
All of it. Every human being regardless of their gender identity or sexual; preference is entitled to live as they wish. You are a opprobrious and vicious bigot! And not very bright either.
In your previous post you were celebrating something that heteros have been doing for generations.

And do you kiss your mother with that mouth?
Just more of your stupidity. What are you suggesting now? Incest? You are really fucked up!

So in your world incest is wrong but guys putting their little weiners up the poop shoot of other guys is fucking normal?

Earth to you you they are both sick and perverted..

Jeeezus fucking Christ!! Are you fucking serious??? Sex between a parent and an offspring has been universally condemned throughout human history! Romantic relationships between consenting people of the same sex has occurred and often condoned historically. And those relationships, like heterosexual relationships are about a lot more than what you do with your sex organs. Are you really this stupid or are you deliberately going out of your way to be offensive?
You are an extreme leftist and authoritarian and so you want to force an agenda on people by taking it right to their children. I support a more libertarian style of true liberalism and so I don't.
That is exactly where we differ. Libertarians are a short hop away from anarchists as far as I'm concerned. Non violent anarchists. Anarchy light. You don't suppot oppression but don't want government to get in the way of those who promote it.

This is not a case of anybody promoting oppression. It is a case of schools indulging in social engineering.
Horseshit!! It's teaching history. It's teaching respect and inclusiveness. It is combating bigotry
You are an extreme leftist and authoritarian and so you want to force an agenda on people by taking it right to their children. I support a more libertarian style of true liberalism and so I don't.
That is exactly where we differ. Libertarians are a short hop away from anarchists as far as I'm concerned. Non violent anarchists. Anarchy light. You don't suppot oppression but don't want government to get in the way of those who promote it.

This is not a case of anybody promoting oppression. It is a case of schools indulging in social engineering.
Horseshit!! It's teaching history. It's teaching respect and inclusiveness. It is combating bigotry
How dare you teach my children not to hate gays?
Which part don't you understand? Leading, strong and secure sexual identity? Inventing freedom? Heteros?
All of it. Every human being regardless of their gender identity or sexual; preference is entitled to live as they wish. You are a opprobrious and vicious bigot! And not very bright either.
In your previous post you were celebrating something that heteros have been doing for generations.

And do you kiss your mother with that mouth?
Just more of your stupidity. What are you suggesting now? Incest? You are really fucked up!

So in your world incest is wrong but guys putting their little weiners up the poop shoot of other guys is fucking normal?

Earth to you you they are both sick and perverted..

Jeeezus fucking Christ!! Are you fucking serious??? Sex between a parent and an offspring has been universally condemned throughout human history! Romantic relationships between consenting people of the same sex has occurred and often condoned historically. And those relationships, like heterosexual relationships are about a lot more than what you do with your sex organs. Are you really this stupid or are you deliberately going out of your way to be offensive?
All faggots in ancient times were also kiddie fuckers. Some things never change....
The reason for teaching that there are different types of people is so nutters won't bully people who are gay and so that maybe some bigotry and ignorance is averted.

No the reason they are teaching that is turn boys into girls and a nation full off sissy fagots ..

The Sudden Surge of Transgender Teens

The Sudden Surge of Transgender Teens
Trying to Understand Why So Many Young People Are Challenging Traditional Identities
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
By Starshine Roshell
At a party recently, two of my good friends informed me that their teenagers, formerly a boy and a girl, were newly identifying as a trans girl and a gender-fluid person; once himand her, they were now her and them, respectively. The next day, I met a girl whose best friend had left for spring break as a girl and returned to junior high as a trans boy.

I couldn’t help wondering: Why the sudden surge of transgender teens?

Were there always children who felt antsy in their assigned gender — but never safe saying so in a pre-Caitlyn Jenner world? Could the explosion of social awareness be enticing some angsty adolescents to “try out” gender nonconformity as an option they wouldn’t have considered before? And is it insensitive to even ask that?

Bren Fraser is a therapist who works with transgender clients age 7 and up. “It’s become a specialty for me,” she says, confirming that there are gender-questioning students at all of our public high schools, junior highs, and even some elementary schools. “I’ve seen much more growth in the last two years — even more in the last year.”
In the past, children just suffered quiet, not feeling that they were in the right body to conform to their gender identity. They were confused about what they were feeling. Now that the issue has seen the light of day. They are free to pursue there true identity and an better life

Well this is an interesting post because I thought you had me that's why I posted off the chain..

No this is about young minds ...don't you see it an influence them ? Kids go through stages , I remember when I was dating a single mom and her child would mimic her and put on her makeup and stuff and she would get so pissed..

Their was no father in this little 4 year old boys life..

