It Behooves You Democrat Supporters....

People have been prosecuted for unintentionally mishandling classified information. Hillary, though, was not, because she was too stupid to know she was.
Remember "extremely careless"?
Have they? Can you cite any cases?

I can suggest an explanation for your inordinate support of Hillary Clinton:

1. Followed by this in the NYTimes:

"Essay;Blizzard of Lies
Published: January 8, 1996

  • Americans of all political persuasions are coming to the sad realization that our First Lady -- a woman of undoubted talents who was a role model for many in her generation -- is a congenital liar.

2. Politifact has quite a list of her lies.
All False statements involving Hillary Clinton | PolitiFact

3. And....your insistence?
Birds of a feather flock together

Am I right, ALie#1216?

People have been prosecuted for unintentionally mishandling classified information. Hillary, though, was not, because she was too stupid to know she was.

Remember "extremely careless"?
Have they? Can you cite any cases?
You are so damned naive.

A sailor took pictures inside his submarine.....went to jail.
Patraeus shared classified documents with his girlfriend. ruined his life.

Here's another:
Hero Marine Nailed for Secret Email: What Did He Do That Hillary Didn’t?
Meanwhile, a decorated Marine officer who has deployed four times faces being discharged from the corps he loves because he used his personal email to send a single classified report as an urgent warning when lives were at stake.

You are far too kind to ALie#1216
People have been prosecuted for unintentionally mishandling classified information. Hillary, though, was not, because she was too stupid to know she was.
Remember "extremely careless"?
Have they? Can you cite any cases?

I can suggest an explanation for your inordinate support of Hillary Clinton:

1. Followed by this in the NYTimes:

"Essay;Blizzard of Lies
Published: January 8, 1996

  • Americans of all political persuasions are coming to the sad realization that our First Lady -- a woman of undoubted talents who was a role model for many in her generation -- is a congenital liar.

2. Politifact has quite a list of her lies.
All False statements involving Hillary Clinton | PolitiFact

3. And....your insistence?
Birds of a feather flock together

Am I right, ALie#1216?

She is a politician, a terrible one, but a politician none the less. Do politicians lie, spin, stretch, distort, and cherry-pick their facts? Most certainly.

My question for you Ms. PoliticalChic is: Do you judge all politicians by the same standard or is there one standard for those on the right and a different standard for those on the left?
People have been prosecuted for unintentionally mishandling classified information. Hillary, though, was not, because she was too stupid to know she was.
Remember "extremely careless"?
Have they? Can you cite any cases?

I can suggest an explanation for your inordinate support of Hillary Clinton:

1. Followed by this in the NYTimes:

"Essay;Blizzard of Lies
Published: January 8, 1996

  • Americans of all political persuasions are coming to the sad realization that our First Lady -- a woman of undoubted talents who was a role model for many in her generation -- is a congenital liar.

2. Politifact has quite a list of her lies.
All False statements involving Hillary Clinton | PolitiFact

3. And....your insistence?
Birds of a feather flock together

Am I right, ALie#1216?

She is a politician, a terrible one, but a politician none the less. Do politicians lie, spin, stretch, distort, and cherry-pick their facts? Most certainly.

My question for you Ms. PoliticalChic is: Do you judge all politicians by the same standard or is there one standard for those on the right and a different standard for those on the left?

So, you're rather change the subject....

Seems my missive hit home, ALie#1216

People have been prosecuted for unintentionally mishandling classified information. Hillary, though, was not, because she was too stupid to know she was.
Remember "extremely careless"?
Have they? Can you cite any cases?

I can suggest an explanation for your inordinate support of Hillary Clinton:

1. Followed by this in the NYTimes:

"Essay;Blizzard of Lies
Published: January 8, 1996

  • Americans of all political persuasions are coming to the sad realization that our First Lady -- a woman of undoubted talents who was a role model for many in her generation -- is a congenital liar.

2. Politifact has quite a list of her lies.
All False statements involving Hillary Clinton | PolitiFact

3. And....your insistence?
Birds of a feather flock together

Am I right, ALie#1216?

She is a politician, a terrible one, but a politician none the less. Do politicians lie, spin, stretch, distort, and cherry-pick their facts? Most certainly.

My question for you Ms. PoliticalChic is: Do you judge all politicians by the same standard or is there one standard for those on the right and a different standard for those on the left?

So, you're rather change the subject....

Seems my missive hit home, ALie#1216

Was that before or after you changed the subject from mishandling classified information?
People have been prosecuted for unintentionally mishandling classified information. Hillary, though, was not, because she was too stupid to know she was.

