It Behooves You Democrat Supporters....

Screw the memo. It’s written by nunes , who is biased .

Release the whole warrant . Then we can see what is what . point out, document, be able to dispute the facts that have come to light about this scandal, rather than the tantrums and 'is not, isssssss noootttttttt!' posts that have been provided.

Please....have a go:

1. “… the dossier was used by government officials to justify a spy warrant against Page,…. the FISA application “extensively” cited an Sept. 23, 2016 news article that was in effect planted by Fusion GPS.

2.That is significant because the article, written by veteran reporter Michael Isikoff, is itself based on the unverified dossier.
No evidence has emerged validating the claims made about Page in the dossier.

3. The FISA application made no mention of the link between the Isikoff article and the dossier. Instead, the article was treated as corroborating evidence for the dossier. The memo says that the FISA application “incorrectly assesse[d]” that the Isikoff article was based on information separate from the dossier.

4. …McCabe told the House Intelligence Committee in December that “no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the FISC without the Steele dossier information.”

5. The memo, which was crafted by House Republicans, also says that the FBI’s deputy director, Andrew McCabe, told Congress that a FISA warrant against the campaign adviser, Carter Page, would not have been granted without use of the dossier. That despite the FBI later determining that very little of the Democrat-funded document was corroborated.

6. And in another stunning revelation, the memo asserts that Justice Department official Bruce Ohr was used to pass information from the author of the dossier, Christopher Steele, to the DOJ.
Ohr’s wife, Nellie Ohr, worked at the time for Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm research firm that commissioned the dossier. Bruce Ohr, who worked closely with Deputy Attorney Generals Sally Yates and Rod Rosenstein, passed his wife’s opposition research on Trump to the FBI, the memo says.

7. Steele at one point told Ohr that he “was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president.”

8.The memo notes that the Papadopoulos information “triggered” the FBI investigation into possible Trump campaign collusion.
It says that there is no evidence that Page and Papadopoulos engaged in a conspiracy. “
Spy Warrant Granted Based On Dossier And News Stories Planted By Fusion GPS

And let's agree from the start that, should you be unable to dispute the above.....the Right has proven its case vis-a-vis the great damage that the Obama era has done to the intell infrastructure, the faith citizens should have in their government, and Democrats in particular.

I fervently await your defense.....

the memo was a nothing..

Is this the “you’re a racist “ argument repacked?

I don't know, are you? is reading comprehension difficult for you?

I'm sorry if you're too silly to understand that the lying loony memo was a flop, tex.
Too silly to understand...

How ironic.
When money is used to make you look bad it does overcome virtue and purity with little problem. The lies are being told enough and loud enough and have become "truth" it's self.
The current memo is the republican version with all the REAL facts omitted.

"The lies are being told enough and loud enough and have become "truth" it's self.
The current memo is the republican version with all the REAL facts omitted."

Where are the 'lies,' ExLaxMan???

1.The Hillary campaign paid for an anti-Trump Russian creation called the dossier

2. The Hillary campaign screamed that they had been hacked, but refused to allow any government agencies to inspect the supposedly hacked servers

3. The FBI admitted that they knew the dossier was fake from the start, but used it to get a FISA warrant to surveil Trump and associates

4. A secret cabal at the highest levels of the FBI and the DoJ worked with GPS Fusion to undermine the Trump campaign...before and after the election.

5. FBI found classified data on Huma and Anthony Weiner’s laptop….so they gave them a pass

6. The FBI decided no charges against Hillary before they interviewed her…..with no record kept of the interview, and not under oath.

7. Both Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills were found to be lying to the FBI….but given a pass ...and allowed to keep their laptops, and destroy any evidence on same

8. FBI agents Strzok and Page and McCabe talked over a plan to overturn the election….an ‘insurance policy’

9. Loretta Lynch with Comey’s acquiescence, worked to benefit Hillary’s campaign

10. Obama knew about Hillary’s use of unsecured emails, as he conversed with her on same…kept his name out of the reports.