Kids go through stages and to say it's normal confuse them ..
. That's what the parents are there for, otherwise to train them in the right ways as they grow, but if they got messed up parents or a messed up parent, then who knows what the results will be. Then you have the evil one sitting there like a lion just waiting for the kill. If humans would pay attention to the animal kingdom, they might learn a few things about strong parenting.
Yes humans could learn something fro so call lower animals. Lions do not know bigotry and do not have religion
Yeah that's right, lions just have their instincts built in, and they don't ever worry about someone saying that they are wrong for acting on those built in instincts given them. The animal kingdom has been here as long as we have, and it's funny how they don't ever change. Humans can of course take on the same animal instincts, and they can do as a lion does in which is to apply the same tactics when choosing those in which they decide to prey upon. Like I said people learn from the animals just as well as the animals are aware of our ways as well.
Well Offensivelyopenminded the fact that the CDC called history of childhood molestation done to the 3,000 gay men they surveyed "an epidemic" is telling. Then the Mayo Clinic has an article that says an amazing preponderance of pedophiles were themselves molested as children.. normalizing that behavior in their minds..yeah. You have a point in fact to a statement that might otherwise look like a bigoted stereotype.
The reason for teaching that there are different types of people is so nutters won't bully people who are gay and so that maybe some bigotry and ignorance is averted.

No the reason they are teaching that is turn boys into girls and a nation full off sissy fagots ..

The Sudden Surge of Transgender Teens

The Sudden Surge of Transgender Teens
Trying to Understand Why So Many Young People Are Challenging Traditional Identities
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
By Starshine Roshell
At a party recently, two of my good friends informed me that their teenagers, formerly a boy and a girl, were newly identifying as a trans girl and a gender-fluid person; once himand her, they were now her and them, respectively. The next day, I met a girl whose best friend had left for spring break as a girl and returned to junior high as a trans boy.

I couldn’t help wondering: Why the sudden surge of transgender teens?

Were there always children who felt antsy in their assigned gender — but never safe saying so in a pre-Caitlyn Jenner world? Could the explosion of social awareness be enticing some angsty adolescents to “try out” gender nonconformity as an option they wouldn’t have considered before? And is it insensitive to even ask that?

Bren Fraser is a therapist who works with transgender clients age 7 and up. “It’s become a specialty for me,” she says, confirming that there are gender-questioning students at all of our public high schools, junior highs, and even some elementary schools. “I’ve seen much more growth in the last two years — even more in the last year.”
In the past, children just suffered quiet, not feeling that they were in the right body to conform to their gender identity. They were confused about what they were feeling. Now that the issue has seen the light of day. They are free to pursue there true identity and an better life

Well this is an interesting post because I thought you had me that's why I posted off the chain..

No this is about young minds ...don't you see it an influence them ? Kids go through stages , I remember when I was dating a single mom and her child would mimic her and put on her makeup and stuff and she would get so pissed..

Their was no father in this little 4 year old boys life..

Kids go through stages and to say it's normal confuse them ..
I di d not put you on ignore because I want to respond and refute every moronic and inane post that you make. I know a lot about kids ...I was a social worker, working with kids for 26 fucking years ....there is nothing that you can teach me.

!! My life has been devoted to the kids. I had a career in child welfare- investigation child abuse, working with foster, adoptive and birth parents to best meet the needs of the children. Some of those parents, and some of those children were LGBT. I am well versed in the educational system and the pitfalls of not getting it right. I wrote this awhile back and it continues to be relevant today. I wrote this a while ago. Try to understand it if you can.

LGBT Issues, Children and Education by Progressive Patriot 2.12.14

Many people who rail against gay marriage and gay rights have deluded themselves into believing that if we do not support and allow marriage, the issue will somehow go away. They claim that children will be taught that homosexuality is normal and good. Well know this, LGBT issues and people are a part of modern culture and depriving gays rights will not change that and you can’t shield the children from it.

Children always have and always will struggle with their developing sexuality including sexual orientation and gender identity issues. In the past, for the most part, children were left to try to understand these things alone and in silence. They would feel guilty and confused about any sexual matters and especially any LGBTI issues. Today, there is much open discussion about these issues-in the print and social media, among peers, on television, just about everywhere. In this electronic society where kids spend much of their days on line, it cannot be avoided. Many children know an LGBT child or adult. Children hear and see this all, and like it or not, they are very much aware. As we progress as a society, more and more of that discussion is positive, and young people are much more accepting of those who are different than many adults care to imagine. There is nothing short of criminalizing these lifestyles, and snuffing out free speech-in effect becoming Russia-that anybody can do about it. Can anyone dispute or refute any part of this statement?