Remember "extremely careless"?
Have they? Can you cite any cases?
You are so damned naive.

A sailor took pictures inside his submarine.....went to jail.
Patraeus shared classified documents with his girlfriend. ruined his life.

Here's another:
Hero Marine Nailed for Secret Email: What Did He Do That Hillary Didn’t?
Meanwhile, a decorated Marine officer who has deployed four times faces being discharged from the corps he loves because he used his personal email to send a single classified report as an urgent warning when lives were at stake.
I knew about Petraeus but I actually hadn't heard of the other cases.

The sailor, Saucier, intentionally smuggled a camera aboard the sub but I found this interesting: Saucier’s lawyers also said two other Alexandria crew members were caught taking photos in the same locations as Saucier, but were not prosecuted, only disciplined by the Navy. There is probably more to this story than we know.

The Marine was never prosecuted.

Not only did Petraeus intentionally provide classified materials but he lied about it to the FBI.
Petraeus’s actions, including lying to the FBI, “were in all respects knowing and deliberate, and were not committed by mistake, accident or another innocent reason,” according to the statement of facts accompanying the plea agreement.​
full story
The Marine was dismissed from the service.

Hillary intended to send, receive, keep and resend classified emails on her vulnerable server. Intent is not required for gross negligence.
Last edited:
Hillary intended to send keep and send classified emails on her vulnerable server. Intent is not required for gross negligence.
How do you know what she intended? Honest question.
One does not send an email without intending to send the email. Emails are not generated unintentionally like butt calls from a cell phone.

The bitch can play dumb all she wants about not knowing certain things were classified or what wiping a computer clean means. She intended to keep the classified materials on a non-secure system and tried to totally destroy evidence that had already been requested under a subpoena. Bitchillary is a lying traitor.
One does not send an email without intending to send the email. Emails are not generated unintentionally like butt calls from a cell phone.
Not all emails are classified. I'd bet the vast majority of her emails did NOT contain classified information.

The bitch can play dumb all she wants about not knowing certain things were classified or what wiping a computer clean means. She intended to keep the classified materials on a non-secure system and tried to totally destroy evidence that had already been requested under a subpoena. Bitchillary is a lying traitor.
I can believe she is a lying bitch but I don't see her as a traitor. She set up her own server to get around the security on the gov't systems. Why? Not to sell out the US but to do her job more easily. You can certainly question her poor judgement but not her patriotism.
One does not send an email without intending to send the email. Emails are not generated unintentionally like butt calls from a cell phone.
Not all emails are classified. I'd bet the vast majority of her emails did NOT contain classified information.

The bitch can play dumb all she wants about not knowing certain things were classified or what wiping a computer clean means. She intended to keep the classified materials on a non-secure system and tried to totally destroy evidence that had already been requested under a subpoena. Bitchillary is a lying traitor.
I can believe she is a lying bitch but I don't see her as a traitor. She set up her own server to get around the security on the gov't systems. Why? Not to sell out the US but to do her job more easily. You can certainly question her poor judgement but not her patriotism.
She did it to keep the government and the public from knowing what she was doing. She tried to destroy the subpoenaed evidence for the same reason. The keyboard on a government laptop or telephone is no more difficult to operate than any other.
She did it to keep the government and the public from knowing what she was doing. She tried to destroy the subpoenaed evidence for the same reason. The keyboard on a government laptop or telephone is no more difficult to operate than any other.
Once again you don't know her intent.

The keyboard on a government computer is very much harder to operate if it is locked in a vault in the basement. point out, document, be able to dispute the facts that have come to light about this scandal, rather than the tantrums and 'is not, isssssss noootttttttt!' posts that have been provided.

Please....have a go:

1. “… the dossier was used by government officials to justify a spy warrant against Page,…. the FISA application “extensively” cited an Sept. 23, 2016 news article that was in effect planted by Fusion GPS.

2.That is significant because the article, written by veteran reporter Michael Isikoff, is itself based on the unverified dossier.
No evidence has emerged validating the claims made about Page in the dossier.

3. The FISA application made no mention of the link between the Isikoff article and the dossier. Instead, the article was treated as corroborating evidence for the dossier. The memo says that the FISA application “incorrectly assesse[d]” that the Isikoff article was based on information separate from the dossier.

4. …McCabe told the House Intelligence Committee in December that “no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the FISC without the Steele dossier information.”

5. The memo, which was crafted by House Republicans, also says that the FBI’s deputy director, Andrew McCabe, told Congress that a FISA warrant against the campaign adviser, Carter Page, would not have been granted without use of the dossier. That despite the FBI later determining that very little of the Democrat-funded document was corroborated.

