IT BEGINS: Indiana Restaurant Reportedly Vows Not To Serve Gay Weddings

So should any business you own or operate.
I don't deny anyone service.

Unlike you oh so holy rollers out there I don't judge anyone as unworthy of my service

See, the free market works. So what's the problem?
I really don't have a problem I just don't believe these pious people when they say they are violating their religion by baking a cake.

There is no cogent argument as to how baking a cake for a function is a sin.

I want them to be honest that this is not about religion or their religious beliefs because if it was they'd be denying all the other sinners service as well

OHHHH, you want honesty, I get it!

So honestly answer this,.......

Why would you willingly PAY to enrich someone who thinks you are beneath them?

Self defeating don't you think?

So here's a sign on the bakery window.

This bakery hates homosexuals, the sight of them makes me puke, but in fear of being sued, we make same sex wedding cakes.

If you're a homosexual, do you do business with this baker?

Personally, I wouldn't want the negative energy of somebody who didn't willingly provide services to me at my wedding.

You would think so. why would want they push themselves off on people who doesn't want serve them...It could be for whatever the hell reason. right off I'd say are they are rude and nasty people demanding people do something. These militant homosexuals need to get lives. I'd bet the majority of the people is already tired of it. as far as I'm concerned they aren't helping in wanting more people to accept them. if anything they are turning people off with their rude and nasty behavior

just my two cents on it all
The sign on the window should read


So should any business you own or operate.
I don't deny anyone service.

Unlike you oh so holy rollers out there I don't judge anyone as unworthy of my service

See, the free market works. So what's the problem?
I really don't have a problem I just don't believe these pious people when they say they are violating their religion by baking a cake.

There is no cogent argument as to how baking a cake for a function is a sin.

I want them to be honest that this is not about religion or their religious beliefs because if it was they'd be denying all the other sinners service as well

OHHHH, you want honesty, I get it!

So honestly answer this,.......

Why would you willingly PAY to enrich someone who thinks you are beneath them?

Self defeating don't you think?

So here's a sign on the bakery window.

This bakery hates homosexuals, the sight of them makes me puke, but in fear of being sued, we make same sex wedding cakes.

If you're a homosexual, do you do business with this baker?
The New Mexico court in Elayne's Photography said that someone could use any disclaimer they want. Yours is as good as any.
I'm wondering why anyone would have a pizza parlor cater a wedding
To those hicks pizza is gourmet I guess

Nothing like a little class-ism to add to your religious bigotry.

Religious bigotry?

IDGAF what imaginary thing you people pray to and I would not deny any of you service at any of my establishments.

they just go overboard with the can't take them seriously. good grief
Only an ignorant rube would hire a pizza parlor for a wedding. What a joke.

Btw how do they know those pizzas they deliver aren't going to something gay? We better make gay people wear some kind of identifier. Maybe a tattoo on their foreheads. It's only fair to the Christians after all. We don't want them accidentally committing sacrilege. :cool:
The pizza place already said that they would sell and deliver pizza to any other event, gays or normals. It doesn't matter. They just object to weddings.
Wow you seem to have 2 settings; either sooooo BORING, or belligerently ignorant.

I like the latter more. Post that next time.
Only an ignorant rube would hire a pizza parlor for a wedding. What a joke.

Btw how do they know those pizzas they deliver aren't going to something gay? We better make gay people wear some kind of identifier. Maybe a tattoo on their foreheads. It's only fair to the Christians after all. We don't want them accidentally committing sacrilege. :cool:
The pizza place already said that they would sell and deliver pizza to any other event, gays or normals. It doesn't matter. They just object to weddings.
Wow you seem to have 2 settings; either sooooo BORING, or belligerently ignorant.

I like the latter more. Post that next time.

Only an ignorant rube would hire a pizza parlor for a wedding. What a joke.

Btw how do they know those pizzas they deliver aren't going to something gay? We better make gay people wear some kind of identifier. Maybe a tattoo on their foreheads. It's only fair to the Christians after all. We don't want them accidentally committing sacrilege. :cool:
The pizza place already said that they would sell and deliver pizza to any other event, gays or normals. It doesn't matter. They just object to weddings.
Wow you seem to have 2 settings; either sooooo BORING, or belligerently ignorant.

I like the latter more. Post that next time.

I'm glad that the good people in this country are coming to the defense of the gay community. Which is a tiny community that could never fight the powerful Christian segment of this country on its own.

IF this is real, the place will quintuple or more their sales. You Nazis will hack their website and post all sorts of filth - the depth of the hate from the left knows no bounds - but it will not stop customers who will flock in precisely because of your hate.

Think Chick-Fil-A
It was the Nazis who brought on the refusal of serving Jews by 'Aryan' businesses.

It was you and your buddies who broke windows and set fire to businesses owned by those who practices a religion you hated. You are doing it again.
In fact,t hey were uncensored's spiritual buddies who did that. He is a Nazi, the worst kind. He would have happily been a camp guard.
The haters from the far right are being ground under the public opinion of good America.
Vintage Stephanie. Truly vintage. Delightful.

"it could own by liberals"

Oh, I love it when you talk dirty English to us.

You see, you also missed the context of "reportedly".

Here, for your very slow mind, is the complete first sentence from the OP:

"A family-owned pizza parlor is causing a media stir after reportedly becoming the first business to publicly vow to reject gay weddings in the wake of Indiana's controversialReligious Freedom Restoration Act."

Reportedly refers to "becoming the first business", not as to whether or not this particular business has said what is being reported.

You do understand that, right?

Looks like assclown Statist finally passed out drunk in the gutter...
Only an ignorant rube would hire a pizza parlor for a wedding. What a joke.

Btw how do they know those pizzas they deliver aren't going to something gay? We better make gay people wear some kind of identifier. Maybe a tattoo on their foreheads. It's only fair to the Christians after all. We don't want them accidentally committing sacrilege. :cool:
The pizza place already said that they would sell and deliver pizza to any other event, gays or normals. It doesn't matter. They just object to weddings.
Wow you seem to have 2 settings; either sooooo BORING, or belligerently ignorant.

I like the latter more. Post that next time.


Ironic x 2

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