IT BEGINS: Indiana Restaurant Reportedly Vows Not To Serve Gay Weddings

Those are laws that have their basis in the Constitution themselves.

No they don't.

Sure they do. And they have already been argued before many courts in the past.

But you have the right to have your own opinion, no matter how silly.

You Leftists are so predictable. Whenever we mention the Constitution, you immediately go to court cases, as if the two were indistinguishable, as if the latter were not itself subject to the former. The Constitution of the United States in no way expressly or implicitly gives the federal government the power to regulate the affairs of private citizens and business, nor does it empower the government to force any business to patronize any customer. There is also no right to be served by any business and no right to not be discriminated against by a non government entity.

My argument cannot be broken.
Religious NaziCon bigots will be flocking to this restaurant.

You are the Nazi type, not religious vendors who merely don't want to be forced to host or attend a gay ceremony. You and your ilk are the ones who want to use the force of government to punish people who disagree with you.

By the way, when you throw around a term like "Nazi," you should be aware that the Nazis hated Christians and murdered thousands of them, that the Nazis killed thousands of pastors and priests and nuns, that the Nazis took control of private religious schools to prevent them from teaching traditional principles, that the Nazis believed in government control of anything the government felt it needed to control, that the Nazis tried to impose abortion on Jewish mothers, that the Nazis banned Jews and others they viewed as "threats" from owning guns, that the Nazis rejected traditional morality, etc., etc. Sound familiar?

By the way, although the Nazis publicly denounced homosexuality (to create a smokescreen to cover up their own perversion), they more than tolerated gays among their own higher-ranking circles. In fact, many founding and high-ranking Nazis were gay.
Hey how many anti gay marriage charities is Chick Fil A donating to these days? Do you know?

The same number as when you filthy fucks attacked - zero.

From the leftist HuffingGlue;

In July 2012, Cathy made headlines when he said "guilty as charged" in response to a question about whether the company was in "support of the traditional family." The quip led to boycotts of the restaurant chain by equality supporters.

He may be ready to move on from the debacle, but his views on same-sex marriage have not changed.}

Chick-Fil-A CEO Dan Cathy Speaks Out On Gay Marriage Controversy

You piles of shit attacked, and Chick-Fil-A boomed.
The sign on the window should read


So should any business you own or operate.
I don't deny anyone service.

Unlike you oh so holy rollers out there I don't judge anyone as unworthy of my service
It's easy to go through life with no standards. Just saying.

Funny I treat people well in my business and for the most part they reciprocate.

I'm not a judgmental asshole like these pious idiots

I bet you don't have a business that specifically caters to gay weddings.

Stop drawing false comparisons. It's dishonest.

The cake is not for the wedding it's for the party after the wedding.

Saying the cake is part of the ceremony is dishonest.

And what about the cakes these pious idiots bake for other sinners like murderers, adulterers and rapists or are they OK with those sins and it's just the gay sin that frosts their crucifixes?
So should any business you own or operate.
I don't deny anyone service.

Unlike you oh so holy rollers out there I don't judge anyone as unworthy of my service
It's easy to go through life with no standards. Just saying.

Funny I treat people well in my business and for the most part they reciprocate.

I'm not a judgmental asshole like these pious idiots

I bet you don't have a business that specifically caters to gay weddings.

Stop drawing false comparisons. It's dishonest.

The cake is not for the wedding it's for the party after the wedding.

Saying the cake is part of the ceremony is dishonest.

And what about the cakes these pious idiots bake for other sinners like murderers, adulterers and rapists or are they OK with those sins and it's just the gay sin that frosts their crucifixes?
You think the reception is not part of the wedding?

Ok, laying that stupidity aside, Christians oppose all forms of sin, but not all forms of sin are pushed into our faces or force us to validate or accommodate it. Since gays flaunt their sins far more than murderers or adulterers, their behavior is far more likely to set up these conflicts of conscience.
You think the reception is not part of the wedding?

Ok, laying that stupidity aside, Christians oppose all forms of sin, but not all forms of sin are pushed into our faces or force us to validate or accommodate it. Since gays flaunt their sins far more than murderers or adulterers, their behavior is far more likely to set up these conflicts of conscience.

Thank you for reminding us that some Christians have real problems of conscience.
On the one side, there is the commerce clause to the Constitution of the United States of America, upon which the public commerce laws are built.

Selling a pizza to someone in your pizza shop may be commerce, but it certainly isn't commerce among the several states.

You are unfamiliar with public commerce laws, eh?

I accept your ignorance, rookie.


Those are laws, not the Constitution. They can be repealed and should be soon.

Those are laws that have their basis in the Constitution themselves. There is a way to change laws, and I bet you already know the way to do that.

Only laws made pursuant to the constitution are legitimate. The constitution does indeed grants congress to regulate commerce among the several states. However, selling someone a pizza in one's own shop is not commerce among the several states because neither the pizza seller nor the pizza buyer are one of the several states.
So, Memories Pizza in Walkerton, Indiana is now famous!




Yep, Americans now have memories of you bigots.
The far right social con pricks are screaming.

Requiring Christian bigots among others to respect everyone’s liberties in the public square is Americanism of the highest sort, mikegriffith. We would not let businessmen exclude black diners, so guess wat.

Public access laws enforce the Constitution, saintmike.

Iceweasel, good American, the great majority of the citizenry, is getting fed up with your hatred.

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