6. And in another stunning revelation, the memo asserts that Justice Department official Bruce Ohr was used to pass information from the author of the dossier, Christopher Steele, to the DOJ.
Ohr’s wife, Nellie Ohr, worked at the time for Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm research firm that commissioned the dossier. Bruce Ohr, who worked closely with Deputy Attorney Generals Sally Yates and Rod Rosenstein, passed his wife’s opposition research on Trump to the FBI, the memo says.

7. Steele at one point told Ohr that he “was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president.”

8.The memo notes that the Papadopoulos information “triggered” the FBI investigation into possible Trump campaign collusion.
It says that there is no evidence that Page and Papadopoulos engaged in a conspiracy. “
Spy Warrant Granted Based On Dossier And News Stories Planted By Fusion GPS

And let's agree from the start that, should you be unable to dispute the above.....the Right has proven its case vis-a-vis the great damage that the Obama era has done to the intell infrastructure, the faith citizens should have in their government, and Democrats in particular.

I fervently await your defense.....

Your trouble is that you are using the memo as a reference. The memo does not contain any references to these so-called facts. What you need is the underlying documentation to determine whether the memo is true.

There is no evidence of what you cite in 1 and 2. Page had been on the radar screen of the government since 2013. No dossier existed in 2013. Again they obtained the warrant after Page had left the Trump campaign so the idea the FBI was spying on Trump goes up in flames. Those dates are fact.

3. Have you seen the FISA application? Nunes admitted he had not seen it and is now admitting the political nature of the dossier was disclosed on the FISA warrant.

4 and 5. Again you are using the memo as a source. The memo does not provide any documentation of this. That is unproven. Since the memo mischaracterizes the public testimony of Comey, this assertion of what McCabe said needs to be documented. Also Comey testified that the dossier contained "verified, unverified and salacious" material. Some of it had been verified.

6. Ohr's wife has written extensively on the soviet Union so she is not a political hack. She was not a employee of Fusion GPS. Ohr met with Fusion GPS officials after the election. Comey gave a heads up briefing to Trump on the dossier. The meeting with Ohr was in November and the warrant was obtained on Oct 21. Obviously the FBI knew about the dossier before Ohr's meeting with Fusion GPS.

7. You sort of tell half the story. The reason that Steele was concerned about Trump's election was because he was concerned that Trump had been compromised by Russians. That certainly has not been disproved as Russian twitter bots were pushing Republican hashtags such as #releasethememo and #schumershutdown.

8. This is rumor and innuendo. There is no proof that Fusion GPS planted any story. The fact is that The Daily Caller is a Trump friendly outlet. If Isikoff is automatically assumed to have written a bogus story then why should The Daily Caller not get a pass? Again Page was on the government's radar since 2013.

Let us talk about the known inaccuracies. First Nunes admitted the political nature of the document was disclosed on the FISA application. Again it discloses that the FISA warrant was granted on October 21, nearly a month after Page left the Trump campaign. Also it mischaracterizes Comey's testimony. Comey did not describe the entire document as "unverified and salacious".
COMEY: The president called me I believe shortly before he was inaugurated as a follow-up to our conversation, private conversation on January the 6th. He just wanted to reiterate his rejection of that allegation and talk about—- he’d thought about it more. And why he thought it wasn’t true. The verified — unverified and salacious parts.

It is Republicans who are showing themselves to be equally faithless. Your statement shows you are the political hack. The attack on the FBI and DOJ is politically motivated. There is no evidence Obama used out intelligence agencies against Republicans. I didn't vote for Obama and opposed most of what he did. However I will still look at evidence not their political affiliation when I blame Obama for something. point out, document, be able to dispute the facts that have come to light about this scandal, rather than the tantrums and 'is not, isssssss noootttttttt!' posts that have been provided.

Please....have a go:

1. “… the dossier was used by government officials to justify a spy warrant against Page,…. the FISA application “extensively” cited an Sept. 23, 2016 news article that was in effect planted by Fusion GPS.

2.That is significant because the article, written by veteran reporter Michael Isikoff, is itself based on the unverified dossier.
No evidence has emerged validating the claims made about Page in the dossier.

3. The FISA application made no mention of the link between the Isikoff article and the dossier. Instead, the article was treated as corroborating evidence for the dossier. The memo says that the FISA application “incorrectly assesse[d]” that the Isikoff article was based on information separate from the dossier.

4. …McCabe told the House Intelligence Committee in December that “no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the FISC without the Steele dossier information.”