11. BTW…..Mueller, Comey and Rosenstein were all government officials when Hillary received the $145 million bribe for the sale of our uranium.

....Robert Mueller was the FBI Director during the time of the Russian uranium probe, and so was his successor James Comey who took over in 2013 as the FBI was still developing the case. Rod Rosenstein, then-U.S. Attorney....

12. Let’s compare the zealous and very aggressive action by Mueller against Flynn, Manafort, Papadopoulos, and Carter Page with the immunity and passes given above…..

…and lots of evidence of associations of Democrats with the Kremlin….

…completely different treatment. point out, document, be able to dispute the facts that have come to light about this scandal, rather than the tantrums and 'is not, isssssss noootttttttt!' posts that have been provided.

Please....have a go:

1. “… the dossier was used by government officials to justify a spy warrant against Page,…. the FISA application “extensively” cited an Sept. 23, 2016 news article that was in effect planted by Fusion GPS.

2.That is significant because the article, written by veteran reporter Michael Isikoff, is itself based on the unverified dossier.
No evidence has emerged validating the claims made about Page in the dossier.

3. The FISA application made no mention of the link between the Isikoff article and the dossier. Instead, the article was treated as corroborating evidence for the dossier. The memo says that the FISA application “incorrectly assesse[d]” that the Isikoff article was based on information separate from the dossier.

4. …McCabe told the House Intelligence Committee in December that “no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the FISC without the Steele dossier information.”

5. The memo, which was crafted by House Republicans, also says that the FBI’s deputy director, Andrew McCabe, told Congress that a FISA warrant against the campaign adviser, Carter Page, would not have been granted without use of the dossier. That despite the FBI later determining that very little of the Democrat-funded document was corroborated.

6. And in another stunning revelation, the memo asserts that Justice Department official Bruce Ohr was used to pass information from the author of the dossier, Christopher Steele, to the DOJ.
Ohr’s wife, Nellie Ohr, worked at the time for Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm research firm that commissioned the dossier. Bruce Ohr, who worked closely with Deputy Attorney Generals Sally Yates and Rod Rosenstein, passed his wife’s opposition research on Trump to the FBI, the memo says.

7. Steele at one point told Ohr that he “was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president.”

8.The memo notes that the Papadopoulos information “triggered” the FBI investigation into possible Trump campaign collusion.
It says that there is no evidence that Page and Papadopoulos engaged in a conspiracy. “
Spy Warrant Granted Based On Dossier And News Stories Planted By Fusion GPS

And let's agree from the start that, should you be unable to dispute the above.....the Right has proven its case vis-a-vis the great damage that the Obama era has done to the intell infrastructure, the faith citizens should have in their government, and Democrats in particular.

I fervently await your defense.....

the memo was a nothing..


Sooo....why did you slither off yesterday when I offered you a chance to back up your statement?

Here's another chance:

1.The Hillary campaign paid for an anti-Trump Russian creation called the dossier

2. The Hillary campaign screamed that they had been hacked, but refused to allow any government agencies to inspect the supposedly hacked servers

3. The FBI admitted that they knew the dossier was fake from the start, but used it to get a FISA warrant to surveil Trump and associates

4. A secret cabal at the highest levels of the FBI and the DoJ worked with GPS Fusion to undermine the Trump campaign...before and after the election.

5. FBI found classified data on Huma and Anthony Weiner’s laptop….so they gave them a pass

6. The FBI decided no charges against Hillary before they interviewed her…..with no record kept of the interview, and not under oath.

7. Both Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills were found to be lying to the FBI….but given a pass ...and allowed to keep their laptops, and destroy any evidence on same

8. FBI agents Strzok and Page and McCabe talked over a plan to overturn the election….an ‘insurance policy’

9. Loretta Lynch with Comey’s acquiescence, worked to benefit Hillary’s campaign

10. Obama knew about Hillary’s use of unsecured emails, as he conversed with her on same…kept his name out of the reports.