My next question is: What do parents, educators and the rest of us do? Here are some options:

1. Do nothing, be silent. Leave the children to their own devices to figure things out for themselves. After all, that’s the way it was 30, 40, 50 years ago and everything was just fine. Or was it? In any case, this is now, times are different and sexuality is a much more salient part of life and discourse. This may not be a great option, if it ever was.

2. Condemn homosexuality openly and vehemently. Doing so will have the effect of marginalizing LGBT kids, crushing them with guilt, and setting them up for bullying. Then all that will be left to do is to keep tract of the suicides and mass shootings.

3. Engage in constructive dialogue with the kids and among ourselves as adults. Dispense with the hysteria and misinformation and start to deal with this as part of our human experience. We could dispense with rhetoric about “promoting homosexuality” and the scare tactics such as it leading to incest, polygamy and bestiality. Rather, the emphasis would be on human relations, not sex because relationships are really what it’s about. We could just let kids know that they are OK and loved no matter who and what they are…….because whatever they are, that’s what they are going to be. Maybe, just maybe it’s time to make a choice between ideology and religion on one hand, and the children that we claim to care so much about on the other. The only question is ….will they be happy, confident and secure, or guilt ridden, miserable and confused.
And if a study of it all were done today, then where would it all be ?? What has been the pros and the cons of it all ? Has it been a super positive or super negative thing after viewing the big picture in it all to date ? Do you think that such things are being pushed to far or not far enough ? Do you care about the effect it has on others and their religious views or is it all about what you see as right in your eyes only, and this because of how far it has gone thus far, and thinking that there's no way back ? Are you just concerned mainly about the negative fall out from it all, and this maybe because the push may be going to far in which will become a super negative effect on so many for whom tolerated things up to a certain point (i.e. look out for the push back) ? Is Cali pushing the limits to an intolerable level for many ?

That's the problem with people who have such one dimensional agendas. They don't actually think in any meaningful way because they do not ask questions. All they do is push the agenda into every nook and cranny of human experience, whether it belongs there, or not.

The way they play their identity politics is no different than the religious fundies thumping their bibles and demanding schools teach that the world is just 6000 years old. They are zealots, and there is no room for reason in the world of zealots.
You are an extreme leftist and authoritarian and so you want to force an agenda on people by taking it right to their children. I support a more libertarian style of true liberalism and so I don't.
That is exactly where we differ. Libertarians are a short hop away from anarchists as far as I'm concerned. Non violent anarchists. Anarchy light. You don't suppot oppression but don't want government to get in the way of those who promote it.

This is not a case of anybody promoting oppression. It is a case of schools indulging in social engineering.
Horseshit!! It's teaching history. It's teaching respect and inclusiveness. It is combating bigotry
How dare you teach my children not to hate gays?
. Not the governments job to teach on these subjects, and the nation has laws against discrimination that cover every angle needed, so why do people think that they need the schools to teach the kids apart from their parents teaching such things, in which keeps their kids out of trouble with the law ? Is there a fear that the majority of parents won't teach their children to obey the law, and so those parents have to be by passed when the children are away from their care and influence ?
You are an extreme leftist and authoritarian and so you want to force an agenda on people by taking it right to their children. I support a more libertarian style of true liberalism and so I don't.
That is exactly where we differ. Libertarians are a short hop away from anarchists as far as I'm concerned. Non violent anarchists. Anarchy light. You don't suppot oppression but don't want government to get in the way of those who promote it.

This is not a case of anybody promoting oppression. It is a case of schools indulging in social engineering.
Horseshit!! It's teaching history. It's teaching respect and inclusiveness. It is combating bigotry
How dare you teach my children not to hate gays?
You don't have to teach kids to have either opinion, they can tell there is something wrong with it instinctively most of the time though. Which is why these perverts want to indoctrinate school children early on. It really is pathetic and just goes to show...faggots know that they are abnormal freaks.
No the reason they are teaching that is turn boys into girls and a nation full off sissy fagots ..

The Sudden Surge of Transgender Teens

The Sudden Surge of Transgender Teens
Trying to Understand Why So Many Young People Are Challenging Traditional Identities
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
By Starshine Roshell
At a party recently, two of my good friends informed me that their teenagers, formerly a boy and a girl, were newly identifying as a trans girl and a gender-fluid person; once himand her, they were now her and them, respectively. The next day, I met a girl whose best friend had left for spring break as a girl and returned to junior high as a trans boy.

I couldn’t help wondering: Why the sudden surge of transgender teens?

Were there always children who felt antsy in their assigned gender — but never safe saying so in a pre-Caitlyn Jenner world? Could the explosion of social awareness be enticing some angsty adolescents to “try out” gender nonconformity as an option they wouldn’t have considered before? And is it insensitive to even ask that?