5. The memo, which was crafted by House Republicans, also says that the FBI’s deputy director, Andrew McCabe, told Congress that a FISA warrant against the campaign adviser, Carter Page, would not have been granted without use of the dossier. That despite the FBI later determining that very little of the Democrat-funded document was corroborated.

6. And in another stunning revelation, the memo asserts that Justice Department official Bruce Ohr was used to pass information from the author of the dossier, Christopher Steele, to the DOJ.
Ohr’s wife, Nellie Ohr, worked at the time for Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm research firm that commissioned the dossier. Bruce Ohr, who worked closely with Deputy Attorney Generals Sally Yates and Rod Rosenstein, passed his wife’s opposition research on Trump to the FBI, the memo says.

7. Steele at one point told Ohr that he “was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president.”

8.The memo notes that the Papadopoulos information “triggered” the FBI investigation into possible Trump campaign collusion.
It says that there is no evidence that Page and Papadopoulos engaged in a conspiracy. “
Spy Warrant Granted Based On Dossier And News Stories Planted By Fusion GPS

And let's agree from the start that, should you be unable to dispute the above.....the Right has proven its case vis-a-vis the great damage that the Obama era has done to the intell infrastructure, the faith citizens should have in their government, and Democrats in particular.

I fervently await your defense.....

Your trouble is that you are using the memo as a reference. The memo does not contain any references to these so-called facts. What you need is the underlying documentation to determine whether the memo is true.

There is no evidence of what you cite in 1 and 2. Page had been on the radar screen of the government since 2013. No dossier existed in 2013. Again they obtained the warrant after Page had left the Trump campaign so the idea the FBI was spying on Trump goes up in flames. Those dates are fact.

3. Have you seen the FISA application? Nunes admitted he had not seen it and is now admitting the political nature of the dossier was disclosed on the FISA warrant.

4 and 5. Again you are using the memo as a source. The memo does not provide any documentation of this. That is unproven. Since the memo mischaracterizes the public testimony of Comey, this assertion of what McCabe said needs to be documented. Also Comey testified that the dossier contained "verified, unverified and salacious" material. Some of it had been verified.

6. Ohr's wife has written extensively on the soviet Union so she is not a political hack. She was not a employee of Fusion GPS. Ohr met with Fusion GPS officials after the election. Comey gave a heads up briefing to Trump on the dossier. The meeting with Ohr was in November and the warrant was obtained on Oct 21. Obviously the FBI knew about the dossier before Ohr's meeting with Fusion GPS.

7. You sort of tell half the story. The reason that Steele was concerned about Trump's election was because he was concerned that Trump had been compromised by Russians. That certainly has not been disproved as Russian twitter bots were pushing Republican hashtags such as #releasethememo and #schumershutdown.

8. This is rumor and innuendo. There is no proof that Fusion GPS planted any story. The fact is that The Daily Caller is a Trump friendly outlet. If Isikoff is automatically assumed to have written a bogus story then why should The Daily Caller not get a pass? Again Page was on the government's radar since 2013.

Let us talk about the known inaccuracies. First Nunes admitted the political nature of the document was disclosed on the FISA application. Again it discloses that the FISA warrant was granted on October 21, nearly a month after Page left the Trump campaign. Also it mischaracterizes Comey's testimony. Comey did not describe the entire document as "unverified and salacious".
COMEY: The president called me I believe shortly before he was inaugurated as a follow-up to our conversation, private conversation on January the 6th. He just wanted to reiterate his rejection of that allegation and talk about—- he’d thought about it more. And why he thought it wasn’t true. The verified — unverified and salacious parts.

It is Republicans who are showing themselves to be equally faithless. Your statement shows you are the political hack. The attack on the FBI and DOJ is politically motivated. There is no evidence Obama used out intelligence agencies against Republicans. I didn't vote for Obama and opposed most of what he did. However I will still look at evidence not their political affiliation when I blame Obama for something. point out, document, be able to dispute the facts that have come to light about this scandal, rather than the tantrums and 'is not, isssssss noootttttttt!' posts that have been provided.

Please....have a go:

1. “… the dossier was used by government officials to justify a spy warrant against Page,…. the FISA application “extensively” cited an Sept. 23, 2016 news article that was in effect planted by Fusion GPS.

2.That is significant because the article, written by veteran reporter Michael Isikoff, is itself based on the unverified dossier.
No evidence has emerged validating the claims made about Page in the dossier.

3. The FISA application made no mention of the link between the Isikoff article and the dossier. Instead, the article was treated as corroborating evidence for the dossier. The memo says that the FISA application “incorrectly assesse[d]” that the Isikoff article was based on information separate from the dossier.