11. BTW…..Mueller, Comey and Rosenstein were all government officials when Hillary received the $145 million bribe for the sale of our uranium.

....Robert Mueller was the FBI Director during the time of the Russian uranium probe, and so was his successor James Comey who took over in 2013 as the FBI was still developing the case. Rod Rosenstein, then-U.S. Attorney....

12. Let’s compare the zealous and very aggressive action by Mueller against Flynn, Manafort, Papadopoulos, and Carter Page with the immunity and passes given above…..

…and lots of evidence of associations of Democrats with the Kremlin….

…completely different treatment.
4. …McCabe told the House Intelligence Committee in December that “no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the FISC without the Steele dossier information.”

I fervently await your defense.....
The memo refers to testimony McCabe gave behind closed doors to the House intelligence committee in December. In other words, we don’t have a transcript, and we didn’t know about these alleged comments before.

Democrats are disputing this. Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) says the memo “seriously mischaracterizes the testimony of Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and the FISA application.” And it’s particularly interesting that the memo paraphrases McCabe rather than directly quoting him.

Soooo.....when it turns out McCabe did say this.....

BAIER: Democrats are criticizing a lot, as you can imagine. I’m sure you’ve heard. But they’re jumping on one particular part of the memo in particular. Number four, the memo states that then-deputy director of the FBI, Andrew McCabe, quote, testified before the committee in December 2017 that no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the FISA court without the Steele dossier information? Democrats say he never said that, did he?

NUNES: Yes. I mean, it’s a summation of a long interview. And that is definitely what he said. Not to mention, we have other witnesses who said very similar things. So, the fact of the matter is, the main things that were used to go out and get this warrant was the dossier and the story that corroborated the dossier.
Nunes on Memo: This Is About FBI Using Oppo Research To Get FISA Warrant On Trump Campaign

What will your retreat look like? point out, document, be able to dispute the facts that have come to light about this scandal, rather than the tantrums and 'is not, isssssss noootttttttt!' posts that have been provided.

Please....have a go:

1. “… the dossier was used by government officials to justify a spy warrant against Page,…. the FISA application “extensively” cited an Sept. 23, 2016 news article that was in effect planted by Fusion GPS.

2.That is significant because the article, written by veteran reporter Michael Isikoff, is itself based on the unverified dossier.
No evidence has emerged validating the claims made about Page in the dossier.

3. The FISA application made no mention of the link between the Isikoff article and the dossier. Instead, the article was treated as corroborating evidence for the dossier. The memo says that the FISA application “incorrectly assesse[d]” that the Isikoff article was based on information separate from the dossier.

4. …McCabe told the House Intelligence Committee in December that “no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the FISC without the Steele dossier information.”

5. The memo, which was crafted by House Republicans, also says that the FBI’s deputy director, Andrew McCabe, told Congress that a FISA warrant against the campaign adviser, Carter Page, would not have been granted without use of the dossier. That despite the FBI later determining that very little of the Democrat-funded document was corroborated.

6. And in another stunning revelation, the memo asserts that Justice Department official Bruce Ohr was used to pass information from the author of the dossier, Christopher Steele, to the DOJ.
Ohr’s wife, Nellie Ohr, worked at the time for Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm research firm that commissioned the dossier. Bruce Ohr, who worked closely with Deputy Attorney Generals Sally Yates and Rod Rosenstein, passed his wife’s opposition research on Trump to the FBI, the memo says.

7. Steele at one point told Ohr that he “was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president.”

8.The memo notes that the Papadopoulos information “triggered” the FBI investigation into possible Trump campaign collusion.
It says that there is no evidence that Page and Papadopoulos engaged in a conspiracy. “
Spy Warrant Granted Based On Dossier And News Stories Planted By Fusion GPS

And let's agree from the start that, should you be unable to dispute the above.....the Right has proven its case vis-a-vis the great damage that the Obama era has done to the intell infrastructure, the faith citizens should have in their government, and Democrats in particular.