Bren Fraser is a therapist who works with transgender clients age 7 and up. “It’s become a specialty for me,” she says, confirming that there are gender-questioning students at all of our public high schools, junior highs, and even some elementary schools. “I’ve seen much more growth in the last two years — even more in the last year.”
In the past, children just suffered quiet, not feeling that they were in the right body to conform to their gender identity. They were confused about what they were feeling. Now that the issue has seen the light of day. They are free to pursue there true identity and an better life

Well this is an interesting post because I thought you had me that's why I posted off the chain..

No this is about young minds ...don't you see it an influence them ? Kids go through stages , I remember when I was dating a single mom and her child would mimic her and put on her makeup and stuff and she would get so pissed..

Their was no father in this little 4 year old boys life..

Kids go through stages and to say it's normal confuse them ..
I di d not put you on ignore because I want to respond and refute every moronic and inane post that you make. I know a lot about kids ...I was a social worker, working with kids for 26 fucking years ....there is nothing that you can teach me.

!! My life has been devoted to the kids. I had a career in child welfare- investigation child abuse, working with foster, adoptive and birth parents to best meet the needs of the children. Some of those parents, and some of those children were LGBT. I am well versed in the educational system and the pitfalls of not getting it right. I wrote this awhile back and it continues to be relevant today. I wrote this a while ago. Try to understand it if you can.

LGBT Issues, Children and Education by Progressive Patriot 2.12.14

Many people who rail against gay marriage and gay rights have deluded themselves into believing that if we do not support and allow marriage, the issue will somehow go away. They claim that children will be taught that homosexuality is normal and good. Well know this, LGBT issues and people are a part of modern culture and depriving gays rights will not change that and you can’t shield the children from it.

Children always have and always will struggle with their developing sexuality including sexual orientation and gender identity issues. In the past, for the most part, children were left to try to understand these things alone and in silence. They would feel guilty and confused about any sexual matters and especially any LGBTI issues. Today, there is much open discussion about these issues-in the print and social media, among peers, on television, just about everywhere. In this electronic society where kids spend much of their days on line, it cannot be avoided. Many children know an LGBT child or adult. Children hear and see this all, and like it or not, they are very much aware. As we progress as a society, more and more of that discussion is positive, and young people are much more accepting of those who are different than many adults care to imagine. There is nothing short of criminalizing these lifestyles, and snuffing out free speech-in effect becoming Russia-that anybody can do about it. Can anyone dispute or refute any part of this statement?

My next question is: What do parents, educators and the rest of us do? Here are some options:

1. Do nothing, be silent. Leave the children to their own devices to figure things out for themselves. After all, that’s the way it was 30, 40, 50 years ago and everything was just fine. Or was it? In any case, this is now, times are different and sexuality is a much more salient part of life and discourse. This may not be a great option, if it ever was.

2. Condemn homosexuality openly and vehemently. Doing so will have the effect of marginalizing LGBT kids, crushing them with guilt, and setting them up for bullying. Then all that will be left to do is to keep tract of the suicides and mass shootings.

3. Engage in constructive dialogue with the kids and among ourselves as adults. Dispense with the hysteria and misinformation and start to deal with this as part of our human experience. We could dispense with rhetoric about “promoting homosexuality” and the scare tactics such as it leading to incest, polygamy and bestiality. Rather, the emphasis would be on human relations, not sex because relationships are really what it’s about. We could just let kids know that they are OK and loved no matter who and what they are…….because whatever they are, that’s what they are going to be. Maybe, just maybe it’s time to make a choice between ideology and religion on one hand, and the children that we claim to care so much about on the other. The only question is ….will they be happy, confident and secure, or guilt ridden, miserable and confused.
And if a study of it all were done today, then where would it all be ?? What has been the pros and the cons of it all ? Has it been a super positive or super negative thing after viewing the big picture in it all to date ? Do you think that such things are being pushed to far or not far enough ? Do you care about the effect it has on others and their religious views or is it all about what you see as right in your eyes only, and this because of how far it has gone thus far, and thinking that there's no way back ? Are you just concerned mainly about the negative fall out from it all, and this maybe because the push may be going to far in which will become a super negative effect on so many for whom tolerated things up to a certain point (i.e. look out for the push back) ? Is Cali pushing the limits to an intolerable level for many ?

That's the problem with people who have such one dimensional agendas. They don't actually think in any meaningful way because they do not ask questions. All they do is push the agenda into every nook and cranny of human experience, whether it belongs there, or not.

The way they play their identity politics is no different than the religious fundies thumping their bibles and demanding schools teach that the world is just 6000 years old. They are zealots, and there is no room for reason in the world of zealots.
. No one experienced that better than Jesus himself. There is truth, and man has a way of muddying the waters in every way possible.

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