4. …McCabe told the House Intelligence Committee in December that “no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the FISC without the Steele dossier information.”

5. The memo, which was crafted by House Republicans, also says that the FBI’s deputy director, Andrew McCabe, told Congress that a FISA warrant against the campaign adviser, Carter Page, would not have been granted without use of the dossier. That despite the FBI later determining that very little of the Democrat-funded document was corroborated.

6. And in another stunning revelation, the memo asserts that Justice Department official Bruce Ohr was used to pass information from the author of the dossier, Christopher Steele, to the DOJ.
Ohr’s wife, Nellie Ohr, worked at the time for Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm research firm that commissioned the dossier. Bruce Ohr, who worked closely with Deputy Attorney Generals Sally Yates and Rod Rosenstein, passed his wife’s opposition research on Trump to the FBI, the memo says.

7. Steele at one point told Ohr that he “was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president.”

8.The memo notes that the Papadopoulos information “triggered” the FBI investigation into possible Trump campaign collusion.
It says that there is no evidence that Page and Papadopoulos engaged in a conspiracy. “
Spy Warrant Granted Based On Dossier And News Stories Planted By Fusion GPS

And let's agree from the start that, should you be unable to dispute the above.....the Right has proven its case vis-a-vis the great damage that the Obama era has done to the intell infrastructure, the faith citizens should have in their government, and Democrats in particular.

I fervently await your defense.....

Your trouble is that you are using the memo as a reference. The memo does not contain any references to these so-called facts. What you need is the underlying documentation to determine whether the memo is true.

There is no evidence of what you cite in 1 and 2. Page had been on the radar screen of the government since 2013. No dossier existed in 2013. Again they obtained the warrant after Page had left the Trump campaign so the idea the FBI was spying on Trump goes up in flames. Those dates are fact.

3. Have you seen the FISA application? Nunes admitted he had not seen it and is now admitting the political nature of the dossier was disclosed on the FISA warrant.

4 and 5. Again you are using the memo as a source. The memo does not provide any documentation of this. That is unproven. Since the memo mischaracterizes the public testimony of Comey, this assertion of what McCabe said needs to be documented. Also Comey testified that the dossier contained "verified, unverified and salacious" material. Some of it had been verified.

6. Ohr's wife has written extensively on the soviet Union so she is not a political hack. She was not a employee of Fusion GPS. Ohr met with Fusion GPS officials after the election. Comey gave a heads up briefing to Trump on the dossier. The meeting with Ohr was in November and the warrant was obtained on Oct 21. Obviously the FBI knew about the dossier before Ohr's meeting with Fusion GPS.

7. You sort of tell half the story. The reason that Steele was concerned about Trump's election was because he was concerned that Trump had been compromised by Russians. That certainly has not been disproved as Russian twitter bots were pushing Republican hashtags such as #releasethememo and #schumershutdown.

8. This is rumor and innuendo. There is no proof that Fusion GPS planted any story. The fact is that The Daily Caller is a Trump friendly outlet. If Isikoff is automatically assumed to have written a bogus story then why should The Daily Caller not get a pass? Again Page was on the government's radar since 2013.

Let us talk about the known inaccuracies. First Nunes admitted the political nature of the document was disclosed on the FISA application. Again it discloses that the FISA warrant was granted on October 21, nearly a month after Page left the Trump campaign. Also it mischaracterizes Comey's testimony. Comey did not describe the entire document as "unverified and salacious".
COMEY: The president called me I believe shortly before he was inaugurated as a follow-up to our conversation, private conversation on January the 6th. He just wanted to reiterate his rejection of that allegation and talk about—- he’d thought about it more. And why he thought it wasn’t true. The verified — unverified and salacious parts.

It is Republicans who are showing themselves to be equally faithless. Your statement shows you are the political hack. The attack on the FBI and DOJ is politically motivated. There is no evidence Obama used out intelligence agencies against Republicans. I didn't vote for Obama and opposed most of what he did. However I will still look at evidence not their political affiliation when I blame Obama for something.

A simple simple that I believe that you can answer:

Should an individual under investigation expect, and be entitled to, impartiality by the investigating agencies?


1. equal treatment of all rivals or disputants; fairness.

Take your time.
As of this moment, none of the three would answer the question.

A simple simple that I believe that even one of your limited ability can answer:

Should an individual under investigation expect, and be entitled to, impartiality by the investigating agencies?


1. equal treatment of all rivals or disputants; fairness.

Exposes the Left for the scum that they are.

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