I fervently await your defense.....

the memo was a nothing..

Is this the “you’re a racist “ argument repacked?

I don't know, are you? is reading comprehension difficult for you?

I'm sorry if you're too silly to understand that the lying loony memo was a flop, tex.

Shall I wait for you to find a way to dispute the facts that I provided, or shall I continue with a long, eventful life?
Screw the memo. It’s written by nunes , who is biased .

Release the whole warrant . Then we can see what is what .

Are there any parts you'd be able to dispute?

1.The Hillary campaign paid for an anti-Trump Russian creation called the dossier

2. The Hillary campaign screamed that they had been hacked, but refused to allow any government agencies to inspect the supposedly hacked servers

3. The FBI admitted that they knew the dossier was fake from the start, but used it to get a FISA warrant to surveil Trump and associates

4. A secret cabal at the highest levels of the FBI and the DoJ worked with GPS Fusion to undermine the Trump campaign...before and after the election.

5. FBI found classified data on Huma and Anthony Weiner’s laptop….so they gave them a pass

6. The FBI decided no charges against Hillary before they interviewed her…..with no record kept of the interview, and not under oath.

7. Both Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills were found to be lying to the FBI….but given a pass ...and allowed to keep their laptops, and destroy any evidence on same

8. FBI agents Strzok and Page and McCabe talked over a plan to overturn the election….an ‘insurance policy’

9. Loretta Lynch with Comey’s acquiescence, worked to benefit Hillary’s campaign

10. Obama knew about Hillary’s use of unsecured emails, as he conversed with her on same…kept his name out of the reports.

11. BTW…..Mueller, Comey and Rosenstein were all government officials when Hillary received the $145 million bribe for the sale of our uranium.

....Robert Mueller was the FBI Director during the time of the Russian uranium probe, and so was his successor James Comey who took over in 2013 as the FBI was still developing the case. Rod Rosenstein, then-U.S. Attorney....

12. Let’s compare the zealous and very aggressive action by Mueller against Flynn, Manafort, Papadopoulos, and Carter Page with the immunity and passes given above…..

…and lots of evidence of associations of Democrats with the Kremlin….

…completely different treatment.
4. …McCabe told the House Intelligence Committee in December that “no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the FISC without the Steele dossier information.”

I fervently await your defense.....
The memo refers to testimony McCabe gave behind closed doors to the House intelligence committee in December. In other words, we don’t have a transcript, and we didn’t know about these alleged comments before.

Democrats are disputing this. Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) says the memo “seriously mischaracterizes the testimony of Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and the FISA application.” And it’s particularly interesting that the memo paraphrases McCabe rather than directly quoting him.

Soooo.....when it turns out McCabe did say this.....

BAIER: Democrats are criticizing a lot, as you can imagine. I’m sure you’ve heard. But they’re jumping on one particular part of the memo in particular. Number four, the memo states that then-deputy director of the FBI, Andrew McCabe, quote, testified before the committee in December 2017 that no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the FISA court without the Steele dossier information? Democrats say he never said that, did he?

NUNES: Yes. I mean, it’s a summation of a long interview. And that is definitely what he said. Not to mention, we have other witnesses who said very similar things. So, the fact of the matter is, the main things that were used to go out and get this warrant was the dossier and the story that corroborated the dossier.
Nunes on Memo: This Is About FBI Using Oppo Research To Get FISA Warrant On Trump Campaign

What will your retreat look like?
Of course the investigation was well under way before the FISA requests. Just saying...
4. …McCabe told the House Intelligence Committee in December that “no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the FISC without the Steele dossier information.”

I fervently await your defense.....
The memo refers to testimony McCabe gave behind closed doors to the House intelligence committee in December. In other words, we don’t have a transcript, and we didn’t know about these alleged comments before.

Democrats are disputing this. Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) says the memo “seriously mischaracterizes the testimony of Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and the FISA application.” And it’s particularly interesting that the memo paraphrases McCabe rather than directly quoting him.

Soooo.....when it turns out McCabe did say this.....

BAIER: Democrats are criticizing a lot, as you can imagine. I’m sure you’ve heard. But they’re jumping on one particular part of the memo in particular. Number four, the memo states that then-deputy director of the FBI, Andrew McCabe, quote, testified before the committee in December 2017 that no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the FISA court without the Steele dossier information? Democrats say he never said that, did he?

NUNES: Yes. I mean, it’s a summation of a long interview. And that is definitely what he said. Not to mention, we have other witnesses who said very similar things. So, the fact of the matter is, the main things that were used to go out and get this warrant was the dossier and the story that corroborated the dossier.
Nunes on Memo: This Is About FBI Using Oppo Research To Get FISA Warrant On Trump Campaign

What will your retreat look like?
Of course the investigation was well under way before the FISA requests. Just saying...

so what

the fisa court rejected any application for a warrant during that phase

the court approved the warrant(s) only after being present with the phony dossier

that the dnc and hillary campaign paid for
Of course the investigation was well under way before the FISA requests. Just saying...
so what

the fisa court rejected any application for a warrant during that phase

the court approved the warrant(s) only after being present with the phony dossier

that the dnc and hillary campaign paid for
  1. Papadopoulos had already been arrested and was cooperating with the FBI.
  2. The dossier is not 'phony'. Some of it is verified, some is not. Steele was considered by the FBI to be a credible source
  3. The dossier was begun by the RNC
  4. The DNC was doing exactly what Donald Jr. was doing when he met with the Russians, I don't believe the DNC used any of the dossier.
I'm pretty sure the best factual refutation of the Nunes memo is in the Democrats' own memo,

you know, the one the GOP is desperately trying to prevent being released.
Of course the investigation was well under way before the FISA requests. Just saying...
so what

the fisa court rejected any application for a warrant during that phase

the court approved the warrant(s) only after being present with the phony dossier

that the dnc and hillary campaign paid for
  1. Papadopoulos had already been arrested and was cooperating with the FBI.
  2. The dossier is not 'phony'. Some of it is verified, some is not. Steele was considered by the FBI to be a credible sThe dossier was begun by the RNC
    1. The dossier was begun by the RNC

  3. The DNC was doing exactly what Donald Jr. was doing when he met with the Russians, I don't believe the DNC used any of the dossier.

The dossier is not 'phony'. Some of it is verified,

all parties agree that it is phony that is not event he issue at this point in time

this issue at hand is that it was willingly knowing it to be bogus passed on to a fisa court to fool a judge (4 judges to be exact)

it still remains that not one fisa application was approved without using the dossier

the "dossier" was a fake hit piece paid for by a political party namely the dnc

those are the facts

The dossier was begun by the RNC

that is a outright lie
Of course the investigation was well under way before the FISA requests. Just saying...
so what

the fisa court rejected any application for a warrant during that phase

the court approved the warrant(s) only after being present with the phony dossier

that the dnc and hillary campaign paid for
  1. Papadopoulos had already been arrested and was cooperating with the FBI.
  2. The dossier is not 'phony'. Some of it is verified, some is not. Steele was considered by the FBI to be a credible source
  3. The dossier was begun by the RNC
  4. The DNC was doing exactly what Donald Jr. was doing when he met with the Russians, I don't believe the DNC used any of the dossier.
The dossier is not 'phony'. Some of it is verified,

all parties agree that it is phony that is not event he issue at this point in time

this issue at hand is that it was willingly knowing it to be bogus passed on to a fisa court to fool a judge (4 judges to be exact)

it still remains that not one fisa application was approved without using the dossier

the "dossier" was a fake hit piece paid for by a political party namely the dnc

those are the facts

The dossier was begun by the RNC

that is a outright lie
Obama was so busy using the FBI to spy on Americans that he got all of our Chinese intelligence agents tortured and killed.

Is there anyone left at the IRS, FBI or CIA that gives a single fuck at how they were abused under Obama? Are they all mindless Progressives?
I'm pretty sure the best factual refutation of the Nunes memo is in the Democrats' own memo,

you know, the one the GOP is desperately trying to prevent being released.
WAhhh wahhhh just leak it like they do everything else.

We already heard your bullshit excuses
Obama was so busy using the FBI to spy on Americans that he got all of our Chinese intelligence agents tortured and killed.

Is there anyone left at the IRS, FBI or CIA that gives a single fuck at how they were abused under Obama? Are they all mindless Progressives?

this is why Trump wants the democrat memo released this will pin down the democrats

funny thing is the democrats are begging for it --LOL
I'm pretty sure the best factual refutation of the Nunes memo is in the Democrats' own memo,

you know, the one the GOP is desperately trying to prevent being released.
WAhhh wahhhh just leak it like they do everything else.

We already heard your bullshit excuses

they already did

which turned out to be a lead balloon

no one bought it

we already have sworn testimony FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe that the fisa warrant would have never

been issued without the phony dossier
4. …McCabe told the House Intelligence Committee in December that “no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the FISC without the Steele dossier information.”

I fervently await your defense.....
The memo refers to testimony McCabe gave behind closed doors to the House intelligence committee in December. In other words, we don’t have a transcript, and we didn’t know about these alleged comments before.

Democrats are disputing this. Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) says the memo “seriously mischaracterizes the testimony of Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and the FISA application.” And it’s particularly interesting that the memo paraphrases McCabe rather than directly quoting him.

Soooo.....when it turns out McCabe did say this.....

BAIER: Democrats are criticizing a lot, as you can imagine. I’m sure you’ve heard. But they’re jumping on one particular part of the memo in particular. Number four, the memo states that then-deputy director of the FBI, Andrew McCabe, quote, testified before the committee in December 2017 that no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the FISA court without the Steele dossier information? Democrats say he never said that, did he?

NUNES: Yes. I mean, it’s a summation of a long interview. And that is definitely what he said. Not to mention, we have other witnesses who said very similar things. So, the fact of the matter is, the main things that were used to go out and get this warrant was the dossier and the story that corroborated the dossier.
Nunes on Memo: This Is About FBI Using Oppo Research To Get FISA Warrant On Trump Campaign

What will your retreat look like?
Of course the investigation was well under way before the FISA requests. Just saying...

Why was there any warrant at all, ALie#1216?

BAIER: Democrats are criticizing a lot, as you can imagine. I’m sure you’ve heard. But they’re jumping on one particular part of the memo in particular. Number four, the memo states that then-deputy director of the FBI, Andrew McCabe, quote, testified before the committee in December 2017 that no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the FISA court without the Steele dossier information? Democrats say he never said that, did he?

NUNES: Yes. I mean, it’s a summation of a long interview. And that is definitely what he said. Not to mention, we have other witnesses who said very similar things. So, the fact of the matter is, the main things that were used to go out and get this warrant was the dossier and the story that corroborated the dossier.
Nunes on Memo: This Is About FBI Using Oppo Research To Get FISA Warrant On Trump Campaign

Even when the story blew up:

"FBI Director James Comey has been caught going around to secret Congressional briefings in “recent weeks” touting the lurid fake “Trump dossier.” He has been claiming that it is a major foundation of the FBI’s investigation of purported Russian collusion with Trump to interfere in the election—months after the FBI had already assessed the “dossier” as non-credible."
The Final Truth about the “Trump Dossier”

"...a major foundation of the FBI’s investigation of purported Russian collusion with Trump...."
Even when he already knew it was "non-credible

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